973 resultados para correlated data
Many studies in biostatistics deal with binary data. Some of these studies involve correlated observations, which can complicate the analysis of the resulting data. Studies of this kind typically arise when a high degree of commonality exists between test subjects. If there exists a natural hierarchy in the data, multilevel analysis is an appropriate tool for the analysis. Two examples are the measurements on identical twins, or the study of symmetrical organs or appendages such as in the case of ophthalmic studies. Although this type of matching appears ideal for the purposes of comparison, analysis of the resulting data while ignoring the effect of intra-cluster correlation has been shown to produce biased results.^ This paper will explore the use of multilevel modeling of simulated binary data with predetermined levels of correlation. Data will be generated using the Beta-Binomial method with varying degrees of correlation between the lower level observations. The data will be analyzed using the multilevel software package MlwiN (Woodhouse, et al, 1995). Comparisons between the specified intra-cluster correlation of these data and the estimated correlations, using multilevel analysis, will be used to examine the accuracy of this technique in analyzing this type of data. ^
Factorial experiments with spatially arranged units occur in many situations, particularly in agricultural field trials. The design of such experiments when observations are spatially correlated is investigated in this paper. We show that having a large number of within-factor level changes in rows and columns is important for efficient and robust designs, and demonstrate how designs with these properties can be constructed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
To account for the preponderance of zero counts and simultaneous correlation of observations, a class of zero-inflated Poisson mixed regression models is applicable for accommodating the within-cluster dependence. In this paper, a score test for zero-inflation is developed for assessing correlated count data with excess zeros. The sampling distribution and the power of the test statistic are evaluated by simulation studies. The results show that the test statistic performs satisfactorily under a wide range of conditions. The test procedure is further illustrated using a data set on recurrent urinary tract infections. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Count data with excess zeros relative to a Poisson distribution are common in many biomedical applications. A popular approach to the analysis of such data is to use a zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) regression model. Often, because of the hierarchical Study design or the data collection procedure, zero-inflation and lack of independence may occur simultaneously, which tender the standard ZIP model inadequate. To account for the preponderance of zero counts and the inherent correlation of observations, a class of multi-level ZIP regression model with random effects is presented. Model fitting is facilitated using an expectation-maximization algorithm, whereas variance components are estimated via residual maximum likelihood estimating equations. A score test for zero-inflation is also presented. The multi-level ZIP model is then generalized to cope with a more complex correlation structure. Application to the analysis of correlated count data from a longitudinal infant feeding study illustrates the usefulness of the approach.
Patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome usually present with changes in upper airway morphology and/or body fat distribution, which may occur throughout life and increase the severity of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with age. To correlate cephalometric and anthropometric measures with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome severity in different age groups. A retrospective study of cephalometric and anthropometric measures of 102 patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome was analyzed. Patients were divided into three age groups (≥20 and <40 years, ≥40 and <60 years, and ≥60 years). Pearson's correlation was performed for these measures with the apnea-hypopnea index in the full sample, and subsequently by age group. The cephalometric measures MP-H (distance between the mandibular plane and the hyoid bone) and PNS-P (distance between the posterior nasal spine and the tip of the soft palate) and the neck and waist circumferences showed a statistically significant correlation with apnea-hypopnea index in both the full sample and in the ≥40 and <60 years age group. These variables did not show any significant correlation with the other two age groups (<40 and ≥60 years). Cephalometric measurements MP-H and PNS-P and cervical and waist circumferences correlated with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome severity in patients in the ≥40 and <60 age group.
Advances in diagnostic research are moving towards methods whereby the periodontal risk can be identified and quantified by objective measures using biomarkers. Patients with periodontitis may have elevated circulating levels of specific inflammatory markers that can be correlated to the severity of the disease. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether differences in the serum levels of inflammatory biomarkers are differentially expressed in healthy and periodontitis patients. Twenty-five patients (8 healthy patients and 17 chronic periodontitis patients) were enrolled in the study. A 15 mL blood sample was used for identification of the inflammatory markers, with a human inflammatory flow cytometry multiplex assay. Among 24 assessed cytokines, only 3 (RANTES, MIG and Eotaxin) were statistically different between groups (p<0.05). In conclusion, some of the selected markers of inflammation are differentially expressed in healthy and periodontitis patients. Cytokine profile analysis may be further explored to distinguish the periodontitis patients from the ones free of disease and also to be used as a measure of risk. The present data, however, are limited and larger sample size studies are required to validate the findings of the specific biomarkers.
Context. Be stars undergo outbursts producing a circumstellar disk from the ejected material. The beating of non-radial pulsations has been put forward as a possible mechanism of ejection. Aims. We analyze the pulsational behavior of the early B0.5IVe star HD 49330 observed during the first CoRoT long run towards the Galactical anticenter (LRA1). This Be star is located close to the lower edge of the beta Cephei instability strip in the HR diagram and showed a 0.03 mag outburst during the CoRoT observations. It is thus an ideal case for testing the aforementioned hypothesis. Methods. We analyze the CoRoT light curve of HD 49330 using Fourier methods and non-linear least square fitting. Results. In this star, we find pulsation modes typical of beta Cep stars (p modes) and SPB stars (g modes) with amplitude variations along the run directly correlated with the outburst. These results provide new clues about the origin of the Be phenomenon as well as strong constraints on the seismic modelling of Be stars.
Thermodynamic properties of bread dough (fusion enthalpy, apparent specific heat, initial freezing point and unfreezable water) were measured at temperatures from -40 degrees C to 35 degrees C using differential scanning calorimetry. The initial freezing point was also calculated based on the water activity of dough. The apparent specific heat varied as a function of temperature: specific heat in the freezing region varied from (1.7-23.1) J g(-1) degrees C(-1), and was constant at temperatures above freezing (2.7 J g(-1) degrees C(-1)). Unfreezable water content varied from (0.174-0.182) g/g of total product. Values of heat capacity as a function of temperature were correlated using thermodynamic models. A modification for low-moisture foodstuffs (such as bread dough) was successfully applied to the experimental data. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Multifrequency bioimpedance analysis has the potential to provide a non-invasive technique for determining body composition in live cattle. A bioimpedance meter developed for use in clinical medicine was adapted and evaluated in 2 experiments using a total of 31 cattle. Prediction equations were obtained for total body water, extracellular body water, intracellular body water, carcass water and carcass protein. There were strong correlations between the results obtained through chemical markers and bioimpedance analysis when determined in cattle that had a wide range of liveweights and conditions. The r(2) values obtained were 0.87 and 0.91 for total body water and extracellular body water respectively. Bioimpedance also correlated with carcass water, measured by chemical analysis (r(2) = 0.72), but less well with carcass protein (r(2) = 0.46). These correlations were improved by inclusion of liveweight and sex as variables in multiple regression analysis. However, the resultant equations were poor predictors of protein and water content in the carcasses of a group of small underfed beef cattle, that had a narrow range of liveweights. In this case, although there was no statistical difference between the predicted and measured values overall, bioimpedance analysis did not detect the differences in carcass protein between the 2 groups that were apparent following chemical analysis. Further work is required to determine the sensitivity of the technique in small underfed cattle, and its potential use in heavier well fed cattle close to slaughter weight.
The World Health Organization (WHO) MONICA Project is a 10-year study monitoring trends and determinants of cardiovascular disease in geographically defined populations. Data were collected from over 100 000 randomly selected participants in two risk factor surveys conducted approximately 5 years apart in 38 populations using standardized protocols. The net effects of changes in the risk factor levels were estimated using risk scores derived from longitudinal studies in the Nordic countries. The prevalence of cigarette smoking decreased among men in most populations, but the trends for women varied. The prevalence of hypertension declined in two-thirds of the populations. Changes in the prevalence of raised total cholesterol were small but highly correlated between the genders (r = 0.8). The prevalence of obesity increased in three-quarters of the populations for men and in more than half of the populations for women. In almost half of the populations there were statistically significant declines in the estimated coronary risk for both men and women, although for Beijing the risk score increased significantly for both genders. The net effect of the changes in the risk factor levels in the 1980s in most of the study populations of the WHO MONICA Project is that the rates of coronary disease are predicted to decline in the 1990s.
Regression analyses of a long series of light-trap catches at Narrabri, Australia, were used to describe the seasonal dynamics of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). The size of the second generation was significantly related to the size of the first generation, to winter rainfall, which had a positive effect, and to spring rainfall which had a negative effect. These variables accounted for up to 96% of the variation in size of the second generation from year to year. Rainfall and crop hosts were also important for the size of the third generation. The area and tonnage of many potential host crops were significantly correlated with winter rain. When winter rain was omitted from the analysis, the sizes of both the second and third generations could be expressed as a function of the size of the previous generation and of the areas planted to lucerne, sorghum and maize. Lucerne and maize always had positive coefficients and sorghum a negative one. We extended our analysis to catches of H. punctigera (Wallengren), which declines in abundance after the second generation. Winter rain had a positive effect on the sizes of the second and third generations, and rain in spring or early summer had a negative effect. Only the area grown to lucerne had a positive effect on abundance. Forecasts of pest levels from a few months to a few weeks in advance are discussed, along with the improved understanding of the seasonal dynamics of both species and the significance of crops in the management of insecticide resistance for H. armigera.
Proteins found in the root exudates are thought to play a role in the interactions between plants and soil organisms. To gain a better understanding of protein secretion by roots, we conducted a systematic proteomic analysis of the root exudates of Arabidopsis thaliana at different plant developmental stages. In total, we identified 111 proteins secreted by roots, the majority of which were exuded constitutively during all stages of development. However, defense-related proteins such as chitinases, glucanases, myrosinases, and others showed enhanced secretion during flowering. Defense-impaired mutants npr1-1 and NahG showed lower levels of secretion of defense proteins at flowering compared with the wild type. The flowering-defective mutants fca-1, stm-4, and co-1 showed almost undetectable levels of defense proteins in their root exudates at similar time points. In contrast, root secretions of defense-enhanced cpr5-2 mutants showed higher levels of defense proteins. The proteomics data were positively correlated with enzymatic activity assays for defense proteins and with in silico gene expression analysis of genes specifically expressed in roots of Arabidopsis. In conclusion, our results show a clear correlation between defense-related proteins secreted by roots and flowering time.
Purpose: To identify papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC)-associated transcripts, we compared the gene expression profiles of three Serial Analysis of Gene Expression libraries generated from thyroid tumors and a normal thyroid tissue. Experimental Design: Selected transcripts were validated in a panel of 57 thyroid tumors using quantitative PCR (qPCR). An independent set of 71 paraffin-embedded sections was used for validation using immunohistochemical analysis. To determine if PTC-associated gene expression could predict lymph node involvement, a separate cohort of 130 primary PTC (54 metastatic and 76 nonmetastatic) was investigated. The BRAF(V600E) mutational status was compared with qPCR data to identify genes that might be regulated by abnormal BRAF/MEK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling. Results: We identified and validated new PTC-associated transcripts. Three genes (CST6, CXCL14, and DHRS3) are strongly associated with PTC. Immunohistochemical analysis of CXCL14 confirmed the qPCR data and showed protein expression in PTC epithelial cells. We also observed that CST6, CXCL14, DHRS3, and SPP1 were associated with PTC lymph node metastasis, with CST6, CXCL14, and SPP1 being positively correlated with metastasis and DHRS3 being negatively correlated. Finally, we found a strong correlation between CST6 and CXCL14 expression and BRAF(V600E) mutational status, suggesting that these genes may be induced subsequently to BRAF activation and therefore may be downstream in the BRAF/MEK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling pathway. Conclusion: CST6, CXCL14, DHRS3, and SPP1 may play a role in PTC pathogenesis and progression and are possible molecular targets for FTC therapy.
Introduction. Few population-based studies in erectile dysfunction (ED) included subjects less than 40 years old and analyzed the several factors and consequences potentially associated with this condition. Aim. Evaluation of the prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) and associated factors in a sample of Brazilian men aged 18 to 40 years old. Methods. Cross-sectional study in which subjects were contacted in public places of 18 major Brazilian cities and interviewed using an anonymous questionnaire. Survey data were submitted to chi-squared, student`s t-test and logistic regression analyses. Main Outcome Measures. The data were collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire with 87 questions about sociodemographic variables, general health, habits and lifestyle-related factors, sexual behavior and sexual difficulties, including ED which was assessed by a single question. Results. Prevalence of ED in 1,947 men was 35.0% (73.7% mild, 26.3% moderate/complete). Greater frequency of ED was seen in subjects that never had information about sex, experienced difficulties in the beginning of sexual life and have never masturbated. ED was associated to lower level of education, but not to race, sexual orientation, employment or marital status. Also, no association was found between ED and smoking, alcoholism, obesity, sedentary life, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, hyperlipidemia, depression or anxiety. ED caused negative impact in men`s self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, work and leisure activities, and in sexual life satisfaction. Less than 10% of men with ED had received medical treatment for this problem. Conclusions. Prevalence of ED in this young population was high, mostly of mild severity. Low education and psychosocial problems were associated to ED and, due probably to the sample subjects` young age, no association was found with organic problems. Measures in the fields of education and psychosocial difficulties prevention would have a positive impact in the control of erectile dysfunction in the young population. Martins FG, and Abdo CHN. Erectile dysfunction and correlated factors in Brazilian men aged 18-40 years. J Sex Med 2010;7:2166-2173.
Objective: Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome (CBPS) is frequently caused by polymicrogyria (PMG). The aim of this study was to correlate the clinical and psycholinguistic aspects with neuroradiological data of patients with CBPS. Methods: Thirty-one patients were studied. We performed a clinical investigation of the patients and their families, including MRI scanning, neuropsychological tests and language evaluation. Results: The statistical analysis showed that: a) prenatal events are associated with the non-familial type of PMG; b) diffuse PMG is associated with pseudobulbar signs, as opposed to BPPP; c) motor deficit is associated with diffuse PMG; d) epilepsy is equally present in patients with both familial or non-familial PMG, but is more frequently seen in patients with diffuse PMG; e) dyslexia and SLI can be a feature of both the diffuse or BPPP, and either familial or sporadic cases of PMG. Conclusions: The severity of clinical manifestations in CBPS is correlated with the extent of cortical involvement. Most patients with CBPS have a history of speech delay or language difficulties and no epilepsy. Dyslexia can be found in patients with PMG.