181 resultados para criminality


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This book is an introduction to key issues in the area of crime as it connects to society. The book is divided into three parts: Understanding Crime and Criminality: introduces topics such as the social construction of crime and deviance, social control, the fear of crime, poverty and exclusion, white collar crime, victims of crime, race/gender and crime. Types of Crime and Criminality: explores examples including human trafficking, sex work, drug crime, environmental crime, cyber crime, war crime, terrorism, and interpersonal violence. Responses to Crime: looks at areas such as crime and the media, policing, moral panics, deterrence, prisons and rehabilitation.


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The unsustainable and exploitative use of one of the most important but scarce resources on the planet - freshwater - continues to create conflict and human dislocation on a grand scale. Instead of witnessing nation-states adopting more equitable and efficient conservation strategies, powerful corporations are permitted to privatise and monopolise diminishing water reservoirs based on flawed neo-liberal assumptions and market models of the ‘global good’. The commodification of water has enabled corporate monopolies and corrupt states to exploit a fundamental human right, and in the process have created new forms of criminality. In recent years, affluent industrialised nations have experienced violent rioting as protestors express opposition to government ‘freshwater taxes’ and to corporate investors seeking to privatise drinking water. These water conflicts have included unprecedented clashes with police and deaths of innocent civilians in South Africa (BBC News, 2014a); the United Nations intervention in Detroit USA after weeks of public protest (Burns, 2014); and the hundreds of thousands of people protesting in Ireland (BBC News, 2014,b; Irish Times 2015). Subsequently, the commodification of freshwater has become a criminological issue for water-abundant rich states, as well as for the highly indebted water-scarce nations.


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Historically, drug use has been understood as a problem of epidemiology, psychiatry, physiology, and criminality requiring legal and medical governance. Consequently drug research tends to be underpinned by an imperative to better govern, and typically proposes policy interventions to prevent or solve drug problems. We argue that categories of ‘addictive’ and ‘recreational’ drug use are discursive forms of governance that are historically, politically and socially contingent. These constructions of the drug problem shape what drug users believe about themselves and how they enact these beliefs in their drug use practices. Based on qualitative interviews with young illicit drug users in Brisbane, Australia, this paper uses Michel Foucault’s concept of governmentality to provide insights into how the governance of illicit drugs intersects with self-governance to create a drug user self. We propose a reconceptualisation of illicit drug use that takes into account the contingencies and subjective factors that shape the drug experience. This allows for an understanding of the relationships between discourses, policies, and practices in constructions of illicit drug users.


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The main focus of the research is on the genealogy of women's same-sex fornication in Finnish criminal law from 1889/1894 to 1971. Why were women included in the concept of same-sex fornication in Finland and why, where, and when was the law put into effect? Which women were tried, how did the trial proceedings evolve, and what kind of effects did the trials have afterwards? Which concepts were used? These questions have been approached through the analysis of the Finnish Penal Code, the criminal law science and four trial proceedings in Eastern Finland during the 1950s. The research draws on the epistemology of the closet and the concept of heteronormativity adapted from queer theories. It is method critical in utilising ethnography, micro history and feminist ethical self-reflection. The research consists of six scientific refereed articles (see appendix) and of a theoretical introduction. The main results of the research are: 1) The genealogy of Finnish decency [Sittlichkeit] can not be researched without oral histories, due to the late modernisation of Finnish society and the legal system, which does not follow the pattern of English, French and German societies. 2) The inclusion of women's same-sex fornication in the Finnish Penal Code is not incomprehensible when compared to the early modern European legislations and court practices. Women have been punished for the sins of Sodom, though not directly under the 1734 Swedish law. 3) Fornication and decency were ambivalent concepts in the 1889/1894 law, and juridical authorities offered controversial interpretations of them during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 4) A peak in women's convictions occurred in the 1950s, and most of the trial proceedings took place in rural Eastern Finland. Neither the state nor the police were active in prosecuting; instead, the trial proceedings began "by accident". 5) From 1940 to 1960 police training lacked instructions concerning the interrogation of women suspected of same-sex fornication. 6) The figure of the penitent woman was produced in the chiasmic encounter of confession and police interrogation which moulded and was moulded by the epistemological matrix of shame, honour, and decency. Women's speech acts were judicialised as confessions which enabled the disciplinary tampering with the women's bodies. 7) Gender and personality, more than sexuality, or "criminality" defined the status of the convicted women in their village communities after the trials. 8) Relations between police training, sexuality, and decency have not been well researched in Finland. 9) Decriminalisation in 1971 did not mark the end of homophobic legal discourse, even though the 1999 reform of sexual crimes took the form of gender neutral conceptualisation


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Poetics of Awakenings. Genres and Intertexts in Arvid Järnefelt s Novels Isänmaa, Maaemon lapsia and Veneh ojalaiset This doctoral dissertation focuses on Arvid Järnefelt s (1961 1932) novels Isänmaa (1893), Maaemon lapsia (1905) and Veneh ojalaiset (1909). The study applies the genre theory and concepts Alastair Fowler has introduced in his Kinds of Literature (1982). Fowler s theory of the novel is developed further and applied to Finnish realist novels. The generic analysis is supplemented by intertextual analysis, which is mainly based on the idea of specific intertextual relations as presented by Kiril Taranovsky. Generic and intertextual analyses form the basis for hermeneutic interpretation, in which attention is paid to the fact that the novels are written by the designated writer in specific historical and cultural circumstances. Instead of the author s intention , the study focuses on the realised intention , in other words the novels as they are published. Järnefelt s first novel Isänmaa is understood to be a classical Bidungsroman that depicts the socialisation of a young male protagonist. From an intertextual point of view, the novel appears to be a novel of conversion, too, due to the biblical allusions concealed in the depiction of the events. Furthermore, Isänmaa is seen to stand in an intertextual relation to Hegel s, Snellman s and Topelius s writings. Maaemon lapsia is argued to be a thesis novel, which persuades the reader to adopt a certain ideological and political stance, namely Henry George s view on the private ownership of land. The novel is modulated by the generic repertoires of fairy tale and tragedy. The mythical frame of the novel supports the thesis novel, as it gives universal validity to the particular events depicted in the novel. Maaemon lapsia also comments on the contemporary political debate on the relations between Finland and Russia by presenting the relationship as analogous to the relationship between tenant farmer and landowner. Veneh ojalaiset exhibits a wide range of genres. Comic, tragic and mythical mode is combined with, for example, family novel, romance, conversion novel and revolutionary novel. From a rhetorical viewpoint, the novel is an apology, which accuses society of generating criminality by means of unjust laws and procedures. The novel discusses the question of resistance to evil by using the themes of Faust and Job, as well as by confronting the philosophies of Epictetus and Nietzsche. The novel is a thesis novel, which disputes the possibility of violent revolution as a way to a better society and recommends passive resistance for an individual living in an unjust society. The poetics of Järnefelt s novels is regarded as the poetics of conversion, as all the novels in focus depict the protagonist s awakening to see the society in a new light, be it a patriotic vision of the reality or a conception of the unfairness of society.


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This doctoral thesis explores the development of drug markets and drug related crime in Finland since the mid 1990s, as well as public control measures aimed at solving problems related to drug crime. The research further examines the criminal career of persons having committed drug crime, as well as their socio-economic background. The period since the mid 1990s is, on the one hand, characterized by increasing use of drugs and increasingly severe drug problems. On the other hand, this period is also characterized by intensified drug control. Also criminality associated with drugs has increased and become more severe. During this period the prevention of drug problems became a focal issue for authorities, and resources were increased for activities geared towards fighting drugs. Along with this development, Finnish drug policy has been balancing between therapeutic activities and control. A focal point in this thesis is the question how society addresses drug problems, as well as how this differs from efforts to solve other problems. Why are criminal means so readily used when dealing with drug problems; why have the police received an extended mandate to use coercive force; and why has the field for imposing administrative sanctions been extended? How has the extension of drug control affected general thinking in criminal policy? The subject matter in this thesis is approached in a criminological and criminal policy perspective. The thesis is made up of four research articles and a Summary Article. In the Summary Article the studies were placed into the Finnish research context of drug criminality and drug control as well as criminal policy. Furthermore, the author has assessed his own research location as a drug control researcher. Applying the notion of risk, an analysis was made of threats posed by drugs to society. Theoretical perspectives were also brought to the fore on how society may regulate drug problems and threats associated with them. Based on research literature and administrative documents, an analysis was made of the relation between drug related social and health policy and criminal justice control. An account was also made of the development of drug control in Finland since the mid 1990s. There has been a strong increase in control by the criminal justice system since the mid 1990s. Penalties have been made more stringent, more efficient means have been developed to trace the financial gain from the offence, opportunities for money laundering have been prevented and the police has obtained ample new powers of inquiry. New administrative measures have been directed towards drug users, such as introducing drug tests in working life, checking the applicants criminal record for certain jobs, as well as the threat of losing one s driving licence in cases where a physician has established drug addiction. In the 1990s the prevention of drug crimes and their disclosure were made part of the police s control activities nationwide. This could clearly be seen in increased criminal statistics. There are humiliating elements associated with the police s drug control that should be eliminated for the benefit of everybody. Furthermore, the criminal control is directed towards persons in a weak socio-economic position. A drug verdict may set off a marginalization process that may be very difficult to halt. Drug control is selective and generates repressive practises. The special status accorded drug problems is also revealed in the way in which the treatment of drug addicts has developed.


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Hostility is a multidimensional construct having wide effects on society. In its different forms, hostility is related to a large array of social and health problems, such as criminality, substance abuse, depression, and cardiovascular risks. Identifying and tackling early-life factors that contribute to hostility may have public health significance. Although the variance in hostility is estimated to be 18-50 percent heritable, there are significant gaps in knowledge regarding the molecular genetics of hostility. It is known that a cold and unsupportive home atmosphere in childhood predicts a child s later hostility. However, the long-term effects of care-giving quality on hostility in adulthood and the role of genes in this association are unclear. The present dissertation is part of the ongoing population-based prospective Young Finns study, which commenced in 1980 with 3596 3-18-year-old boys and girls who were followed for 27 years. The specific aims of the dissertation were first to study the antecedents of hostility by looking at 1) the genetic background, 2) the early environmental predictors, and 3) the gene environment interplay behind hostility. As a second aim, the thesis endeavored to examine 4) the association between hostility and cardiovascular risks, and 5) the moderating effect of demographic factors, such as gender and socioeconomic status, on this association. The study found potential gene polymorphisms from chromosomes 7, 14, 17, and 22 suggestively associated with hostility. Of early environmental influences, breastfeeding and early care-giving were found to predict hostility in adulthood. In addition, a serotonin receptor 2A polymorphism rs6313 moderated the effect of early care-giving on later hostile attitudes. Furthermore, hostility was shown to predict cardiovascular risks, such as metabolic syndrome and inflammation. Finally, parental socioeconomic status was found to moderate the association between anger and early atherosclerosis. The new genetic and early environmental antecedents of hostility identified in this research may help in understanding the development of hostility and its health risks, and in planning appropriate prevention. The significance of early influences on this development is stressed. Although the markers studied are individual- and family-related factors, these may be influenced at the societal level by giving accurate information to all individuals concerned and by improving the societal circumstances.


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Analisa-se a imputação penal dos dirigentes de estruturas organizadas de poder, buscando definir os requisitos configuradores e o âmbito de aplicabilidade da teoria do domínio da organização, uma modalidade de autoria mediata em que o executor direto do delito atual de forma livre e responsável. Então, são apreciados os casos de maior notoriedade internacional, notadamente de criminalidade estatal, sobre os quais incidiu a referida construção. A carência de uniformidade no emprego da teoria da autoria mediata em virtude de aparatos organizados de poder pelos tribunais estrangeiros constitui corolário das discussões existentes na seara doutrinária. Tais divergências são abordadas no presente trabalho, bem como os modelos propostos por alguns doutrinadores. Por fim, efetua-se uma análise com base em um processo de imputação que respeite os direitos e garantias individuais fundamentais a um Estado Democrático de Direito.


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A presente tese de doutorado analisa, em perspectiva comparada, as convergências e divergências entre as dramaturgias do francês Jean Genet e do brasileiro Plínio Marcos, sob o prisma de três tópicos inegavelmente presentes, nelas: a violência, a revolta e a religiosidade. As questões de margem, borda, periferia, ex-centricidade, dissenso etc são abordadas neste trabalho para situar a ideia de outro como o referencial ontológico que sustenta a obra teatral de ambos. As respectivas biografias dos autores em questão, direta ou indiretamente, tem relação com a aura de marginalidade artística atribuída (e até assumida por eles próprios) a sua produção em geral (seus romances, poemas, ensaios e contos). Pode-se dizer que muito da persona que ambos assumiram correspondia às expectativas que os círculos intelectuais engajados tinham em adotar uma figura que viesse a encarnar o papel de autêntico porta-voz do segmento marginalizado da sociedade na qual cada um deles se criou. Ambos gozam de certo status de vanguardistas no caso do metateatro de Genet, na sua atribuída vinculação ao Teatro do Absurdo, e, no caso do hipernaturalismo dramático de Plínio, na sua atribuída (e mesmo confessa) descendência da linhagem criativa de caracteres e motivos do teatro de Nelson Rodrigues. Outro aspecto comum à dramaturgia de Genet e Plínio que abordamos é a problematização de dois espaços alegóricos definidores por excelência do ethos dos tipos humanos que o habitam: a prisão e o prostíbulo. Para tanto, ganham destaque, aqui, Alta vigilância e O Balcão, de Genet, e Barrela e O abajur lilás, de Plínio. Nelas também se verifica a figuração de motivos de inspiração religiosa que, no autor francês, concorrem para uma espécie de sacralização ritual do crime (o que ecoa o ideário de Antonin Artaud) e, no brasileiro, funcionam como um exercício catártico de compaixão à sombra de uma cristandade de feição primitiva que se insinua no tratamento que dá à degradação dos párias sociais que compõem seu universo dramático. Por fim, analisamos comparativamente três peças brasileiras (Pedro Mico, de Antonio Callado; Gimba, o presidente dos valentes, de Gianfrancesco Guarnieri; e Oração para um pé de chinelo, de Plínio Marcos) tomando como ponto de partida uma situação dramática comum a elas para traçar, assim, as afinidades e distinções de cada qual quanto à abordagem da criminalidade. E, assim, também, poder apontar o tipo de projeto de teatro a que cada uma se vincula, trazendo à tona questões caras ao momento histórico-cultural no qual foram compostas, como a figuração do negro e do favelado na sociedade brasileira


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[ES]El proyecto trata de elaborar una relación entre la Criminología y la negociación, entendiendo ésta última como una herramienta útil en el ámbito criminológico. Se parte de la premisa de que en las relaciones sociales, surgen conflictos de diversa índole, inevitablemente, y en especial en el ámbito de la Criminología, por estar vinculado a la delincuencia y la criminalidad. El objetivo es aportar unas bases para la negociación y un instrumento útil para el alumnado sobre el tema. Así, el resultado ha sido un proyecto de investigación al respecto y una herramienta compuesta por una serie de diapositivas que reflejan los aspectos más importantes del tema. Además, dicho instrumento, ha sido sometido a la valoración de profesorado, alumnado y profesionales.


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O objetivo desta tese é investigar a forma como crimes femininos em contexto de relações amorosas eram pensados entre 1890 a 1940 no Rio de Janeiro. Para tanto, foram pesquisados processos criminais abertos para apurar delitos femininos contra companheiros amorosos ou contra rivais. Além destes documentos, foi investigada a produção científica sobre crime feminino, realizada por psiquiatras, neurologistas, médico-legistas e juristas, profissionais que publicavam em revistas vinculadas aos campos jurídico e médico-legal. Esse percurso foi feito a fim de apreender como, nas produções eruditas, profissionais ligados aos campos jurídico e médico-legal conectavam o debate sobre crime e sobre o feminino. Através da pesquisa documental chegou-se a conclusão que esses criminologistas sexualizavam os crimes, procurando construir suportes científicos capazes de atestar a hipótese de que homens e mulheres, por serem diferentes, produziriam delitos distintos. Por meio das pesquisas em processos criminais, foi apreendido que o universo jurídico, no período pesquisado, tendia a absolver os crimes femininos em contextos de relações amorosas, considerando-os modalidades de delitos pouco danosos à sociedade.


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Trata-se de estudo sobre a política de criminalização imposta aos jovens residentes das comunidades carentes do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Pretende-se identificar as visões antagônicas sobre essa questão e as discussões sobre o aumento do uso de drogas, associado à criminalidade e ao interesse de amplos setores da sociedade no combate a esse consumo e ao tráfico. Destacam-se os motivos que pressionam o Estado a construir uma política de combate às drogas, assim como a economia da droga influenciando e determinando os rumos de uma mentalidade que persegue uma eficácia questionável de consumo zero de drogas nas sociedades. Para melhor entendimento dessa questão, pretende-se examinar a influência da política norte-americana antidrogas numa economia globalizada. A análise está fundamentada nos estudos teóricos sobre economia das drogas, redução de danos e na legislação brasileira. Também foram consideradas as fontes orais, extraídas de discursos de parlamentares e especialistas em criminalização de comportamentos transgressores sociais. Os relatos, retirados de periódicos, discursos e entrevistas, receberam a forma de texto-relato, seguindo os métodos utilizados pelas Ciências Sociais.


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A presente dissertação busca, através da análise das teorias sobre o crime e o desvio disponíveis, encontrar um caminho de pesquisa que responda a seguinte pergunta: Por que alguns jovens e não outros se envolvem em atividades ligadas ao tráfico de drogas nas favelas do Rio de Janeiro? Este é, portanto, essencialmente um trabalho de revisão bibliográfica, tanto da literatura brasileira quanto da literatura norte-americana sobre o tema. O objetivo principal é levantar questões para uma pesquisa futura que incorpore tanto os pontos fortes da produção acadêmica nacional quanto da produção estrangeira, incorporando metodologias essencialmente quantitativas e qualitativas. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho defende o desenvolvimento de análises que enfatizem a capacidade de agência dos indivíduos, através da observação dos efeitos de suas aspirações e expectativas de futuro sobre suas trajetórias de vida; sem, contudo, perder de vista que a conformação de tais expectativas depende da estrutura e das interações sociais que os circundam


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A criminalidade transnacional é um dos males da atualidade e tem seu crescimento associado à complexidade dos processos da globalização. Quão mais interligadas estão a economia, cultura e demais comunicações dos Estados, mais vulneráveis estão às ações criminosas. Diante desta constatação a comunidade internacional escolheu o Direito Penal Internacional como um dos instrumentos destinados a fazer frente a este problema contemporâneo. O DPI, como especialização do Direito Penal, atende às exigências da comunidade internacional, por ser constituído pelo binômio criminalização e instituições de repressão e por contemplar dois distintos referenciais, quais sejam o do observador nacional que vê a projeção de seu ordenamento jurídico para fora das fronteiras territoriais e a do observador internacional que vê a projeção das normas internacionais para dentro do território dos Estados. A importância do DPI para o combate ao crime se faz pela pluralidade de espécies de cooperação (administrativa e jurídica) e de formas, que vão desde as mais clássicas como a extradição, a carta rogatória e a homologação da sentença estrangeira às mais modernas como a transferência de presos e a assistência mútua. As formas mais clássicas da cooperação têm se mostrado pouco eficazes e muito burocráticas para alcançar os resultados pretendidos, principalmente pelas barreiras jurídicas impostas pelos Estados, A assistência mútua vai ao encontro das expectativas internacionais, por simplificar a tramitação dos pedidos, em razão da tramitação dos mesmos por Autoridades Centrais e não por vias diplomáticas, por reduzir as barreiras jurídicas, pois há a possibilidade de mitigação do princípio da identidade, a redução dos motivos de recusa e a desnecessidade de submeter ao crivo do Superior Tribunal de Justiça pedidos que notoriamente dispensam juízo de delibação. Embora a assistência mútua traga muitas vantagens para facilitar a persecução penal, o desprendimento às formalidades e às barreiras jurídicas não pode significar desapego às garantias materiais e processuais das pessoas que são os destinatários da ação estatal persecutória, em especial à garantia de não ter contra si aplicadas penas vedadas constitucionalmente (art. 5, XLVII da CF/88). Neste sentido torna-se necessário reconhecer a existência de uma obrigação de não fazer e não cooperar por parte dos Estados que possa ser invocada para obstar atos de cooperação que possam contribuir para a aplicação das penas vedadas.


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O trabalho procura descrever o que se chama mundo do crime a partir das concepções dos próprios atores; aqueles imediatamente referidos como bandidos no contexto da cidade; os protagonistas do crime comum violento. São ladrões de rua e traficantes pobres das favelas e periferias do Rio de Janeiro que informaram esta pesquisa a respeito da sedução que o mundo do crime exerce sobre alguns jovens. O foco do trabalho são as representações internas desse mundo do crime, entendido como um universo que goza de relativa autonomia em relação ao mundo social, constituído a partir de um jogo de reproduções e inversões dos valores e conteúdos morais da sociedade englobante. Neste sentido, o crime é entendido como religião, como arte, como serviço de natureza militar, como escola e como trabalho representações sobre as quais esta dissertação se debruçou.