967 resultados para concept design


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The authors present a super-fast scanning (SFS) technique for phased array weather radar applications. The fast scanning feature of the SFS technique is described and its drawbacks identified. Techniques which combat these drawbacks are also presented. A concept design phased array radar system (CDPAR) is used as a benchmark to compare the performance of a conventional scanning phased array radar system with the SFS technique. It is shown that the SFS technique, in association with suitable waveform processing, can realise four times the scanning speed and achieve similar accuracy compared to the conventional phased array benchmark.


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In vielen Anwendungen der Intralogistik lassen sich Führungssysteme mit Stützrollen finden, die hohen Belastungen ausgesetzt sind. Hierbei werden oftmals Profilträger aus Stahlwerkstoffen als führende Bauteile eingesetzt. Deren Bewegung erfordert aufgrund der hohen Eigenmassen einen erheblichen Energiebedarf. Im vorliegenden Artikel wird die Entwicklung von derartigen Komponenten aus faserverstärkten Kunststoffen beschrieben. Der Fokus liegt auf der Eintragung hoher Kontaktkräfte in das Bauteil. Es werden die notwendigen Anforderungen dargestellt sowie die Entwicklung eines speziellen Rollenprüfstandes erläutert. Zudem beinhaltet der Artikel die systematische Entwicklung neuer Funktionselemente und die Herleitung einer Methodik zur Untersuchung der Belastbarkeit des faserverstärkten Kunststoffes beim Einwirken einer Rolle als Teilergebnisse des Forschungsvorhabens.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi ha riguardato lo studio dello smantellamento di un reattore gas grafite di potenza di I Gen. L’indagine è stata focalizzata in particolare al recupero della grafite irraggiata che ne costituisce il core. Viene presentata una descrizione referenziata del reattore e dei suoi componenti per mettere in evidenza la particolare architettura e le specifiche problematiche ad essa correlate. A valle di un’indagine sulle esperienze internazionali in merito al decommissioning e allo smantellamento di questi tipi di reattori, si forniscono una possibile sequenza di accesso alla cavità del reattore e una procedura per il suo smantellamento; si descrivono sommariamente le tecnologie di taglio e di handling, attualmente allo stato dell’arte, considerate come più idonee a questo tipo di applicazione. Vengono descritte le principali criticità della grafite nuclear grade ed illustrati i fenomeni caratteristici che ne determinano l’evoluzione nel reattore. Sulla base dei dati resi disponibili dalla Sogin S.p:A. e ricorrendo ai dati di letteratura per quelli non disponibili, è stato effettuato un assessment della grafite irraggiata costituente il nocciolo del reattore, rivolto in particolare a determinarne le caratteristiche meccaniche e la resistenza residua post-irraggiamento. Per valutare la possibilità di prelevare la grafite dal nocciolo è stato ipotizzato un dispositivo di presa che agganci per attrito i blocchi di grafite del moderatore attraverso il canale assiale. Infine è stata valutata la fattibilità di tale metodo attraverso una serie di simulazioni agli elementi finiti dirette a verificare la resistenza del blocco in varie condizioni di carico e vincolo. Come risultato si è dimostrata la fattibilità, almeno in via preliminare, del metodo proposto, determinando l’inviluppo di utilizzo del dispositivo di presa nonché la compatibilità del metodo proposto con le tecnologie di handling precedentemente individuate.


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Today, the contribution of the transportation sector on greenhouse gases is evident. The fast consumption of fossil fuels and its impact on the environment has given a strong impetus to the development of vehicles with better fuel economy. Hybrid electric vehicles fit into this context with different targets, starting from the reduction of emissions and fuel consumption, but also for performance and comfort enhancement. Vehicles exist with various missions; super sport cars usually aim to reach peak performance and to guarantee a great driving experience to the driver, but great attention must also be paid to fuel consumption. According to the vehicle mission, hybrid vehicles can differ in the powertrain configuration and the choice of the energy storage system. Lamborghini has recently invested in the development of hybrid super sport cars, due to performance and comfort reasons, with the possibility to reduce fuel consumption. This research activity has been conducted as a joint collaboration between the University of Bologna and the sportscar manufacturer, to analyze the impact of innovative energy storage solutions on the hybrid vehicle performance. Capacitors have been studied and modeled to analyze the pros and cons of such solution with respect to batteries. To this aim, a full simulation environment has been developed and validated to provide a concept design tool capable of precise results and able to foresee the longitudinal performance on regulated emission cycles and real driving conditions, with a focus on fuel consumption. In addition, the target of the research activity is to deepen the study of hybrid electric super sports cars in the concept development phase, focusing on defining the control strategies and the energy storage system’s technology that best suits the needs of the vehicles. This dissertation covers the key steps that have been carried out in the research project.


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Background. The formation and measurement of self-concept were the foci of this research. Aims. The study aimed to investigate the influence of achievement on academic self-concept and to compare the Perception of Ability Scale for Students (PASS, Boersma & Chapman, 1992) with the Self-Description Questionnaire-1 (SDQ-1, Marsh, 1988). Sample. The participants were 479 grade 5 (mean age 126.6 months) coeducational Australian students, located in 18 schools. Method. An intra-class research design was used to investigate the influence of frame-of-reference on self-concept development. Results. As students' academic scores rose above their class mean their self-concepts increased and as students' academic scores fell below their class mean their self-concepts decreased. Students' difference from class mean predicted their self-concept scores. This finding was consistently shown across the reading, spelling, and mathematics domains using test and teaching rating data. A comparison between the PASS and the SDQ-1 demonstrated concurrent validity across self-concept domains. Conclusion. The findings support the notions that the social environment is a significant agent that influences self-concept, and that teacher ratings and standardised tests of achievement and the PASS and the SDQ-1 are valid measures for self-concept research.


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Les projets interdisciplinaires constituent rarement le terrain des études 
sur le processus de conception en design. Les théories générales du design, en tentant de définir ce qui est commun à toutes les disciplines du design, ont davantage étudié les cas typiques que les cas atypiques. Or, nous croyons qu’il existe dans les projets interdisciplinaires une négociation argumentative et une ouverture vers l’autre, propice à l’analyse du processus de conception en design. Pour réaliser l’étude de ce processus, la stratégie empruntée a été la «recherche-projet» qui propose une participation active sur le terrain. 
À l’intérieur de cette stratégie méthodologique, nous avons réalisé l’étude de cas d’un projet hybride, une signalétique identitaire destinée à marquer les écocentres montréalais et orienter leurs usagers. Comme plusieurs autres pratiques du design, la complexité des projets interdisciplinaires demande l’apport de plusieurs acteurs dans le processus. 
Ces personnes conçoivent le projet à travers des représentations visuelles et des échanges verbaux, nous avons choisi de faire porter notre étude principalement sur le second. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi comme cadre théorique le Traité de l’argumentation de Chaïm Perelman et Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca en nous intéressant plus spécifiquement aux concepts d’«accord» et d’«auditoire». Parce que le véhicule de l’action en design est la notion de «projet», l’Anthropologie du projet de Jean-Pierre Boutinet sera notre guide à travers cette conduite. L’objet de recherche de ce mémoire sera donc le processus de conception en design qui sera étudié à travers le regard de l’argumentation. L’argumentation s'est révélée la clé du problème que posent les jugements de valeur, commune à toutes les disciplines du design. Qu’est-ce qu’un «bon» projet réalisé? Est-il possible de répondre à cette question, sans tomber dans un cadre argumentatif, sans devoir révéler les arguments qui nous permettent de croire vraisemblable une telle proposition? C’est en mettant en lien la théorie du projet en design et la théorie de l’argumentation que nous avons éclairé la pratique du designer, sa relation à ses collègues et ultimement avec lui-même. L’argumentation s’est avérée un outil permettant la construction de la réalité dans le projet interdisciplinaire.


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How a design concept was interactionally produced in the talk-in-interaction between an architect and client representatives was studied. The empirical analysis was informed by ethnomethodology and conversation analysis to observe structures and patterns of talk that accomplished actions and practices of design. Some differences were observed between the properties of the design concept in comparison with the design ideas that were considered during these conversations. The design concept was observed to be significant for assessing why some moves in a design space were considered better than others. The importance of the design concept to these interactions raised more general questions about what a design concept is and how it can be described as an object type. With reference to studies of science, technology and society these concerns were provisionally engaged with and further study of the object properties of design concepts is suggested.


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In this paper we present the novel concepts incorporated in a planetary surface exploration rover design that is currently under development. The Multitasking Rover (MTR) aims to demonstrate functionality that will cover many of the current and future needs such as rough-terrain mobility, modularity and upgradeability. The rover system has enhanced mobility characteristics. It operates in conjunction with Science Packs (SPs) and Tool Packs (TPs)-modules attached to the main frame of the rover, which are either special tools or science instruments and alter the operation capabilities of the system.


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The design of a Final Assembly Line (FAL) is carry out in the product industrialization activity. The phase dealing with the definition of conceptual solutions is characterized by depending heavily on the personnel experience and being time-consuming. To enhance such process, it is proposed a development of a knowledge based software application to assist designers in the definition of scenarios and to generate conceptual FAL alternatives. Both the scenario and the generated FAL solution are part of the industrialization digital mock-up (IDMU). A commercial software application used in the aircraft programmes and supporting the IDMU concepts of: Product, Process and Resource; was selected to implement a software prototype. This communication presents the adopted methodological approach and the architecture of the developed application.


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