953 resultados para critical state


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This paper presents modification of the derivation of a previously proposed constitutive model for the prediction of stress-strain behavior of municipal solid waste (MSW) incorporating different mechanisms, such as immediate compression under loading, mechanical creep, and time-dependent biodegradation effect. The model is based on critical state soil mechanics incorporating increments in volumetric strains because of elastic, plastic, creep, and biodegradation effects. The improvement introduced in this paper is the modified critical state surface and considers five variable parameters for the estimation of stress-strain behavior of MSW under different loading conditions. In addition, an expression for the strain hardening rule is derived, with considerations of time-dependent mechanical creep and biodegradation effects. The model is validated using results from experimental studies and data from published literature. The results are also compared with the predictions of the stress-strain response obtained from a well-established hyperbolic model. (c) 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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The present experimental work is concerned with the study of amplitude dependent acoustic response of an isothermal coaxial swirling jet. The excitation amplitude is increased in five distinct steps at the burner's Helmholtz resonator mode (i.e., 100 Hz). Two flow states are compared, namely, sub-critical and super-critical vortex breakdown (VB) that occur before and after the critical conical sheet breakdown, respectively. The geometric swirl number is varied in the range 2.14-4.03. Under the influence of external pulsing, global response characteristics are studied based on the topological changes observed in time-averaged 2D flow field. These are obtained from high resolution 2D PIV (particle image velocimetry) in the longitudinal-mid plane. PIV results also illustrate the changes in the normalized vortex core coordinates (r(vcc)/(r(vcc))(0) (Hz), y(vcc)/(y(vcc))(0) (Hz)) of internal recirculation zone (IRZ). A strong forced response is observed at 100 Hz (excitation frequency) in the convectively unstable region which get amplified based on the magnitude of external forcing. The radial extent of this forced response region at a given excitation amplitude is represented by the acoustic response region (b). The topological placement of the responsive convectively unstable region is a function of both the intensity of imparted swirl (characterized by swirl number) and forcing amplitude. It is observed that for sub-critical VB mode, an increase in the excitation amplitude till a critical value shifts the vortex core centre (particularly, the vortex core moves downstream and radially outwards) leading to drastic fanning-out/widening of the IRZ. This is accompanied by similar to 30% reduction in the recirculation velocity of the IRZ. It is also observed that b < R (R: radial distance from central axis to outer shear layer-OSL). At super-critical amplitudes, the sub-critical IRZ topology transits back (the vortex core retracts upstream and radially inwards) and finally undergoes a transverse shrinkage ((r(vcc))/(r(vcc))(0 Hz) decreases by similar to 20%) when b >= R. In contrast, the vortex core of super-critical breakdown mode consistently spreads radially outwards and is displaced further downstream. Finally, the IRZ fans-out at the threshold excitation amplitude. However, the acoustic response region b is still less than R. This is explained based on the characteristic geometric swirl number (S-G) of the flow regimes. The super-critical flow mode with higher S-G (hence, higher radial pressure drop due to rotational effect which scales as Delta P similar to rho u theta(2) and acts inwards towards the center line) compared to sub-critical state imposes a greater resistance to the radial outward spread of b. As a result, the acoustic energy supplied to the super-critical flow mode increases the degree of acoustic response at the pulsing frequency and energizes its harmonics (evident from power spectra). As a disturbance amplifier, the stronger convective instability mode within the flow structure of super-critical VB causes the topology to widen/fan-out severely at threshold excitation amplitude. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Following the recent work of the authors in development and numerical verification of a new kinematic approach of the limit analysis for surface footings on non-associative materials, a practical procedure is proposed to utilize the theory. It is known that both the peak friction angle and dilation angle depend on the sand density as well as the stress level, which was not the concern of the former work. In the current work, a practical procedure is established to provide a better estimate of the bearing capacity of surface footings on sand which is often non-associative. This practical procedure is based on the results obtained theoretically and requires the density index and the critical state friction angle of the sand. The proposed practical procedure is a simple iterative computational procedure which relates the density index of the sand, stress level, dilation angle, peak friction angle and eventually the bearing capacity. The procedure is described and verified among available footing load test data.


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A numerical model is proposed to simulate fracture induced by the coalescence of numerous microcracks, in which the condition for coalescence between two randomly nucleated microcracks is determined in terms of a load-sharing principle. The results of the simulation show that, as the number density of nucleated microcracks increases, stochastic coalescence first occurs followed by a small fluctuation, and finally a newly nucleated microcrack triggers a cascade coalescence of microcracks resulting in catastrophic failure. The fracture profiles exhibit self-affine fractal characteristics with a universal roughness exponent, but the critical damage threshold is sensitive to details of the model. The spatiotemporal distribution of nucleated microcracks in the vicinity of critical failure follows a power-law behaviour, which implies that the microcrack system may evolve to a critical state.


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Thoroughly understanding AFM tip-surface interactions is crucial for many experimental studies and applications. It is important to realize that despite its simple appearance, the system of tip and sample surface involves multiscale interactions. In fact, the system is governed by a combination of molecular force (like the van der Waals force), its macroscopic representations (such as surface force) and gravitational force (a macroscopic force). Hence, in the system, various length scales are operative, from sub-nanoscale (at the molecular level) to the macroscopic scale. By integrating molecular forces into continuum equations, we performed a multiscale analysis and revealed the nonlocality effect between a tip and a rough solid surface and the mechanism governing liquid surface deformation and jumping. The results have several significant implications for practical applications. For instance, nonlocality may affect the measurement accuracy of surface morphology. At the critical state of liquid surface jump, the ratio of the gap between a tip and a liquid dome (delta) over the dome height (y(o)) is approximately (n-4) (for a large tip), which depends on the power law exponent n of the molecular interaction energy. These findings demonstrate that the multiscale analysis is not only useful but also necessary in the understanding of practical phenomena involving molecular forces. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The state of North Atlantic, Baltic Sea and North Sea commercially exploited fish stocks are assessed annually by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). Estimates of the stock size (biomass), recruitment, landings, current exploitation rates and of future harvesting possibilities are provided for those stocks where sufficient information is available to conduct a full analytical assessment. For all other stocks, only landings and stock trends can be given. This paper presents the development of north-east Atlantic fish stocks which are of general or specific interest for the German fishery and fish industry. Generally, it may be concluded that most pelagic fish stocks, such as herring, sprat, mackerel, and blue whiting, are in good condition, while the majority of the demersal stocks, like cod, plaice or whiting are in critical state. There are, however, a number of remarkable exceptions to this pattern.


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During the autumn session of the ICES Advisory Committee for Fisheries Management (ACFM) 58 stocks assessed in 7 Working Groups have been analyzed and reviewed, among these the demersal stocks in the North Sea and the Mackerel stock. As in previous years, ICES recommends a reduction in fishing mortality for a number of stocks or even the establishment of recovery and management plans, to safeguard a continuous development of the stocks towards safe biological limits. ICES reiterated last year’s recommendation to close the directed cod fishery and any fishery taking cod as by-catch in the North Sea, west of Scotland and in the Irish Sea. This year, the stocks of plaice in the North Sea, southern hake and southern anglers are (among others) in a critical state and in urgent need of protecting or rebuilding measures. This will again have an enormous impact on almost all mixed fisheries in the European Union.


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The heat transfer characteristics of China no. 3 kerosene were investigated experimentally and analytically under conditions relevant to a regenerative cooling system for scramjet applications. A test facility developed for the present study can handle kerosene in a temperature range of 300-1000 K, a pressure range of 2.6-5 MPa, and a mass How rate range of 10-100 g/s. In addition, the test section was uniquely designed such that both the wall temperature and the bulk fuel temperature were measured at the same location along the flowpath. The measured temperature distributions were then used to analytically deduce the local heat transfer characteristics. A 10-component kerosene surrogate was proposed and employed to calculate the fuel thermodynamic and transport properties that were required in the heat transfer analysis. Results revealed drastic changes in the fuel flow properties and heat transfer characteristics when kerosene approached its critical state. Convective heat transfer enhancement was also found as kerosene became supercritical. The heat transfer correlation in the relatively low-fuel-temperature region yielded a similar result to other commonly used jet fuels, such as JP-7 and JP-8, at compressed liquid states. In the high-fuel-temperature region, near and beyond the critical temperature, heat transfer enhancement was observed; hence, the associated correlation showed a more significant Reynolds number dependency.


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Constitutive modeling in granular materials has historically been based on macroscopic experimental observations that, while being usually effective at predicting the bulk behavior of these type of materials, suffer important limitations when it comes to understanding the physics behind grain-to-grain interactions that induce the material to macroscopically behave in a given way when subjected to certain boundary conditions.

The advent of the discrete element method (DEM) in the late 1970s helped scientists and engineers to gain a deeper insight into some of the most fundamental mechanisms furnishing the grain scale. However, one of the most critical limitations of classical DEM schemes has been their inability to account for complex grain morphologies. Instead, simplified geometries such as discs, spheres, and polyhedra have typically been used. Fortunately, in the last fifteen years, there has been an increasing development of new computational as well as experimental techniques, such as non-uniform rational basis splines (NURBS) and 3D X-ray Computed Tomography (3DXRCT), which are contributing to create new tools that enable the inclusion of complex grain morphologies into DEM schemes.

Yet, as the scientific community is still developing these new tools, there is still a gap in thoroughly understanding the physical relations connecting grain and continuum scales as well as in the development of discrete techniques that can predict the emergent behavior of granular materials without resorting to phenomenology, but rather can directly unravel the micro-mechanical origin of macroscopic behavior.

In order to contribute towards closing the aforementioned gap, we have developed a micro-mechanical analysis of macroscopic peak strength, critical state, and residual strength in two-dimensional non-cohesive granular media, where typical continuum constitutive quantities such as frictional strength and dilation angle are explicitly related to their corresponding grain-scale counterparts (e.g., inter-particle contact forces, fabric, particle displacements, and velocities), providing an across-the-scale basis for better understanding and modeling granular media.

In the same way, we utilize a new DEM scheme (LS-DEM) that takes advantage of a mathematical technique called level set (LS) to enable the inclusion of real grain shapes into a classical discrete element method. After calibrating LS-DEM with respect to real experimental results, we exploit part of its potential to study the dependency of critical state (CS) parameters such as the critical state line (CSL) slope, CSL intercept, and CS friction angle on the grain's morphology, i.e., sphericity, roundness, and regularity.

Finally, we introduce a first computational algorithm to ``clone'' the grain morphologies of a sample of real digital grains. This cloning algorithm allows us to generate an arbitrary number of cloned grains that satisfy the same morphological features (e.g., roundness and aspect ratio) displayed by their real parents and can be included into a DEM simulation of a given mechanical phenomenon. In turn, this will help with the development of discrete techniques that can directly predict the engineering scale behavior of granular media without resorting to phenomenology.


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The potential use of YBa2Cu3C7as an active component in a magnetic bearing is being investigated. Measurements are being made of the load bearing capacity and related stiffnesses in comparison to predictions from the critical state model. Although the load bearing capacity is high and increases with the square of the magnetic field trapped the stiffness is low. We report on a novel design concept to overcome this problem. © 1995 IEEE


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Melt processed HTSC bulk samples usually show a high inhomogeneity. These inhomogeneities influence application-relevant properties such as the lévitation force or the trapped field. In this contribution a technique is presented which allows investigation of these inhomogeneous properties. The measurements are performed by scanning the sample surface with a small coil system and detecting the first and third harmonic of the inductive response. The critical current density jc is calculated from the measured signal using a modified critical state model. Jcdistributions yielded by this technique are shown. © 1997 IEEE.


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Following a tunnel excavation in low-permeability soil, it is commonly observed that the ground surface continues to settle and ground loading on the tunnel lining changes, as the pore pressures in the ground approach a new equilibrium condition. The monitored ground response following the tunnelling under St James's Park, London, shows that the mechanism of subsurface deformation is composed of three different zones: swelling, consolidation and rigid body movement. The swelling took place in a confined zone above the tunnel crown, extending vertically to approximately 5 m above it. On the sides of the tunnel, the consolidation of the soil occurred in the zone primarily within the tunnel horizon, from the shoulder to just beneath the invert, and extending laterally to a large offset from the tunnel centreline. Above these swelling and consolidation zones the soil moved downward as a rigid body. In this study, soil-fluid coupled three-dimensional finite element analyses were performed to simulate the mechanism of long-term ground response monitored at St James's Park. An advanced critical state soil model, which can simulate the behaviour of London Clay in both drained and undrained conditions, was adopted for the analyses. The analysis results are discussed and compared with the field monitoring data. It is found that the observed mechanism of long-term subsurface ground and tunnel lining response at St James's Park can be simulated accurately only when stiffness anisotropy, the variation of permeability between different units within the London Clay and non-uniform drainage conditions for the tunnel lining are considered. This has important implications for future prediction of the long-term behaviour of tunnels in clays.


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Theoretical and experimental AC loss data on a superconducting pancake coil wound using second generation (2 G) conductors are presented. An anisotropic critical state model is used to calculate critical current and the AC losses of a superconducting pancake coil. In the coil there are two regions, the critical state region and the subcritical region. The model assumes that in the subcritical region the flux lines are parallel to the tape wide face. AC losses of the superconducting pancake coil are calculated using this model. Both calorimetric and electrical techniques were used to measure AC losses in the coil. The calorimetric method is based on measuring the boil-off rate of liquid nitrogen. The electric method used a compensation circuit to eliminate the inductive component to measure the loss voltage of the coil. The experimental results are consistent with the theoretical calculations thus validating the anisotropic critical state model for loss estimations in the superconducting pancake coil. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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Gas hydrate is a crystalline solid found within marine and subpermafrost sediments. While the presence of hydrates can have a profound effect on sediment properties, the stress-strain behavior of hydrate-bearing sediments is poorly understood due to inherent limitations in laboratory testing. In this study, we use numerical simulations to improve our understanding of the mechanical behavior of hydrate-bearing sands. The hydrate mass is simulated as either small randomly distributed bonded grains or as "ripened hydrate" forming patchy saturation, whereby sediment clusters with 100% pore-filled hydrate saturation are distributed within a hydrate-free sediment. Simulation results reveal that reduced sand porosity and higher hydrate saturation cause an increase in stiffness, strength, and dilative tendency, and the critical state line shifts toward higher void ratio and higher shear strength. In particular, the critical state friction angle increases in sands with patchy saturation, while the apparent cohesion is affected the most when the hydrate mass is distributed in pores. Sediments with patchy hydrate distribution exhibit a slightly lower strength than sediments with randomly distributed hydrate. Finally, hydrate dissociation under drained conditions leads to volume contraction and/or stress relaxation, and pronounced shear strains can develop if the hydrate-bearing sand is subjected to deviatoric loading during dissociation.


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Simulation studies were conducted on the magnetization of (RE)BCO (RE-Ba-Cu-O, where RE represents a rare earth element) bulk superconductors using various split-coil arrangements by solving the critical state equation using the commercial software FlexPDE. A pair of coaxial coils of identical size is identified as an optimum arrangement for practical magnetization at 77K by the zero-field cooling technique. In general, the magnetization process is likely to be most effective when the outer radius of the coils lies between 100% and 50% of the sample radius. A relatively large coil pair is necessary for samples with either a smaller aspect ratio or larger values of J c0. Two different regimes of flux penetration are found to be involved in the magnetization process. For a sufficiently small sample, the penetration field is determined by flux propagation from beneath the coil to the centre of the sample; for a sufficiently large sample, the definitive propagation route is from beneath the coil to the periphery of the sample. Effective split-coil magnetization occurs only in the former regime, and both penetration regimes are completely different from that involved in the solenoidal-coil magnetization process. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.