1000 resultados para delta 13C, carbon dioxide, aquatic


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Temperature reconstructions indicate that the Pliocene was ~3 °C warmer globally than today, and several recent reconstructions of Pliocene atmospheric CO2 indicate that it was above pre-industrial levels and similar to those likely to be seen this century. However, many of these reconstructions have been of relatively low temporal resolution, meaning that these records may have failed to capture variations associated with the 41 Kyr glacial-interglacial cycles thought to operate in the Pliocene. Here we present a new, high temporal resolution alkenone carbon isotope based record of pCO2 spanning 2.8 to 3.3 million years ago from ODP Site 999. Our record is of high enough resolution (~19 Kyrs) to resolve glacial-interglacial changes beyond the intrinsic uncertainty of the proxy method. The record suggests that Pliocene CO2 levels were relatively stable, exhibiting variation less than 55 ppm. We perform sensitivity studies to investigate the possible effect of changing sea surface temperature, which highlights the importance of accurate and precise SST reconstructions for alkenone palaeobarometry, but demonstrate that these uncertainties do not affect our conclusions of relatively stable pCO2 levels during this interval.


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The principal gaseous carbon-containing components identified in the first 400 m of sediment at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 533, Leg 76, are methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Below a sub-bottom depth of about 25 m, sediment cores commonly contained pockets caused by the expansion of gas upon core recovery. The carbon isotopic composition (d13C per mil relative to PDB standard) of CH4 and CO2 in these gas pockets has been measured, resulting in the following observations: (1) d13C-CH4 values increase with depth from approximately -94 per mil in the uppermost sediment to about -66 per mil in the deepest sediment, reflecting a systematic but nonlinear depletion of 12C with depth. (2) d13C-CO2 values also increase with depth of sediment from about -25 per mil to about -4 per mil, snowing a depletion of 12C that closely parallels the trend of the isotopic composition of CH4. The magnitude and parallel distribution of d13C values for both CH4 and CO2 are consistent with the concept that the formation of the CH4 resulted from the microbiological reduction of CO2 from organic substances. These results imply that CH4 and CO2 incorporated in gas hydrates at this site are biogenic.


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Detailed records of the carbon and oxygen isotopic ratios of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma are compared between nine high-latitude sediment cores, from the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, covering the last 140000 yrs. The strong analogies between the delta13C records permit to define a delta13C stratigraphic scale, with three clear cut transitions simultaneous with the oxygen isotopic transitions 6/5 (125 kyrs.), 5/4 (65 kyrs.), and 2/1 (13 kyrs.). The delta13C records of N. pachyderma in the high-latitude cores, which follow the changes in delta13C of the surface water TCO2 near areas of deep water formation present trends similar to the benthic foraminifera delta13C records in cores V19-30 and M12-392, although amplitudes of the isotopic shifts are different. This implies that a large part of the observed variations represents global changes in the carbon distribution between biosphere and ocean. The 13C/12C ratios of N. pachyderma in the North Atlantic cores display larger regional variations at 18 kyrs. B.P. than at present. To explain these differences, we have plotted the 18 kyrs. B.P. delta13C values of N. pachyderma from 17 cores distributed N of 40°N. Comparison with published surface water temperature distribution at 18 kyrs. B.P. indicates that a strong divergent cyclonic cell, centered approximatively 55°N and 15°W, was active during most of the last ice-age maximum. This hydrology, analogous to the present Weddell Sea, explains the published evidences of bottom water formation, if located on the northern flank of the gyre, and the strong polar front on the southern flank, probable location of intermediate water formation.


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The development of a permanent, stable ice sheet in East Antarctica happened during the middle Miocene, about 14 million years (Myr) ago. The middle Miocene therefore represents one of the distinct phases of rapid change in the transition from the "greenhouse" of the early Eocene to the "icehouse" of the present day. Carbonate carbon isotope records of the period immediately following the main stage of ice sheet development reveal a major perturbation in the carbon system, represented by the positive d13C excursion known as carbon maximum 6 ("M6"), which has traditionally been interpreted as reflecting increased burial of organic matter and atmospheric pCO2 drawdown. More recently, it has been suggested that the d13C excursion records a negative feedback resulting from the reduction of silicate weathering and an increase in atmospheric pCO2. Here we present high-resolution multi-proxy (alkenone carbon and foraminiferal boron isotope) records of atmospheric carbon dioxide and sea surface temperature across CM6. Similar to previously published records spanning this interval, our records document a world of generally low (~300 ppm) atmospheric pCO2 at a time generally accepted to be much warmer than today. Crucially, they also reveal a pCO2 decrease with associated cooling, which demonstrates that the carbon burial hypothesis for CM6 is feasible and could have acted as a positive feedback on global cooling.


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The stable carbon isotopic signature of carbon dioxide (d13CO2) measured in the air occlusions of polar ice provides important constraints on the carbon cycle in past climates. In order to exploit this information for previous glacial periods, one must use deep, clathrated ice, where the occluded air is preserved not in bubbles but in the form of air hydrates. Therefore, it must be established whether the original atmospheric d13CO2 signature can be reconstructed from clathrated ice. We present a comparative study using coeval bubbly ice from Berkner Island and ice from the bubble-clathrate transformation zone (BCTZ) of EPICA Dome C (EDC). In the EDC samples the gas is partitioned into clathrates and remaining bubbles as shown by erroneously low and scattered CO2 concentration values, presenting a worst-case test for d13CO2 reconstructions. Even so, the reconstructed atmospheric d13CO2 values show only slightly larger scatter. The difference to data from coeval bubbly ice is statistically significant. However, the 0.16 per mil magnitude of the offset is small for practical purposes, especially in light of uncertainty from non-uniform corrections for diffusion related fractionation that could contribute to the discrepancy. Our results are promising for palaeo-atmospheric studies of d13CO2 using a ball mill dry extraction technique below the BCTZ of ice cores, where gas is not subject to fractionation into microfractures and between clathrate and bubble reservoirs.


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The isotopic compositions of dissolved CO2 and CH4 in sediments of the Nankai Trough indicate that CH4 is formed during early diagenesis by microbial reduction of CO2. At the shallowest sampled depths, the CO2 dissolved in the pore water is unusually enriched in 12C (d13C = -35.2 per mil), indicating contribution of CO2 from oxidation of CH4. The most intense microbiological activity appears to be confined to the uppermost 50 m of sediment, based on relative lack of change in the isotopic compositions below this depth. Gas hydrate probably is not present at these localities (Sites 582, 583) because of CH4 concentrations that are insufficient to saturate the pore water with respect to gas hydrate stability.


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Molecular and isotope compositions of headspace and total (free + sorbed) hydrocarbon gases from drilled cores of the three ODP Leg 104 Sites 642, 643, and 644 of the Voring Plateau are used to characterize the origin and distribution of these gases in Holocene to Eocene sediments. Only minor amounts of methane were found in the headspace (0.1 to < 0.001 vol%). Although methane through propane are present in all of the total gas samples, different origins account for the concentration and composition variations found. Site 643 at the foot of the outer Voring Plateau represents a geological setting with poor hydrocarbon generating potential, (sediments with low TOC and maturity overlying oceanic basement). Correspondingly, the total gas concentrations are low, typical for background gases (yield C1 - 4 = 31 to 232 ppb, C1/C2+ = 0.6 to 4; delta13C(CH4) -22 per mil to -42 per mil) probably of a diagenetic origin. Holocene to Eocene sediments, which overlie volcanic units, were drilled on the outer Vdring Plateau, at Holes 642B and D. Similar to Site 643, these sediments possess a poor hydrocarbon generating potential. The total gas character (yield C1 - 4 = 20 to 410 ppb; C1/C2+ = 1.7 to 13.3; delta13C(CH4) ca. -23 per mil to -40 per mil) again indicates a diagenetic origin, perhaps with the addition of some biogenic gas. The higher geothermal gradient and the underlying volcanics do not appear to have any influence on the gas geochemistry. The free gas (Vacutainer TM) in the sediments at Site 644 are dominated by biogenic gas (C1/C2+ > 104; delta13C(CH4) -77 per mil). Indications, in the total gas, of hydrocarbons with a thermogenic signature (yield C1 - 4 = 121 to 769 ppb, C1/ C2+ = 3 to 8; delta13C(CH4) = -39 per mil to -71 per mil), could not be unequivocally confirmed as such. Alternatively, these gases may represent mixtures of diagenetic and biogenic gases.


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CH4 and CO2 species in pore fluids from slope sediments off Guatemala show extreme 13C-enrichment (d13C of -41 and +38 per mil, respectively) compared with the typical degree of 13C-enrichment in pore fluids of DSDP sediments (d13C of - 60 and + 10 per mil). These unusual isotopic compositions are believed to result from microbial decomposition of organic matter, and possibly from additional isotopic fractionation associated with the formation of gas hydrates. In addition to the isotopic fractionation displayed by CH4 and CO2, the pore water exhibits a systematic increase in d18O with decrease in chlorinity. As against seawater d18O values of 0 and chlorinity of 19 per mil, the water collected from decomposed gas hydrate from Hole 570 had a d18O of + 3.0 per mil and chlorinity of 9.5 per mil. The isotopic compositions of pore-fluid constituents change gradually with depth in Hole 568 and discontinuously with depth in Hole 570.


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Microthermometric and isotopic analyses of fluid inclusions in primitive olivine gabbros, oxide gabbros, and evolved granitic material recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B at the Southwest Indian Ridge provide new insights into the evolution of C-O-H-NaCl fluids in the plutonic foundation of the oceanic crust. The variably altered and deformed plutonic rocks span a crustal section of over 1500 m and record a remarkably complex magma-hydrothermal history. Magmatic fluids within this suite followed two chemically distinct paths during cooling through the subsolidus regime: the first path included formation of CO2+CH4+H2O+C fluids with up to 43 mole% CH4; the second path produced hypersaline brines that contain up to 50% NaCl equivalent salinities. Subsequent to devolatilization, respeciation of magmatic CO2, attendant graphite precipitation, and cooling from 800°C to 500°C promoted formation of CH4-enriched fluids. These fluids are characterized by average d13C(CH4) values of -27.1+/-4.3 per mil (N=45) with associated d13C(CO2) compositions ranging from -24.9 per mil to -1.9 per mil (N=39), and average dD values of exsolved vapor of -41+/-12 per mil (N=23). In pods, veins, and lenses of highly fractionated residual material, hypersaline brines formed during condensation and by direct exsolution in the absence of a conjugate vapor phase. Entrapped CO2+CH4+H2O-rich fluids within many oxide-bearing rocks and felsic zones are significantly depleted in 13C (with d13C(CO2) values down to about -25 per mil) and contain CO2 concentrations higher than those predicted by equilibrium devolatilization models. We hypothesize that lower effective pressures in high-temperature shear zones promoted infiltration of highly fractionated melts and compositionally evolved volatiles into focused zones of deformation, significantly weakening the rock strength. In felsic-rich zones, volatile build-up may have driven hydraulic fracturing of gabbroic wall rocks resulting in the formation of magmatic breccias. Comparison of isotopic compositions of fluids in plutonic rocks from 735B, the MARK area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and the Mid-Cayman Rise indicate (1) that the carbon isotope composition of the lower oceanic crust may be far more heterogeneous than previously believed and (2) that carbon-bearing species in the oceanic crust and their distribution at depth are highly variable.


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Concentrations and d34S and d13C values were determined on SO4, HCO3, CO2, and CH4 in interstitial water and gas samples from the uppermost 400 m of sediment on the Blake Outer Ridge. These measurements provide the basis for detailed interpretation of diagenetic processes associated with anaerobic respiration of electrons generated by organic- matter decomposition. The sediments are anaerobic at very shallow depths (<1 m) below the seafloor. Sulfate reduction is confined to the uppermost 15 m of sediment and results in a significant outflux of oxidized carbon from the sediments. At the base of the sulfate reduction zone, upward-diffusing CH4 is being oxidized, apparently in conjunction with SO4 reduction. CH4 generation by CO2 reduction is the most important metabolic process below the 15-m depth. CO2 removal is more rapid than CO2 input over the depth interval from 15 to 100 m, and results in a slight decrease in HCO3 concentration accompanied by a 40 per mil positive shift in d13C. The differences among coexisting CH4, CO2, and HCO3 are consistent with kinetic fractionation between CH4 and dissolved CO2, and equilibrium fractionation between CO2 and HCO3. At depths greater than 100 m, the rate of input of CO2 (d13C = -25 per mil) exceeds by 2 times the rate of removal of CO2 by conversion to CH4 (d13C of -60 to -65 per mil). This results in an increase of dissolved HCO3 concentration while maintaining d13C of HCO3 relatively constant at +10 per mil. Non-steady-state deposition has resulted in significantly higher organic carbon contents and unusually high (70 meq/l) pore-water alkalinities below 150 m. These high alkalinities are believed to be related more to spontaneous decarboxylation reactions than to biological processes. The general decrease in HCO3 concentration with constant d13C over the depth interval of 200 to 400 m probably reflects increased precipitation of authigenic carbonate. Input-output carbon isotope-mass balance calculations, and carbonate system equilibria in conjunction with observed CO2-CH4 ratios in the gas phase, independently suggest that CH4 concentrations on the order of 100 mmol/kg are present in the pore waters of Blake Outer Ridge sediments. This quantity of CH4 is believed to be insufficient to saturate pore waters and stabilize the CH4*6H2O gas hydrate. Results of these calculations are in conflict with the physical recovery of gas hydrate from 238 m, and with the indirect evidence (seismic reflectors, sediment frothing, slightly decreasing salinity and chlorinity with depth, and pressure core barrel observations) of gas-hydrate occurrence in these sediments. Resolution of this apparent conflict would be possible if CH4 generation were restricted to relatively thin (1-10 m) depth intervals, and did not occur uniformly at all depths throughout the sediment column, or if another methanogenic process (e.g., acetate fermentation) were a major contributor of gas.


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Gas hydrates were recovered from eight sites on the Louisiana slope of the Gulf of Mexico. The gas hydrate discoveries ranged in water depths from 530 to 2400 m occurring as small to medium sized (0.5-50 mm) nodules, interspersed layers (1-10 mm thick) or as solid masses (> 150 mm thick). The hydrates have gas:fluid ratios as high as 170:1 at STP, C1/(C2 + C3) ratios ranging from 1.9 to > 1000 and d13C ratios from -43 to -71 per mil. Thermogenic gas hydrates are associated with oil-stained cores containing up to 7% extractable oil exhibiting moderate to severe biodegradation. Biogenic gas hydrates are also associated with elevated bitumen levels (10-700 ppm). All gas hydrate associated cores contain high percentages (up to 65%) of authigenic, isotopically light carbonate. The hydrate-containing cores are associated with seismic "wipeout" zones indicative of gassy sediments. Collapsed structures, diapiric crests, or deep faults on the flanks of diapirs appear to be the sites of the shallow hydrates.


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Microbial life inhabits deeply buried marine sediments, but the extent of this vast ecosystem remains poorly constrained. Here we provide evidence for the existence of microbial communities in ~40° to 60°C sediment associated with lignite coal beds at ~1.5 to 2.5 km below the seafloor in the Pacific Ocean off Japan. Microbial methanogenesis was indicated by the isotopic compositions of methane and carbon dioxide, biomarkers, cultivation data, and gas compositions. Concentrations of indigenous microbial cells below 1.5 km ranged from <10 to ~10**4 cells cm**-3. Peak concentrations occurred in lignite layers, where communities differed markedly from shallower subseafloor communities and instead resembled organotrophic communities in forest soils. This suggests that terrigenous sediments retain indigenous community members tens of millions of years after burial in the seabed.


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Thermokarst lakes are thought to have been an important source of methane (CH4) during the last deglaciation when atmospheric CH4 concentrations increased rapidly. Here we demonstrate that meltwater from permafrost ice serves as an H source to CH4 production in thermokarst lakes, allowing for region-specific reconstructions of dD-CH4 emissions from Siberian and North American lakes. dD CH4 reflects regionally varying dD values of precipitation incorporated into ground ice at the time of its formation. Late Pleistocene-aged permafrost ground ice was the dominant H source to CH4 production in primary thermokarst lakes, whereas Holocene-aged permafrost ground ice contributed H to CH4 production in later generation lakes. We found that Alaskan thermokarst lake dD-CH4 was higher (-334 ± 17 per mil) than Siberian lake dD-CH4 (-381 ± 18 per mil). Weighted mean dD CH4 values for Beringian lakes ranged from -385 per mil to -382 per mil over the deglacial period. Bottom-up estimates suggest that Beringian thermokarst lakes contributed 15 ± 4 Tg CH4 /yr to the atmosphere during the Younger Dryas and 25 ± 5 Tg CH4 /yr during the Preboreal period. These estimates are supported by independent, top-down isotope mass balance calculations based on ice core dD-CH4 and d13C-CH4 records. Both approaches suggest that thermokarst lakes and boreal wetlands together were important sources of deglacial CH4.