992 resultados para compound 48-80


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Stroke, ischemic or hemorrhagic, belongs among the foremost causes of death and disability worldwide. Massive brain swelling is the leading cause of death in large hemispheric strokes and is only modestly alleviated by available treatment. Thrombolysis with tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) is the only approved therapy in acute ischemic stroke, but fear of TPA-mediated hemorrhage is often a reason for withholding this otherwise beneficial treatment. In addition, recanalization of the occluded artery (spontaneously or with thrombolysis) may cause reperfusion injury by promoting brain edema, hemorrhage, and inflammatory cell infiltration. A dominant event underlying these phenomena seems to be disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). In contrast to ischemic stroke, no widely approved clinical therapy exists for intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), which is associated with poor outcome mainly due to the mass effect of enlarging hematoma and associated brain swelling. Mast cells (MCs) are perivascularly located resident inflammatory cells which contain potent vasoactive, proteolytic, and fibrinolytic substances in their cytoplasmic granules. Experiments from our laboratory showed MC density and their state of granulation to be altered early following focal transient cerebral ischemia, and degranulating MCs were associated with perivascular edema and hemorrhage. (I) Pharmacological MC stabilization led to significantly reduced ischemic brain swelling (40%) and BBB leakage (50%), whereas pharmacological MC degranulation raised these by 90% and 50%, respectively. Pharmacological MC stabilization also revealed a 40% reduction in neutrophil infiltration. Moreover, genetic MC deficiency was associated with an almost 60% reduction in brain swelling, 50% reduction in BBB leakage, and 50% less neutrophil infiltration, compared with controls. (II) TPA induced MC degranulation in vitro. In vivo experiments with post-ischemic TPA administration demonstrated 70- to 100-fold increases in hemorrhage formation (HF) compared with controls HF. HF was significantly reduced by pharmacological MC stabilization at 3 (95%), 6 (75%), and 24 hours (95%) of follow-up. Genetic MC deficiency again supported the role of MCs, leading to 90% reduction in HF at 6 and 24 hours. Pharmacological MC stabilization and genetic MC deficiency were also associated with significant reduction in brain swelling and in neutrophil infiltration. Importantly, these effects translated into a significantly better neurological outcome and lower mortality after 24 hours. (III) Finally, in ICH experiments, pharmacological MC stabilization resulted in significantly less brain swelling, diminished growth in hematoma volume, better neurological scores, and decreased mortality. Pharmacological MC degranulation produced the opposite effects. Genetic MC deficiency revealed a beneficial effect similar to that found with pharmacological MC stabilization. In sum, the role of MCs in these clinically relevant scenarios is supported by a series of experiments performed both in vitro and in vivo. That not only genetic MC deficiency but also drugs targeting MCs could modulate these parameters (translated into better outcome and decreased mortality), suggests a potential therapeutic approach in a number of highly prevalent cerebral insults in which extensive tissue injury is followed by dangerous brain swelling and inflammatory cell infiltration. Furthermore, these experiments could hint at a novel therapy to improve the safety of thrombolytics, and a potential cellular target for those seeking novel forms of treatment for ICH.


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Con el propósito de hacer un estudio cualitativo de los géneros parásitos de Nematelmintos gastrointestinales en las heces de gallinas del Departamento de Managua, se llevo a cabo durante los meses de julio y octubre de 1968, en los laboratorios de la Escuela Nacional de Agricultura y Ganadería, los análisis coprologico-microscópicos de heces de gallinas. Fueron recolectadas y examinadas 504 muestras de heces tomadas en diferentes pueblos y granjas del Departamento de Managua. Las muestras fueron recolectadas en 19 diferentes lugares, de las cuales en 7 granjas se tomaron 179 muestras, y las 325 muestras restantes se recolectaron en 12 localidades entre caseríos, pueblos y barrios periféricos de la capital. La técnica usada para diagnosticar los diferentes huevos de parásitos Nematelmintos gastro-intestinales, fue la solución saturada de azúcar con formalina, usada por Benbrook. Los géneros de parásitos Nematelmintos gastro-intestinales encontrados fueron seis: Ascaridis sp., Capillaria sp., Heterakis sp., Tetramaras sp., Diepharyns sp., y Syngamus sp. El genero Ascaridis sp. fue el que se encontro en mayor porcentaje con 48.80%, seguido del genero Capillaria sp. con 28.76%. El genero que presento menor porcentaje de frecuencia fue el Syngamus sp. con 0.59%.


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白垩纪末至第三纪初(K/T界限,距今约65Ma),恐龙大规模灭绝,爬行类的优势地位被哺乳动物所取代;裸子植物和蕨类急剧衰退,被子植物蓬勃发展,并逐渐成为地表植被的主体,研究这一时期的植物群的结构和特征进而揭示植物演化和环境变迁的规律及其相互关系是当今地球科学、生命科学和环境科学的重要研究内容。黑龙江省嘉荫地区的乌云组产有丰富的植物化石,其地质时代虽未定论,但不超出晚白垩世马斯特里赫特期至早第三纪古新世的范围,处于K/T界限,对其植物群的研究意义重大。乌云植物群以往的研究在古果实学研究方面明显不足、在植物群的性质的认识及乌云组时代的确定等方面存在很大争议。本文重点研究了乌云组的果实和种子化石,增添了新的植物类群,丰富了此植物群的研究内容,对乌云组的时代问题的确定提供了新的证据。 本文研究了乌云组的Nordenskioldia borealis(昆兰树科)、Nyssidium jianyinense sp. nov. (连香树科)、Hypericum zhuii sp. nov. (金丝桃科)、Amersinia obtrullate(广义山茱萸科)、Acer wuyunense sp. nov.(槭树科)等5种果实和种子化石。Nordenskioldia borealis的果无柄、为分果、小果瓣环绕中央柱轮状排列。Nyssidium jianyinense的果序为圆锥果序、蓇葖对生、蓇葖腹缝相对、果皮三层。Hypericum zhuii的种子外形呈长椭圆形、端部具乳突、表面网状、种脊明显、种皮两层、外种皮细胞的垂周壁明显加厚。Amersinia obtrullate果序头状、果镘形、3果室。Acer wuyunense果为翅果、小坚果被明显侧翼、翅强烈下延,包围小坚果。经修订和补充,乌云植物群目前共有维管植物48属60种,其中,蕨类植物4属6种、裸子植物7属7种、被子植物37属48种,被子植物占总种数的80%、占总属数的77%,被子植物占绝对优势。当时的群落类型湿生群落和中生群落类型为主,湿生群落主要有:由Sequoia、Metasequoia、Taxodium、Glyptostrobus等组成的针叶林;以Nyssidium、Trochodendroides占优势的阔叶林。 以Metasequoia占优势的针叶林和以Nyssidium、Trochodendroides等占优势的阔叶林。乌云植物群中热带和亚热带成分占种子植物总属数的54%,而温带成分则占36%,亚热带成分占优势,当时的气候-植被类型为亚热带常绿林或常绿夏绿混交林。Nordenskioldia、Nyssidium、Amersinia、Acer化石的地质分布不早于古新世的地层,这—证据不支持乌云组的地质时代划为晚白垩世,而支持划归古新世的观点。


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The aim of the present Study was to investigate if different levels of circulating corticosterone (CORT) modulate the effect of nicotine on prepulse inhibition (PPI), a measure of sensorimotor gating that is disrupted in schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. Four groups of mice were investigated: sham-operated, adrenalectomized (ADX) and implanted with a cholesterol pellet, ADX and implanted with a 10 mg CORT pellet, or ADX and 50 mg, of CORT. Different CORT levels or doses of nicotine did not significantly affect startle responses. Baseline PPI was significantly reduced in mice implanted with the highest dose of CORT. In ADX mice implanted with cholesterol, nicotine treatment influenced PPI depending on the prepulse intensity. In ADX mice implanted with 50 mg of CORT, treatment with 10 mg/kg of nicotine caused a significant increase in PPI at all prepulse intensities. Binding studies showed that corticosterone treatment had significantly affected nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) density in the mouse brain. Treatment with 50 mg CORT decreased I-125-epibatidine binding in the globus pallidus and I-125-alpha-bungarotoxin binding in the claustrum. These results suggest a possible interaction of corticosterone and nicotine at the level of the alpha4- and alpha7-type nAChR in the regulation of PPI. In situations of high circulating levels of corticosterone, nicotine may be beneficial to restore disruption of PPI. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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根据天然草地退化程度的差异,采用松耙+补播+施肥+封育(退化较严重的草地)、封育+施肥(轻度退化草地)等措施,植物群落物种组成、多样性等特征值及其植被盖度发生明显变化.研究第2年结果表明,物种数封育+施肥处理最高(32种),对照居中(26种),补播+施肥处理最低(13种);多样性指数大小依次为封育+施肥(3.126)、对照(2.819)、补播+施肥(1.494);均匀度指数大小依次为封育+施肥(0.902)、对照(0.865)、补播+施肥(0.582);群落总盖度大小依次为封育+施肥(85.9%)、补播+施肥(79.7%)、对照(72.9%);补播+施肥+封育处理后地上生物量最大(460.65 g/m2),原生植被+封育+施肥处理居中(310.14 g/m2),对照最低(178.96 g/m2);地下生物量大小依次为封育+施肥(6 920.37 g/m2)、补播+施肥(1 458.96 g/m2)、对照(828.91 g/m2);补播+施肥+封育处理优良牧草较对照提高近50倍,杂草类减少82.81%,封育+施肥处理较对照良牧草比例提高48倍,杂草类比例减少80.46%.半人工草地通过灭除杂草和施肥相结合的示范试验表明:单纯进行灭杂,地上生物量减少,灭杂和施肥相结合不仅可提高地上生物量,而且可提高优良牧草的比例;不同处理区土壤养分含量各不相同,其中封育+施肥处理全氮、全碳、有机碳最高,对照居中,补播+施肥较低.


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Avaliaram-se o ganho de peso e as características da carcaça de bovinos Nelore alimentados com bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (in natura ou hidrolisado) como volumoso e concentrado contendo farelo de gérmen de milho, casca do grão de soja ou polpa de citrus em substituição parcial (50%) ao milho. Quarenta bovinos Nelore (peso médio inicial de 340 kg e idade inicial de 32 meses) foram alimentados com quatro dietas fornecidas na proporção volumoso:concentrado 39:61. As fontes substitutivas do milho não afetaram o peso final (470,8; 478,6; 476,4 e 475,3 kg) e o ganho médio diário (1,1; 1,1; 1,1 e 1,2 kg/animal/dia). Não houve efeito sobre o rendimento de carcaça (55,3; 55,3; 54,0 e 54,8%), a área de Longissimus (24,2; 23,0; 25,0 e 23,2 cm²/100 kg de carcaça) e a espessura de gordura (4,4; 5,6; 4,7 e 4,4 mm). O menor custo por arroba foi observado no tratamento com polpa de citrus (R$ 44,20), seguido do farelo de gérmen de milho (R$ 48,80) e da casca de soja (R$ 50,80), porém, quando utilizado somente o milho, o custo da arroba foi de R$ 51,80. O milho moído pode ser parcialmente substituído pelo farelo de gérmen de milho, pela casca de soja ou pela polpa de citrus em dietas para bovinos em confinamento alimentados com bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (in natura ou hidrolisado) como volumoso, pois a substituição não alterou o ganho de peso e as características de carcaça.


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Algaroba (Prosopis juliflora) is a typical legume from arid and semi arid regions, which is composed by sugar-rich pods and high protein seeds. Phenolic compounds are secondary metabolites recognized as potent bioactive compounds, found in several vegetables.Therefore, the objective of this work is to characterize the algaroba flour in terms of its physicalchemical composition, total phenolic content, antioxidant activity by DPPH and ABTS methods, a-amylase and a-glycosidase inhibition, as well as to analyze its organic compounds by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Three experimental groups were investigated (seeds, seeds and pod together and only pod), which were prepared by oven drying and posterior grinding. Water and ethanol extracts (70, 80, 100% v/v) were prepared and used for functional studies. Organic compounds were detected by using HPLC equipment coupled to mass spectrometer. Results show important physical-chemical differences among the experimental groups, seeds, seeds and pod together and only pod. The algarroba seed flour is high in protein (49.49%) and fat (3.10%), while the pod flour is especially rich in sugar (60.3% to 67.9%). Algaroba phenolics are concentrated in pod flour, mainly in water extracts (1.30 mg GAEQ/100g sample). All seed extracts showed high DPPH activity and maximum antioxidant activity was registered for ethanol 80% extracts (19.81 μM Trolox/g sample). The ABTS activity ranged from 9.73 to 12.74 μM Trolox/g sample. Nearly all the extracts were able to inhibit α-amylase activity mildly (30.50% to 48.80%), while the maximum α-glycosidase inhibition was observed for pod water extracts (81.03%). Algaroba water extracts proven to be especially rich in organic compounds, observed by the high number of chromatographic peaks. Results demonstrate that algaroba is a potential candidate for further investigations concerning its possible functional applications


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Produced water has lately aroused interest due to their high degree of salinity, suspended oil particles, chemicals added in various manufacturing processes, heavy metals and radioactivity sometimes. Along with oil and due to its high volume production, water production is one of the pollutants of most concern in the process of oil extraction. PAHs due to their ubiquity and their characteristics carcinogenic or mutagenic and teratogenic even have attracted the attention of every scientific society. Formed from the incomplete combustion of organic matter may be natural or anthropogenic. Some materials have been researched with the goal of cleaning up environmental matrices that may be contaminated by hydrocarbons. Among these materials researched various clays have been employed, of which highlights the vermiculite. The family of phyllosilicates, vermiculite for its potential and its high hydrophobic surface area has been a tool widely used in the decontamination of water in processes of oil spills. However, when it loses its capacity expanded hydrophobic having the necessity of using a hidrofobizante to make it organophilic. Among the numerous hidrofobizantes researched and used the linseed oil was the pioneer. In this study sought to evaluate the capacity of removal of PAHs using the vermiculite hydrofobized with linseed oil and wax also, for it was made use of the 24 full factorial design as the main tool for the experiments. We also evaluated the clay grain size (-20 +48 and -48 +80 #), the percentage of hidrofobizante applied (5 and 10%) and salinity of the water produced synthesized in our laboratory (35,000 and 55,000 ppm). The molecular fluorescence spectroscopy due to its sensitivity and speed was used to verify the adsorption capacity of clay, as well as gas chromatography served as an auxiliary technique to identify and quantify the PAHs in solution. In order to characterize the vermiculite was made use of X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. The infrared and thermogravimetry were essential to note hydrophobization and the amount of coating of clay. According to the fluorescence analysis showed that the test 12 was the best result in about 98% adsorption of fluorescent compounds, however the high salinity, the smallest particle size, the highest percentage of hidrofobizante and the use of linseed oil showed greater efficiency in the removal capacity of these hydrocarbons, in accordance with the trend followed by the analysis of the major factors of the factorial design. To verify the adsorption capacity of clay using a fixed volume of water produced synthetically, used as the test base 12, at their respective levels and factors. Thus, it was observed that after adding about 1 ½ liters of water solution produced synthetically, about 300 times its volume in mass, the vermiculite was able to adsorb 80% of fluorescent species present in solution


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to accompany the process of testicular development from the non-differentiable phase to its complete formation. Embryos and fetuses of Nelore breed cows (Bos Taurus indicus) were obtained in slaughterhouses near the Uberlandia city, Minas Gerais. The gonads and the embryos were fixed in Bouin's fixative and afterwards processed for conventional optical microscopy. The gonadal was observed firstly in a 1.0 cm long embryo. In 2.5 cm long embryos the presence of the albuginea allows the sex identification. The mean thickness of the albuginea ranged from 29.08 to 558.45 mm. Gradually increase of vascularization of the albuginea and parenchyma is observed. The mediastinum is located centrally. There was a decrease in the space occupied by the testicular cords, from 63.71 to 41.99% of the total testes volume. Its diameter ranged from 31.68 to 48.80 mm. The diameter of germinal cells (and their nuclei) was from 12.27 (6.65) to 16.95 914.21) mm. The quantity of germinal cells by cross section of cord decreased from a maximum of 2.80 to 0.76. The total number of germinal cells was from 16 at the beginning of colonization of the gonad to 18.32 x 106 at the end of the study. The number of Sertoli's cells by cross section of cord ranged from 10.00 to 16.25. The results obtained show that the origin and formation of testes in embryos and fetuses from Nelore breed cows (Bos taurus indicus) does occur in a very similar way to what is described for Bos taurus taurus.


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Economically, onion is the third more important vegetable in Brazil. As a consequence of the increasing by use of new hybrid varieties, the nutritional management of the crop needs to be adequately known. This research was carried out in São José do Rio Pardo, São Paulo State, Brazil, from March 7 to August 8, 2004. The objective was to quantify, under field conditions, the accumulation of macronutrients by onion cultivars established by direct sowing. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with three replicates. The cultivars studied were Optima and Superex. Samples were taken at 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 and 150 days after sowing. With population of 354,000 plants ha -1 and productivity estimated in 64.8 t ha -1, 'Optima' extracted on 150 days after sowing: 78.77, 13.04, 75.77, 59.09, 11.70 and 24.38 kg ha -1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, respectively, and 'Superex', for the same plant population, and productivity at 72 t ha -1, 64.68, 10.33, 68.28, 65.58, 13.03 and 24.74 kg ha -1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, respectively. The Optima hybrid exported through its bulb about 49.17% of N, 60.60% of P, 61.16% of K, 41.15% of Ca, 43.56% of Mg, and 47.18 of S, the equivalent to 38.73, 7.90, 46.34, 24.32, 5.10 and 11.51 kg ha -1, respectively. The Superex hybrid exported through its bulb about 44.29% of N, 55.85% of P, 62.54% of K, 35.71% of Ca, 31.82% of Mg, and 48.80% of S, the equivalent to 28.65, 5.77, 42.70, 23.42, 4.15, and 12.07 kg ha -1, respectively.