977 resultados para complementary grazing systems


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"The extended drought periods in each degradation episode have provided a test of the capacity of grazing systems (i.e. land, plants, animals, humans and social structure) to handle stress. Evidence that degradation was already occurring was identified prior to the extended drought sequences. The sequence of dry years, ranging from two to eight years, exposed and/or amplified the degradation processes. The unequivocal evidence was provided by: (a) the physical 'horror' of bare landscapes, erosion scalds and gullies and dust storms; (b) the biological devastation of woody weeds and animal suffering/deaths or forced sales, and; (c) the financial and emotional plight of graziers and their families due to reduced production in some cases leading to abandonment of properties or, sadly, deaths (e.g. McDonald 1991, Ker Conway 1989)."--Publisher website


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This study presents the use of a whole farm model in a participatory modelling research approach to examine the sensitivity of four contrasting case study farms to a likely climate change scenario. The newly generated information was used to support discussions with the participating farmers in the search for options to design more profitable and sustainable farming systems in Queensland Australia. The four case studies contrasted in key systems characteristics: opportunism in decision making, i.e. flexible versus rigid crop rotations; function, i.e. production of livestock or crops; and level of intensification, i.e. dryland versus irrigated agriculture. Tested tactical and strategic changes under a baseline and climate change scenario (CCS) involved changes in the allocation of land between cropping and grazing enterprises, alternative allocations of limited irrigation water across cropping enterprises, and different management rules for planting wheat and sorghum in rainfed cropping. The results show that expected impacts from a likely climate change scenario were evident in the following increasing order: the irrigated cropping farm case study, the cropping and grazing farm, the more opportunistic rainfed cropping farm and the least opportunistic rainfed cropping farm. We concluded that in most cases the participating farmers were operating close to the efficiency frontier (i.e. in the relationship between profits and risks). This indicated that options to adapt to climate change might need to evolve from investments in the development of more innovative cropping and grazing systems and/or transformational changes on existing farming systems. We expect that even though assimilating expected changes in climate seems to be rather intangible and premature for these farmers, as innovations are developed, adaptation is likely to follow quickly. The multiple interactions among farm management components in complex and dynamic farm businesses operating in a variable and changing climate, make the use of whole farm participatory modelling approaches valuable tools to quantify benefits and trade-offs from alternative farming systems designs in the search for improved profitability and resilience.


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The global importance of grasslands is indicated by their extent; they comprise some 26% of total land area and 80% of agriculturally productive land. The majority of grasslands are located in tropical developing countries where they are particularly important to the livelihoods of some one billion poor peoples. Grasslands clearly provide the feed base for grazing livestock and thus numerous high-quality foods, but such livestock also provide products such as fertilizer, transport, traction, fibre and leather. In addition, grasslands provide important services and roles including as water catchments, biodiversity reserves, for cultural and recreational needs, and potentially a carbon sink to alleviate greenhouse gas emissions. Inevitably, such functions may conflict with management for production of livestock products. Much of the increasing global demand for meat and milk, particularly from developing countries, will have to be supplied from grassland ecosystems, and this will provide difficult challenges. Increased production of meat and milk generally requires increased intake of metabolizable energy, and thus increased voluntary intake and/or digestibility of diets selected by grazing animals. These will require more widespread and effective application of improved management. Strategies to improve productivity include fertilizer application, grazing management, greater use of crop by-products, legumes and supplements and manipulation of stocking rate and herbage allowance. However, it is often difficult to predict the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of such strategies, particularly in tropical developing country production systems. Evaluation and on-going adjustment of grazing systems require appropriate and reliable assessment criteria, but these are often lacking. A number of emerging technologies may contribute to timely low-cost acquisition of quantitative information to better understand the soil-pasture-animal interactions and animal management in grassland systems. Development of remote imaging of vegetation, global positioning technology, improved diet markers, near IR spectroscopy and modelling provide improved tools for knowledge-based decisions on the productivity constraints of grazing animals. Individual electronic identification of animals offers opportunities for precision management on an individual animal basis for improved productivity. Improved outcomes in the form of livestock products, services and/or other outcomes from grasslands should be possible, but clearly a diversity of solutions are needed for the vast range of environments and social circumstances of global grasslands.


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This review covers research linking foraging habitat quality for birds to livestock management in lowland farmland. Based on this research we propose a framework for predicting the value of grazing systems to birds. This predictive framework is needed to guide the development of agri-environment measures to address farmland bird declines in pastoral areas. We show that the exacting requirements of declining granivorous birds pose the greatest challenges, while the needs of soil invertebrate feeding species are more easily met.


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Novel macrocyclic receptors which bind electron-donor aromatic substrates via π-stacking donor- acceptor interactions are obtained by cyclo-imidization of an amine-functionalized arylether-sulfone with pyromellitic- and 1,4,5,8-naphthalene-tetracarboxylic dianhydrides. These macrocycles complex with a wide variety of π-donor substrates including tetrathiafulvalene, naphthalene, anthracene, pyrene, perylene, and functional derivatives of these polycyclic hydrocarbons. The resulting supramolecular assemblies range from simple 1:1 complexes, to [2]- and [3]-pseudorotaxanes, and even (as a result of crystallographic disorder) an apparent polyrotaxane. Direct, five-component self-assembly of a metal-centred [3]pseudorotaxane is also observed, on complexation of a macrocyclic ether-imide with 8-hydroxyquinoline in the presence of palladium(II) ions. Binding studies in solution were carried out by 1H NMR and UV-visible spectroscopy, and the stoichiometries of binding were confirmed by Job plots based on charge-transfer absorption bands. The highest association constants are found for strong π-donor guests with large surface-areas, notably perylene and 1-hydroxypyrene, for which Ka values of 1.4 x 103 and 2.3 x 103 M-1 respectively are found. Single crystal X-ray analyses of the receptors and their derived complexes reveal large, induced-fit distortions of the macrocyclic frameworks as a result of complexation. These structures provide compelling evidence for the existence of strong, attractive forces between the electronically-complementary aromatic π-systems of host and guest.


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Grazing systems represent a substantial percentage of the global anthropogenic flux of nitrous oxide (N2O) as a result of nitrogen addition to the soil. The pool of available carbon that is added to the soil from livestock excreta also provides substrate for the production of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) by soil microorganisms. A study into the production and emission of CO2, CH4 and N2O from cattle urine amended pasture was carried out on the Somerset Levels and Moors, UK over a three-month period. Urine-amended plots (50 g N m−2) were compared to control plots to which only water (12 mg N m−2) was applied. CO2 emission peaked at 5200 mg CO2 m−2 d−1 directly after application. CH4 flux decreased to −2000 μg CH4 m−2 d−1 two days after application; however, net CH4 flux was positive from urine treated plots and negative from control plots. N2O emission peaked at 88 mg N2O m−2 d−1 12 days after application. Subsurface CH4 and N2O concentrations were higher in the urine treated plots than the controls. There was no effect of treatment on subsurface CO2 concentrations. Subsurface N2O peaked at 500 ppm 12 days after and 1200 ppm 56 days after application. Subsurface NO3− concentration peaked at approximately 300 mg N kg dry soil−1 12 days after application. Results indicate that denitrification is the key driver for N2O release in peatlands and that this production is strongly related to rainfall events and water-table movement. N2O production at depth continued long after emissions were detected at the surface. Further understanding of the interaction between subsurface gas concentrations, surface emissions and soil hydrological conditions is required to successfully predict greenhouse gas production and emission.


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No Sudoeste do Rio Grande do Sul ocorrem manchas de substrato arenoso sem cobertura vegetal, conhecidos regionalmente como areais. A tese reexamina o problema e suas causas, enfatizando o papel da vegetação natural e propondo estratégias para a revegetação e prevenção à arenização em sistemas pastoris. Evidências foram obtidas em levantamentos e experimento avaliando processos de degradação e regeneração da vegetação campestre do entorno de areais. Levantamento da vegetação, realizado em 41 parcelas de 4,5 x 9,0 m na borda de 11 areais indicou a existência de dois tipos de comunidades. Areais de Manoel Viana e aqueles usados pelo gado em São Francisco de Assis, com alto percentual de substrato exposto, são caracterizados principalmente por Elyonurus sp., Axonopus pressus e Butia paraguayensis. Areais de Alegrete e aqueles excluídos de pastejo em São Francisco de Assis, com menor percentual de substrato exposto, são caracterizados principalmente por Andropogon lateralis e Aristida laevis. Foi também avaliada a dinâmica da vegetação em gradientes de arenização, usando quadros (0,25 m2) contíguos em 16 transecções de 10 m localizadas em cinco areais. A dinâmica da vegetação foi associada ao uso das áreas pelo gado, pois houve aumento, após 14 meses, de substrato exposto em comunidades de areais sob pastoreio, enquanto que aquelas sem gado apresentaram uma dinâmica espacial-temporal de maior estabilidade da cobertura vegetal. Um experimento foi realizado para avaliar, durante 8 meses, o efeito de níveis controlados de soterramento por areia (0, 5, 10 e 20 cm) em comunidades do entorno de dois areais sob pastoreio. Comunidades caracterizadas por Elyonurus sp. e Axonopus pressus foram mais tolerantes ao soterramento. As evidências indicam que a exclusão do gado de areais pode ser uma alternativa eficaz para a revegetação de areais por espécies das comunidades naturais do entorno. Ademais, a arenização pode ser prevenida pelo uso adequado dos campos que mantenha a cobertura vegetal natural protegendo o solo dos processos erosivos hídrico e eólico.


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O trabalho foi conduzido para se observar as flutuações na produção leiteira de vacas mestiças em sistema de pastejo rotacionado de capim-elefante cv. Guaçu (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) e capim-tanzânia (Panicum maximum Jacq.), de acordo com períodos de ocupação (dois dias de ocupação e 40 de descanso e três dias de ocupação e 33 de descanso, respectivamente), adubados com 200 kg de N/ha/ano. Foram estudados 19 piquetes de capim-elefante e 15 de capim-tanzânia. A análise estatística foi realizada considerando-se fase de lactação das vacas, piquete e dia de ocupação. Para o capim-elefante houve efeito da fase da lactação com interação com o dia de ocupação, mas não houve diferença para o dia de ocupação. As médias foram 10,3 ± 3,3 e 10,4 ± 3,2 kg de leite/vaca/dia para o 1º e 2º dia de ocupação, respectivamente. Para o capim-tanzânia, houve diferença significativa na produção de leite, conforme o dia de ocupação, e interação significativa para piquete e dia de ocupação. As médias foram 10,6 ± 3,0; 11,0 ± 3,1; 10,6 ± 3,2 kg de leite/vaca/dia, respectivamente, para o primeiro, segundo e terceiro dias de ocupação.


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Hematophagous gastrointestinal parasites cause significant economic losses in small ruminant grazing systems. The growing reports of multi-drug resistant parasites call for intensive research on alternative treatments for anthelmintics to help small ruminants cope with these parasites. Two-month-old lambs with mean body weight (BW) of 22.5 kg were experimentally infected with a multidrug-resistant Haemonchus contortus strain. Infected animals were dosed orally with Cymbopogon schoenanthus essential oil to evaluate its anthelmintic potential. Eighteen animals were allocated into three groups of six animals, and each received one of the following treatments: Group 1 - control (10 mL of water), Group 2 - C. schoenanthus essential oil (180 mg/kg BW); and Group 3 - C schoenanthus essential oil (360 mg/kg BW). Animals received the oil once a day for 3 consecutive days. Lambs were evaluated clinically for blood biochemistry before, at 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 days after treatment, and then were euthanized to assess the total worm burden. No statistically significant reduction in fecal egg count, packed cell volume or total worm count was observed after treatments. Also, no statistical difference among group means for blood levels of urea, creatinine, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase and gamma glutamyl transferase was found. Larval development assay (LDA) and egg hatch assay (EHA) were performed from feces of treated animals at 1, 5, 10 and 15 days after essential oil administration. An inhibition in LDA was observed 1 day after the 3-day treatment in larvae from feces of animals treated with 360 mg/kg essential oil. In conclusion, the essential oil at the doses of 180 mg/kg and 360 mg/kg was safe to sheep, but failed as an anthelmintic treatment when applied to young sheep artificially infected with a multidrug-resistant H. contortus strain. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes sistemas de pastejo, com ovinos e bovinos, sobre a quantidade de larvas no estágio L3 de nematódeos de ruminantes. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial com quatro sistemas de pastejo e quatro períodos de rotação de pastagem. A duração do experimento foi de 91 dias, com sistema rotacionado (7 dias de ocupação e 21 de descanso), em 8 ha de Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia. Foram avaliados os sistemas de pastejo: alternado, simultâneo e isolado, com ovinos e com bovinos. Foram utilizados 20 bovinos (mestiços), 30 cordeiros e 15 ovelhas adultas (raça Santa Inês). As amostras do capim, para recuperação e identificação dos nematódeos, foram realizadas semanalmente no pré e pós-pastejo dos piquetes. Na média geral de todos os manejos, a ordem decrescente de número de larvas foi: Haemonchus spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Oesophagostomum spp., Strongyloides spp. e Cooperia spp. Correlações médias foram encontradas entre as quantidades de larvas L3 no pré e pós-pastejo. Com o aumento do número de rotações, houve aumento no grau de contaminação da pastagem pelas larvas, independentemente do sistema adotado. O sistema de pastejo simultâneo foi o que apresentou maior controle da carga parasitária de Haemonchus spp. na pastagem de capim-tanzânia.


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Avaliou-se o efeito da suplementação protéica (40% PB) com amiréia ou uréia sobre o consumo de suplemento, desempenho e características econômicas de novilhos terminados em pastagens. Foram utilizados 120 novilhos com 19 meses de idade e 358kg, sendo 60 Nelore e 60 F1 Brangus x Nelore, divididos em três tratamentos com 20 animais, alojados em piquetes de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu de 10 hectares cada, totalizando 120 hectares, sendo dois piquetes por grupo genético e tratamento, pastejados alternadamente a cada pesagem (42 dias). Os tratamentos consistiram em mistura mineral com amiréia-150S (AM), mistura mineral com uréia+milho+enxofre (UR) e mistura mineral (MM). As médias de consumo de suplemento dos animais F1 foram de 206,1; 145,9 e 73,1g/dia, e as dos animais Nelore, 236,0; 205,1 e 94,3g/dia para os tratamentos AM, UR e MM, respectivamente. Para os novilhos Nelore, houve efeito (P<0,05) do suplemento sobre o peso de abate (PA), sendo a média do tratamento UR, 518,85kg, mais alta que a dos demais, 491,89 e 485,20kg, respectivamente, para AM e MM. Para os novilhos F1, foi significativo o efeito da suplementação protéica (P<0,05), com médias de 515,90 e 520,15kg, respectivamente, para os tratamentos UR e AM. A suplementação protéica proporcionou bom desempenho em animais F1 durante períodos de abundância de forragem. O uso de uréia apresentou melhor viabilidade econômica.


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The acute toxicity of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) was studied in cattle. Steers were orally treated with 100, 300 or 600 mg 2,4-D/kg. Behavioral alterations, heart and respiratory functions, rectal temperature and ruminal movements were observed at 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after treatments. At these moments, blood and urine samples were collected and serum 2,4-D levels were determined. Results show that animals' vital functions and hematocrit were not modified by the herbicide. Other signs were dose and time-dependent and included motor alterations (weakness, lethargy, decreased general activity) and decreased ruminal movements and proteinuria. The herbicide was rapidly excreted and the intoxication signs were completely reversed. 2,4-D is an herbicide of small toxicological consequences for cattle kept under in natural grazing systems.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV