966 resultados para conservation values
Increasing anthropogenic pressure in the offshore marine environment highlights the need for improved management and conservation of offshore ecosystems. This study scrutinises the applicability of a discrete choice experiment to value the expected benefits arising from the conservation of an offshore sandbank in UK waters. The valuation scenario refers to the UK part of the Dogger Bank, in the southern North Sea, and is based on real-world management options for fisheries, wind farms and marine protection currently under discussion for the site. It is assessed to what extent the general public perceive and value conservation benefits arising from an offshore marine protected area. The survey reveals support for marine conservation measures despite the general public’s limited prior knowledge of current marine planning. Results further show significant values for an increase in species diversity, the protection of certain charismatic species and a restriction in the spread of invasive species across the site. Implications for policy and management with respect to commercial fishing, wind farm construction and nature conservation are discussed.
In order to conserve the freshwater pearl mussel in Ireland, populations that have a high risk of extinction must he identified and given priority for conservation. Growth of freshwater pearl mussels has been found to vary among populations on a wide geographic scale as well as on a local scale. Populations having a high growth constant (k), because of the small size of individuals and their shorter life-span and thus lower reproductive output, may be more likely to become extinct than those which have a low k and hence larger size and greater reproductive output. This study attempts to estimate the growth constant (k) in rivers in Donegal and Northern Ireland based on measuring lire largest shell in each population. Large differences in values of k were found among rivers and these are discussed in relation to catchment bedrock types and the identification of conservation priorities. Appropriate conservation strategies are recommended for Margaritifera margaritifera populations in the north of Ireland.
O papel ecológico das gorgónias (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) nos fundos marinhos rochosos é mundialmente reconhecido. Contudo, a informação acerca da ecologia e biologia das espécies de gorgónias nas zonas temperadas do NE Atlântico é manifestamente escassa, especialmente tendo em consideração as actuais perturbações globais, regionais e locais. Nos fundos rochosos da costa algarvia até aos 30 m, verificouse que várias espécies de gorgónias são abundantes e frequentes, nomeadamente Eunicella labiata, Eunicella gazella, Eunicella verrucosa, Leptogorgia lusitanica e Leptogorgia sarmentosa. As populações de gorgónias são co-dominadas por diferentes espécies que apresentaram elevados índices de associação, indicando reduzidos níveis de competição entre elas. Em todo o caso, a estrutura dos povoamentos diferiu com as condições locais. Todas as espécies evidenciaram padrões de distribuição semelhantes ao longo do gradiente de profundidade, i.e. a abundância aumenta significamente com a profundidade após os 15 m. A profundidades mais baixas (até aos 15 m), a distribuição das gorgónias parece ser condicionada por factores abióticos e pela competição com algas. Com efeito, os padrões de distribuição espacial das espécies de gorgónias na costa algarvia são determinados pela interacção de pressões naturais e antropogénicas (ex. pesca). Ainda que as colónias de maior tamanho não tenham sido restritas a áreas menos pescadas, em áreas mais perturbadas pela pesca, a distribuição dos tamanhos das colónias estava maioritariamente desviada para tamanhos mais pequenos. Os efeitos das perturbações naturais nas populações de gorgónias foram evidenciados pela ocorrência de padrões demográficos distintos em áreas vizinhas sujeitas a níveis semelhantes de pressões antropogénicas. Estes estudos demonstraram, ainda, que os efeitos na distribuição de frequências de tamanho das colónias são dependentes das espécies de gorgónias em causa: Eunicella labiata não parece ser afectada; Leptogorgia sarmentosa é tendencialmente afectada por pressões antropogénicas; Eunicella gazella e Leptogorgia lusitanica aparentam ser afectadas, quer por pressões naturais, quer por pressões antropogénicas. Os efeitos verificados nos padrões da distribuição de frequências de tamanho, particularmente a tendência para o desvio destas frequências para tamanhos mais pequenos em áreas sujeitas a perturbações, poderão ter consequências para a biodiversidade dos fundos sublitorais rochosos na costa algarvia. Com efeito, o presente estudo apoia o paradigma geral de que os corais são habitats que suportam comunidades de elevada biodiversidade e abundância. Num dos poucos estudos que examinam a relação entre as gorgónias e as suas comunidades de invertebrados epibentónicos, foi verificado que as gorgónias (Eunicella gazella e Leptogorgia lusitanica) sustentam comunidades ricas (11 phyla, 181 taxa) e abundantes (7284 indivíduos). Estas comunidades são dominadas por anfípodes, mas os poliquetas tiveram um grande contributo para os níveis elevados de biodiversidade. Verificou-se, igualmente, que o tamanho da colónia desempenha um papel fundamental na biodiversidade, na medida em que as colónias de menor tamanho apresentaram um contributo mais baixo, comparativamente às médias e grandes. Ainda que ambas as gorgónias partilhem a maioria das espécies amostradas, 11 e 18 taxa foram exclusivos de Eunicella gazella e Leptogorgia lusitanica, respectivamente (excluindo indivíduos com presenças únicas). No entanto, a maioria destes taxa eram ou pouco abundantes ou pouco frequentes. A excepção foi a presença de planárias (Turbellaria) de coloração branca nas colónias de Eunicella gazella, provavelmente beneficiando do efeito de camuflagem proporcionado pelos ramos com a mesma coloração. Com efeito, a complementaridade entre as comunidades epibentónicas associadas a ambas as gorgónias diminuiu quando usados os dados de presença/ausência, sugerindo que os padrões de biodiversidade são mais afectados pelas alterações na abundância relativa das espécies dominantes do que pela composição faunística. As comunidades de epifauna bentónica associadas a estas gorgónias não só apresentaram valores elevados de ®-diversidade, como de ¯- diversidade, resultantes de padrões intrincados de variabilidade na sua composição e estrutura. Ainda que o conjunto de espécies disponíveis para colonização seja, na generalidade, o mesmo para ambos os locais, cada colónia apresenta uma parte deste conjunto. Na sua totalidade, as colónias de gorgónias poderão funcionar como uma metacomunidade, mas a estrutura das comunidades associadas a cada colónia (ex. número total de espécies e abundância) parecem depender dos atributos da colónia, nomeadamente superfície disponível para colonização (altura, largura e área), complexidade e heterogeneidade (dimensão fractal e lacunaridade, respectivamente) e cobertura epibentónica “colonial” (ex. fauna colonial e algas macroscópicas; CEC). Numa primeira tentativa para quantificar a relação entre as gorgónias e os invertebrados epibentónicos a elas associados (em termos de abundância e riqueza específica), verificou-se que a natureza e a intensidade destas relações dependem da espécie hospedeira e variam para os grupos taxonómicos principais. No entanto, independentemente do grupo taxonómico, a riqueza específica e a abundância estão significativamente correlacionadas com a CEC. Com efeito, a CEC provavelmente devido a um efeito trófico (aumento da disponibilidade alimentar directo ou indirecto), combinado com a superfície disponível para colonização (efeito espécies-área) foram as variáveis mais relacionadas com os padrões de abundância e riqueza específica. Por outro lado, ainda que a complexidade estrutural seja frequentemente indicada como um dos factores responsáveis pela elevada diversidade e abundância das comunidades bentónicas associadas a corais, a dimensão fractal e a lacunaridade apenas foram relevantes nas comunidades associadas a Leptogorgia lusitanica. A validade do paradigma que defende que a complexidade estrutural promove a biodiversidade poderá ser, então, dependente da escala a que se realizam os estudos. No caso das gorgónias, o efeito da complexidade ao nível dos agregados de gorgónias poderá ser muito mais relevante do que ao nível da colónia individual, reforçando a importância da sua conservação como um todo, por forma a preservar a diversidade de espécies hospedeiras, o seu tamanho e estrutura. Actividades antropogénicas como a pesca, podem, ainda, ter efeitos negativos ao nível da reprodução de espécies marinhas. Analogamente ao verificado para os padrões de distribuição espacial das populações de gorgónias na costa algarvia, a informação relativa à sua reprodução é igualmente escassa. Os estudos realizados em populações de Eunicella gazella a 16m de profundidade, demonstraram que o desenvolvimento anual das estruturas reprodutivas é altamente sincronizado entre os sexos. A razão entre sexos na população foi de 1.09 (F:M), encontrando-se perto da paridade. A espermatogénese estende-se por 6 a 8 meses, enquanto que a oogénese é mais demorada, levando mais de um ano para que os oócitos se desenvolvam até estarem maduros. Antes da libertação dos gâmetas, foi observada uma elevada fecundidade nas fêmeas (27.30§13.24 oócitos pólipo−1) e nos machos (49.30§31.14 sacos espermáticos pólipo−1). Estes valores encontram-se entre os mais elevados reportados à data para zonas temperadas. A libertação dos gâmetas (não há evidência de desenvolvimento larvar, nem à superfície da colónia, nem no seu interior) occorre em Setembro/ Outubro, após um período de elevada temperatura da água do mar. As fêmeas emitem oócitos maduros de elevadas dimensões, retendo, todavia, os oócitos imaturos que se desenvolvem apenas na época seguinte. Ainda que o efeito da pesca nas populações de gorgónias da costa do Algarve seja perceptível, às taxas actuais, o mergulho recreativo não aparenta afectar seriamente estas populações. Contudo, sendo uma indústria em expansão e conhecendo-se a preferência de mergulhadores por áreas rochosas naturais ricas em espécies bentónicas, futuramente poderá vir a afectar estes habitats. A monitorização de mergulhadores na costa algarvia mostrou que a sua maioria (88.6 %) apresenta comportamentos que podem impactar o habitat, com uma taxa média de contactos de 0.340§0.028 contactos min−1. Esta taxa foi mais elevada em mergulhadores com moderada experiência e na fase inicial do mergulho (0–10 min). Os contactos com as barbatanas e mãos foram comuns, resultando, maioritariamente, na resuspensão do sedimento, mas geralmente apresentando um impacto reduzido. Todavia, a fauna também foi afectada, quer por danos físicos, quer pela interacção com os mergulhadores, e num cenário de expansão significativa desta actividade, os impactos na fauna local poderão aumentar, com consequências para os ecossistemas de fundos rochosos da costa sul de Portugal. Na sua globalidade, a informação recolhida nos estudos que contemplam esta tese, por ser em grande parte totalmente nova para a região, espera-se que contribua para a gestão da zona costeira do Algarve.
Theories of value development often identify adolescence as the period for value formation, and cultural and familial factors as the sources for value priorities. However, recent research suggests that value priorities can be observed as early as in middle childhood, and several studies, including one on preadolescents (Knafo & Spinath, 2011), have suggested a genetic contribution to individual differences in values. In the current study, 174 pairs of monozygotic and dizygotic 7-year old Israeli twins completed the Picture-Based Value Survey for Children (PBVS–C; Döring et al., 2010). We replicated basic patterns of relations between value priorities and variables of socialisation – gender, religiosity, and socioeconomic status– that have been found in studies with adults. Most important, values of Self-transcendence, Self-enhancement, and Conservation, were found to be significantly affected by genetic factors (29%, 47% and 31% respectively), as well as non-shared environment (71%, 53% and 69% respectively). Openness to change values, in contrast, were found to be unaffected by genetic factors at this age and were influenced by shared (19%) and non-shared (81%) environment. These findings support the recent view that values are formed at earlier ages than had been assumed previously, and they further our understanding of the genetic and environmental factors involved in value formation at young ages.
Tracing children’s values and value-expressive behavior over a sixth-month period, we examined stability and change of values and behavior and the reciprocal relations between them. Three hundred and ten sixth-grade students in Italy completed value and value-expressive behavior questionnaires three times in three-month intervals during the scholastic year. We assessed Schwartz's (1992) higher-order values of conservation, openness to change, self-enhancement, and self-transcendence, as well as their respective expressive behaviors. Reciprocal relations over time between values and behaviors were examined using a cross-lagged longitudinal design. Results showed that values and behaviors had reciprocal longitudinal effects on one another, after the stability of the variables was taken into account (i.e., values predicted change in behaviors, but also behaviors predicted change in values). Our findings also revealed that: (1) values were more stable over time than behaviors, and (2) the longitudinal effect of values on behaviors tended to be stronger than the longitudinal effect of behaviors on values. Findings are discussed in light of the recent developmental literature on value change.
La question de recherche « Conserver ou restaurer ? » est le point de départ d’une aventure invitant le lecteur à répondre à qu’est-ce qui oriente nos interventions en matière de conservation du patrimoine bâti. Sachant que ces positions rivales ont toutes une prétention à la vérité, cette thèse fait l’hypothèse d’une médiation entre les deux approches en clarifiant ses différentes interprétations. À partir d'un regard critique de la théorie de Cesare Brandi fondée sur la dialectique historique-artistique de l’œuvre d’art ainsi que d'une réflexion sur la nature fonctionnelle de l’œuvre architecturale, cette thèse démontre qu’il n’y a pas lieu a priori de donner une prédominance à l’une des deux options, ni à établir une échelle de valeurs prédéterminées, mais dévoile un dénominateur commun qui est le temps. Ce dernier ne se restreint pas au passé et au présent, mais implique la puissance destructrice du temps de la nature et le temps historique fondé sur un présent durable riche du passé et ouvert sur l'avenir. Les résultats de la recherche révèlent enfin un dialogue possible entre nos deux alternatives, en proposant une éthique disciplinaire axée sur la dialectique du temps. Savoir « quand conserver ou quand restaurer » demande la reconnaissance de ce que l’on retient de plus significatif à travers l’existence de l’œuvre. Situer cette signification dans un passé révolu désigne l’œuvre comme témoignage d’un temps passé, en lui reconnaissant sa fonction mémorielle ou remémorative ; d’où l’approche à prédominance conservative visant à faire reculer la puissance destructrice du temps de la nature et à préserver le témoignage matériel de la dégradation. Au contraire, situer cette signification dans un présent vivant, c’est reconnaître sa vocation identitaire destinée à la représentation d’une culture ; d’où l’approche à prédominance restaurative (ré-intégrative) fondée sur le temps historique, d’un présent durable riche du passé et ouvert sur l'avenir visant à en révéler le sens. En bref, en ce qui concerne tout le patrimoine bâti, on ne peut parler que d’une dialectique fondamentale issue de la nature même de ces œuvres, à interpréter sous leur fonction mémorielle et leur vocation identitaire. Par conséquent, conserver ou restaurer devraient être réinterprétés par préserver la mémoire ou révéler l’identité. Ainsi, la conservation et la restauration ne doivent plus être entendues comme deux options antagonistes, mais comme deux modalités d’interprétation au service de la médiation de l’œuvre architecturale à travers le temps.
We have studied growth and estimated recruitment of massive coral colonies at three sites, Kaledupa, Hoga and Sampela, separated by about 1.5 km in the Wakatobi Marine National Park, S.E. Sulawesi, Indonesia. There was significantly higher species richness (P<0.05), coral cover (P<0.05) and rugosity (P<0.01) at Kaledupa than at Sampela. A model for coral reef growth has been developed based on a rational polynomial function, where dx/dt is an index of coral growth with time; W is the variable (for example, coral weight, coral length or coral area), up to the power of n in the numerator and m in the denominator; a1……an and b1…bm are constants. The values for n and m represent the degree of the polynomial, and can relate to the morphology of the coral. The model was used to simulate typical coral growth curves, and tested using published data obtained by weighing coral colonies underwater in reefs on the south-west coast of Curaçao [‘Neth. J. Sea Res. 10 (1976) 285’]. The model proved an accurate fit to the data, and parameters were obtained for a number of coral species. Surface area data was obtained on over 1200 massive corals at three different sites in the Wakatobi Marine National Park, S.E. Sulawesi, Indonesia. The year of an individual's recruitment was calculated from knowledge of the growth rate modified by application of the rational polynomial model. The estimated pattern of recruitment was variable, with little numbers of massive corals settling and growing before 1950 at the heavily used site, Sampela, relative to the reef site with little or no human use, Kaledupa, and the intermediate site, Hoga. There was a significantly greater sedimentation rate at Sampela than at either Kaledupa (P<0.0001) or Hoga (P<0.0005). The relative mean abundance of fish families present at the reef crests at the three sites, determined using digital video photography, did not correlate with sedimentation rates, underwater visibility or lack of large non-branching coral colonies. Radial growth rates of three genera of non-branching corals were significantly lower at Sampela than at Kaledupa or at Hoga, and there was a high correlation (r=0.89) between radial growth rates and underwater visibility. Porites spp. was the most abundant coral over all the sites and at all depths followed by Favites (P<0.04) and Favia spp. (P<0.03). Colony ages of Porites corals were significantly lower at the 5 m reef flat on the Sampela reef than at the same depth on both other reefs (P<0.005). At Sampela, only 2.8% of corals on the 5 m reef crest are of a size to have survived from before 1950. The Scleractinian coral community of Sampela is severely impacted by depositing sediments which can lead to the suffocation of corals, whilst also decreasing light penetration resulting in decreased growth and calcification rates. The net loss of material from Sampela, if not checked, could result in the loss of this protective barrier which would be to the detriment of the sublittoral sand flats and hence the Sampela village.
Nature conservation may be considered a post-normal science in that the loss of biodiversity and increasing environmental degradation require urgent action but are characterised by uncertainty at every level. An ‘extended peer community’ with varying skills, perceptions and values are involved in decision-making and implementation of conservation, and the uncertainty involved limits the effectiveness of practice. In this paper we briefly review the key ecological, philosophical and methodological uncertainties associated with conservation, and then highlight the uncertainties and gaps present within the structure and interactions of the conservation community, and which exist mainly between researchers and practitioners, in the context of nature conservation in the UK. We end by concluding that an openly post-normal science framework for conservation, which acknowledges this uncertainty but strives to minimise it, would be a useful progression for nature conservation, and recommend ways in which knowledge transfer between researchers and practitioners can be improved to support robust decision making and conservation enactment.
This work aimed to establish the importance of maturation and ripeness stages and the use of refrigeration for the conservation of 'Paluma' guavas. Fruit picked at the mature-green and ripe stages were stored at ambient conditions (21 degrees C and 85% RH) and also at 10 degrees C (85% RH). The fruit were evaluated every 2 or 3 days for weight loss, appearance, decay, color, firmness, soluble solids, titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, total polyphenols extractable content and total antioxidant activity. The fruit stored at 21 degrees C had higher weight loss than those stored at 10 degrees C. Mature-green guavas at 21 degrees C remained in good quality for 6 days, but at 10 degrees C, the preservation period increased to 15 days. Ripe fruit were preserved for 4 days at 21 degrees C, which was extended with refrigeration to 6 days. Mature-green fruit at 21 degrees C had decay in 6 days; while at 10 degrees C decay happened in 18 days. The peel color of mature-green fruits, at 21 degrees C, showed increasing values of luminosity, indicating that its color became lighter (change from green to yellow) and at 10 degrees C it showed constant values until the end of storage. Pulp firmness of mature-green fruit declined during storage as a result of ripening. In ripe fruits such reduction occurred more slowly, since they were softer. The color of the pulp became intense red for mature fruits. Soluble solids were lower in ripe fruit at 21 degrees C, while in mature fruits at 10 degrees C, it increased. The titratable acidity increased in fruits stored at 10 degrees C. The fruits kept at 21 degrees C and the mature guavas kept at 10 degrees C showed no changes in ascorbic acid content. The ripe fruit at 10 degrees C maintained their ascorbic acid levels. Mature guavas, stored at 10 degrees C, had the longest shelf life and higher contents of soluble solids and titratable acidity, with no changes in total polyphenols extractable content and total antioxidant activity.
Aim: To investigate whether composition and structure of stream ichthyofauna vary along the conservation gradient in the Bodoquena Plateau; Methods: Standardized sampling was performed in nine stream stretches (three references, three in the pasture, and three in urban areas), each 80 m long, in April, May and June/08; Results: A quantity of 8,102 individuals representing 36 species was collected. There were no significant differences with respect to absolute species richness among stretches. Urban stretches were more similar to each other than the other two groups, both regarding species composition and abundance. A set of six species was considered an indicator of reference stretches, whereas two were of pasture stretches and four of urban stretches. Poecilia reticulata and Corydoras aeneus, occurring only in urban stretches, were unique in showing the maximum values in the indicator species analysis; Conclusions: Results indicate changes in the ichthyofauna with urbanized surrounding water courses. The presence and abundance of Poecilia reticulata and Corydoras aeneus may indicate the quality loss of these environments.
The present paper deals with estimation of variance components, prediction of breeding values and selection in a population of rubber tree [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Müell.-Arg.] from Rio Branco, State of Acre, Brazil. The REML/BLUP (restricted maximum likelihood/best linear unbiased prediction) procedure was applied. For this purpose, 37 rubber tree families were obtained and assessed in a randomized complete block design, with three unbalanced replications. The field trial was carried out at the Experimental Station of UNESP, located in Selvíria, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The quantitative traits evaluated were: girth (G), bark thickness (BT), number of latex vessel rings (NR), and plant height (PH). Given the unbalanced condition of the progeny test, the REML/BLUP procedure was used for estimation. The narrow-sense individual heritability estimates were 0.43 for G, 0.18 for BT, 0.01 for NR, and 0.51 for PH. Two selection strategies were adopted: one short-term (ST - selection intensity of 8.85%) and the other long-term (LT - selection intensity of 26.56%). For G, the estimated genetic gains in relation to the population average were 26.80% and 17.94%, respectively, according to the ST and LT strategies. The effective population sizes were 22.35 and 46.03, respectively. The LT and ST strategies maintained 45.80% and 28.24%, respectively, of the original genetic diversity represented in the progeny test. So, it can be inferred that this population has potential for both breeding and ex situ genetic conservation as a supplier of genetic material for advanced rubber tree breeding programs. Copyright by the Brazilian Society of Genetics.
The systematics of the subfamily Callitrichinae (Platyrrhini, Primates), a group of small monkeys from South America and Panama, remains an area of considerable discussion despite many investigations, there being continuing controversy over subgeneric taxonomic classifications based on morphological characters. The purpose of our research was to help elucidate the phylogenetic relationships within the monkey genus Saguinus (Callitrichinae) using a molecular approach to discover whether or not the two different sections containing hairy-faced and bare-faced species are monophyletic, whether Saguinus midas midas and Saguinus bicolor are more closely related than are S. midas midas and Saguinus midas niger, and if Saguinus fuscicollis melanoleucus and Saguinus fuscicollis weddelli really are different species. We sequenced the 957 bp ND1 mitochondrial gene of 21 Saguinus monkeys (belonging to six species and nine morphotypes) and one Cebus monkey (the outgroup) and constructed phylogenetic trees using maximum parsimony, neighbor joining, and maximum likelihood methods. The phylogenetic trees obtained divided the genus Saguinus into two groups, one containing the small-bodied species S. fuscicollis and the other, the large-bodied species S. mystax, S. leucopus, S. oedipus, S. midas, S. bicolor. The most derived taxa, S. midas and S. bicolor, grouped together, while S. fuscicollis melanoleucus and S. f. weddelli showed divergence values that did not support the division of these morphotypes into subspecies. On the other hand, S. midas individuals showed divergence compatible with the existence of three subspecies, two of them with the same morphotype as the subspecies S. midas niger. The results of our study suggest that there is at least one Saguinus subspecies that has not yet been described and that the conservation status of Saguinus species and subspecies should be carefully revised using modern molecular approaches.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Species distribution models (SDMs) can be useful for different conservation purposes. We discuss the importance of fitting spatial scale and using current records and relevant predictors aiming conservation. We choose jaguar (Panthera onca) as a target species and Brazil and Atlantic Forest biome as study areas. We tested two different extents (continent and biome) and resolutions (similar to 4 Km and similar to 1 Km) in Maxent with 186 records and 11 predictors (bioclimatic, elevation, land-use and landscape structure). All models presented satisfactory AUC values (>0.70) and low omission errors (<23%). SDMs were scale-sensitive as the use of reduced extent implied in significant gains to model performance generating more constrained and real predictive distribution maps. Continental-scale models performed poorly in predicting potential current jaguar distribution, but they reached the historic distribution. Specificity increased significantly from coarse to finer-scale models due to the reduction of overprediction. The variability of environmental space (E-space) differed for most of climatic variables between continental and biome-scale and the representation of the E-space by predictors differed significantly (t = 2.42, g.I. = 9, P < 0.05). Refining spatial scale, incorporating landscape variables and improving the quality of biological data are essential for improving model prediction for conservation purposes.
This paper explores the significance of ‘life-worlds’ for better understanding why farmers adopt or reject soil conservation measures and for identifying basic dimensions to be covered by social learning processes in Swiss agricultural soil protection. The study showed that farmers interpret soil erosion and soil conservation measures against the background of their entire life-world. By doing so, farmers consider abstract and symbolic meanings of soil conservation. This is, soil conservation measures have to be feasible and practical in the everyday farming routine, however, they also have to correspond with their aesthetic perception, their value system and their personal and professional identities. Consequently, by switching to soil conservation measures such as no-tillage farmers have to adapt not only the routines of their daily farming life, but also their perception of the aesthetics of cultivated land, underlying values and images of themselves. Major differences between farmers who adopt and farmers who reject no-tillage were found to depend on the degree of coherence they could create between the abstract and symbolic meanings of the soil conservation measure. From this perspective, implementation of soil protection measures faces the challenge of facilitating interactions between farmers, experts and scientists at a ‘deeper’ level, with an awareness of all significant dimensions that characterise the life-world. The paper argues that a certain level of shared symbolic meaning is essential to achieving mutual understanding in social learning processes.