916 resultados para current controlled voltage-source inverter


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A dificuldade de controlo de um motor de indução, bem como o armazenamento de energia CC e posterior utilização como energia alternada promoveram o desenvolvimento de variadores de frequência e inversores. Assim, como projeto de tese de mestrado em Automação e Sistemas surge o desenvolvimento de um variador de frequência. Para elaboração do variador de frequência efetuou-se um estudo sobre as técnicas de modulação utilizadas nos inversores. A técnica escolhida e utilizada é a Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM). Esta técnica baseia-se na modelação por largura de impulso (PWM), o qual é formado por comparação de um sinal de referência com um sinal de portadora de elevada frequência. Por sua vez, a topologia escolhida para o inversor corresponde a um Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) de ponte trifásica completa a três terminais. O desenvolvimento da técnica de modulação SPWM levou ao desenvolvimento de um modelo de simulação em SIMULINK, o qual permitiu retirar conclusões sobre os resultados obtidos. Na fase de implementação, foram desenvolvidas placas para o funcionamento do variador de frequência. Assim, numa fase inicial foi desenvolvida a placa de controlo, a qual contém a unidade de processamento e que é responsável pela atuação de Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs). Para além disso, foi desenvolvida uma placa para proteção dos IGBTs (evitando condução simultânea no mesmo terminal) e uma placa de fontes isoladas para alimentação dos circuitos e para atuação dos IGBTs. Ainda, foi desenvolvida a técnica de SPWM em software para a unidade de controlo e finalmente foi desenvolvida uma interface gráfica para interação com o utilizador. A validação do projeto foi conseguida através da variação da velocidade do motor de indução trifásico. Para isso, este foi colocado a funcionar a diversas frequências de funcionamento e a diferentes amplitudes. Para além disso, o seu funcionamento foi também validado utilizando uma carga trifásica equilibrada de 3 lâmpadas de forma a ser visualizada a variação de frequência e variação de amplitude.


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Diplomityössä on tutkittu sähköisellä potkurijärjestelmällä varustetun laivan voimalaitoksen ja jännitevälipiirillisen propulsiokäytön vuorovaikutusta laivan hätäpysäytyksen aikana. Työssä on kehitetty simulointimalleja jännitevälipiirillisten sähkökäyttöjen simuloimiseksi Saber -simulontiohjelmistolla.Työn alkuosassa esitetään lyhyt yhteenveto laivan sähköisestä potkurijärjestelmästä komponentteineen, käsitellään laivan hätäpysäytyksen teoriaa sekä simuloinneissa huomioonotettavia laivan ja potkurin hydrodynaamisia ominaisuuksia. Työssä käytettävän simulointiohjelmiston toimintaa selvitetään lyhyesti. Jännitevälipiirillisellä propulsiokäytöllä varustetun laivan hätäpysäytyksen simulointimalli esitellään kokonaisuudessaan ja käsitellään simulointimallin sisältämien osakokonaisuuksien teoriaa ja toimintaa. Kehitetyn simulointimallin toimintaa on tarkasteltu vertaamalla tuloksia vastaavansyklokonvertterikäytöllä varustetun laivan simulointituloksiin sekä vertaamallasimulointituloksia laivan merikoeajon yhteydessä tehtyihin mittauksiin. Simulointitulokset vastasivat teoriaa sekä mittaustuloksia varsin hyvin. Voimalaitoksenosalta ei mittaustuloksia ollut käytettävissä, mutta simulointitulokset ovat teorian mukaisia.


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This paper presents new inverter topologies based on the integration of a DC to DC Zeta or Cuk converter with a voltage source inverter (VSI). The proposed integration procedure aims to reduce the amount of components, meaning lower volume, weight and costs. In this context, new families of single-phase and three-phase integrated inverters are also presented. Therefore, considering the novelty for Zeta and Cuk integrated inverters structures, the proposed single-phase and three-phase inverters versions are analyzed for grid-tied and stand-alone applications. Furthermore, in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal, the main simulation and experimental results are presented. © 2011 IEEE.


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This work proposes the development of an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) estimator applied to speed control in a three-phase induction motor sensorless drive. Usually, ANFIS is used to replace the traditional PI controller in induction motor drives. The evaluation of the estimation capability of the ANFIS in a sensorless drive is one of the contributions of this work. The ANFIS speed estimator is validated in a magnetizing flux oriented control scheme, consisting in one more contribution. As an open-loop estimator, it is applied to moderate performance drives and it is not the proposal of this work to solve the low and zero speed estimation problems. Simulations to evaluate the performance of the estimator considering the vector drive system were done from the Matlab/Simulink(R) software. To determine the benefits of the proposed model, a practical system was implemented using a voltage source inverter (VSI) to drive the motor and the vector control including the ANFIS estimator, which is carried out by the Real Time Toolbox from Matlab/Simulink(R) software and a data acquisition card from National Instruments.


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The increase in the efficiency of photo-voltaic systems has been the object of various studies the past few years. One possible way to increase the power extracted by a photovoltaic panel is the solar tracking, performing its movement in order to follow the sun’s path. One way to activate the tracking system is using an electric induction motor, which should have sufficient torque and low speed, ensuring tracking accuracy. With the use of voltage source inverters and logic devices that generate the appropriate switching is possible to obtain the torque and speed required for the system to operate. This paper proposes the implementation of a angular position sensor and a driver to be applied in solar tracker built at a Power Electronics and Renewable Energies Laboratory, located in UFRN. The speed variation of the motor is performed via a voltage source inverter whose PWM command to actuate their keys will be implemented in an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) device and a TM4C microcontroller. A platform test with an AC induction machine of 1.5 CV was assembled for the comparative testing. The angular position sensor of the panel is implemented in a ATMega328 microcontroller coupled to an accelerometer, commanded by an Arduino prototyping board. The solar position is also calculated by the microcontroller from the geographic coordinates of the site where it was placed, and the local time and date obtained from an RTC (Real-Time Clock) device. A prototype of a solar tracker polar axis moved by a DC motor was assembled to certify the operation of the sensor and to check the tracking efficiency.


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The behaviors of an arc-shaped stator induction machine (the sector-motor) and a disc-secondary linear induction motor are analyzed in this work for different values of the frequency. Variable frequency is produced by a voltage source controlled-current inverter which keeps constant the r.m.s. value of the phase current, also assuring a sinusoidal waveform. For the simulations of the machine developed thrust, an equivalent circuit is used. It is obtained through the application of the one-dimensional theory to the modeling. The circuit parameters take into account the end effects, always present is these kind of machines. The phase current waveforms are analyzed for their harmonic contents. Experimental measurements were carried out in laboratory and are presented with the simulations, for comparison.


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Fast Field Cycling (FFC) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometers require controlled current sources in order to get accurate flux density with respect to its magnet. The main elements of the proposed solution are a power semiconductor, a DC voltage source and the magnet. The power semiconductor is commanded in order to get a linear control of the flux density. To implement the flux density control, a Hall Effect sensor is used. Furthermore, the dynamic behavior of the current source is analyzed and compared when using a PI controller and a PD2I controller.


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Fast Field Cycling (FFC) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometers require controlled current sources in order to get accurate flux density with respect to its magnet. The main elements of the proposed solution are a power semiconductor, a DC voltage source and the magnet. The power semiconductor is commanded in order to get a linear control of the flux density. To implement the flux density control, a Hall Effect sensor is used. Furthermore, the dynamic behavior of the current source is analyzed and compared when using a PI controller and a PD2I controller.


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This paper presents a three-phase three-level fast battery charger for electric vehicles (EVs) based in a current-source converter (CSC). Compared with the traditional voltage-source converters used for fast battery chargers, the CSC can be seen as a natural buck-type converter, i.e., the output voltage can assume a wide range of values, which varies between zero and the maximum instantaneous value of the power grid phase-to-phase voltage. Moreover, using the CSC it is not necessary to use a dc-dc back-end converter in the battery side, and it is also possible to control the grid current in order to obtain a sinusoidal waveform, and in phase with the power grid voltage (unitary power factor). Along the paper is described in detail the proposed CSC for EVs fast battery charging systems: the circuit topology, the power control theory, the current control strategy and the grid synchronization algorithm. Several simulation results of the EV fast battery charger operating with a maximum power of 50 kW are presented.


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This paper presents the proposal of a three phase current source shunt active power filter (CS-SAPF) with photovoltaic grid interface. The proposed system combines the compensation of reactive power and harmonics with the injection of energy from a solar photovoltaic array into the electrical power grid. The proposed equipment presents the advantage of giving good use to the current source inverter, even when the solar photovoltaic array is not producing energy. The paper describes the control system of the CS SAPF, the energy injection control strategy, and the current harmonics and power factor compensation strategy. Simulation results to assess the performance of the proposed system are also presented.


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The power rating of wind turbines is constantly increasing; however, keeping the voltage rating at the low-voltage level results in high kilo-ampere currents. An alternative for increasing the power levels without raising the voltage level is provided by multiphase machines. Multiphase machines are used for instance in ship propulsion systems, aerospace applications, electric vehicles, and in other high-power applications including wind energy conversion systems. A machine model in an appropriate reference frame is required in order to design an efficient control for the electric drive. Modeling of multiphase machines poses a challenge because of the mutual couplings between the phases. Mutual couplings degrade the drive performance unless they are properly considered. In certain multiphase machines there is also a problem of high current harmonics, which are easily generated because of the small current path impedance of the harmonic components. However, multiphase machines provide special characteristics compared with the three-phase counterparts: Multiphase machines have a better fault tolerance, and are thus more robust. In addition, the controlled power can be divided among more inverter legs by increasing the number of phases. Moreover, the torque pulsation can be decreased and the harmonic frequency of the torque ripple increased by an appropriate multiphase configuration. By increasing the number of phases it is also possible to obtain more torque per RMS ampere for the same volume, and thus, increase the power density. In this doctoral thesis, a decoupled d–q model of double-star permanent-magnet (PM) synchronous machines is derived based on the inductance matrix diagonalization. The double-star machine is a special type of multiphase machines. Its armature consists of two three-phase winding sets, which are commonly displaced by 30 electrical degrees. In this study, the displacement angle between the sets is considered a parameter. The diagonalization of the inductance matrix results in a simplified model structure, in which the mutual couplings between the reference frames are eliminated. Moreover, the current harmonics are mapped into a reference frame, in which they can be easily controlled. The work also presents methods to determine the machine inductances by a finite-element analysis and by voltage-source inverters on-site. The derived model is validated by experimental results obtained with an example double-star interior PM (IPM) synchronous machine having the sets displaced by 30 electrical degrees. The derived transformation, and consequently, the decoupled d–q machine model, are shown to model the behavior of an actual machine with an acceptable accuracy. Thus, the proposed model is suitable to be used for the model-based control design of electric drives consisting of double-star IPM synchronous machines.


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Research work carried out in focusing a novel multiphase-multilevel ac motor drive system much suitable for low-voltage high-current power applications. In specific, six-phase asymmetrical induction motor with open-end stator winding configuration, fed from four standard two-level three-phase voltage source inverters (VSIs). Proposed synchronous reference frame control algorithm shares the total dc source power among the 4 VSIs in each switching cycle with three degree of freedom. Precisely, first degree of freedom concerns with the current sharing between two three-phase stator windings. Based on modified multilevel space vector pulse width modulation shares the voltage between each single VSIs of two three-phase stator windings with second and third degree of freedom, having proper multilevel output waveforms. Complete model of whole ac motor drive based on three-phase space vector decomposition approach was developed in PLECS - numerical simulation software working in MATLAB environment. Proposed synchronous reference control algorithm was framed in MATLAB with modified multilevel space vector pulse width modulator. The effectiveness of the entire ac motor drives system was tested. Simulation results are given in detail to show symmetrical and asymmetrical, power sharing conditions. Furthermore, the three degree of freedom are exploited to investigate fault tolerant capabilities in post-fault conditions. Complete set of simulation results are provided when one, two and three VSIs are faulty. Hardware prototype model of quad-inverter was implemented with two passive three-phase open-winding loads using two TMS320F2812 DSP controllers. Developed McBSP (multi-channel buffered serial port) communication algorithm able to control the four VSIs for PWM communication and synchronization. Open-loop control scheme based on inverse three-phase decomposition approach was developed to control entire quad-inverter configuration and tested with balanced and unbalanced operating conditions with simplified PWM techniques. Both simulation and experimental results are always in good agreement with theoretical developments.


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Several didactic modules for an electric machinery laboratory are presented. The modules are dedicated for DC machinery control and get their characteristic curves. The didactic modules have a front panel with power and signal connectors and can be configurable for any DC motor type. The three-phase bridge inverter proposed is one of the most popular topologies and is commercially available in power package modules. The control techniques and power drives were designed to satisfy static and dynamic performance of DC machines. Each power section is internally self-protected against misconnections and short-circuits. Isolated output signals of current and voltage measurements are also provided, adding versatility for use either in didactic or research applications. The implementation of such modules allowed experimental confirmation of the expected performance.


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Voltage source multilevel power converter structures are being considered for high power high voltage applications where they have well known advantages. Recently, full back-to-back connected multilevel neutral diode clamped converters (NPC) have been used in high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission systems. Bipolar back-to-back connection of NPCs have advantages in long distance HVDC transmission systems, but highly increased difficulties to balance the dc capacitor voltage dividers on both sending and receiving end NPCs. This paper proposes a fast optimum-predictive controller to balance the dc capacitor voltages and to control the power flow in a long distance HVDCsystem using bipolar back-to-back connected NPCs. For both converter sides, the control strategy considers active and reactive power to establish ac grid currents on sending and receiving ends, while guaranteeing the balancing of both NPC dc bus capacitor voltages. Furthermore, the fast predictivecontroller minimizes the semiconductor switching frequency to reduce global switching losses. The performance and robustness of the new fast predictive control strategy and the associated dc capacitors voltage balancing are evaluated. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Taajuusmuuttajaohjatuissa nosturikäytöissä taakkaa laskettaessa syntyvä energia on muutettava lämmöksi jarruvastuksissa tai syötettävä takaisin sähköverkkoon esimerkiksi verkkovaihtosuuntaajalla. Verkkovaihtosuuntaajaa on tyypillisesti käytetty suurissa satamanostureissa, joiden tehontarve on yli 1000 kW. Työssä tutkitaan useista yhteiseen välipiiriin rinnankytketyistä nimellisteholtaan 250 kW:n verkkovaihtosuuntaajista koostuvan verkkoonjarrutuslaitteiston soveltuvuutta nosturikäyttöön. Lisäksi johdetaan yhtälöt verkkoonjarrutuslaitteiston virran laskemiseksi, kun nosturin mekaaniset arvot tunnetaan. Viidestä erityyppisestä nosturista esitellään esimerkkitoteutus rinnankytketyillä verkkovaihtosuuntaajilla. Aiemmin vastusjarruttavina toteutettujen nostureiden kustannuksia verrataan verkkovaihtosuuntaajilla toteutettuihin ratkaisuihin. Esimerkkinostureista esitetään nosturin työsykliin perustuva arvio verkkoonjarrutuksen tuomasta energian säästöstä. Tehtyjen mittausten perusteella käytetty menetelmä verkkovaihtosuuntaajien rinnan kytkemiseksi osoittautui nosturikäytössä toimivaksi. Kustannuslaskelmien perusteella verkkovaihtosuuntaajalla toteutetusta nosturista tulee materiaalikustannuksiltaan vastusjarruttavaa kalliimpi, vaikka paljon tilaa vievät vastuskaapit voidaankin jättää pois.