471 resultados para crustacean larviculture


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Chemoreception is a key activity by which many aquatic animals perceive their environment, and therefore abiotic disruptions to this process could have serious impacts on the survival and fitness of individuals, and on species interactions. Hermit crabs are subject to cyclical reductions in the pH of the water in the intertidal rock pools that they inhabit. Such reductions may be further exacerbated by ongoing ocean acidification and/or leakage of carbon dioxide from geological storage sites and coastal upwelling events. Here we test the chemo-sensory responses of the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus (Linnaeus) to a food odour under reduced pH conditions (pHNBS = 6.80). Acidifying the odour had no effect on its attractiveness indicating no permanent degradation of the cue; however, the pH of the sea water did affect the crabs' responses. Hermit crabs kept and tested in reduced pH sea water had lower antennular flicking rates (the ‘sniffing’ response in decapods); were less successful in locating the odour source, and showed an overall decline in locomotory activity compared to those in untreated sea water. Analysis of their haemolymph revealed a greater concentration of chloride ions ([Cl−]) in the reduced pH treatment group, suggesting iono-regulatory disruption; however, there was no correlation between [Cl−] and locomotory activity, suggesting a specific effect on chemoreception. This study shows that the chemo-responsiveness of a crustacean may be influenced by both naturally occurring pH fluctuations and future anthropogenically-induced changes in ocean pH.


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Ultrastructural investigations of eggs can be important in helping to understand embryonic development. There are few transmission electron microscope studies of marine arthropod eggs, however, as they have proved difficult to fix and infiltrate with resin. Here, we describe a modification of a standard method that allows the preparation of the quite different eggs of the marine copepod, Acartia tonsa and the lobster, Homarus gammarus, for transmission electron microscopy. By using double fixation and an extended resin infiltration time we obtained good preparations for electron microscopy. We anticipate that these modifications to the standard protocol will be widely applicable and useful for the study of the eggs and early developmental stages of many marine arthropod taxa. Les recherches sur l'ultrastructure des oeufs peuvent être importantes en aidant à comprendre le développement embryonnaire. Il existe cependant peu d'études en microscopie électronique à transmission sur les oeufs d'arthropodes marins, car il est difficile de les fixer et d'y infiltrer de la résine. Dans ce travail, nous décrivons une modification de la méthode standard, qui permet la préparation pour la microscopie électronique à transmission d'oeufs aussi différents que ceux du copépode marin Acartia tonsa et du homard Homarus gammarus. En utilisant une double fixation et un temps plus long d'infiltration de la résine, nous avons obtenu de bonnes préparations pour la microscopie électronique. Nous prévoyons que ces modifications du protocole standard seront largement applicables et utiles pour l'étude des oeufs et des premiers stades de développement de nombreux taxons d'arthropodes marins.


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Decapoda taken in Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) samples from the Pacific in 1997 and 2000-2003 have been identified and measured. Some previously un-described larval stages were referred to species and characteristics of these are described. Distributions and seasonal occurrence of decapod taxa in the samples are described and discussed with particular emphasis on the dendrobranchiate shrimp Sergestes similis and the brachyurans Cancer spp. And Chionoecetes spp. There is a prolonged larval season at low levels of abundance off the Californian coast but in the more northern waters there is a shorter productive period but numbers of larvae per sample are high, particularly in June. Larvae of Chionoecetes and other Oregoninae were found only from May to July.


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Nociception is the ability to perceive a noxious stimulus and react in a re flexive manner and occurs across a wide range of taxa. However, the ability to experience the associated aversive sensation and feeling, known as pain, is not widely accepted to occur in nonvertebrates. We examined the responses of a decapod crustacean, the prawn, Palaemon elegans, to different noxious stimuli applied to one antenna to assess reflex responses (nociception) and longer-term, specifically directed behavioural responses that might indicate pain. We also examined the effects of benzocaine, a local anaesthetic, on these responses. Noxious stimuli elicited an immediate reflex tail flick response, followed by two prolonged activities, grooming of the antenna and rubbing of the antenna against the side of the tank, with both activities directed specifically at the treated antenna. These responses were inhibited by benzocaine; however, benzocaine did not alter general swimming activity and thus the decline in grooming and rubbing is not due to general anaesthesia. Mechanical stimulation by pinching also resulted in prolonged rubbing, but this was not inhibited by benzocaine. These results indicate an awareness of the location of the noxious stimuli, and the prolonged complex responses indicate a central involvement in their organization. The inhibition by a local anaesthetic is similar to observations on vertebrates and is consistent with the idea that these crustaceans can experience pain.


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As the tempo of biological invasions increases, explanations and predictions of their impacts become more crucial. Particularly with regard to biodiversity, we require elucidation of interspecific behavioural interactions among invaders and natives. In freshwaters in The Netherlands, we show that the invasive Ponto-Caspian crustacean amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus is rapidly eliminating Gammarus duebeni, a native European amphipod, and Gammarus tigrinus, until now a spectacularly successful invader from North America. In the laboratory, survival of single (unguarded) female G. duebeni was significantly lower when male D. villosus were free to roam as compared with isolated within microcosms. In addition, survival of paired (guarded) female G. duebeni was significantly lower when male D. villosus as compared with male G. duebeni were present. D. villosus killed and consumed both recently moulted and, unusually, intermoult victims. Survival of G. tigrinus was significantly lower when D. villosus were free to roam as compared with isolated within microcosms and, again, both moulted and intermoult victims were preyed upon. Male D. villosus were significantly more predatory than were females, while female G. tigrinus were significantly more often preyed upon than were males. Predation by D. villosus on both species occurred over a range of water conductivities, an environmental feature previously shown to promote amphipod coexistence. This predatory invader is predicted to reduce further the amphipod diversity in a range of freshwater habitats in Europe and North America.


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Aim: Impacts of invasive species may vary across invasion gradients, owing to trait-based sorting of individuals through dispersal: those aggregating at invasion fronts may be more aggressive and voracious. We examine, in the field and laboratory, variation in the predatory impacts of an invasive Ponto-Caspian crustacean Hemimysis anomala G.O. Sars, 1907 at two sites along a spatio-temporal gradient of invasion.

Location: Republic of Ireland.

Methods: We used reciprocal transplant field-deployed mesocosms to compare predation rates of invasion front and well-established H. anomala on natural zooplankton assemblages. In the laboratory, we measured the functional response (relationship between predation rate and prey supply) of H. anomala from both sites, for a per capita mechanistic comparison of predation efficiency. We also assessed prey selectivity of H. anomala in the mesocosm experiments to further compare feeding behaviour. Finally, we used a correlative approach to assess the community impact of H. anomala across sites, including a nearby uninvaded site, by comparing zooplankton diversities and densities.

Results: Invasion front H. anomala had higher predation rates than well-established H. anomala at high in situ zooplankton densities. Invasion front H. anomala also had higher functional responses - in particular showing higher 'attack rates' - indicating a heightened ability to locate and capture prey. Prey selectivity was consistent across the spatio-temporal contrast, with positive selection for cladocerans. Zooplankton diversity and density declined with time since H. anomala invasion, both being maximal at the uninvaded site.

Main conclusions: Our study, for the first time, (1) reveals differences in predatory per capita effects and associated behavioural traits between two sites along a spatio-temporal invasion gradient and (2) shows a negative community-level impact of the invasive H. anomala in natural water bodies. Further spatio-temporal comparisons of predatory per capita effects of invaders are needed to assess the generality of these results.


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Tese de dout., Ciências e Tecnologias das Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2003


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Tese de dout., Ciências do Mar, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2010