970 resultados para cranial vault
PURPOSE: To elucidate the aetiology of congenital Brown syndrome. METHODS: Four consecutive patients diagnosed with unilateral congenital Brown syndrome had a comprehensive standardized ocular motility examination. Any compensatory head posture was measured. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with regard for the IV cranial nerve (CN) was performed in all patients. Orbital MRI was performed in 2/4 patients, with images acquired in eight directions of gaze and superior oblique (SO) muscle areas compared. RESULTS: CN IV could not be identified bilaterally in two patients, but was absent only on the side of the Brown syndrome in the two other patients. On the normal side, orbital MRI revealed a smaller SO muscle area in upgaze than in downgaze, demonstrating normal actions of this muscle. On the side of the Brown syndrome, the SO area remained the same in upgaze and in downgaze and approximately symmetric to the area of SO in downgaze on the normal side. CONCLUSIONS: These cases add further anatomical support to the theory of paradoxical innervation in congenital Brown syndrome. CN IV was absent in two patients on the side of the Brown syndrome, but without muscle hypoplasia. SO muscle size did not vary in up- and downgaze, which we interpreted as a sign of constant innervation through branches of CN III.
The AP-1 family transcription factor ATF2 is essential for development and tissue maintenance in mammals. In particular, ATF2 is highly expressed and activated in the brain and previous studies using mouse knockouts have confirmed its requirement in the cerebellum as well as in vestibular sense organs. Here we present the analysis of the requirement for ATF2 in CNS development in mouse embryos, specifically in the brainstem. We discovered that neuron-specific inactivation of ATF2 leads to significant loss of motoneurons of the hypoglossal, abducens and facial nuclei. While the generation of ATF2 mutant motoneurons appears normal during early development, they undergo caspase-dependent and independent cell death during later embryonic and foetal stages. The loss of these motoneurons correlates with increased levels of stress activated MAP kinases, JNK and p38, as well as aberrant accumulation of phosphorylated neurofilament proteins, NF-H and NF-M, known substrates for these kinases. This, together with other neuropathological phenotypes, including aberrant vacuolisation and lipid accumulation, indicates that deficiency in ATF2 leads to neurodegeneration of subsets of somatic and visceral motoneurons of the brainstem. It also confirms that ATF2 has a critical role in limiting the activities of stress kinases JNK and p38 which are potent inducers of cell death in the CNS.
INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: The objective of this study is to assess anatomical and functional results of the extraperitoneal uterosacral ligament suspension (USL) in women with post-hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse. METHODS: One hundred and twenty-three consecutive women were included. Concurrent procedures were anterior colporraphy with fascial repair (20%) and mesh reinforcement (49%), posterior colporraphy with fascial repair (38%) and mesh reinforcement (56%) and a sling procedure (29%). Women were assessed using Baden and Walker and pelvic organ prolapse quantification classification pre- and post-operatively. RESULTS: One hundred and ten patients (89%) were available for follow-up. Mean follow-up was 2 years. Objective success rate regarding the vaginal cuff is 95.4%. Global anatomical success rate was 85.5%. Urinary, coital and bowel symptoms were improved following surgery. Mesh exposure rate was 19.3%, with all cases managed conservatively or with minor interventions. CONCLUSION: Bilateral extraperitoneal USL is an effective operation to restore apical support with low morbidity, which avoids potential risks associated with opening the peritoneal cavity.
Based on neuroimaging data showing absence of the trochlear nerve, congenital superior oblique palsy is now classified as a congenital cranial dysinnervation disorder. A similar absence of the abducens nerve is accompanied by misinnervation to the lateral rectus muscle from a branch of oculomotor nerve in the Duane retraction syndrome. This similarity raises the question of whether some cases of Brown syndrome could arise from a similar synkinesis between the inferior and superior oblique muscles in the setting of congenital superior oblique palsy. This hypothesis has gained support from the confluence of evidence from a number of independent studies. Using Duane syndrome as a model, we critically review the accumulating evidence that some cases of Brown syndrome are ultimately attributable to dysgenesis of the trochlear nerve.
The purpose of this case-based review is to highlight cranial nerve involvement in granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's). In this disease, cranial nerve involvement may be less frequent than other neurological manifestations, but often goes unrecognized by physicians as a sign of the disease, and its prevalence and importance is likely underestimated. Awareness of this aspect of the disease is necessary to make the proper diagnosis rapidly, as it can be a major feature of a patient's presentation. We also briefly discuss the known pathogenic mechanisms, which could be important when selecting the best therapeutic option.
BACKGROUND: Cranial nerve schwannomas are radiologically characterized by nodular cranial nerve enhancement on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Schwannomas typically present with gradually progressive symptoms, but isolated reports have suggested that schwannomas may cause fluctuating symptoms as well. METHODS: This is a report of ten cases of presumed cranial nerve schwannoma that presented with transient or recurring ocular motor nerve deficits. RESULTS: Schwannomas of the third, fourth, and fifth nerves resulted in fluctuating deficits of all 3 ocular motor nerves. Persistent nodular cranial nerve enhancement was present on sequential MRI studies. Several episodes of transient oculomotor (III) deficts were associated with headaches, mimicking ophthalmoplegic migraine. CONCLUSIONS: Cranial nerve schwannomas may result in relapsing and remitting cranial nerve symptoms.
Objective To identify and analyze the prevalence of cranial computed tomography findings in patients admitted to the emergency unit of Hospital Universitário Cajuru. Materials and Methods Cross-sectional study analyzing 200 consecutive non contrast-enhanced cranial computed tomography reports of patients admitted to the emergency unit of Hospital Universitário Cajuru. Results Alterations were observed in 76.5% of the patients. Among them, the following findings were most frequently observed: extracranial soft tissue swelling (22%), bone fracture (16.5%), subarachnoid hemorrhage (15%), nonspecific hypodensity (14.5%), paranasal sinuses opacification (11.5%), diffuse cerebral edema (10.5%), subdural hematoma (9.5%), cerebral contusion (8.5%), hydrocephalus (8%), retractable hypodensity /gliosis/ encephalomalacia (8%). Conclusion The authors recognize that the most common findings in emergency departments reported in the literature are similar to the ones described in the present study. This information is important for professionals to recognize the main changes to be identified at cranial computed tomography, and for future planning and hospital screening aiming at achieving efficiency and improvement in services.
Abstract Objective: To evaluate three-dimensional translational setup errors and residual errors in image-guided radiosurgery, comparing frameless and frame-based techniques, using an anthropomorphic phantom. Materials and Methods: We initially used specific phantoms for the calibration and quality control of the image-guided system. For the hidden target test, we used an Alderson Radiation Therapy (ART)-210 anthropomorphic head phantom, into which we inserted four 5mm metal balls to simulate target treatment volumes. Computed tomography images were the taken with the head phantom properly positioned for frameless and frame-based radiosurgery. Results: For the frameless technique, the mean error magnitude was 0.22 ± 0.04 mm for setup errors and 0.14 ± 0.02 mm for residual errors, the combined uncertainty being 0.28 mm and 0.16 mm, respectively. For the frame-based technique, the mean error magnitude was 0.73 ± 0.14 mm for setup errors and 0.31 ± 0.04 mm for residual errors, the combined uncertainty being 1.15 mm and 0.63 mm, respectively. Conclusion: The mean values, standard deviations, and combined uncertainties showed no evidence of a significant differences between the two techniques when the head phantom ART-210 was used.
Realizou-se a pesquisa com o intuito de avaliar os resultados clínicos da denervação acetabular cranial e dorsal por curetagem em cães com displasia coxofemoral. Foram estudados, para tanto, 97 cães, sem predileção racial ou sexual, de 1-7 anos de idade, com diagnóstico clínico e radiográfico de displasia coxofemoral. Para avaliação dos resultados da técnica cirúrgica, de curetagem das fibras nervosas do periósteo acetabular cranial e dorsal, exames clínicos foram realizados no momento pré-operatório (exame inicial), e pós-operatório, nos dias dois, sete, 14, 21, 30, 60, 180 e 360. Todos os animais foram avaliados quanto à claudicação, dor à movimentação e toque, grau de atrofia muscular, sensibilidade dolorosa ao teste de Ortolani, e qualidade de vida. A denervação reduziu a claudicação, e dor à movimentação e toque à partir de dois dias de pós-operatório, reduziu atrofia muscular aos 60 dias pós-operatórios, e melhorou a qualidade de vida dos pacientes tratados, sob a ótica dos proprietários e veterinários aos 360 dias de pós-operatório. A dener-vação acetabular dorsal é técnica factível no tratamento da dor conseqüente à displasia coxofemoral em cães, com decréscimo significativo desta após dois dias da intervenção cirúrgica, aumenta qualidade de vida e proporciona maior atividade aos pacientes com proprietários satisfeitos quanto aos resultados do procedimento. A técnica cirúrgica deve incluir a curetagem das fibras nervosas do periósteo acetabular tanto da região cranial quanto dorsal.
Radiografia e ultrassonografia foram avaliadas como técnicas no diagnóstico por imagem na ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial (LCCr) em cães. Vinte e cinco cães foram submetidos à radiografia e ultrassonografia e seus resultados foram comparados aos obtidos por artrotomia (teste padrão ouro). O exame radiográfico diagnosticou corretamente a lesão em 84% (21/25) dos casos, mas 16% (4/25) apresentaram resultado falso-negativo. O exame ultrassonográfico foi capaz de diagnosticar acertadamente 76% (19/25) dos casos, e sugeriu a ruptura do LCCr nos 24% (6/25) restantes, apresentando 100% de resultados positivos. Concluiu-se que a radiografia e a ultrassonografia são ferramentas valiosas para diagnosticar casos de ruptura do LCCr em cães.
No estudo sobre a origem e ramificações das artérias mesentéricas cranial (AMCr) e caudal (AMCa) do mocó, foram utilizados 20 animais (18 machos e 2 fêmeas) de diferentes idades, que, após morte natural, foram dissecados rebatendo-se as paredes torácica e abdominal, pelo antímero esquerdo, expondo-se a aorta que foi então canulada em seu trajeto pré-diafragmático, procedendo-se a injeção de neoprene látex corado, no sentido caudal. A seguir, foram fixados em solução aquosa de formol a 10%, durante 48 horas, e posteriormente dissecados. Os resultados mostraram que em 18 animais (90%), a AMCr originou-se da aorta abdominal isoladamente, logo após a artéria celíaca, emitindo as artérias cólica média (CoM), pancreaticoduodenal caudal (PDC), duodenojejunal (DJ), jejunal (J) e ileocecocólica (ICeCo). Em um mocó (5%), as AMCr e AC se originaram da aorta abdominal em um tronco comum. Neste caso, a AMCr originou às artérias CoM, PDC, ICeCo e J. Em uma observação (5%), as artérias AMCr e AMCa surgiram em tronco comum. Neste animal, as artérias PDC, DJ, ICeCo, CoM e J foram originadas da AMCr, enquanto as aterias cólica esquerda (CoE) e retal cranial (ARCr) derivaram da AMCa. Dois animais (10%) apresentaram como colaterais da AMCr as artérias CoM, PDC, DJ, J e o tronco ICeCo, que originou às artérias CoD e ileocecal (ICe). No que diz respeito a AMCa, nos 20 casos (100%) originou as artérias CoE e RCr.
A cranial bone defect may result after an operative treatment of trauma, infection, vascular insult, or tumor. New biomaterials for cranial bone defect reconstructions are needed for example to mimic the biomechanical properties and structure of cranial bone. A novel glass fiber-reinforced composite implant with bioactive glass particulates (FRC–BG, fiber-reinforced composite–bioactive glass) has osteointegrative potential in a preclinical setting. The aim of the first and second study was to investigate the functionality of a FRC–BG implant in the reconstruction of cranial bone defects. During the years 2007–2014, a prospective clinical trial was conducted in two tertiary level academic institutions (Turku University Hospital and Oulu University Hospital) to evaluate the treatment outcome in 35 patients that underwent a FRC–BG cranioplasty. The treatment outcome was good both in adult and pediatric patients. A number of conventional complications related to cranioplasty were observed. In the third study, a retrospective outcome evaluation of 100 cranioplasty procedures performed in Turku University Hospital between years 2002–2012 was conducted. The experimental fourth study was conducted to test the load-bearing capacity and fracture behavior of FRC–BG implants under static loading. The interconnective bars in the implant structure markedly increased the load-bearing capacity of the implant. A loading test did not demonstrate any protrusions of glass fibers or fiber cut. The fracture type was buckling and delamination. In this study, a postoperative complication requiring a reoperation or removal of the cranioplasty material was observed in one out of five cranioplasty patients. The treatment outcomes of cranioplasty performed with different synthetic materials did not show significant difference when compared with autograft. The FRC–BG implant was demonstrated to be safe and biocompatible biomaterial for large cranial bone defect reconstructions in adult and pediatric patients.
Molecular evidence from ascidians for the evolutionary origin of vertebrate cranial sensory placodes
Cranial sensory placodes are specialised areas of the head ectoderm of vertebrate embryos that contribute to the formation of the cranial sense organs and associated ganglia. Placodes are often considered a vertebrate innovation, and their evolution has been hypothesised as one key adaptation underlying the evolution of active predation by primitive vertebrates. Here, we review recent molecular evidence pertinent to understanding the evolutionary origin of placodes. The development of vertebrate placodes is regulated by numerous genes, including members of the Pax, Six, Eya, Fox, Phox, Neurogenin and Pou gene families. In the sea squirt Ciona intestinalis (a basal chordate and close relative of the vertebrates), orthologues of these genes are deployed in the development of the oral and atrial siphons, structures used for filter feeding by the sessile adult. Our interpretation of these findings is that vertebrate placodes and sea squirt siphon primordia have evolved from the same patches of specialised ectoderm present in the common ancestor of the chordates.