942 resultados para computational model


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The tail-withdrawal circuit of Aplysia provides a useful model system for investigating synaptic dynamics. Sensory neurons within the circuit manifest several forms of synaptic plasticity. Here, we developed a model of the circuit and investigated the ways in which depression (DEP) and potentiation (POT) contributed to information processing. DEP limited the amount of motor neuron activity that could be elicited by the monosynaptic pathway alone. POT within the monosynaptic pathway did not compensate for DEP. There was, however, a synergistic interaction between POT and the polysynaptic pathway. This synergism extended the dynamic range of the network, and the interplay between DEP and POT made the circuit responded preferentially to long-duration, low-frequency inputs.


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The tail-withdrawal circuit of Aplysia provides a useful model system for investigating synaptic dynamics. Sensory neurons within the circuit manifest several forms of synaptic plasticity. Here, we developed a model of the circuit and investigated the ways in which depression (DEP) and potentiation (POT) contributed to information processing. DEP limited the amount of motor neuron activity that could be elicited by the monosynaptic pathway alone. POT within the monosynaptic pathway did not compensate for DEP. There was, however, a synergistic interaction between POT and the polysynaptic pathway. This synergism extended the dynamic range of the network, and the interplay between DEP and POT made the circuit responded preferentially to long-duration, low-frequency inputs.


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The potential and adaptive flexibility of population dynamic P-systems (PDP) to study population dynamics suggests that they may be suitable for modelling complex fluvial ecosystems, characterized by a composition of dynamic habitats with many variables that interact simultaneously. Using as a model a reservoir occupied by the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha, we designed a computational model based on P systems to study the population dynamics of larvae, in order to evaluate management actions to control or eradicate this invasive species. The population dynamics of this species was simulated under different scenarios ranging from the absence of water flow change to a weekly variation with different flow rates, to the actual hydrodynamic situation of an intermediate flow rate. Our results show that PDP models can be very useful tools to model complex, partially desynchronized, processes that work in parallel. This allows the study of complex hydroecological processes such as the one presented, where reproductive cycles, temperature and water dynamics are involved in the desynchronization of the population dynamics both, within areas and among them. The results obtained may be useful in the management of other reservoirs with similar hydrodynamic situations in which the presence of this invasive species has been documented.


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In the last years many studies have been developed to analyze the seismic behavior throug the damage concept. In fact, the evaluation of the structural damage is important in order to quantify the safety of new and existing structures and, also, to establish a framework for seismic retrofitting decision making of structures. Most proposed models are based on a post-earthquake evaluation in such a way they uncouple the computation of the structural response from that of damage. However, there are other models which include explicity the existing coupling between the degradation and the structural mechanical beaviour. Those models are closer to the physical reality and its formulation is based on the principles of Continuum Damage Mechanics. In the present work, a coupled model is formulated using a simplified application of the Continuum Damage Mechanics to the analysis of frames and allows its representation in standard finite element programs. This work is part of the activities developed by the Structural Mechanics Department (UPM) within ICONS (European Research Project on Innovative Seismic Design Concepts for New and Existing Structures).


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Traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury have recently been put under the spotlight as major causes of death and disability in the developed world. Despite the important ongoing experimental and modeling campaigns aimed at understanding the mechanics of tissue and cell damage typically observed in such events, the differenti- ated roles of strain, stress and their corresponding loading rates on the damage level itself remain unclear. More specif- ically, the direct relations between brain and spinal cord tis- sue or cell damage, and electrophysiological functions are still to be unraveled. Whereas mechanical modeling efforts are focusing mainly on stress distribution and mechanistic- based damage criteria, simulated function-based damage cri- teria are still missing. Here, we propose a new multiscale model of myelinated axon associating electrophysiological impairment to structural damage as a function of strain and strain rate. This multiscale approach provides a new framework for damage evaluation directly relating neuron mechanics and electrophysiological properties, thus provid- ing a link between mechanical trauma and subsequent func- tional deficits.


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Traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury have recently been put under the spotlight as major causes of death and disability in the developed world. Despite the important ongoing experimental and modeling campaigns aimed at understanding the mechanics of tissue and cell damage typically observed in such events, the differentiated roles of strain, stress and their corresponding loading rates on the damage level itself remain unclear. More specifically, the direct relations between brain and spinal cord tissue or cell damage, and electrophysiological functions are still to be unraveled. Whereas mechanical modeling efforts are focusing mainly on stress distribution and mechanistic-based damage criteria, simulated function-based damage criteria are still missing. Here, we propose a new multiscale model of myelinated axon associating electrophysiological impairment to structural damage as a function of strain and strain rate. This multiscale approach provides a new framework for damage evaluation directly relating neuron mechanics and electrophysiological properties, thus providing a link between mechanical trauma and subsequent functional deficits


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The monkey anterior intraparietal area (AIP) encodes visual information about three-dimensional object shape that is used to shape the hand for grasping. In robotics a similar role has been played by modules that fit point cloud data to the superquadric family of shapes and its various extensions. We developed a model of shape tuning in AIP based on cosine tuning to superquadric parameters. However, the model did not fit the data well, and we also found that it was difficult to accurately reproduce these parameters using neural networks with the appropriate inputs (modelled on the caudal intraparietal area, CIP). The latter difficulty was related to the fact that there are large discontinuities in the superquadric parameters between very similar shapes. To address these limitations we adopted an alternative shape parameterization based on an Isomap nonlinear dimension reduction. The Isomap was built using gradients and curvatures of object surface depth. This alternative parameterization was low-dimensional (like superquadrics), but data-driven (similar to an alternative clustering approach that is also sometimes used in robotics) and lacked large discontinuities. Isomaps with 16 or more dimensions reproduced the AIP data fairly well. Moreover, we found that the Isomap parameters could be approximated from CIP-like input much more accurately than the superquadric parameters. We conclude that Isomaps, or perhaps alternative dimension reductions of CIP signals, provide a promising model of AIP tuning. We have now started to integrate our model with a robot hand, to explore the efficacy of Isomap shape reductions in grasp planning. Future work will consider dynamics of spike responses and integration with related visual and motor area models.


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Structural genomics aims to solve a large number of protein structures that represent the protein space. Currently an exhaustive solution for all structures seems prohibitively expensive, so the challenge is to define a relatively small set of proteins with new, currently unknown folds. This paper presents a method that assigns each protein with a probability of having an unsolved fold. The method makes extensive use of protomap, a sequence-based classification, and scop, a structure-based classification. According to protomap, the protein space encodes the relationship among proteins as a graph whose vertices correspond to 13,354 clusters of proteins. A representative fold for a cluster with at least one solved protein is determined after superposition of all scop (release 1.37) folds onto protomap clusters. Distances within the protomap graph are computed from each representative fold to the neighboring folds. The distribution of these distances is used to create a statistical model for distances among those folds that are already known and those that have yet to be discovered. The distribution of distances for solved/unsolved proteins is significantly different. This difference makes it possible to use Bayes' rule to derive a statistical estimate that any protein has a yet undetermined fold. Proteins that score the highest probability to represent a new fold constitute the target list for structural determination. Our predicted probabilities for unsolved proteins correlate very well with the proportion of new folds among recently solved structures (new scop 1.39 records) that are disjoint from our original training set.


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This paper presents an approach to the belief system based on a computational framework in three levels: first, the logic level with the definition of binary local rules, second, the arithmetic level with the definition of recursive functions and finally the behavioural level with the definition of a recursive construction pattern. Social communication is achieved when different beliefs are expressed, modified, propagated and shared through social nets. This approach is useful to mimic the belief system because the defined functions provide different ways to process the same incoming information as well as a means to propagate it. Our model also provides a means to cross different beliefs so, any incoming information can be processed many times by the same or different functions as it occurs is social nets.


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In this article we present a model of organization of a belief system based on a set of binary recursive functions that characterize the dynamic context that modifies the beliefs. The initial beliefs are modeled by a set of two-bit words that grow, update, and generate other beliefs as the different experiences of the dynamic context appear. Reason is presented as an emergent effect of the experience on the beliefs. The system presents a layered structure that allows a functional organization of the belief system. Our approach seems suitable to model different ways of thinking and to apply to different realistic scenarios such as ideologies.


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A one-dimensional computational model of pilling of a fibre assembly has been created. The model follows a set of individual fibres, as free ends and loops appear as fuzz and arc progressively withdrawn from the body of the assembly, and entangle to form pills, which eventually break off or are pulled out. The time dependence of the computation is given by ticks, which correspond to cycles of a wear and laundering process. The movement of the fibres is treated as a reptation process. A set of standard values is used as inputs to the computation. Predictions arc given of the change with a number Of cycles of mass of fuzz, mass of pills, and mass removed from the assembly. Changes in the standard values allow sensitivity studies to be carried out.