899 resultados para design methods
Pro gradu –tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia, kuinka palvelumuotoilua voidaan käyttää parempien asiakaskokemusten luomisessa. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osuudessa keskityttiin tutkimaan palvelumuotoilun ja asiakaskokemuksen käsitteitä. Tutkielman empiirinen osuus tehtiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, jossa vertailtiin asiakaskokemuksia kahdessa Espoon kaupungin yhteispalvelupisteessä: Leppävaarassa sijaitseva yhteispalvelupiste oli hiljattain suunniteltu uudelleen käyttäen palvelumuotoilun periaatteita; Matinkylän palvelupiste oli alkuperäisessä muodossaan tutkimuksen aikana. Tutkimuksen yhtenä tavoitteena oli myös selvittää, oliko palvelumuotoilun menetelmin tehty muotoiluprojekti Leppävaaran yhteispalvelupisteessä onnistunut, kun sitä arvioitiin asiakaskokemuksen näkökulmasta. Tutkielman aineisto kerättiin suoran havainnoinnin ja haastattelun keinoin. Yhteensä 33 yksittäistä asiakasta havannoitiin ja haastateltiin tutkimusta varten toukokuussa 2015. Vastaajat valikoituivat satunnaisesti havannointipäivien asiakkaista. Heitä havainnoitiin koko asiakaspolun ajan minkä jälkeen heitä haastateltiin. Tutkimuksen tulokset ovat kaksiosaiset. 1) Arvioitaessa asiakkaiden kokemuksia liittyen palvelutilan toimivuuteen ja aineelliseen ympäristöön todettiin, että palvelumuotoilulla saavuttettiin parempi asiakaskokemus, ja täten Leppävaaran muotoiluprojekti oli onnistunut tavoitteissaan. 2) Kun taas tuloksia tarkasteltiin asiakaspalvelutilanteiden näkökulmasta, projekti ei ollut päässyt tavoitteisiin ja palvelumuotoilun menetelmillä ei pystytty parantamaan asiakaskokemuksta. Espoon kaupungin muotoiluprojekti on vielä kesken, tulosten perusteella tutkija ehdotti jatkotoimenpiteenä muun muassa lisäkoulutusta palveluhenkilökunnalle.
The User Experience (UX) designers are undoubtedly aware of how many UX design methods currently exist and that sometimes it becomes a problem to choose an appropriate one. What are all of methods that designers have in their “arsenal”? When can they use them? This thesis presents the research on the design methods in the contemporary context of User Experience (UX) and Innovations by using a survey approach. The study is limited to cover the domain of consumer mobile services development and provider companies around the world. The study follows 2 clear objectives: (1) to understand what design methods are currently used in that context and to what extent they are used (2) to identify at what stage according to the UX design thinking process for creating innovations they are placed. The study contributes to the research in the field of UX design and Innovations and extends the knowledge in that field together with communities’ (UXPA, SIGCHI, SIGSOFT) members’ cooperation. The research is vital due to lack of information on design practices and their application in the chosen context.
Cette recherche s’inscrit dans la continuité de celles entreprises en vue d’éclaircir la question du processus de design, et plus spécialement le design architectural de la maison. Elle cherche aussi à développer la réflexivité du designer sur les actes qu’il pose en lui offrant un point de vue depuis l’angle de la psychanalyse. Elle vient rallonger les initiatives amenées par la troisième génération des recherches sur les méthodologies du design en s’intéressant à un volet, jusque-là, peu exploré : le processus inconscient du design architectural. Elle pose comme problématique la question des origines inconscientes du travail créatif chez le concepteur en architecture. La création étant un des sujets importants de la psychanalyse, plusieurs concepts psychanalytiques, comme la sublimation freudienne, l’abordent et tentent de l’expliquer. Le design étant une discipline de création, la psychanalyse peut nous renseigner sur le processus du design, et nous offrir la possibilité de l’observer et de l’approcher. La métaphore architecturale, utilisée pour rendre la théorie freudienne, est aussi le champ d’application de plusieurs théories et concepts psychanalytiques. L’architecture en général, et celle de la maison en particulier, en ce que cette dernière comporte comme investissement émotionnel personnel de la part de son concepteur, constructeur ou utilisateur, offrent un terrain où plusieurs des concepts psychanalytiques peuvent être observés et appliqués. Cette recherche va approcher l’exemple architectural selon les concepts développés par les trois théories psychanalytiques les plus importantes : freudienne, lacanienne et jungienne. L’application de ces concepts se fait par une "autoanalyse" qui met le designer en double posture : celle du sujet de la recherche et celle du chercheur, ce qui favorise hautement la réflexivité voulue. La libre association, une des méthodes de la psychanalyse, sera la première étape qui enclenchera le processus d’autoanalyse et l’accompagnera dans son développement. S’appliquant sur le discours et la forme de la maison, la libre association va chercher à distinguer plusieurs mécanismes psychiques susceptibles d’éclairer notre investigation. Les résultats de l’application des concepts freudiens viendront servir de base pour l’application, par la suite, des concepts de la théorie lacanienne et jungienne. Au terme de cette analyse, nous serions en mesure de présenter une modélisation du processus inconscient du design qui aurait conduit à la création de la maison prise en exemple. Nous découvrirons par cela la nature du processus inconscient qui précède et accompagne le travail créatif du designer. Nous verrons aussi comment ce processus se nourrit des expériences du designer qui remontent jusqu’aux premières années de son enfance. Ceci permettrait de rendre compte de la possibilité d’appliquer les concepts psychanalytiques sur le design architectural et, par ce fait, permettre de déterminer les éventuels façons de concevoir l’apport de la psychanalyse à la pratique de cette discipline qu’est le design ainsi que son enseignement.
Most of the commercial and financial data are stored in decimal fonn. Recently, support for decimal arithmetic has received increased attention due to the growing importance in financial analysis, banking, tax calculation, currency conversion, insurance, telephone billing and accounting. Performing decimal arithmetic with systems that do not support decimal computations may give a result with representation error, conversion error, and/or rounding error. In this world of precision, such errors are no more tolerable. The errors can be eliminated and better accuracy can be achieved if decimal computations are done using Decimal Floating Point (DFP) units. But the floating-point arithmetic units in today's general-purpose microprocessors are based on the binary number system, and the decimal computations are done using binary arithmetic. Only few common decimal numbers can be exactly represented in Binary Floating Point (BF P). ln many; cases, the law requires that results generated from financial calculations performed on a computer should exactly match with manual calculations. Currently many applications involving fractional decimal data perform decimal computations either in software or with a combination of software and hardware. The performance can be dramatically improved by complete hardware DFP units and this leads to the design of processors that include DF P hardware.VLSI implementations using same modular building blocks can decrease system design and manufacturing cost. A multiplexer realization is a natural choice from the viewpoint of cost and speed.This thesis focuses on the design and synthesis of efficient decimal MAC (Multiply ACeumulate) architecture for high speed decimal processors based on IEEE Standard for Floating-point Arithmetic (IEEE 754-2008). The research goal is to design and synthesize deeimal'MAC architectures to achieve higher performance.Efficient design methods and architectures are developed for a high performance DFP MAC unit as part of this research.
Salient pole brushless alternators coupled to IC engines are extensively used as stand-by power supply units for meeting in- dustrial power demands. Design of such generators demands high power to weight ratio, high e ciency and low cost per KVA out- put. Moreover, the performance characteristics of such machines like voltage regulation and short circuit ratio (SCR) are critical when these machines are put into parallel operation and alterna- tors for critical applications like defence and aerospace demand very low harmonic content in the output voltage. While designing such alternators, accurate prediction of machine characteristics, including total harmonic distortion (THD) is essential to mini- mize development cost and time. Total harmonic distortion in the output voltage of alternators should be as low as possible especially when powering very sophis- ticated and critical applications. The output voltage waveform of a practical AC generator is replica of the space distribution of the ux density in the air gap and several factors such as shape of the rotor pole face, core saturation, slotting and style of coil disposition make the realization of a sinusoidal air gap ux wave impossible. These ux harmonics introduce undesirable e ects on the alternator performance like high neutral current due to triplen harmonics, voltage distortion, noise, vibration, excessive heating and also extra losses resulting in poor e ciency, which in turn necessitate de-rating of the machine especially when connected to non-linear loads. As an important control unit of brushless alternator, the excitation system and its dynamic performance has a direct impact on alternator's stability and reliability. The thesis explores design and implementation of an excitation i system utilizing third harmonic ux in the air gap of brushless al- ternators, using an additional auxiliary winding, wound for 1=3rd pole pitch, embedded into the stator slots and electrically iso- lated from the main winding. In the third harmonic excitation system, the combined e ect of two auxiliary windings, one with 2=3rd pitch and another third harmonic winding with 1=3rd pitch, are used to ensure good voltage regulation without an electronic automatic voltage regulator (AVR) and also reduces the total harmonic content in the output voltage, cost e ectively. The design of the third harmonic winding by analytic methods demands accurate calculation of third harmonic ux density in the air gap of the machine. However, precise estimation of the amplitude of third harmonic ux in the air gap of a machine by conventional design procedures is di cult due to complex geome- try of the machine and non-linear characteristics of the magnetic materials. As such, prediction of the eld parameters by conven- tional design methods is unreliable and hence virtual prototyping of the machine is done to enable accurate design of the third har- monic excitation system. In the design and development cycle of electrical machines, it is recognized that the use of analytical and experimental methods followed by expensive and in exible prototyping is time consum- ing and no longer cost e ective. Due to advancements in com- putational capabilities over recent years, nite element method (FEM) based virtual prototyping has become an attractive al- ternative to well established semi-analytical and empirical design methods as well as to the still popular trial and error approach followed by the costly and time consuming prototyping. Hence, by virtually prototyping the alternator using FEM, the important performance characteristics of the machine are predicted. Design of third harmonic excitation system is done with the help of results obtained from virtual prototype of the machine. Third harmonic excitation (THE) system is implemented in a 45 KVA ii experimental machine and experiments are conducted to validate the simulation results. Simulation and experimental results show that by utilizing third harmonic ux in the air gap of the ma- chine for excitation purposes during loaded conditions, triplen harmonic content in the output phase voltage is signi cantly re- duced. The prototype machine with third harmonic excitation system designed and developed based on FEM analysis proved to be economical due to its simplicity and has the added advan- tage of reduced harmonics in the output phase voltage.
We compare a broad range of optimal product line design methods. The comparisons take advantage of recent advances that make it possible to identify the optimal solution to problems that are too large for complete enumeration. Several of the methods perform surprisingly well, including Simulated Annealing, Product-Swapping and Genetic Algorithms. The Product-Swapping heuristic is remarkable for its simplicity. The performance of this heuristic suggests that the optimal product line design problem may be far easier to solve in practice than indicated by complexity theory.
Purpose: Acquiring details of kinetic parameters of enzymes is crucial to biochemical understanding, drug development, and clinical diagnosis in ocular diseases. The correct design of an experiment is critical to collecting data suitable for analysis, modelling and deriving the correct information. As classical design methods are not targeted to the more complex kinetics being frequently studied, attention is needed to estimate parameters of such models with low variance. Methods: We have developed Bayesian utility functions to minimise kinetic parameter variance involving differentiation of model expressions and matrix inversion. These have been applied to the simple kinetics of the enzymes in the glyoxalase pathway (of importance in posttranslational modification of proteins in cataract), and the complex kinetics of lens aldehyde dehydrogenase (also of relevance to cataract). Results: Our successful application of Bayesian statistics has allowed us to identify a set of rules for designing optimum kinetic experiments iteratively. Most importantly, the distribution of points in the range is critical; it is not simply a matter of even or multiple increases. At least 60 % must be below the KM (or plural if more than one dissociation constant) and 40% above. This choice halves the variance found using a simple even spread across the range.With both the glyoxalase system and lens aldehyde dehydrogenase we have significantly improved the variance of kinetic parameter estimation while reducing the number and costs of experiments. Conclusions: We have developed an optimal and iterative method for selecting features of design such as substrate range, number of measurements and choice of intermediate points. Our novel approach minimises parameter error and costs, and maximises experimental efficiency. It is applicable to many areas of ocular drug design, including receptor-ligand binding and immunoglobulin binding, and should be an important tool in ocular drug discovery.
In areas such as drug development, clinical diagnosis and biotechnology research, acquiring details about the kinetic parameters of enzymes is crucial. The correct design of an experiment is critical to collecting data suitable for analysis, modelling and deriving the correct information. As classical design methods are not targeted to the more complex kinetics being frequently studied, attention is needed to estimate parameters of such models with low variance. We demonstrate that a Bayesian approach (the use of prior knowledge) can produce major gains quantifiable in terms of information, productivity and accuracy of each experiment. Developing the use of Bayesian Utility functions, we have used a systematic method to identify the optimum experimental designs for a number of kinetic model data sets. This has enabled the identification of trends between kinetic model types, sets of design rules and the key conclusion that such designs should be based on some prior knowledge of K-M and/or the kinetic model. We suggest an optimal and iterative method for selecting features of the design such as the substrate range, number of measurements and choice of intermediate points. The final design collects data suitable for accurate modelling and analysis and minimises the error in the parameters estimated. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Aircraft systems are highly nonlinear and time varying. High-performance aircraft at high angles of incidence experience undesired coupling of the lateral and longitudinal variables, resulting in departure from normal controlled flight. The aim of this work is to construct a robust closed-loop control that optimally extends the stable and decoupled flight envelope. For the study of these systems nonlinear analysis methods are needed. Previously, bifurcation techniques have been used mainly to analyze open-loop nonlinear aircraft models and investigate control effects on dynamic behavior. In this work linear feedback control designs calculated by eigenstructure assignment methods are investigated for a simple aircraft model at a fixed flight condition. Bifurcation analysis in conjunction with linear control design methods is shown to aid control law design for the nonlinear system.
H-infinity control design for time-delay linear systems: a rational transfer function based approach
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper presents a method to design membrane elements of concrete with orthogonal mesh of reinforcement which are subject to compressive stress. Design methods, in general, define how to quantify the reinforcement necessary to support the tension stress and verify if the compression in concrete is within the strength limit. In case the compression in membrane is excessive, it is possible to use reinforcements subject to compression. However, there is not much information in the literature about how to design reinforcement for these cases. For that, this paper presents a procedure which uses the model based on Baumann's [1] criteria. The strength limits used herein are those recommended by CEB [3], however, a model is proposed in which this limit varies according to the tensile strain which occur perpendicular to compression. This resistance model is based on concepts proposed by Vecchio e Collins [2].
This thesis proposes design methods and test tools, for optical systems, which may be used in an industrial environment, where not only precision and reliability but also ease of use is important. The approach to the problem has been conceived to be as general as possible, although in the present work, the design of a portable device for automatic identification applications has been studied, because this doctorate has been funded by Datalogic Scanning Group s.r.l., a world-class producer of barcode readers. The main functional components of the complete device are: electro-optical imaging, illumination and pattern generator systems. For what concerns the electro-optical imaging system, a characterization tool and an analysis one has been developed to check if the desired performance of the system has been achieved. Moreover, two design tools for optimizing the imaging system have been implemented. The first optimizes just the core of the system, the optical part, improving its performance ignoring all other contributions and generating a good starting point for the optimization of the whole complex system. The second tool optimizes the system taking into account its behavior with a model as near as possible to reality including optics, electronics and detection. For what concerns the illumination and the pattern generator systems, two tools have been implemented. The first allows the design of free-form lenses described by an arbitrary analytical function exited by an incoherent source and is able to provide custom illumination conditions for all kind of applications. The second tool consists of a new method to design Diffractive Optical Elements excited by a coherent source for large pattern angles using the Iterative Fourier Transform Algorithm. Validation of the design tools has been obtained, whenever possible, comparing the performance of the designed systems with those of fabricated prototypes. In other cases simulations have been used.
The construction of a Gothic vault implied the solution of several technical challenges. The literature on Gothic vault construction is quite large and its growth continues steadily. The main challenge of any structure is that, during and after construction, it must be "safe", that is, it must not collapse. Indeed, it must be amply safe, able to support different loads for long periods of time. Masonry architecture has shown its structural safety for centuries or millennia. The Pantheon of Rome stands today after almost 2,000 years without having needed any structural reinforcement (of course, the survival of any building implies continuous maintenance) . Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, finished in the 6th century AD, has withstood not only the dead loads but also many severe earthquakes . Finally, the Gothic cathedrals, with their appearance of weakness, are• more than a half millennium old. The question arises of what the source of this amazing strength is and how the illiterate master masons were able to design such daring and safe structures . This question is usually evaded in manuals of Gothic architecture. This is quite surprising, the structure being a fundamental part of Gothic buildings. The present article aims to give such an explanation, which has been studied in detail elsewhere. In the first part, the Gothic design methods "V ill be discussed. In the second part, the validity of these methods wi11 be verified within the frame of the modern theory of masonry structures . References have been reduced to a minimum to make the text simpler and more direct.
The simulation of interest rate derivatives is a powerful tool to face the current market fluctuations. However, the complexity of the financial models and the way they are processed require exorbitant computation times, what is in clear conflict with the need of a processing time as short as possible to operate in the financial market. To shorten the computation time of financial derivatives the use of hardware accelerators becomes a must.
Classical imaging optics has been developed over centuries in many areas, such as its paraxial imaging theory and practical design methods like multi-parametric optimization techniques. Although these imaging optical design methods can provide elegant solutions to many traditional optical problems, there are more and more new design problems, like solar concentrator, illumination system, ultra-compact camera, etc., that require maximum energy transfer efficiency, or ultra-compact optical structure. These problems do not have simple solutions from classical imaging design methods, because not only paraxial rays, but also non-paraxial rays should be well considered in the design process. Non-imaging optics is a newly developed optical discipline, which does not aim to form images, but to maximize energy transfer efficiency. One important concept developed from non-imaging optics is the “edge-ray principle”, which states that the energy flow contained in a bundle of rays will be transferred to the target, if all its edge rays are transferred to the target. Based on that concept, many CPC solar concentrators have been developed with efficiency close to the thermodynamic limit. When more than one bundle of edge-rays needs to be considered in the design, one way to obtain solutions is to use SMS method. SMS stands for Simultaneous Multiple Surface, which means several optical surfaces are constructed simultaneously. The SMS method was developed as a design method in Non-imaging optics during the 90s. The method can be considered as an extension to the Cartesian Oval calculation. In the traditional Cartesian Oval calculation, one optical surface is built to transform an input wave-front to an out-put wave-front. The SMS method however, is dedicated to solve more than 1 wave-fronts transformation problem. In the beginning, only 2 input wave-fronts and 2 output wave-fronts transformation problem was considered in the SMS design process for rotational optical systems or free-form optical systems. Usually “SMS 2D” method stands for the SMS procedure developed for rotational optical system, and “SMS 3D” method for the procedure for free-form optical system. Although the SMS method was originally employed in non-imaging optical system designs, it has been found during this thesis that with the improved capability to design more surfaces and control more input and output wave-fronts, the SMS method can also be applied to imaging system designs and possesses great advantage over traditional design methods. In this thesis, one of the main goals to achieve is to further develop the existing SMS-2D method to design with more surfaces and improve the stability of the SMS-2D and SMS-3D algorithms, so that further optimization process can be combined with SMS algorithms. The benefits of SMS plus optimization strategy over traditional optimization strategy will be explained in details for both rotational and free-form imaging optical system designs. Another main goal is to develop novel design concepts and methods suitable for challenging non-imaging applications, e.g. solar concentrator and solar tracker. This thesis comprises 9 chapters and can be grouped into two parts: the first part (chapter 2-5) contains research works in the imaging field, and the second part (chapter 6-8) contains works in the non-imaging field. In the first chapter, an introduction to basic imaging and non-imaging design concepts and theories is given. Chapter 2 presents a basic SMS-2D imaging design procedure using meridian rays. In this chapter, we will set the imaging design problem from the SMS point of view, and try to solve the problem numerically. The stability of this SMS-2D design procedure will also be discussed. The design concepts and procedures developed in this chapter lay the path for further improvement. Chapter 3 presents two improved SMS 3 surfaces’ design procedures using meridian rays (SMS-3M) and skew rays (SMS-1M2S) respectively. The major improvement has been made to the central segments selections, so that the whole SMS procedures become more stable compared to procedures described in Chapter 2. Since these two algorithms represent two types of phase space sampling, their image forming capabilities are compared in a simple objective design. Chapter 4 deals with an ultra-compact SWIR camera design with the SMS-3M method. The difficulties in this wide band camera design is how to maintain high image quality meanwhile reduce the overall system length. This interesting camera design provides a playground for the classical design method and SMS design methods. We will show designs and optical performance from both classical design method and the SMS design method. Tolerance study is also given as the end of the chapter. Chapter 5 develops a two-stage SMS-3D based optimization strategy for a 2 freeform mirrors imaging system. In the first optimization phase, the SMS-3D method is integrated into the optimization process to construct the two mirrors in an accurate way, drastically reducing the unknown parameters to only few system configuration parameters. In the second optimization phase, previous optimized mirrors are parameterized into Qbfs type polynomials and set up in code V. Code V optimization results demonstrates the effectiveness of this design strategy in this 2-mirror system design. Chapter 6 shows an etendue-squeezing condenser optics, which were prepared for the 2010 IODC illumination contest. This interesting design employs many non-imaging techniques such as the SMS method, etendue-squeezing tessellation, and groove surface design. This device has theoretical efficiency limit as high as 91.9%. Chapter 7 presents a freeform mirror-type solar concentrator with uniform irradiance on the solar cell. Traditional parabolic mirror concentrator has many drawbacks like hot-pot irradiance on the center of the cell, insufficient use of active cell area due to its rotational irradiance pattern and small acceptance angle. In order to conquer these limitations, a novel irradiance homogenization concept is developed, which lead to a free-form mirror design. Simulation results show that the free-form mirror reflector has rectangular irradiance pattern, uniform irradiance distribution and large acceptance angle, which confirm the viability of the design concept. Chapter 8 presents a novel beam-steering array optics design strategy. The goal of the design is to track large angle parallel rays by only moving optical arrays laterally, and convert it to small angle parallel output rays. The design concept is developed as an extended SMS method. Potential applications of this beam-steering device are: skylights to provide steerable natural illumination, building integrated CPV systems, and steerable LED illumination. Conclusion and future lines of work are given in Chapter 9. Resumen La óptica de formación de imagen clásica se ha ido desarrollando durante siglos, dando lugar tanto a la teoría de óptica paraxial y los métodos de diseño prácticos como a técnicas de optimización multiparamétricas. Aunque estos métodos de diseño óptico para formación de imagen puede aportar soluciones elegantes a muchos problemas convencionales, siguen apareciendo nuevos problemas de diseño óptico, concentradores solares, sistemas de iluminación, cámaras ultracompactas, etc. que requieren máxima transferencia de energía o dimensiones ultracompactas. Este tipo de problemas no se pueden resolver fácilmente con métodos clásicos de diseño porque durante el proceso de diseño no solamente se deben considerar los rayos paraxiales sino también los rayos no paraxiales. La óptica anidólica o no formadora de imagen es una disciplina que ha evolucionado en gran medida recientemente. Su objetivo no es formar imagen, es maximazar la eficiencia de transferencia de energía. Un concepto importante de la óptica anidólica son los “rayos marginales”, que se pueden utilizar para el diseño de sistemas ya que si todos los rayos marginales llegan a nuestra área del receptor, todos los rayos interiores también llegarán al receptor. Haciendo uso de este principio, se han diseñado muchos concentradores solares que funcionan cerca del límite teórico que marca la termodinámica. Cuando consideramos más de un haz de rayos marginales en nuestro diseño, una posible solución es usar el método SMS (Simultaneous Multiple Surface), el cuál diseña simultáneamente varias superficies ópticas. El SMS nació como un método de diseño para óptica anidólica durante los años 90. El método puede ser considerado como una extensión del cálculo del óvalo cartesiano. En el método del óvalo cartesiano convencional, se calcula una superficie para transformar un frente de onda entrante a otro frente de onda saliente. El método SMS permite transformar varios frentes de onda de entrada en frentes de onda de salida. Inicialmente, sólo era posible transformar dos frentes de onda con dos superficies con simetría de rotación y sin simetría de rotación, pero esta limitación ha sido superada recientemente. Nos referimos a “SMS 2D” como el método orientado a construir superficies con simetría de rotación y llamamos “SMS 3D” al método para construir superficies sin simetría de rotación o free-form. Aunque el método originalmente fue aplicado en el diseño de sistemas anidólicos, se ha observado que gracias a su capacidad para diseñar más superficies y controlar más frentes de onda de entrada y de salida, el SMS también es posible aplicarlo a sistemas de formación de imagen proporcionando una gran ventaja sobre los métodos de diseño tradicionales. Uno de los principales objetivos de la presente tesis es extender el método SMS-2D para permitir el diseño de sistemas con mayor número de superficies y mejorar la estabilidad de los algoritmos del SMS-2D y SMS-3D, haciendo posible combinar la optimización con los algoritmos. Los beneficios de combinar SMS y optimización comparado con el proceso de optimización tradicional se explican en detalle para sistemas con simetría de rotación y sin simetría de rotación. Otro objetivo importante de la tesis es el desarrollo de nuevos conceptos de diseño y nuevos métodos en el área de la concentración solar fotovoltaica. La tesis está estructurada en 9 capítulos que están agrupados en dos partes: la primera de ellas (capítulos 2-5) se centra en la óptica formadora de imagen mientras que en la segunda parte (capítulos 6-8) se presenta el trabajo del área de la óptica anidólica. El primer capítulo consta de una breve introducción de los conceptos básicos de la óptica anidólica y la óptica en formación de imagen. El capítulo 2 describe un proceso de diseño SMS-2D sencillo basado en los rayos meridianos. En este capítulo se presenta el problema de diseñar un sistema formador de imagen desde el punto de vista del SMS y se intenta obtener una solución de manera numérica. La estabilidad de este proceso se analiza con detalle. Los conceptos de diseño y los algoritmos desarrollados en este capítulo sientan la base sobre la cual se realizarán mejoras. El capítulo 3 presenta dos procedimientos para el diseño de un sistema con 3 superficies SMS, el primero basado en rayos meridianos (SMS-3M) y el segundo basado en rayos oblicuos (SMS-1M2S). La mejora más destacable recae en la selección de los segmentos centrales, que hacen más estable todo el proceso de diseño comparado con el presentado en el capítulo 2. Estos dos algoritmos representan dos tipos de muestreo del espacio de fases, su capacidad para formar imagen se compara diseñando un objetivo simple con cada uno de ellos. En el capítulo 4 se presenta un diseño ultra-compacto de una cámara SWIR diseñada usando el método SMS-3M. La dificultad del diseño de esta cámara de espectro ancho radica en mantener una alta calidad de imagen y al mismo tiempo reducir drásticamente sus dimensiones. Esta cámara es muy interesante para comparar el método de diseño clásico y el método de SMS. En este capítulo se presentan ambos diseños y se analizan sus características ópticas. En el capítulo 5 se describe la estrategia de optimización basada en el método SMS-3D. El método SMS-3D calcula las superficies ópticas de manera precisa, dejando sólo unos pocos parámetros libres para decidir la configuración del sistema. Modificando el valor de estos parámetros se genera cada vez mediante SMS-3D un sistema completo diferente. La optimización se lleva a cabo variando los mencionados parámetros y analizando el sistema generado. Los resultados muestran que esta estrategia de diseño es muy eficaz y eficiente para un sistema formado por dos espejos. En el capítulo 6 se describe un sistema de compresión de la Etendue, que fue presentado en el concurso de iluminación del IODC en 2010. Este interesante diseño hace uso de técnicas propias de la óptica anidólica, como el método SMS, el teselado de las lentes y el diseño mediante grooves. Este dispositivo tiene un límite teórica en la eficiencia del 91.9%. El capítulo 7 presenta un concentrador solar basado en un espejo free-form con irradiancia uniforme sobre la célula. Los concentradores parabólicos tienen numerosas desventajas como los puntos calientes en la zona central de la célula, uso no eficiente del área de la célula al ser ésta cuadrada y además tienen ángulos de aceptancia de reducido. Para poder superar estas limitaciones se propone un novedoso concepto de homogeneización de la irrandancia que se materializa en un diseño con espejo free-form. El análisis mediante simulación demuestra que la irradiancia es homogénea en una región rectangular y con mayor ángulo de aceptancia, lo que confirma la viabilidad del concepto de diseño. En el capítulo 8 se presenta un novedoso concepto para el diseño de sistemas afocales dinámicos. El objetivo del diseño es realizar un sistema cuyo haz de rayos de entrada pueda llegar con ángulos entre ±45º mientras que el haz de rayos a la salida sea siempre perpendicular al sistema, variando únicamente la posición de los elementos ópticos lateralmente. Las aplicaciones potenciales de este dispositivo son varias: tragaluces que proporcionan iluminación natural, sistemas de concentración fotovoltaica integrados en los edificios o iluminación direccionable con LEDs. Finalmente, el último capítulo contiene las conclusiones y las líneas de investigación futura.