954 resultados para crossed legs


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PURPOSE:Pregnant women have a 2-3 fold higher probability of developing restless legs syndrome (RLS – sleep-related movement disorders) than general population. This study aims to evaluate the behavior and locomotion of rats during pregnancy in order to verify if part of these animals exhibit some RLS-like features.METHODS:We used 14 female 80-day-old Wistar rats that weighed between 200 and 250 g. The rats were distributed into control (CTRL) and pregnant (PN) groups. After a baseline evaluation of their behavior and locomotor activity in an open-field environment, the PN group was inducted into pregnancy, and their behavior and locomotor activity were evaluated on days 3, 10 and 19 of pregnancy and in the post-lactation period in parallel with the CTRL group. The serum iron and transferrin levels in the CTRL and PN groups were analyzed in blood collected after euthanasia by decapitation.RESULTS:There were no significant differences in the total ambulation, grooming events, fecal boli or urine pools between the CTRL and PN groups. However, the PN group exhibited fewer rearing events, increased grooming time and reduced immobilization time than the CTRL group (ANOVA, p<0.05).CONCLUSION:These results suggest that pregnant rats show behavioral and locomotor alterations similar to those observed in animal models of RLS, demonstrating to be a possible animal model of this sleep disorder.


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Numerous studies have suggested a substantial genetic contribution in the etiology of the primary form of restless legs syndrome (RLS) and periodic leg movements (PLM). We describe the symptoms, the sleep profiles and physiological parameters of two families in which several members present RLS/PLM. The proband of family 1 is a 70-year-old woman and the proband of family 2 is a 57-year-old woman; both have exhibited the symptoms since the age of 20 years. All patients in both families were diagnosed with RLS according to the criteria of the International RLS Study Group. Polysomnographic recordings were performed to quantify and to describe PLM during sleep. Sleep parameters showed decreased sleep efficiency, increased sleep latency in the arousal index and the presence of PLM in all subjects. One of the families showed an exact profile of dominant inheritance with anticipation of age at onset. In the other family, the founders were blood relatives and there was no affected member in the third generation suggesting a recessive mode of inheritance. RLS/PLM is a prevalent sleep disorder affecting about 5 to 15% of the population and one that substantially impairs healthy sleep patterns. Efforts to understand the underlying pathophysiology will contribute to improve the sleep and life quality of these patients.


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One of the main objectives of the mid-Atlantic transect is to improve dating resolution of sequences and unconfonnity surfaces. Dinoflagellate cysts from two Ocean Drilling Program boreholes, the onshore Leg 174AX Ocean View Site and Leg 174A continental shelf Site 1071, are used to provide age estimates for sequences and unconfonnities fonned on the New Jersey continental margin during the Miocene epoch. Despite the occasional lack of dinocysts in barren and oxidized sections, dinocyst biochronology still offers greater age control than that provided by other microfossils in marginal marine environments. An early Miocene to late Miocene chronology based on ages detennined for the two study sites is presented. In addition, .palynofacies are used to unravel the systems tract character of the Miocene sequences and provide insight into the effects of taphonomy and preservation of palynomorphs in marginal marine and shelf environments under different ~ea level conditions. More precise placement of maximum flooding surfaces is possible through the identification of condensed sections and palynofacies shifts can also reveal subaerially exposed sections and surfaces not apparent in seismic or lithological analyses. The problems with the application of the pollen record in the interpretation of Miocene climate are also discussed. Palynomorphs provide evidence for a second-order lowering of sea level during the Miocene, onto which higher order sea level fluctuations are super-imposed. Correlation of sequences and unconfonnities is attempted between onshore boreholes and from the onshore Ocean View borehole to offshore Site 1071.


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Sampson, Albert, includes Application for a Loan on Real Estate, April 19, 1882 and an envelope with Mr. Sampson’s name crossed out and postmarked Sept. 1882.


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Certificate that Joseph Kingsmill, sheriff, has sold 6 acres in Lot no. 9 in the 4th Concession of Caistor to W.H. Dickson [originally said S.D. Woodruff, but this was crossed out], May 23, 1857.


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La sécrétion de mélatonine chez des patients atteints du syndrome d’impatience musculaire de l’éveil (SIME) débute approximativement 2 heures avant l’aggravation des symptômes en soirée (Michaud et al., 2004). Le but de ce projet était de préciser le rôle de la mélatonine dans l’augmentation de la sévérité des symptômes en soirée. Huit sujets atteints de SIME primaire ont été étudiés dans trois conditions : contrôle, avec administration de mélatonine, avec exposition à la lumière vive. La sévérité des symptômes a été évaluée par l’administration de tests d’immobilisation suggérée (TIS). Les résultats ont démontré une augmentation significative des mouvements périodiques des jambes durant l’éveil (MPJE) lorsque de la mélatonine avait été administrée comparativement à la condition contrôle et celle où les sujets étaient exposés à la lumière vive. La lumière vive n’a pas eu d’effet significatif sur les symptômes moteurs comparativement à la condition contrôle mais elle a amélioré significativement les symptômes sensoriels comparativement à la condition contrôle. Ainsi, bien que la mélatonine exogène ait un effet aggravant sur les symptômes moteurs du SIME, l’augmentation de la sécrétion endogène au cours de la soirée ne saurait expliquer à elle seule les variations de la sévérité des symptômes du SIME.


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L'œuvre à l'étude dans cet essai est la nouvelle intitulée Premier Amour de Samuel Beckett. À travers l'analyse de deux mises en scène de l’acte d'inscription présentes dans cette courte fiction, ce mémoire traite de la question que nous posent les inscriptions lorsque nous les lisons et lorsque nous les inscrivons. Il se divise donc en deux chapitres : le premier déploie l'étude de l'inscription linguistique en tant qu'inscription visible et lisible; le second se concentre sur l'inscription en tant qu'elle est marquée par le concept de legs. En caractérisant et en comparant ces deux inscriptions, d’une part funéraire (l'épitaphe que compose le narrateur pour lui-même suite à la mort de son père) et d’autre part amoureuse (le nom que trace le narrateur au moment où il « tombe amoureux »), ce mémoire expose comment Premier Amour peut être envisagé comme un premier pas dans une compréhension générale de la constitution écrite d'un « legs littéraire ». Surtout, il explicite comment s’orchestre l'imbrication conceptuelle de l’inscription et du legs qu'elle véhicule et présuppose, puisque cette imbrication est inhérente à la compréhension de notre monde et de la littérature. En conclusion, cette étude mène à considérer le rapport conflictuel entre la contemporanéité rêvant d’un monde sans inscriptions et l’inévitabilité de l’inscription.


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Varias historietas de humor absurdo sobre el desayuno. Un pedazo de pan tostado se convierte en el momento en que va a ser comido en una mancha fantasmal, ó un huevo duro en el plato que se transforma en una pequeña pierna que salta por la mesa y en la calle es perseguida por el dueño aún en pijama.