999 resultados para coral disease


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The benthic habitats of Saba Bank (17°25′N, 63°30′W) are at risk from maritime traffic, especially oil tankers (e.g., anchoring). To mitigate this risk, information is needed on the biodiversity and location of habitats to develop a zone use plan. A rapid survey to document the biodiversity of macro-algae, sponges, corals and fishes was conducted. Here we report on the richness and condition of stony coral species at 18 select sites, and we test for the effects of bottom type, depth, and distance from platform edge. Species richness was visually assessed by roving scuba diver with voucher specimens of each species collected. Coral tissue was examined for bleaching and diseases. Thirty-three coral species were documented. There were no significant differences in coral composition among bottom types or depth classes (ANOSIM, P>0.05). There was a significant difference between sites (ANOSIM, P<0.05) near and far from the platform edge. The number of coral species observed ranged from zero and one in algal dominated habitats to 23 at a reef habitat on the southern edge of the Bank. Five reef sites had stands of Acropora cervicornis, a critically endangered species on the IUCN redlist. Bleaching was evident at 82% of the sites assessed with 43 colonies bleached. Only three coral colonies were observed to have disease. Combining our findings with that of other studies, a total of 43 species have been documented from Saba Bank. The coral assemblage on the bank is representative and typical of those found elsewhere in the Caribbean. Although our findings will help develop effective protection, more information is needed on Saba Bank to create a comprehensive zone use plan. Nevertheless, immediate action is warranted to protect the diverse coral reef habitats documented here, especially those containing A. cervicornis.


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The bacterial communities associated with healthy and diseased colonies of the cold-water gorgonian coral Eunicella verrucosa at three sites off the south-west coast of England were compared using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and clone libraries. Significant differences in community structure between healthy and diseased samples were discovered, as were differences in the level of disturbance to these communities at each site; this correlated with depth and sediment load. The majority of cloned sequences from healthy coral tissue affiliated with the Gammaproteobacteria. The stability of the bacterial community and dominance of specific genera found across visibly healthy colonies suggest the presence of a specific microbial community. Affiliations included a high proportion of Endozoicomonas sequences, which were most similar to sequences found in tropical corals. This genus has been found in a number of invertebrates and is suggested to have a role in coral health and in the metabolisation of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) produced by zooxanthellae. However, screening of colonies for the presence of zooxanthellae produced a negative result. Diseased colonies showed a decrease in affiliated clones and an increase in clones related to potentially harmful/transient microorganisms but no increase in a particular pathogen. This study demonstrates that a better understanding of these bacterial communities, the factors that affect them and their role in coral health and disease will be of critical importance in predicting future threats to temperate gorgonian communities.


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Taxonomic characterization was performed on the putative N-2-fixing microbiota associated with the coral species Mussismilia hispida, and with its sympatric species Palythoa caribaeorum, P. variabilis, and Zoanthus solanderi, off the coast of Sao Sebastiao (Sao Paulo State, Brazil). The 95 isolates belonged to the Gammaproteobacteria according to the 16S rDNA gene sequences. In order to identify the isolates unambiguously, pyrH gene sequencing was carried out. The majority of the isolates (n = 76) fell within the Vibrio core group, with the highest gene sequence similarity being towards Vibrio harveyi and Vibrio alginolyticus. Nineteen representative isolates belonging to V. harveyi (n = 7), V. alginolyticus (n = 8), V. campbellii (n = 3), and V parahaemolyticus (n = 1) were capable of growing six successive times in nitrogen-free medium and some of them showed strong nitrogenase activity by means of the acetylene reduction assay (ARA). It was concluded that nitrogen fixation is a common phenotypic trait among Vibrio species of the core group. The fact that different Vibrio species can fix N, might explain why they are so abundant in the mucus of different coral species. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier GmbH.


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Nonostante lo sforzo sempre crescente mirato allo studio delle malattie che colpiscono le sclerattinie, ancora poco si sa circa distribuzione, prevalenza, host range e fattori che concorrono alla comparsa di queste patologie, soprattutto nell’area indopacifica. Questo studio si propone quindi lo scopo di documentare la presenza della Brown Band Disease all’interno delle scogliere madreporiche dell’Arcipelago delle Maldive. Nell’arco di tempo tra Novembre e Dicembre 2013 è stata effettuata una valutazione di tipo quantitativo di tale patologia su tre isole appartenenti l’Atollo di Faafu, rispettivamente Magoodhoo, Filitheyo e Adangau. Queste tre isole sono caratterizzate da un diverso sfruttamento da parte dell’uomo: la prima isola è abitata da locali, la seconda caratterizzata dalla presenza di un resort e l’ultima, un’isola deserta. Al fine di valutare prevalenza, distribuzione e host range della BrBD sono stati effettuati belt transect (25x2 m), point intercept transect e analisi chimico fisiche delle acque. La Brown Band Disease è risultata essere diffusa tra le isole con prevalenze inferiori al 0,50%. Queste non hanno mostrato differenze significative tra le isole, facendo quindi ipotizzare che i diversi valori osservati potrebbero essere imputati a variazioni casuali e naturali. In tutta l’area investigata, le stazioni più profonde hanno mostrato valori di prevalenza maggiori. La patologia è stata registrata infestare soprattutto il genere Acropora (con prevalenza media totale inferiore all’1%) e in un solo caso il genere Isopora. È stato dimostrato come sia presente una correlazione negativa tra densità totale delle sclerattinie e la prevalenza della Brown Band sul genere Acropora. É stato inoltre notato come vi fosse una correlazione positiva tra la prevalenza della BrBD e la presenza del gasteropode Drupella sulle colonie già malate. Poiché il principale ospite della patologia è anche il più abbondante nelle scogliere madreporiche maldiviane, si rendono necessari ulteriori accertamenti e monitoraggi futuri della BrBD.


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Mortality of corals is increasing due to bleaching, disease and algal overgrowth. In the Caribbean, low rates of coral recruitment contribute to the slow or undetectable rates of recovery in reef ecosystems. Although algae have long been suspected to interfere with coral recruitment, the mechanisms of that interaction remain unclear. We experimentally tested the effects of turf algal abundance on 3 sequential factors important to recruitment of corals: the biophysical delivery of planktonic coral larvae, their propensity to settle, and the availability of microhabitats where they survive. We deployed coral settlement plates inside and outside damselfish Stegastes spp. gardens and cages. Damselfish aggression reduced herbivory from fishes, and cages became fouled with turf algae, both locally increasing algal biomass surrounding the plates. This reduced flushing rates in nursery microhabitats on the plate underside, limiting larvae available for settlement. Coral spat settled preferentially on an early successional crustose coralline alga Titanoderma prototypum but also on or near other coralline algae, biofilms, and calcareous polychaete worm tubes. Post-settlement survival was highest in the fully grazed, lowest algal biomass treatment, and after 27 mo 'spat' densities were 73 % higher in this treatment. The 'gauntlet' refers to the sequence of ecological processes through which corals must survive to recruit. The highest proportion of coral spat successfully running the gauntlet did so under conditions of low algal biomass resulting from increased herbivory. If coral recruitment is heavily controlled at very local scales by this gauntlet, then coral reef managers could improve a reef's recruitment potential by managing for reduced algal biomass.


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Outbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS), Acanthaster planci, contribute to major declines of coral reef ecosystems throughout the Indo-Pacific. As the oceans warm and decrease in pH due to increased anthropogenic CO2 production, coral reefs are also susceptible to bleaching, disease and reduced calcification. The impacts of ocean acidification and warming may be exacerbated by COTS predation, but it is not known how this major predator will fare in a changing ocean. Because larval success is a key driver of population outbreaks, we investigated the sensitivities of larval A. planci to increased temperature (2-4 °C above ambient) and acidification (0.3-0.5 pH units below ambient) in flow-through cross-factorial experiments (3 temperature × 3 pH/pCO2 levels). There was no effect of increased temperature or acidification on fertilization or very early development. Larvae reared in the optimal temperature (28 °C) were the largest across all pH treatments. Development to advanced larva was negatively affected by the high temperature treatment (30 °C) and by both experimental pH levels (pH 7.6, 7.8). Thus, planktonic life stages of A. planci may be negatively impacted by near-future global change. Increased temperature and reduced pH had an additive negative effect on reducing larval size. The 30 °C treatment exceeded larval tolerance regardless of pH. As 30 °C sea surface temperatures may become the norm in low latitude tropical regions, poleward migration of A. planci may be expected as they follow optimal isotherms. In the absence of acclimation or adaptation, declines in low latitude populations may occur. Poleward migration will be facilitated by strong western boundary currents, with possible negative flow-on effects on high latitude coral reefs. The contrasting responses of the larvae of A. planci and those of its coral prey to ocean acidification and warming are considered in context with potential future change in tropical reef ecosystems.


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Coral reef communities are in a state of change throughout their geographical range. Factors contributing to this change include bleaching (the loss of algal symbionts), storm damage, disease, and increasing abundance of macroalgae. An additional factor for Caribbean reefs is the aftereffects of the epizootic that reduced the abundance of the herbivorous sea urchin, Diadema antillarum. Although coral reef communities have undergone phase shifts, there are few studies that document the details of such transitions. We report the results of a 40-month study that documents changes in a Caribbean reef community affected by bleaching, hurricane damage, and an increasing abundance of macroalgae. The study site was in a relatively pristine area of the reef surrounding the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas. Ten transects were sampled every 3–9 months from November 1994 to February 1998. During this period, the corals experienced a massive bleaching event resulting in a significant decline in coral abundance. Algae, especially macroalgae, increased in abundance until they effectively dominated the substrate. The direct impact of Hurricane Lili in October 1996 did not alter the developing community structure and may have facilitated increasing algal abundance. The results of this study document the rapid transition of this reef community from one in which corals and algae were codominant to a community dominated by macroalgae. The relatively brief time period required for this transition illustrates the dynamic nature of reef communities.


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Coral reefs are the most diverse marine ecosystem and embrace possibly millions of plant, animal and protist species. Mutualistic symbioses are a fundamental feature of coral reefs that have been used to explain their structure, biodiversity and existence. Complex inter-relationships between hosts, habitats and symbionts belie closely coupled nutrient and community dynamics that create the circumstances for something from nothing (or the oasis in a nutrient desert). The flip side of these dynamics is a close dependency between species, which results in a series of non-linear relationships as conditions change. These responses are being highlighted as anthropogenic influences increase across the world's tropical and subtropical coastlines. Caribbean as well as Indo-Pacific coral populations are now in a serious decline in many parts of the world. This has resulted in a significant reorganization of how coral reef ecosystems function. Among the spectra of changes brought about by humans is rapid climate change. Mass coral bleaching - the loss of the dinoflagellate symbionts from reef-building corals - and mortality has affected the world's coral reefs with increasing frequency and intensity since the late 1970s. Mass bleaching events, which often cover thousands of square kilometres of coral reefs, are triggered by small increases (+1-3degreesC) in water temperature. These increases in sea temperature are often seen during warm phase weather conditions (e.g. ENSO) and are increasing in size and magnitude. The loss of living coral cover (e.g. 16% globally in 1998, an exceptionally warm year) is resulting in an as yet unspecified reduction in the abundance of a myriad of other species. Projections from general circulation models (GCM) used to project changes in global temperature indicate that conditions even under the mildest greenhouse gas emission scenarios may exceed the thermal tolerances of most reef-building coral communities. Research must now explore key issues such as the extent to which the thermal tolerances of corals and their symbionts are dynamic if bleaching and disease are linked; how the loss of high densities of reef-building coral will affect other dependent species; and, how the loss of coral populations will affect the millions of people globally who depend on coral reefs for their daily survival.


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Microbial communities play important roles in the functioning of coral reef communities. However, extensive autofluorescence of coral tissues and endosymbionts limits the application of standard fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques for the identification of the coral-associated bacterial communities. This study overcomes these limitations by combining FISH and spectral imaging.


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Black band disease of corals consists of a microbial community dominated by the cyanobacteriurn Phormidium corallyticum. The disease primarily affects reef-framework coral species, Active black band disease continually opens up new substrate in reef environments by destroying coral tissue as the disease line advances across the surface of infected colonies. A field study was carried out to determine the abundance and distribution of black band disease on the reef building corals in the Florida Keys. During July of 1992 and 1993, up to 0.72% of coral colonies were infected with black band disease. Analysis of the distribution showed that the disease was clumped. Seasonal patters varied, with some coral colonies infected year round, others exhibiting reinfection from summer 1992 to summer 1993, and some colonies infected for one year only. Statistical analysis of black band disease incidence in relation to various environmental parameters revealed that black band disease was associated with relatively shallow water depths, higher temperatures, elevated nitrite levels, and decreased ortho-phosphate levels. Additional field studies determined recovery of scleractinian coral colonies damaged or killed through the activities of black band disease over a five-year period. These studies determined if the newly exposed substrate was recolonized through scleractinian recruitment, if there was overgrowth of the damaged areas by the formerly diseased colony, or if coral tissue destruction continued after the cessation of black band disease activity. Tissue loss continued on all coral colonies with only one colony exhibiting new tissue growth. The majority of recolonization was by non-reef-framework corals and octocorallians, limited recruitment by framework species was observed. Physiological studies of P. corallyticum were carried out to investigate the photosynthetic capacity of this cyanobacterium, and to determine if this species has the ability to fix dinitrogen. The results of this research demonstrated that P. corallyticum reaches maximum photosynthetic rates at very low light intensities (27.9 μE/m/sec), and that P. corallyticum is able to carry out oxygenic photosynthesis in the presence of sulfide, an ability that is uncommon in prokaryotic organisms. ^


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Coral reefs are among the most productive ecosystems in the world. Yet, with their recent declines due to disease, climate change, and overfishing, restoration of these habitats is one of the main concerns for ecologists, resource managers, and government organizations. Coral reef restoration aims to promote key ecosystem processes to shift these habitats to their historical state of high coral cover, but few studies have focused on effective ways to promote resilience. In addition, little is known about the impact of restoration on the fish communities. The aim of this study is to understand how the community of herbivorous fishes is affected by the density of coral outplants inside a special protection area located in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Grazing rates, number of visits and time spent foraging were compared using video footage of sites previously devoid of corals, and six months after coral restorations had occurred. Coral transplantations did not appear to attract herbivores nor increase grazing rates of fishes. Instead Sparisoma and Acanthurus fishes appear to respond to changes in the environment by modifying their grazing behavior. However, there was an observed increase in visits by Acanthurus species after transplantation for all the sites sampled within the reef. These fishes seemed to prefer low coral cover sites for grazing. This study highlights the importance of examining coral restorations impacts at the community level. Understanding how restoration influences herbivores and other guilds of reef fishes will allow individuals to not only determine if these habitats are returning to their “original” state, but provide more information on the ways these systems cope with changes in the environment.


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It is crucial to understand the microbial community associated with the host when attempting to discern the pathogen responsible for disease outbreaks in scleractinian corals. This study determines changes in the bacterial community associated with Montipora sp. in response to black band disease in Indonesian waters. Healthy, diseased, and dead Montipora sp. (n = 3 for each sample type per location) were collected from three different locations (Pari Island, Pramuka Island, and Peteloran Island). DGGE (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis) was carried out to identify the bacterial community associated with each sample type and histological analysis was conducted to identify pathogens associated with specific tissues. Various Desulfovibrio species were found as novelty to be associated with infection samples, including Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, Desulfovibrio magneticus, and Desulfovibrio gigas, Bacillus benzoevorans, Bacillus farraginis in genus which previously associated with pathogenicity in corals. Various bacterial species associated with uninfected corals were lost in diseased and dead samples. Unlike healthy samples, coral tissues such as the epidermis, endodermis, zooxanthellae were not present on dead samples under histological observation. Liberated zooxanthellae and cyanobacteria were found in black band diseased Montipora sp. samples.


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Coral diseases are a major factor in the decline of coral reefs worldwide, and a large proportion of studies focusing on disease causation use aquaria to control variables that affect disease occurrence and development. Public aquaria can therefore provide an invaluable resource to study the factors contributing to health and disease. In November 2010 the corals within the main display tank at the Horniman Museum and Gardens, London, UK, underwent a severe stress event due to reduced water quality, which resulted in death of a large number of coral colonies. Three separate colonies of two species of reef coral, Seritopora hystrix and Montipora capricornis showing signs of stress and acute tissue loss were removed from the display tank and placed in a research tank with improved water quality. Both coral species showed a significant difference in 16S rRNA gene bacterial diversity between healthy and stressed states (S. hystrix; ANOSIM, R=0.44, p=0.02 and M. capricornis; ANOSIM, R=0.33, p=0.01), and between the stressed state and the recovering corals. After four months the bacterial communities had returned to a similar state to that seen in healthy corals of the same species. The bacterial communities associated with the two coral species were distinct, despite them
being reared under identical environmental conditions. Despite the environmental perturbation being identical different visual signs were seen in each species and distinctly different bacterial communities associated with the stressed state occurred within them. Recovery of the visually healthy state was associated with a return of the bacterial community, within two months, to the pre-disturbance state. These observations suggest that coral-associated microbial communities are remarkably resilient and return to a very similar stable state following disturbance.


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Black band disease (BBD) is the oldest recognised disease associated with scleractinian corals. However, despite this, few BBD surveys have been conducted in the Indonesian archipelago, one of the world’s hot spots for coral diversity. In this study, we show that BBD was recorded in the reefs of Kepulauan Seribu, Indonesia, at the time of surveying. The disease was found to mainly infect corals of the genus Montipora. In some instances, upwards of 177 colonies (31.64%) were found to be infected at specific sites. Prevalence of the disease ranged from 0.31% to 31.64% of Montipora sp. colonies throughout the archipelago. Although BBD was found at all sites, lower frequencies were
associated with sites closest to the mainland (17.99 km), as well as those that were furthest away (63.65 km). Despite there being no linear relationship between distance from major population centers and BBD incidence, high incidences of this disease were associated with sites characterized by higher
levels of light intensity. Furthermore, surveys revealed that outbreaks peaked during the transitional period between the dry and rainy seasons. Therefore, we suggest that future surveys for disease prevalence in this region of Indonesia should focus on these transitory periods.