989 resultados para coupled-wave theory
As crises energéticas surgidas no decorrer do último século, incluindo a crise do petróleo, obrigaram o Homem a procurar cada vez mais fontes de energia alternativas e preferencialmente inesgotáveis. Desta situação, resultou uma forte aposta na exploração das fontes de energias renováveis, que são uma das principais alternativas para responder a um aumento de procura, e também, face às exigências de consumos actuais, beneficiando de ao se apostar numa energia limpa e renovável existir uma forte redução nos impactes ambientais que outras fontes de energia não apresentam. O aproveitamento dos recursos provenientes de fontes de energia renováveis para a produção de energia já existe há vários anos, e, em alguns casos, atingiram já um estado de maturidade considerável, como é caso da energia eólica. Em comparação, o mesmo já não acontece com a energia das ondas. Embora o oceano apresente um recurso com enorme potencial para ser explorado, incluindo as ondas e correntes oceânicas, os dispositivos tecnológicos necessários para a exploração deste recurso encontram-se maioritariamente ainda em fase experimental, havendo casos pontuais que atingiram a fase pré-comercial. Assim, não existe até à data um dispositivo padrão para a exploração da energia das ondas em grande escala, contrariamente ao que acontece com a energia eólica. Para esta situação, contribuiu o elevado número de dispositivos patenteados para a exploração da energia das ondas, nenhum deles com vantagens significativas relativamente a outros, e também, devido ao facto de a exploração deste tipo de energia não poder ser feito de igual modo na costa ou a muitos quilómetros dela. Na presente dissertação são apresentados alguns dos principais dispositivos existentes para a extracção de energia proveniente das ondas oceânicas, com especial atenção para os dispositivos de coluna de água oscilante.
Tese para a obtenção do grau de Doutor em Economia, especialidade de Economia da Empresa
Heisenberg model, quantum spin, kagome lattice, Green's function method, spin wave theory
To obtain a state-of-the-art benchmark potential energy surface (PES) for the archetypal oxidative addition of the methane C-H bond to the palladium atom, we have explored this PES using a hierarchical series of ab initio methods (Hartree-Fock, second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory, fourth-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory with single, double and quadruple excitations, coupled cluster theory with single and double excitations (CCSD), and with triple excitations treated perturbatively [CCSD(T)]) and hybrid density functional theory using the B3LYP functional, in combination with a hierarchical series of ten Gaussian-type basis sets, up to g polarization. Relativistic effects are taken into account either through a relativistic effective core potential for palladium or through a full four-component all-electron approach. Counterpoise corrected relative energies of stationary points are converged to within 0.1-0.2 kcal/mol as a function of the basis-set size. Our best estimate of kinetic and thermodynamic parameters is -8.1 (-8.3) kcal/mol for the formation of the reactant complex, 5.8 (3.1) kcal/mol for the activation energy relative to the separate reactants, and 0.8 (-1.2) kcal/mol for the reaction energy (zero-point vibrational energy-corrected values in parentheses). This agrees well with available experimental data. Our work highlights the importance of sufficient higher angular momentum polarization functions, f and g, for correctly describing metal-d-electron correlation and, thus, for obtaining reliable relative energies. We show that standard basis sets, such as LANL2DZ+ 1f for palladium, are not sufficiently polarized for this purpose and lead to erroneous CCSD(T) results. B3LYP is associated with smaller basis set superposition errors and shows faster convergence with basis-set size but yields relative energies (in particular, a reaction barrier) that are ca. 3.5 kcal/mol higher than the corresponding CCSD(T) values
This article presents a discussion on light diffraction by slits and grids as well as the development of an experimental apparatus which provides quantitative observation of the phenomenon. We conducted a brief historical survey on the evolution of the wave theory of light and the role of diffraction in the context of optical spectroscopy. We also reviewed the use of Huygens’ principle to calculate the intensity pattern obtained when light is diffracted by slits and compared the predictions with experimental results obtained using the apparatus developed. Finally, the use of the apparatus in an optical spectroscopy experiment was demonstrated.
Cette thèse caractérise les propriétés optiques des matériaux plasmoniques microstructurés et procède à l’évaluation des paramètres analytiques afin de les employer comme plateforme de biodétection en spectroscopie de résonance des plasmons de surface (SPR). Aux dimensions micrométriques, les matériaux plasmoniques présentent des caractéristiques optiques propres aux nano- et macromatériaux. La cartographie physicooptiques en SPR de matériaux méso- et microscopiques s’est effectuée à l’aide de films structurés de motifs périodiques triangulaires et circulaires fabriqués par une technique modifiée de lithographie par nanosphères (nanosphere lithography, NSL). À partir de cette vue d’ensemble, quelques films structurés ont été sélectionné en fonction d’aspects analytiques tels que la sensibilité et la résolution face aux variations d’indice de réfraction (RI) pour déterminer le potentiel de ces matériaux comme plateforme de biodetection. Les propriétés optiques distinctes des films microstructurés proviennent d’interactions résonantes entre les modes de plasmons de surface (SP) localisé et délocalisé identifiés par la relation de dispersion en SPR ainsi que l’imagerie Raman. Les conditions de résonance des modes SP dépendant de paramètres expérimentaux (λ, θ, η) tel qu’observés numériquement par rigorous coupled wave analysis (RCWA) et empiriquement. Ces travaux démontrent la nature plasmonique distincte des micro-matériaux et leur potentiel d’intégration aux techniques analytiques SPR existantes. Les matériaux plasmoniques micrométriques furent également étudiés pour l’implémentation de la SPR à une pointe de microscopie à force atomique (atomic force microscopy, AFM) combinant ainsi la spectroscopie à l’imagerie topographique. Des travaux préliminaires se sont concentrés sur la signature spectroscopique de leviers en silicium (Si) et en nitrure de silicium (Si3N4), l’impact d’un revêtement d’or sur les pointes et l’influence de milieu environnant. Une image d’origine plasmonique a été obtenue avec des leviers en Si3N4 revêtus d’or en transmission dans un environnement aqueux, indiquant ainsi le potentiel de ces pointes comme micro-biocapteur SPR. Ces résultats préliminaires servent de fondement pour orienter les prochaines investigations dans ce projet.
The transient interaction between a refraction index grating and light beams during simultaneous writing and thermal fixing of a photorefractive hologram is investigated. With a diffusion- and photovoltaic-dominated carrier transport mechanism and carrier thermal activation (temperature dependent) considered in Fe:LiNbO3 crystal, from the standpoint of field-material coupling, the theoretical thermal fixing time and the space-charge field buildup, spatial distribution, and temperature dependence are given numerically by combining the band transport model with mobile ions with the coupled-wave equation
To obtain a state-of-the-art benchmark potential energy surface (PES) for the archetypal oxidative addition of the methane C-H bond to the palladium atom, we have explored this PES using a hierarchical series of ab initio methods (Hartree-Fock, second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory, fourth-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory with single, double and quadruple excitations, coupled cluster theory with single and double excitations (CCSD), and with triple excitations treated perturbatively [CCSD(T)]) and hybrid density functional theory using the B3LYP functional, in combination with a hierarchical series of ten Gaussian-type basis sets, up to g polarization. Relativistic effects are taken into account either through a relativistic effective core potential for palladium or through a full four-component all-electron approach. Counterpoise corrected relative energies of stationary points are converged to within 0.1-0.2 kcal/mol as a function of the basis-set size. Our best estimate of kinetic and thermodynamic parameters is -8.1 (-8.3) kcal/mol for the formation of the reactant complex, 5.8 (3.1) kcal/mol for the activation energy relative to the separate reactants, and 0.8 (-1.2) kcal/mol for the reaction energy (zero-point vibrational energy-corrected values in parentheses). This agrees well with available experimental data. Our work highlights the importance of sufficient higher angular momentum polarization functions, f and g, for correctly describing metal-d-electron correlation and, thus, for obtaining reliable relative energies. We show that standard basis sets, such as LANL2DZ+ 1f for palladium, are not sufficiently polarized for this purpose and lead to erroneous CCSD(T) results. B3LYP is associated with smaller basis set superposition errors and shows faster convergence with basis-set size but yields relative energies (in particular, a reaction barrier) that are ca. 3.5 kcal/mol higher than the corresponding CCSD(T) values
Wavenumber-frequency spectral analysis and linear wave theory are combined in a novel method to quantitatively estimate equatorial wave activity in the tropical lower stratosphere. The method requires temperature and velocity observations that are regularly spaced in latitude, longitude and time; it is therefore applied to the ECMWF 15-year re-analysis dataset (ERA-15). Signals consistent with idealized Kelvin and Rossby-gravity waves are found at wavenumbers and frequencies in agreement with previous studies. When averaged over 1981-93, the Kelvin wave explains approximately 1 K-2 of temperature variance on the equator at 100 hPa, while the Rossby-gravity wave explains approximately 1 m(2)s(-2) of meridional wind variance. Some inertio-gravity wave and equatorial Rossby wave signals are also found; however the resolution of ERA-15 is not sufficient for the method to provide an accurate climatology of waves with high meridional structure.
Results from an idealized three-dimensional baroclinic life-cycle model are interpreted in a potential vorticity (PV) framework to identify the physical mechanisms by which frictional processes acting in the atmospheric boundary layer modify and reduce the baroclinic development of a midlatitude storm. Considering a life cycle where the only non-conservative process acting is boundary-layer friction, the rate of change of depth-averaged PV within the boundary layer is governed by frictional generation of PV and the flux of PV into the free troposphere. Frictional generation of PV has two contributions: Ekman generation, which is directly analogous to the well-known Ekman-pumping mechanism for barotropic vortices, and baroclinic generation, which depends on the turning of the wind in the boundary layer and low-level horizontal temperature gradients. It is usually assumed, at least implicitly, that an Ekman process of negative PV generation is the mechanism whereby friction reduces the strength and growth rates of baroclinic systems. Although there is evidence for this mechanism, it is shown that baroclinic generation of PV dominates, producing positive PV anomalies downstream of the low centre, close to developing warm and cold fronts. These PV anomalies are advected by the large-scale warm conveyor belt flow upwards and polewards, fluxed into the troposphere near the warm front, and then advected westwards relative to the system. The result is a thin band of positive PV in the lower troposphere above the surface low centre. This PV is shown to be associated with a positive static stability anomaly, which Rossby edge wave theory suggests reduces the strength of the coupling between the upper- and lower-level PV anomalies, thereby reducing the rate of baroclinic development. This mechanism, which is a result of the baroclinic dynamics in the frontal regions, is in marked contrast with simple barotropic spin-down ideas. Finally we note the implications of these frictionally generated PV anomalies for cyclone forecasting.
The spatial structure and phase velocity of tropopause disturbances localized around the subpolar jet in the Southern Hemisphere are investigated using 6-hourly European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis data covering 15 yr (1979–93). The phase velocity and phase structure of the tropopause disturbances are in good agreement with those of an edge wave vertically trapped at the tropopause. However, the vertical distribution of the ratio of potential to kinetic energy exhibits maxima above and below the tropopause and a minimum around the tropopause, in contradiction to edge wave theory for which the ratio is unity throughout the troposphere and stratosphere. This difference in vertical structure between the observed tropopause disturbances and edge wave theory is attributed to the effects of a finite-depth tropopause together with the next-order corrections in Rossby number to quasigeostrophic dynamics
The general 1-D theory of waves propagating on a zonally varying flow is developed from basic wave theory, and equations are derived for the variation of wavenumber and energy along ray paths. Different categories of behaviour are found, depending on the sign of the group velocity (cg) and a wave property, B. For B positive the wave energy and the wave number vary in the same sense, with maxima in relative easterlies or westerlies, depending on the sign of cg. Also the wave accumulation of Webster and Chang (1988) occurs where cg goes to zero. However for B negative they behave in opposite senses and wave accumulation does not occur. The zonal propagation of the gravest equatorial waves is analysed in detail using the theory. For non-dispersive Kelvin waves, B reduces to 2, and analytic solution is possible. B is positive for all the waves considered, except for the westward moving mixed Rossby-gravity (WMRG) wave which can have negative as well as positive B. Comparison is made between the observed climatologies of the individual equatorial waves and the result of pure propagation on the climatological upper tropospheric flow. The Kelvin wave distribution is in remarkable agreement, considering the approximations made. Some aspects of the WMRG and Rossby wave distributions are also in qualitative agreement. However the observed maxima in these waves in the winter westerlies in the eastern Pacific and Atlantic are not consistent with the theory. This is consistent with the importance of the sources of equatorial waves in these westerly duct regions due to higher latitude wave activity.
Ground-state energies for anti ferromagnetic Heisenberg models with exchange anisotropy are estimated by means of a local-spin approximation made in the context of the density functional theory. Correlation energy is obtained using the non-linear spin-wave theory for homogeneous systems from which the spin functional is built. Although applicable to chains of any size, the results are shown for small number of sites, to exhibit finite-size effects and allow comparison with exact-numerical data from direct diagonalization of small chains. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study reports a systematic state-of-the-art characterization of new sulfur-chlorine species on the [H, S(2), Cl] potential energy surface. Coupled cluster theory singles and doubles with perturbative contributions of connected triples, using the series of correlation consistent basis sets with extrapolations to the complete basis set limit (CBS), were employed to quantify the energetic quantities involved in the isomerization processes on this surface. The structures and vibrational frequencies are unique for some species and represent the most accurate investigation to date. These molecules are potentially a new route of coupling the sulfur and chlorine chemistries in the atmosphere, and conditions of high concentration of H(2)S (HS) like in volcanic eruptions might contribute to their formation. Also an assessment of the MP2/CBS approach relative to CCSD(T)/CBS provides insights on the expected performance of MP2/CBS on the characterization of polysulfides, and also of more complex systems containing disulfide bridges. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
During the construction of five residential buildings in the city of Taubate, State of São Paulo, it was possible to carry out one comprehensive investigation of the behavior of precast concrete piles in clay shales. This paper describes the results of Dynamic Load Tests (DLT's) executed in three piles with different diameters and with the same embedded length. The tests were monitored using the PDA(R) (Pile Driving Analyzer) and the pile top displacement was measured by pencil and paper procedure. From the curves of RMX versus DMX resulted from CASE(R) method, CAPWAPC(R) analyses were made for signals where the maximum mobilized soil resistance was verified. The results were compared with the predicted bearing capacity using the semi-empirical method of Decourt & Quaresma (1978) and Decourt (1982) based on SPT values and the description of the soil profile. Some comments related to the values of quake and damping used for clay shales in the analyses are also presented.