137 resultados para debridement


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Purpose To highlight the finding of occult areas of poor epithelial adhesion in the superior perilimbal cornea in a minority of patients with recalcitrant recurrent corneal erosion syndrome presenting with corneal erosion elsewhere on the corneal surface. Patient population 31 eyes of 31 consecutive patients with corneal erosion undergoing mechanical debridement of the epithelium prior to diamond burr keratectomy for recurrent corneal erosion. Methods Determine the location and incidence of poor epithelial adhesion distant from the initial erosion by use of mechanical debridement with a dry microsponge. Results During debridement, 8 of 31 eyes (25.8%) displayed a large arcuate area of occult dysfunction of adhesion in the superior perilimbal area. None of these patients showed recurrence over a mean of 18 month after diamond burr keratectomy (95% confidence interval 0-36.9%). Conclusion Mechanical debridement with a microsponge identified a significant minority of patients with poor adhesion in the superior perilimbal cornea away from the area of obvious erosion and increased the target area for diamond burr keratectomy. This two pronged approach allowed successful management of this group.


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The New Zealand White rabbit has been widely used as a model of limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD). Current techniques for experimental induction of LSCD utilize caustic chemicals, or organic solvents applied in conjunction with a surgical limbectomy. While generally successful in depleting epithelial progenitors, the depth and severity of injury is difficult to control using chemical-based methods. Moreover, the anterior chamber can be easily perforated while surgically excising the corneal limbus. In the interest of creating a safer and more defined LSCD model, we have therefore evaluated a mechanical debridement technique based upon use of the AlgerBrush II rotating burr. An initial comparison of debridement techniques was conducted in situ using 24 eyes in freshly acquired New Zealand White rabbit cadavers. Techniques for comparison (4 eyes each) included: (1) non-wounded control, (2) surgical limbectomy followed by treatment with 100% (v/v) n-heptanol to remove the corneal epithelium (1-2 minutes), (3) treatment of both limbus and cornea with n-heptanol alone, (4) treatment of both limbus and cornea with 20% (v/v) ethanol (2-3 minutes), (5) a 2.5-mm rounded burr applied to both the limbus and cornea, and (6) a 1-mm pointed burr applied to the limbus, followed by the 2.5-mm rounded burr applied to the cornea. All corneas were excised and processed for histology immediately following debridement. A panel of four assessors subsequently scored the degree of epithelial debridement within the cornea and limbus using masked slides. The 2.5-mm burr most consistently removed the corneal and limbal epithelia. Islands of limbal epithelial cells were occasionally retained following surgical limbectomy/heptanol treatment, or use of the 1-mm burr. Limbal epithelial cells were consistently retained following treatment with either ethanol or n-heptanol alone, with ethanol being the least effective treatment overall. The 2.5-mm burr method was subsequently evaluated in the right eye of 3 live rabbits by weekly clinical assessments (photography and slit lamp examination) for up to 5 weeks, followed by histological analyses (hematoxylin & eosin stain, periodic acid-Schiff stain and immunohistochemistry for keratin 3 and 13). All 3 eyes that had been completely debrided using the 2.5-mm burr displayed symptoms of ocular surface failure as defined by retention of a prominent epithelial defect (~40% of corneal surface at 5 weeks), corneal neovascularization (2 to 3 quadrants), reduced corneal transparency and conjunctivalization of the corneal surface (demonstrated by the presence of goblet cells and/or staining for keratin 13). In conclusion, our findings indicate that the AlgerBrush II rotating burr is an effective method for the establishment of ocular surface failure in New Zealand White rabbits. In particular, we recommend use of the 2.5-mm rotating burr for improved efficiency of epithelial debridement and safety compared to surgical limbectomy.


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O presente avalia a qualidade da remoção de tecido pulpar após o preparo químico-cirúrgico realizado com a técnica da lima única, descrita por Ghassan Yared. Ainda não há publicado pesquisa sobre os resultados desta técnica. Este estudo compara o percentual de tecido pulpar remanescente em canais radiculares ovais e circulares de incisivos inferiores recém-extraídos que possuíssem polpa viva e armazenados em formol a 10%. Foram comparadas duas técnicas: ProTaper Universal e a técnica da lima única F2. Após uma rigorosa seleção, quarenta e oito dentes com polpa viva que possuíam indicação de extração, foram preparados, classificados em canais ovais e circulares, separados aleatoriamente em 4 grupos e instrumentados com as duas técnicas. O grupo controle, com 12 espécimes, não recebeu nenhum tipo de intervenção. G1 (n=12), canais ovais, instrumentados com a técnica ProTaper Universal; G2 (n=12), canais ovais instrumentados com a técnica da lima única F2; G3 (n=12), canais circulares instrumentados com a técnica ProTaper Universal; G4 (n=12), canais circulares instrumentados com a técnica da lima única F2. Então, seções transversais foram preparadas para avaliação histológica. A análise da quantidade de tecido pulpar remanescente foi avaliada digitalmente. A análise preliminar dos dados brutos em conjunto de todos os grupos experimentais revelou um padrão de distribuição normal por meio do uso do teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov. A análise foi realizada, e os dados brutos foram avaliados através de métodos não-paramétricos: Teste H Kruskal-Wallis. O valor percentual mínimo de tecido remanescente foi de 0% e o máximo de 37,78% entre todos os grupos. Os valores relativos a quantidade de tecido pulpar remanescente variaram entre 0 a 43.47% m2. Os resultados do Teste H Kruskal-Wallis não revelaram diferenças entre as seções mais apicais (p > 0.05). Entretanto, foi encontrada diferença significante entre as seções mais apicais e a seção do terço médio (p < 0.05). Também foram encontradas diferenças significantes quando canais circulares foram comparados com canais ovais independente da técnica de instrumentação utilizada (p < 0.05). Porém, entre as duas técnicas de instrumentação estudadas, tanto nos canais ovais quanto para os os canais circulares, não houve diferença estatística significante (p > 0.05). A proposta deste estudo é a de fazer uma reflexão sobre a real necessidade de um grande número de instrumentos para o total preparo de canais radiculares, uma vez que nenhuma das técnicas foi capaz de debridar por completo o espaço do canal radicular.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Tese de doutoramento, Medicina (Medicina Interna), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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INTRODUCCIÓN. La mediastinitis posterior a cirugía de revascularización miocárdica es una infección infrecuente, pero potencialmente fatal. En la Fundación Cardioinfantil se ha observado una tendencia al incremento de la misma en los últimos años, obligando a un cambio en las medidas de profilaxis antimicrobiana, pasando de cefalosporinas a vancomicina – gentamicina, sin embargo no se conoce aún el impacto de estas medidas. OBJETIVO: Determinar si el cambio de la profilaxis antibiótica en pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica influye en una disminución de la incidencia de mediastinitis durante los años 2012 – 2013. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio de cohortes retrospectivo, evaluando la incidencia de mediastinitis post revascularización miocárdica, en pacientes expuestos a 2 diferentes tipos de profilaxis antimicrobiana (cefalosporinas vs vancomicina-gentamicina). Se describieron los patrones de susceptibilidad y resistencia de los patógenos encontrados en mediastinitis y la mortalidad de esta patología. RESULTADOS: Los patógenos más frecuentemente aislados en la mediastinitis fueron Staphylococcus aureus y Klebsiella pneumoniae, en la mayoría monomicrobiano. Se encontraron patógenos con perfiles de resistencia como betalactamasas de espectro extendido en Gram negativos y resistencia a la meticilina en cocos Gram positivos. El RR de mediastinitis del grupo expuesto a vancomicina-gentamicina respecto al grupo de cefalosporinas fue de 0,9 con IC 95% 0,28 – 3,28. CONCLUSIÓN: la epidemiologia microbiana de la mediastinitis no difiere de la reportada en otras series. La profilaxis antimicrobiana con vancomicina - gentamicina en pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica, no redujo la incidencia de mediastinitis. Se propone regresar a la terapia de profilaxis con cefalosporinas.


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Los traumatismos por accidentes de tránsito, constituyen un problema de salud pública, a nivel mundial. Las lesiones más frecuentes son las fracturas de extremidades (84.3%). Las fracturas tienen un elevado riesgo de presentar infecciones, secuelas e incapacidades permanentes. Objetivo : Determinar si los factores asociados con la patología (lugar de fractura, clasificación de fractura, comorbilidades del paciente) y/o los factores relacionados con la atención médica (uso de profilaxis antibiótica diferente al protocolo institucional, tiempo prolongado para remisión, demoras en manejo quirúrgico) se asocian a mayor probabilidad de presentar infección de fracturas abiertas, en población mayor a 15 años, atendidos por accidente de tránsito, en una clínica de Bogotá de tercer nivel especializada en atención de SOAT, durante el período Octubre de 2012 a Octubre de 2013. Metodología: Estudio de casos y controles no apareado, relación 1:3, conformado por 43 casos (fracturas abiertas infectadas) y 129 controles (fracturas abiertas no infectadas). Resultados: La edad media de los casos fue de 39.42 +/- 16.82 años (med=36 años) y la edad media de los controles fue de 33.15 +/- 11.78 años (med=30 años). El 83.7% de los casos y el 78.3% de los controles corresponden al sexo masculino. Predominaron los accidentes en motocicleta en el 81.4% de los casos y el 86% de los controles. En el análisis bivariado se encuentra que la edad mayor a 50 años (p=0.042), una clasificación de la fractura grado IIIB o IIIC (p=0.02), cumplimiento del protocolo antibiótico institucional según el grado de fractura (p=0.014) y un tiempo mayor a 24 horas desde el momento del accidente al centro especializado en trauma (p=0.035) se asociaron significativamente con infección de la fractura abierta. En el análisis multivariado se encuentra únicamente que la clasificación de la fractura grado IIIB o IIIC se asocia con infección de la fractura OR 2.6 IC95% (1.187 – 5.781) (p=0.017). La duración de hospitalización fue mayor en los casos (32.37+/- 22.92 días, med=26 días) que en los controles (8.81 +/- 7.52 días, med=6 días) (p<0.001). El promedio de lavados quirúrgicos fue mayor en los casos (4.85±4.1, med=4.0) que en el grupo control (1.94±1.26, med=2) (p<0.001). Conclusiones: La infección posterior a una fractura abierta, implica costos elevados de atención con hospitalizaciones prolongadas y mayor frecuencia de intervenciones quirúrgicas como se evidencia en el presente estudio. Se debe fortalecer el sistema de remisión y contra remisión para acortar los tiempos de inicio de manejo especializado de los pacientes con fracturas abiertas. Se debe incentivar dentro de las instituciones, el cumplimiento de protocolos de profilaxis antibiótica según el grado de la fractura para disminuir el riesgo de complicación infecciosa.


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In the present investigation, a scanning electron microscopy analysis was performed to evaluate the effects of the topical application of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) gel associated with Cetavlon (EDTAC) in removing the smear layer and exposing collagen fibers following root surface instrumentation. Twenty-eight teeth from adult humans, single rooted and scheduled for extraction due to periodontal reasons, were selected. Each tooth was submitted to manual (scaling and root planing) instrumentation alone or combined with ultrasonic instruments, with or without etching using a 24% EDTAC gel. Following extraction, specimens were processed and examined under a scanning electron microscope. A comparative morphological semi-quantitative analysis was performed; the intensity of the smear layer and the decalcification of cementum and dentinal surfaces were graded in 12 sets using an arbitrary scale ranging from 1 (area covered by a smear layer) to 4 (no smear layer). Root debridement with hand instruments alone or combined with ultrasonic instruments resulted in a similar smear layer covering the root surfaces. The smear layer was successfully removed from the surfaces treated with EDTAC, which exhibited numerous exposed dentinal tubules and collagen fibers. This study supports the hypothesis that manual instrumentation alone or instrumentation combined with ultrasonic instrumentation is unable to remove the smear layer, whereas the subsequent topical application of EDTAC gel effectively removes the smear layer, uncovers dentinal openings and exposes collagen fibers.


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The high intensity diode laser has been studied in periodontics for the reduction of subgingival bacteria in non-surgical treatment. Our study evaluated the bacterial effect as well as changes in periodontal clinical parameters promoted by root scaling and planing associated with this wavelength. Twenty-seven patients randomly assigned in two groups underwent root scaling and planing on the tested sites, and only the experimental group received the diode laser irradiation. Among the clinical parameters studied, the clinical probing depth (CPD) and the clinical attachment level (CAL) resulted in significant enhancement in the control group when compared with the experimental group (P = 0.014 and P = 0.039, respectively). The results were similar for both groups regarding the plaque index (PI) and bleeding on probing (BP). No significant difference in the microbiological parameters was observed between the control and experimental groups. It was possible to conclude that the high power diode laser adjunct to the non-surgical periodontal treatment did not promote additional effects to the conventional periodontal treatment.


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Expansion of the extracellular matrix is a prominent but poorly characterized feature of tendinosis. The present study aimed to characterize the extent and distribution of the large aggregating proteoglycan versican in patients with patellar tendinosis. We obtained tendon from tendinopathy patients undergoing debridement of the patellar tendon and from controls undergoing intramedullary tibial nailing. Versican content was investigated by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Microvessel thickness and density were determined using computer-assisted image analysis. Markers for smooth muscle actin, endothelial cells (CD31) and proliferating cells (Ki67) were examined immunohistochemically. Western blot analysis and immunohistochemical staining revealed elevated versican content in the proximal patellar tendon of tendinosis patients (P=0.042). Versican content was enriched in regions of fibrocartilage metaplasia and fibroblast proliferation, as well as in the perivascular matrix of proliferating microvessels and within the media and intima of arterioles. Microvessel density was higher in tendinosis tissue compared with control tissue. Versican deposition is a prominent feature of patellar tendinosis. Because this molecule is not only a component of normal fibrocartilagenous matrices but also implicated in a variety of soft tissue pathologies, future studies should further detail both pathological and adaptive roles of versican in tendons.


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The incidence and mortality from necrotizing fasciitis (NF) are increasing in New Zealand (NZ). Triggered by a media report that traditional Samoan tattooing was causing NF, we conducted a chart review to investigate the role of this and other predisposing and precipitating factors and to document NF microbiology, complications and interventions in NZ.

We conducted a retrospective review of 299 hospital charts of patients discharged with NF diagnosis codes in eight hospitals in NZ between 2000 and 2006. We documented and compared by ethnicity the prevalence of predisposing and precipitating conditions, bacteria isolated, complications and interventions used.

Out of 299 charts, 247 fulfilled the case definition. NF was most common in elderly males. Diabetes was the most frequent co-morbid condition, followed by obesity. Nearly a quarter of patients were taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). Traditional Samoan tattooing was an uncommon cause. Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus were the two commonly isolated bacteria. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was implicated in a relatively small number of cases. Shock, renal failure, coagulation abnormality and multi-organ dysfunction were common complications. More than 90% of patients underwent surgical debridement, 56% were admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) and slightly less than half of all patients had blood product transfusion. One in six NF cases had amputations and 23.5% died.

This chart review found that the highest proportion of NF cases was elderly males with co-morbidities, particularly diabetes and obesity. Tattooing was an uncommon precipitating event. The role of NSAID needs further exploration. NF is a serious disease with severe complications, high case fatality and considerable use of health care resources.


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The aim of this study was to describe the clinical characteristics, causative pathogens, clinical management and outcomes of patients presenting to a tertiary adult Australian intensive care unit (ICU) with a diagnosis of necrotizing fasciitis (NF).
This retrospective observational study was conducted in a 19-bed, level III, adult ICU in a 450-bed tertiary, regional hospital. Clinical databases were accessed for patients diagnosed with NF and admitted to The Geelong Hospital ICU between 1 February 2000 and 1 June 2011. Information on severity of sepsis, surgical procedures and microbiological results were collected.
Twenty patients with NF were identified. The median age was 52.5 years and 38% were female. The overall mortality rate was 8.3%. Common co-morbidities were diabetes (21%) and heart failure (17%), although 50% of patients had no co-morbidities. Group A Streptococcus was the identified pathogen in 11 (46%) patients, and Streptococcus milleri group in 5 (21%) patients. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was not used in the majority of patients. The initial antibiotics administered were active against subsequently cultured bacteria in 83% of patients. Median time to surgical debridement was 20 h. Diagnosis and management was delayed in the nosocomial group.
This study reports physiological data, aetiology and therapeutic interventions in NF for an adult tertiary hospital. We demonstrate one of the lowest reported mortality rates, with early surgical debridement being achieved in the majority of patients. The main delay was found to be in the diagnosis of NF.


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The aim of this study was to describe the clinical characteristics, causative pathogens, clinical management and outcomes of patients presenting to a tertiary adult Australian intensive care unit (ICU) with a diagnosis of necrotizing fasciitis (NF).
This retrospective observational study was conducted in a 19-bed, level III, adult ICU in a 450-bed tertiary, regional hospital. Clinical databases were accessed for patients diagnosed with NF and admitted to The Geelong Hospital ICU between 1 February 2000 and 1 June 2011. Information on severity of sepsis, surgical procedures and microbiological results were collected.
Twenty patients with NF were identified. The median age was 52.5 years and 38% were female. The overall mortality rate was 8.3%. Common co-morbidities were diabetes (21%) and heart failure (17%), although 50% of patients had no co-morbidities. Group A Streptococcus was the identified pathogen in 11 (46%) patients, and Streptococcus milleri group in 5 (21%) patients. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was not used in the majority of patients. The initial antibiotics administered were active against subsequently cultured bacteria in 83% of patients. Median time to surgical debridement was 20 h. Diagnosis and management was delayed in the nosocomial group.
This study reports physiological data, aetiology and therapeutic interventions in NF for an adult tertiary hospital. We demonstrate one of the lowest reported mortality rates, with early surgical debridement being achieved in the majority of patients. The main delay was found to be in the diagnosis of NF.


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Background Few guidelines exist for the initial management of wounds in disaster settings. As wounds sustained are often contaminated, there is a high risk of further complications from infection, both local and systemic. Healthcare workers with little to no surgical training often provide early wound care, and where resources and facilities are also often limited, and clear appropriate guidance is needed for early wound management. Methods We undertook a systematic review focusing on the nature of wounds in disaster situations, and the outcomes of wound management in recent disasters. We then presented the findings to an international consensus panel with a view to formulating a guideline for the initial management of wounds by first responders and subsequent healthcare personnel as they deploy. Results We included 62 studies in the review that described wound care challenges in a diverse range of disasters, and reported high rates of wound infection with multiple causative organisms. The panel defined a guideline in which the emphasis is on not closing wounds primarily but rather directing efforts toward cleaning, debridement, and dressing wounds in preparation for delayed primary closure, or further exploration and management by skilled surgeons. Conclusion Good wound care in disaster settings, as outlined in this article, can be achieved with relatively simple measures, and have important mortality and morbidity benefits. © 2014 Société Internationale de Chirurgie.