909 resultados para criminal career path


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La présente étude vise à vérifier auprès d’un échantillon québécois d’adolescents agresseurs sexuels quels sont les caractéristiques personnelles et familiales avant le traitement et les caractéristiques thérapeutiques en cours de traitement associées à la récidive violente et générale. Cent quarante (140) délinquants sexuels juvéniles ayant commis au moins une infraction sexuelle à l’égard d’un enfant et ayant participé à un programme de traitement spécialisé ont fait l’objet de cette recherche. L’âge moyen des participants était de 15 ans (σ=1,5). Les données concernant la récidive ont été recueillies suite à une période de suivi moyenne de cinq ans et proviennent de sources officielles des dossiers de la Chambre de la Jeunesse ainsi que du Système d’empreintes digitales de la GRC. Au total, 37 % (n=52) des sujets ont commis à nouveau des infractions criminelles dont 3% des délits sexuels, 11% des délits violents et 23% des infractions générales. Les résultats de l’étude indiquent que certaines caractéristiques personnelles avant le traitement sont associées à la récidive violente et générale. Ainsi, les émotions négatives comme stratégies d’adaptation en situation de stress augmentent les risques de récidive violente alors que la tendance à démontrer plus de symptômes liés à un traumatisme et l’obtention d’un score élevé à l’échelle d’estime de soi de la compétence athlétique augmentent les risques de récidive générale. Aucune caractéristique en cours de traitement ne permet de prédire la récidive violente et générale. Certaines de ces caractéristiques sont toutefois associées à une diminution du risque de ces deux types de récidive. En somme, les conclusions de cette étude montrent qu’une forte proportion d’adolescents auteurs d’abus sexuels poursuivra une carrière criminelle générale plutôt que de se spécialiser en délinquance sexuelle.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Contexte et objectifs. La carrière criminelle est un sujet d’intérêt criminologique depuis plus de 80 ans. Les travaux sur cette question ont permis de mieux comprendre l’évolution des personnes contrevenantes et leurs crimes au fil du temps. Bien que beaucoup d’efforts aient été déployés pour étudier les hommes, les recherches portant sur les trajectoires criminelles des femmes demeurent relativement rares, ceci étant notamment attribuable à la petite taille des échantillons. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de réaliser une étude comparative de la carrière criminelle d’hommes et de femmes de 18 à 47 ans relevant de la juridiction de la province de Québec. Méthodologie. L’échantillon est composé de 3320 délinquants sous responsabilité provinciale, soit 216 femmes (6,5 %) et 3104 hommes (93,5 %). Des statistiques descriptives seront réalisées afin de dresser un portrait de la clientèle et une approche par variable latente catégorielle sera utilisée pour modéliser les parcours criminels. Plus précisément, cette analyse permet d’estimer des sous-groupes de délinquants au sein de la population qui suivent des courbes de croissance distinctes. La proportion d’individus appartenant à chacun de ces sous-groupes peut donc être estimée. Résultats. Les analyses indiquent que les femmes ont une fréquence de délits commis plus faible que les hommes, et ce, particulièrement au début de leur carrière criminelle. En effet, la différence quant à la fréquence tend à s’atténuer avec le temps, pour disparaître vers 40 ans. Également, il apparaît que les hommes et les femmes suivent un nombre de trajectoires criminelles similaires; cependant, la prévalence chez ces dernières apparaît relativement différente. En effet, il ressort que les femmes commencent plus tardivement leur carrière criminelle que les hommes, avec une proportion plus importante pour les crimes contre les biens. Finalement, les antécédents juvéniles influent sur la chronicité et la persistance, quel que soit le genre ou le type de crime. Conclusion. Les résultats démontrent que la différence selon le sexe est un sujet d’intérêt criminologique primordial puisque les femmes présentent des risques différents quant à la fréquence et au type de crime. Qui plus est, ces dernières semblent commencer leur carrière criminelle plus tardivement que les hommes.


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Réalisé sous la co-direction de Pierre Tremblay


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La présente thèse porte sur les acteurs au sein des organisations non gouvernementales locales (ONG) qui, dans la configuration actuelle de l’aide internationale au développement, jouent un rôle de relais ou d’intermédiaires entre donateurs internationaux et populations bénéficiaires en Afrique subsaharienne. En analysant les trajectoires professionnelles de 32 femmes et hommes « leaders » dans des ONG de Cotonou (Bénin) et de Lomé (Togo), la thèse se propose d’appréhender les processus sociaux à travers lesquels ces individus deviennent intermédiaires dans les activités de développement. La recherche s’inscrit dans une approche théorique construite à la rencontre entre la perspective orientée vers l’acteur en socioanthropologie du développement, la sociologie de l’individuation et le paradigme des parcours de vie. La thèse prend également une posture comparative en contrastant, d’une part, les trajectoires professionnelles des intermédiaires du Bénin et du Togo, deux pays ayant connu entre les années 1990 et début 2000 des « destinées » opposées en ce qui a trait à leurs rapports avec les bailleurs de fonds étrangers. D’autre part, l’analyse compare deux générations d’intermédiaires et contraste l’expérience des intermédiaires féminins et masculins. L’analyse montre qu’en premier lieu, les conférences nationales en 1990 au Bénin et en 1991 au Togo ont constitué un tournant important dans les trajectoires professionnelles des intermédiaires dans les deux pays, créant subséquemment, d’un côté, un contexte favorable aux intermédiaires du Bénin, et de l’autre, un environnement délétère pour ceux du Togo. Toutefois, au cours des dix dernières années, ces différences de conditions de travail se sont beaucoup atténuées et les défis relevés par les intermédiaires dans les deux pays sont à nouveau similaires; les contextes actuels sont caractérisés par un soutien étatique au minima, un champ d’activités très concurrentiel et politisé, une professionnalisation du champ, et une forte dépendance vis-à-vis des bailleurs de fonds extérieurs. En second lieu, l’analyse des récits de vie a permis de ressortir quatre types de profils des intermédiaires au moment où ils intègrent le champ des ONG : les « reconvertis », les « nouveaux diplômés des années 1990 », les « carriéristes », et les « activistes ». La comparaison générationnelle suggère en outre que les deux premiers types décrivent mieux les intermédiaires ayant commencé leurs activités avant les années 2000, alors que les « carriéristes » sont pour l’essentiel des intermédiaires de la jeune génération qui intègre le domaine de l’intermédiation après 2000. Aussi, la recherche montre que pour entrer, mais surtout « durer », dans le champ des ONG ces individus utilisent divers réseaux politiques et associatifs et savent « manœuvrer », notamment en choisissant une « thématique porteuse », en veillant à maintenir une constante « visibilité » ou en ayant recours à des formations continues pour acquérir ou consolider des compétences recherchées par les bailleurs de fonds. Par ailleurs, l’analyse des trajectoires professionnelles féminines a révélé qu’alors que le poids des responsabilités familiales a fait que les « pionnières » de l’intermédiation sont entrées de façon tardive dans une profession dominée par les hommes, et se sont toutes focalisées sur des thématiques liées directement aux droits des femmes, les parcours de leurs cadettes sont bien différents. Ces dernières ne travaillent pas dans le traditionnel domaine du « genre », et même si elles reconnaissent aussi leurs difficultés à concilier responsabilités professionnelles et devoir familial, elles ne sont pas prêtes à mettre de côté leur carrière et ont une perception très différente de leurs aînées des rôles genrés au sein de la famille.


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures En vue de l’obtention du grade de Maîtrise (M. Sc.) en criminologie, option stage en intervention


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Rapport de stage présenté à Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître (M.Sc.) en criminologie


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This paper reports on research undertaken into the processes through which student teachers begin to formulate an identity as a professional teacher. Using Fuller’s investigations into the attitudes of trainee teachers towards their courses (1969) as a baseline, a discussion is established on the place of the student voice in contemporary initial teacher training programmes. In order to further investigate the potential importance of affording student teachers the opportunity to reflect on and express their thinking and feeling as they embark on their chosen career path, the concerns of a group of student drama teachers were recorded and interpreted. The vehicle for this exercise involved writing and subsequently performing reflective monologues. These were analysed by using The Listening Guide as composed by Gilligan et al. (2003). This paper illustrates how the methodology revealed distinct yet generally harmonious voices at work in the group in the first few weeks of their training year. Subsequent analysis suggests a model for the initial formation of a teaching identity built on aspects of self, role and character. Recognising the relative values and relationships between these factors for student teachers may, it is argued, provide greater security for them while affording their tutors insights which could help them to re-shape initial teacher training programmes. Keywords: student teachers, teacher training, professional identity, student voice, reflective monologues


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Este trabalho analisa o perfil e as trajetórias de carreira dos diretores e conselheiros das se-guintes agências federais: ANEEL, ANATEL, ANP, ANVISA, ANS, ANA, ANCINE, AN-TAQ, ANTT e ANAC. São observadas algumas dimensões que se relacionam com condicio-nantes que, em tese, permitiriam uma maior autonomia decisória do regulador brasileiro federal: 1) o nível de expertise e conhecimento especializado do regulador, observando sua área de formação, nível de escolaridade e sua experiência prévia no setor regulado; 2) a existência ou não de filiação partidária antes de sua indicação para o cargo na agência; 3) a existência ou não de casos de recondução de reguladores, além dos mandados governamentais de diferentes presidentes; e 4) a origem e o destino profissional do regulador após sua atuação na agência reguladora. Paralelamente, observa-se como foi elaborado o desenho institucional destas agências brasileiras e como algumas características de sua estrutura e processo podem interferir com o resultado do processo regulatório, especialmente no que se refere à forma como os reguladores são indicados. Entre os principais resultados do trabalho, destacam-se a forte co-nexão entre a área de formação dos reguladores e o campo de atuação das agências reguladores; a valorização de cursos de pós-graduação na qualificação de um candidato para uma agência reguladora federal; e a comprovação de experiência profissional prévia no setor regulado, indicando que os reguladores brasileiros apresentam indicadores relevantes de especialização e expertise no setor. Também ocorreram casos de reguladores indicados e reconduzidos por presidentes diferentes, reforçando a hipótese de valorização da especialização. Com relação a captura política, se destaca que pouco menos de um terço dos indicados possuía filiação partidária anterior à nomeação. A maioria dos reguladores é selecionada dentro do serviço público, mas boa parte deles vai trabalhar na esfera privada do setor, reforçando os indícios de que pode ter havido captura durante os mandatos na agência. Percebe-se, ainda, uma forte tendência de fortalecimento da burocracia das agências a partir do final do primeiro mandato do presidente Lula, movimento acentuado no primeiro mandato da presidente Dilma Rousseff.


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The idea that the career consists in a linear path throughout the individual s professional life structured by the company where he or she works has been changing to a new reality in which the career is seen as a journey, open to possibilities and uncertainties. Several models have come up as an attempt to comprehend and analyze this journey. Among them, there is the model of career narrative, which assumes that, while narrating, individuals give meaning to their own path, and at the same time they consider personal factors and the environment that act on their professional biography. This paper aimed to explore and articulate issues related to the environment and career paths of the human resource professionals working in the Greater Natal. For this purpose, the model of career narrative was used. From the methodological viewpoint, the project was divided in two stages. The first was characterized by conducting a survey with the intention of mapping professionals socio-occupational characteristics, through the application of a semi-structured questionnaire. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistical techniques and cluster analysis. The descriptive statistical analyses included 117 participants. The results indicated that HR professionals of Greater Natal have different functions, develop activities focused on different subsystems, have an increasing career path, and focus their professional formation in Business Administration and Psychology. The second stage of the study was characterized by the use of 17 narrative interviews, whose participants, in the process of nonprobabilistic sampling, were identified based on their belonging to the three clusters: Group 1, HR and public administration; Group 2, HR experts; and Group 3, HR beginners. Analyzing the results of the qualitative phase, it was found that the identification with the activity practiced is a deciding factor for choosing and remaining in the HR field. The lack of professional recognition appears as the main difficulty faced by professionals, as well as the lack of employment opportunity in the Greater Natal. The results analysis leads to a series of discussions on the career path in HR and reflections for this professional category, its representative bodies and educational institutions


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L’ingegner Pier Luigi Nervi (1891-1979), progettista, costruttore e teorico del “Costruire Correttamente”, ha intrapreso un proprio esclusivo percorso professionale che ha decretato negli anni una notevole fortuna critica fino a un sostanziale oblio dopo la sua morte. La presente ricerca di dottorato intende approfondire le tematiche legate a una significativa tipologia strutturale che ha contrassegnato il percorso professionale di Pier Luigi Nervi: le architetture voltate. Cupole, volte e coperture geodetiche rappresentano il sistema ottimale con il quale Nervi ha perseguito una personale ricerca mirata alla definizione di grandi luci di copertura a spessore ridotto. Questi sistemi di copertura rappresentano per Nervi la miglior espressione architettonica in quanto perfetta sintesi tra funzioni statiche e esigenze economiche. Le parole chiave per definire l’ambito di studio possono essere cosi riepilogate: sperimentazione/variazione sul tema/primato della grande luce/nuove strutture. La tesi intende indagare i tentativi di rinnovamento che, a partire dagli anni sessanta, spingono Pier Luigi Nervi a sperimentare l’applicazione di nuovi materiali come l’alluminio in sostituzione totale o parziale di un sistema costruttivo, quello del ferrocemento, che ha contraddistinto la maggior parte delle sue opere decretandone il successo. La testimonianza di questa intransigenza, legata all’etica del costruire secondo i principi di naturalezza e razionalità, costantemente riaffermata da Nervi nelle sue diverse pubblicazioni, è sorprendentemente disattesa nella ricerca sulle nuove strutture. Queste strutture, sperimentate senza successo in considerazione della loro mancata concreta attuazione, rivelano un complesso di singolarità capace di porre in discussione quell’intransigenza a cui Nervi ha fedelmente dichiarato di attenersi. La lettura critica del progetto di concorso per il Kuwait Sports Centre, elaborato nel 1968, contiene la sintesi di tutte le parole chiave della ricerca. Scopo della presente tesi è documentare circostanze, innovazioni e anomalie che hanno accompagnato Pier Luigi Nervi nella definizione di nuove strutture voltate.


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LINCOLN UNIVERSITY - On March 25, 1965, a bus loaded with Lincoln University students and staff arrived in Montgomery, Ala. to join the Selma march for racial and voting equality. Although the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was in force, African-Americans continued to feel the effects of segregation. The 1960s was a decade of social unrest and change. In the Deep South, specifically Alabama, racial segregation was a cultural norm resistant to change. Governor George Wallace never concealed his personal viewpoints and political stance of the white majority, declaring “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” The march was aimed at obtaining African-Americans their constitutionally protected right to vote. However, Alabama’s deep-rooted culture of racial bias began to be challenged by a shift in American attitudes towards equality. Both black and whites wanted to end discrimination by using passive resistance, a movement utilized by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. That passive resistance was often met with violence, sometimes at the hands of law enforcement and local citizens. The Selma to Montgomery march was a result of a protest for voting equality. The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Southern Christian Leadership Counsel (SCLC) among other students marched along the streets to bring awareness to the voter registration campaign, which was organized to end discrimination in voting based on race. Violent acts of police officers and others were some of the everyday challenges protesters were facing. Forty-one participants from Lincoln University arrived in Montgomery to take part in the 1965 march for equality. Students from Lincoln University’s Journalism 383 class spent part of their 2015 spring semester researching the historical event. Here are their stories: Peter Kellogg “We’ve been watching the television, reading about it in the newspapers,” said Peter Kellogg during a February 2015 telephone interview. “Everyone knew the civil rights movement was going on, and it was important that we give him (Robert Newton) some assistance … and Newton said we needed to get involve and do something,” Kellogg, a lecturer in the 1960s at Lincoln University, discussed how the bus trip originated. “That’s why the bus happened,” Kellogg said. “Because of what he (Newton) did - that’s why Lincoln students went and participated.” “People were excited and the people along the sidewalk were supportive,” Kellogg said. However, the mood flipped from excited to scared and feeling intimidated. “It seems though every office building there was a guy in a blue uniform with binoculars standing in the crowd with troops and police. And if looks could kill me, we could have all been dead.” He says the hatred and intimidation was intense. Kellogg, being white, was an immediate target among many white people. He didn’t realize how dangerous the event in Alabama was until he and the others in the bus heard about the death of Viola Liuzzo. The married mother of five from Detroit was shot and killed by members of the Ku Klux Klan while shuttling activists to the Montgomery airport. “We found out about her death on the ride back,” Kellogg recalled. “Because it was a loss of life, and it shows the violence … we could have been exposed to that danger!” After returning to LU, Kellogg’s outlook on life took a dramatic turn. Kellogg noted King’s belief that a person should be willing to die for important causes. “The idea is that life is about something larger and more important than your own immediate gratification, and career success or personal achievements,” Kellogg said. “The civil rights movement … it made me, it made my life more significant because it was about something important.” The civil rights movement influenced Kellogg to change his career path and to become a black history lecturer. Until this day, he has no regrets and believes that his choices made him as a better individual. The bus ride to Alabama, he says, began with the actions of just one student. Robert Newton Robert Newton was the initiator, recruiter and leader of the Lincoln University movement to join Dr. Martin Luther King’s march in Selma. “In the 60s much of the civil rights activists came out of college,” said Newton during a recent phone interview. Many of the events that involved segregation compelled college students to fight for equality. “We had selected boycotts of merchants, when blacks were not allowed to try on clothes,” Newton said. “You could buy clothes at department stores, but no blacks could work at the department stores as sales people. If you bought clothes there you couldn’t try them on, you had to buy them first and take them home and try them on.” Newton said the students risked their lives to be a part of history and influence change. He not only recognized the historic event of his fellow Lincolnites, but also recognized other college students and historical black colleges and universities who played a vital role in history. “You had the S.N.C.C organization, in terms of voting rights and other things, including a lot of participation and working off the bureau,” Newton said. Other schools and places such as UNT, Greenville and Howard University and other historically black schools had groups that came out as leaders. Newton believes that much has changed from 50 years ago. “I think we’ve certainly come a long way from what I’ve seen from the standpoint of growing up outside of Birmingham, Alabama,” Newton said. He believes that college campuses today are more organized in their approach to social causes. “The campus appears to be some more integrated amongst students in terms of organizations and friendships.” Barbara Flint Dr. Barbara Flint grew up in the southern part of Arkansas and came to Lincoln University in 1961. She describes her experience at Lincoln as “being at Lincoln when the world was changing.“ She was an active member of Lincoln’s History Club, which focused on current events and issues and influenced her decision to join the Selma march. “The first idea was to raise some money and then we started talking about ‘why can’t we go?’ I very much wanted to be a living witness in history.” Reflecting on the march and journey to Montgomery, Flint describes it as being filled with tension. “We were very conscious of the fact that once we got on the road past Tennessee we didn’t know what was going to happen,” said Flint during a February 2015 phone interview. “Many of the students had not been beyond Missouri, so they didn’t have that sense of what happens in the South. Having lived there you knew the balance as well as what is likely to happen and what is not likely to happen. As my father use to say, ‘you have to know how to stay on that line of balance.’” Upon arriving in Alabama she remembers the feeling of excitement and relief from everyone on the bus. “We were tired and very happy to be there and we were trying to figure out where we were going to join and get into the march,” Flint said. “There were so many people coming in and then we were also trying to stay together; that was one of the things that really stuck out for me, not just for us but the people who were coming in. You didn’t want to lose sight of the people you came with.” Flint says she was keenly aware of her surroundings. For her, it was more than just marching forward. “I can still hear those helicopters now,” Flint recalled. “Every time the helicopters would come over the sound would make people jump and look up - I think that demonstrated the extent of the tenseness that was there at the time because the helicopters kept coming over every few minutes.” She said that the marchers sang “we are not afraid,” but that fear remained with every step. “Just having been there and being a witness and marching you realize that I’m one of those drops that’s going to make up this flood and with this flood things will move,” said Flint. As a student at Lincoln in 1965, Flint says the Selma experience undoubtedly changed her life. “You can’t expect to do exactly what you came to Lincoln to do,” Flint says. “That march - along with all the other marchers and the action that was taking place - directly changed the paths that I and many other people at Lincoln would take.” She says current students and new generations need to reflect on their personal role in society. “Decide what needs to be done and ask yourself ‘how can I best contribute to it?’” Flint said. She notes technology and social media can be used to reach audiences in ways unavailable to her generation in 1965. “So you don’t always have to wait for someone else to step out there and say ‘let’s march,’ you can express your vision and your views and you have the means to do so (so) others can follow you. Jaci Newsom Jaci Newsom came to Lincoln in 1965 from Atlanta. She came to Lincoln to major in sociology and being in Jefferson City was largely different from what she had grown up with. “To be able to come into a restaurant, sit down and be served a nice meal was eye-opening to me,” said Newsom during a recent interview. She eventually became accustomed to the relaxed attitude of Missouri and was shocked by the situation she encountered on an out-of-town trip. “I took a bus trip from Atlanta to Pensacola and I encountered the worse racism that I have ever seen. I was at bus stop, I went in to be served and they would not serve me. There was a policeman sitting there at the table and he told me that privately owned places could select not to serve you.” Newsom describes her experience of marching in Montgomery as being one with a purpose. “We felt as though we achieved something - we felt a sense of unity,” Newsom said. “We were very excited (because) we were going to hear from Martin Luther King. To actually be in the presence of him and the other civil rights workers there was just such enthusiasm and excitement yet there was also some apprehension of what we might encounter.” Many of the marchers showed their inspiration and determination while pressing forward towards the grounds of the Alabama Capitol building. Newsom recalled that the marchers were singing the lyrics “ain’t gonna let nobody turn me around” and “we shall overcome.” “ I started seeing people just like me,” Newsom said. “I don’t recall any of the scowling, the hitting, the things I would see on TV later. I just saw a sea of humanity marching towards the Capitol. I don’t remember what Martin Luther King said but it was always the same message: keep the faith; we’re going to get where we’re going and let us remember what our purpose is.” Newsom offers advice on what individuals can do to make their society a more productive and peaceful place. “We have come a long way and we have ways to change things that we did not have before,” Newsom said. “You need to work in positive ways to change.” Referencing the recent unrest in Ferguson, Mo., she believes that people become destructive as a way to show and vent anger. Her generation, she says, was raised to react in lawful ways – and believe in hope. “We have faith to do things in a way that was lawful and it makes me sad what people do when they feel without hope, and there is hope,” Newsom says. “Non-violence does work - we need to include everyone to make this world a better place.” Newsom graduated from Lincoln in 1969 and describes her experience at Lincoln as, “I grew up and did more growing at Lincoln than I think I did for the rest of my life.”


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Esta investigación estudia la identidad como producto del aprendizaje en la práctica situada de enseñar matemáticas de cuatro profesores de primaria en México. Las características de la identidad de “ser profesor de matemáticas” se infieren desde la trayectoria de formación y la práctica de los profesores. Los resultados indican que los profesores construyen y reconstruyen su identidad a partir de su práctica cotidiana lo que supone la negociación de maneras de realizar una práctica en un contexto a partir de tres aspectos: (i) El significado y sentido que los profesores atribuyen a las experiencias que acumulan en su trayectoria de formación, (ii) a la acción mediada con las tareas y los instrumentos que utilizan, y (iii) a la interacción entre el significado y sentido y la acción mediada al gestionar la clase de matemáticas.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Área de especialização em Avaliação da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2016