971 resultados para common property


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A common property resource with open access, such as a fishery, will be used to excess when faced with sufficient demand. This will lead to an excessive amount of effort on the part of the fishery, resulting in a depletion of the stock. This paper discusses the development of a property rights regime for the Atlantic calico scallop, Argopecten gibbus, fishery of Florida. The management solution of the Calico Scallop Conservation Association (CSCA) provides an example of the assignment of property rights to a common property resource without resorting to governmental intervention. In this particular fishery, self-regulation limited early harvesting which would be uneconomic; there may be other fisheries in which self-regulation could be economically efficient and biologically appropriate. While this solution may not be applicable to all common property resources, for those cases which may be similar; the example of the CSCA provides valuable information that may be helpful in establishing a more efficient use of the resource. Some types of government facilitation may also be useful.


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Switching between two modes of operation is a common property of biological systems. In continuous-time differential equation models, this is often realised by bistability, i.e. the existence of two asymptotically stable steadystates. Several biological models are shown to exhibit delayed switching, with a pronounced transient phase, in particular for near-threshold perturbations. This study shows that this delay in switching from one mode to the other in response to a transient input is reflected in local properties of an unstable saddle point, which has a one dimensional unstable manifold with a significantly slower eigenvalue than the stable ones. Thus, the trajectories first approximatively converge to the saddle point, then linger along the saddle's unstable manifold before quickly approaching one of the stable equilibria. ©2010 IEEE.


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There are considerable efforts by governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and academia to integrate marine conservation initiatives and customary practices, such as taboos that limit resource use. However, these efforts are often pursued without a fundamental understanding of customary institutions. This paper examines the operational rules in use and the presence of institutional design principles in long-enduring and dynamic customary fisheries management institutions in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and Mexico. Rather than a "blue print" for devising long-enduring institutions, this study relies on the design principles as a starting point to organize an inquiry into the institutional diversity found in customary governance regimes. Three important trends emerged from this comparative analysis: (1) despite it being notoriously difficult to define boundaries around marine resources, almost 3/4 of the cases in this study had clearly defined boundaries and membership; (2) all of the customary institutions were able to make and change rules, indicating a critical degree of flexibility and autonomy that may be necessary for adaptive management; (3) the customary institutions examined generally lacked key interactions with organizations operating at larger scales, suggesting that they may lack the institutional embeddedness required to confront some common pool resources (CPR) challenges from the broader socioeconomic, institutional and political settings in which they are embedded. Future research will be necessary to better understand how specific institutional designs are related to social and ecological outcomes in commons property institutions. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Wetland socio-ecological systems provide livelihood benefits for many poor people throughout the developing world, yet their sustainable development requires local utilisation strategies that balance both environmental and development outcomes. Community-based local institutional arrangements that mediate peoples’ relationships with their environment and facilitate adaptive co-management offer one means of achieving this, and increasingly many NGOs and development practitioners have sought to integrate local institutional capacity-building into development projects. In the context of wider academic debates surrounding the long-term sustainability of externally-facilitated local institutions, this paper draws on the experiences of the three-year Striking a Balance (SAB) project in Malawi which sought to embed sustainable wetland management practices within community-based local institutional arrangements. Drawing on field data collected through participatory methods at three project sites some five years after the cessation of project activities, we examine the extent to which SAB’s local institutional capacity-building has been successful, and from this draw some lessons for externally-driven project interventions which seek win-win outcomes for people and the environment. With reference to Elinor Ostrom’s design principles for long-enduring common property resource institutions, we suggest that the observed declining effectiveness of SAB’s local institutions can be attributed to issues of stakeholder inclusiveness and representations; their sustainability was arguably compromised from their inception on account of them being nested within pre-existing, externally-driven village ‘clubs’ whose membership and decision-making was not congruent with all the wetland stakeholders within the community.


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Trabalho final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Edificações


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A group of agents located along a river have quasi-linear preferences over water and money. We ask how the water should be allocated and what money transfers should be performed. We are interested in efficiency, stability (in the sense of the core), and fairness (in a sense to be defined). We first show that the cooperative game associated with our problem is convex : its core is therefore large and easily described. Next, we propose the following fairness requirement : no group of agents should enjoy a welfare higher than what it could achieve in the absence of the remaining agents. We prove that only one welfare vector in the core satisfies this condition : it is the marginal contribution vector corresponding to the ordering of the agents along the river. We discuss how it could be decentralized or implemented.


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The present study consists of nine chapters including the introductory chapter. Chapter II makes a brief review of environmental literature and examines various measures adopted at the global level to protect the environment. The environmental problems often transgress national sovereignity and geographical boundaries. Therefore, attempts must be made at the national and international levels to protect the environment, the resources of which are the common property of mankind. The protection of the national environment from the ancient till the present forms the content of Chapter III. These chapters together provide a background to understand the issues analysed in the subsequent chapters. Carefully worked out theoretical framework is a pre-requisite for the successful study of a complex subject. Some of the theoretical issues of ‘environomics’ are examined in Chapter IV. The theoretical issues involved in estimating the costs and benefits of environmental protection constitute the theme of Chapter V. The state of environment in Eloor-Edayar Industrial belt andthe impact analysis of pollution of the area are discussed in Chapter VI and VII respectively. Chapter VIII makes the financial estimate of environmental protection of the project And finally, Chapter IX presents the findings of the study


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The investigation of physical properties of matter has progressed so much during the last hundred years. Today physics is divided in to a large distinct group of special branches. These branches are distinguished by the particular area studied, method of investigation and so on. An independent and important branch that has developed is the physics ofthin films.Any object in solid or liquid form with one of its dimensions very much smaller than that of the other two may be called a thin film. It is having only one common property, namely, one of their dimensions is very small, though all their physical properties may be different. Thin layers of oil, floating on the surface of water, with their fascinating colours, have attracted men’s curiosity from time immemorial. The earliest application of thin films was the protective coatings in the form of paints. A thin layer of tin has been used from ancient times to protect copper utensils from corrosion. Indium thin films are used in certain applications on account of their good lubricating property. Relay contacts are coated with thin films of rare earth metals in order to prevent burning due to arcing. Hard coatings are also available using diamond like carbon (i-carbon). The basic properties of thin films are of considerable interest because of their potential applications in various fields of science and technology


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Erfolge und Misserfolge der Freiraumpolitik im Ruhrgebiet untersucht. Ausgangspunkte sind der Freiraumschwund, der über einen Zeitraum von fast 200 Jahren dokumentiert wird, sowie die Gegenbewegungen, die sich für den Freiraumschutz einsetzen. Nach der Vorstellung einer Freiraumtypologie werden diese Entwicklungen in detaillierten historischen Abrissen für jeden Freiraumtyp dargestellt, woraus sich eine eigene Ruhrgebietsgeschichte - aus der Perspektive der Freiflächen und ihrer Nutzer - ergibt. Folgerichtig beginnt die vorliegende Arbeit nicht mit Kohle und Eisen, sondern mit der Land- und Forstwirtschaft. Anhand historischer Quellen wird die gängige Am-Anfang-war-die-Heide-These widerlegt, denn das Ruhrgebiet war waldreich und ein produktiver Agrarraum. Landwirtschaftliche Flächen- und Waldverluste sind die Basis der Siedlungstätigkeit. Ohne die Gemeinheitsteilungen im 19. Jahrhundert wären die Stadterweiterungen und Industrieansiedlungen im Ruhrgebiet nicht möglich gewesen. Die - in Grundzügen im Ersten Weltkrieg entwickelte - Agrarpolitik mit der Förderung von Produktivitätssteigerungen und Hofaufgaben erleichterte den weiteren Entzug von Agrarflächen, und genauso wirkt heute die Liberalisierung der Agrarmärkte. Alternative Ansätze (z.B. Direktvermarktung) konnten diesen Trend noch nicht aufhalten. Auch das Baumschutzgesetz von 1922 konnte die nationalsozialistischen Kahlschläge, die Waldverluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg und durch den Wiederaufbau nicht verhindern. Erst seit der Deindustrialisierung, der Aufforstung von Halden und der Umweltbewegung nehmen Wälder wieder zu. Demgegenüber treten Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts völlig neue Freiraumtypen auf. Die bürgerschaftliche Kleingartenbewegung wurde dank ihrer Bedeutung für die Ernährung in den Städten seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg vom Staat stark unterstützt, von den Nationalsozialisten gleichgeschaltet, konnte aber in den 1950er Jahren ihren bürgerschaftlichen Charakter und ihre Stärke wieder zurückgewinnen. Auch wenn Kleingärten als bauliche Reserveflächen missbraucht werden, geschieht dies nicht mehr ohne Ersatzland. Im Unterschied hierzu wurde die Stadtparkbewegung kommunalisiert. Sodann entstanden Volksparks mit Sportanlagen, ästhetisch ausgerichtete Gartenschauen, die breit gefächerten Revierparks der 1970er Jahre und neue Parktypen im Emscher Landschaftspark. 1920 wird der Siedlungsverband Ruhrkohlenbezirk gegründet, der mit den Verbandsgrünflächen ein eigenes Instrument zum Freiraumschutz und die Kompetenz zur Fluchtlinien- bzw. Bebauungsplanung erhielt. Inzwischen darf der Verband, vor einigen Jahren in den Regionalverband Ruhr umgewandelt, zu kommunalen Planungen nur noch Stellungnahmen abgeben. Schon früh versuchte der Verband, industrielles Ödland zu begrünen. Nach den Bahndammbegrünungen vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hat er seit den 1950er Jahren Halden aufgeforstet, bis in den 1990er Jahren der Aufbau des Emscher Landschaftsparks begann. Zechen- und Industriebrachen werden in neue Parks, Halden und Mülldeponien in Landmarken und Freizeitlandschaften verwandelt. Zu fragen ist, was aus diesen Geschichten für die Freiraumpolitik folgt. Zwei gegensätzliche Thesen werden diskutiert: die Tragedy of the Commons, die im Gemeineigentum die Ursache ökologischer Probleme sieht, während der Common-Property-Ansatz gerade in gemeinschaftlichen Nutzungen einen Ansatz für Problemlösungen sieht. Dabei liegt eine Besonderheit von Freiräumen in ihrem hohen Öffentlichkeitsgrad, d.h. dass sie von vielen Menschen genutzt werden und gleichzeitig mehrere, z.B. produktive, ökologische, politische oder berufliche Funktionen erfüllen. Untersucht wird, inwieweit erfolgreich gesicherte Freiflächen Merkmale von stabilen Common-Property-Institutionen tragen, d.h. welche Funktionen die Freiräume erfüllen, wie ihre Nutzung geregelt ist und vor allem welchen Einfluss die Nutzer auf Entscheidungen haben. Thesenhaft lässt sich zusammenfassen, dass ein Teil der Freiräume sein Wachstum einer derzeit unverzichtbaren Funktion verdankt, nämlich der Camouflage von Müll und Altlasten, die eine bauliche Nutzung ausschließen. Andere Freiräume verdanken ihren Bestand ihren vielfältigen Nutzungen, zur Erholung, durch Denkmäler, für Veranstaltungen, aber auch der Wertsteigerung für umliegende Wohngebiete. Ein kleiner Teil der Freiräume hat tatsächlich einen Common-Property-Charakter: Kleingartenanlagen, die von bürgerschaftlichen Gruppen gegründeten Parks sowie die Flächen, die durch Bürgerinitiativen o.ä. gegen eine bauliche Umnutzung verteidigt werden. Grund genug, um die Idee eines Netzwerks von Parkvereinen aufzugreifen, die sich von bürgerschaftlicher Seite aus für Freiräume einsetzen können.


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La jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos de los últimos años, ha establecido una serie de criterios y medidas que configurarían un catálogo de disposiciones que deben emprender los Estados para garantizar la real protección del derecho de propiedad de las comunidades indígenas y tribales. Dichas medidas deben ser implementadas en los procesos de formalización y titularización de las tierras ancestrales ocupadas, en la delimitación y demarcación del terreno, en la restitución de porciones de tierra pérdida, en la estipulación de criterios para el otorgamiento de tierras alternativas; y en los estudios que tiendan a establecer políticas públicas para la satisfacción de las necesidades de las comunidades relativas a la producción y posesión de la tierra como mecanismo idóneo para el mantenimiento de condiciones de vida digna. La regulación colombiana para las tierras de las comunidades indígenas y las comunidades afrocolombianas presenta aspectos divergentes: las primeras poseen una reglamentación destinada a la ampliación, reestructuración y saneamiento de los resguardos indígenas, y las segundas están regidas bajo un estatuto general de la propiedad colectiva y adjudicación de baldíos. En los dos sistemas, los procedimientos son complejos, tardíos, confusos, requieren de sofisticados prerrequisitos, y ante todo su estructura está basada bajo criterios de una sociedad no indígena y no tribal. Adicionalmente, el compendio normativo en materia de titulación, delimitación y demarcación de tierras de comunidades afrocolombianas antes enunciado, presenta diversas lagunas normativas que se acentúan con la carencia de actualización de dicha regulación a las condiciones actuales si se tiene en cuenta que no ha existido modificación a la misma en los últimos 19 años, y que hacen necesario aplicar analógicamente las disposiciones del Código Civil en materia de propiedad individual a efectos de dar respuesta a los supuestos de hecho no contemplados.


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The first stars that formed after the Big Bang were probably massive(1), and they provided the Universe with the first elements heavier than helium (`metals`), which were incorporated into low-mass stars that have survived to the present(2,3). Eight stars in the oldest globular cluster in the Galaxy, NGC 6522, were found to have surface abundances consistent with the gas from which they formed being enriched by massive stars(4) (that is, with higher alpha-element/Fe and Eu/Fe ratios than those of the Sun). However, the same stars have anomalously high abundances of Ba and La with respect to Fe(4), which usually arises through nucleosynthesis in low-mass stars(5) (via the slow-neutron-capture process, or s-process). Recent theory suggests that metal-poor fast-rotating massive stars are able to boost the s-process yields by up to four orders of magnitude(6), which might provide a solution to this contradiction. Here we report a reanalysis of the earlier spectra, which reveals that Y and Sr are also over-abundant with respect to Fe, showing a large scatter similar to that observed in extremely metal-poor stars(7), whereas C abundances are not enhanced. This pattern is best explained as originating in metal-poor fast-rotating massive stars, which might point to a common property of the first stellar generations and even of the `first stars`.


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A necessidade de lidar com a identificação, o desenvolvimento, a formalização e a implementação de estratégias na Criminalística da Polícia Federal leva a questionamentos quanto à presença das condições necessárias para a implantação efetiva de um processo de planejamento estratégico institucional no ambiente considerado, e cuja resposta constituiu o objetivo da presente pesquisa. Neste contexto, combinam-se elementos ligados à natureza de organização pública da Criminalística e conceitos da Administração advindos do ambiente da iniciativa privada, assim como idiossincrasias da categoria profissional formada pelos peritos criminais. E, por ser o planejamento estratégico uma atividade insólita na organização, está sujeito a uma série de riscos e ameaças sobre os quais ainda não se tem conhecimento suficiente. Este estudo valeu-se de entrevistas semiestruturadas para avaliar, a partir da percepção dos próprios peritos criminais federais, se estão presentes fatores relacionados a três perspectivas de destaque identificadas na literatura acadêmica que poderiam viabilizar a implantação do planejamento estratégico na Criminalística da Polícia Federal. A primeira perspectiva se refere ao contexto mais amplo de organização, extraída a partir de uma abordagem integradora sobre o processo de formação da estratégia, que considera a visão como elemento agregador entre a racionalidade do planejamento estratégico formalizado e a participatividade geradora das estratégias emergentes. A segunda diz respeito ao contexto mais restrito que abrange as organizações do setor público, em que as dimensões de propriedade comum, financiamento público e controle político resultam em uma série de especificidades em relação ao setor privado. Por fim, a terceira perspectiva trata da caracterização da Criminalística como organização profissional, em que a tensão entre controle gerencial e autonomia profissional assume importância de destaque. O resultado, obtido a partir de análise interpretativa fenomenológica das entrevistas, revelou que a falta de um senso comum sobre a direção a ser seguida pela organização, associada ao baixo envolvimento dos peritos, constitui um fator condicionante do sucesso do planejamento estratégico na Criminalística.


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Com o avanço do desmatamento na Amazônia brasileira, a comunidade científica internacional tem feito grande esforço na busca por formas de aproveitamento da floresta que reconciliem desenvolvimento e conservação. Desde o final da década de 1980, os pesquisadores têm explorado o papel que o extrativismo dos Produtos Florestais Não Madeireiros (PFNM) pode possuir para a economia, o bem-estar e o meio ambiente dos moradores de área de floresta. Esta dissertação explora o papel dos PFNM na vida de comunidades rurais em áreas de fronteiras da atividade madeireira ao longo do Rio Capim, no Estado do Pará. Com o avanço da indústria madeireira sobre novas fronteiras da bacia amazônica, muitas comunidades estão tendo a oportunidade de vender os direitos de exploração de sua madeira. As comunidades consideram vários aspectos para avaliar o valor dos produtos florestais. Além do valor sócio-econômico e ecológico (valor real), há um valor relativo que influencia fortemente a forma como os recursos são explorados. Este valor relativo é baseado em representações que consideram a importância dos produtos florestais e no contexto em que essas representações são construídas. Para explorar essa temática, este trabalho parte do histórico de uma comunidade cabocla enfocando na forma como ela se apropriou e explorou seus recursos florestais. Para as famílias da comunidade, a madeira sempre representou uma herança com valor de troca e uso não conflituoso. A madeira foi o produto que pôde ser gasto ao longo do tempo, pois possuía valor de mercado e suas primeiras explorações não reduziram o acesso a outros produtos florestais. Representada dessa forma, a madeira apareceu como uma possibilidade estratégica para a melhoria das condições de vida das famílias. Foram identificados quatro fatores sócio-econômicos que influenciaram a comunidade a vender a madeira: 1) relações paternalistas entre os compradores da madeira e os caboclos; 2) dificuldades de gestão comum dos recursos; 3) especialização na extração de madeira e dependência de produtos externos e; 4) crescente interesse em ter acesso a produtos provenientes do mercado. Tais fatores influenciaram a comunidade a manter a venda da madeira, mesmo depois de se tornarem evidentes as perdas no consumo de PFNM. Compreender a influência do valor atribuído pelas comunidades aos produtos florestais é fundamental para identificar a verdadeira alternativa que os PFNM podem representar diante das demais opções de uso da terra.


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A fala apresenta aspectos paralinguísticos que não pertencem ao código linguístico convencional, mas contribuem significativamente para a unidade temática do discurso, Essas realizações se constituem em enunciados não-lexicalizados que funcionam que funcionam como atos de fala completos nas interações comunicativas interpessoais. Sobre essas emissões não-verbais, Campbell (2002a, 2002b, 2003 e 2004), Maekawa (2004), Fujie et. al (2004), Hoult (2004), Key (1958) apud Steimberg (1988) postulam que elas constribuem para a manifestação da fala expressiva. Para os autores, é justamente o fenômeno da paralinguagem que sinaliza informações sobre atitudes, opiniões e emoções do falante em relação ao interlocutor ou ao tópico discursivo. Nesse sentido, investigamos, neste trabalho, as manifestações paralinguísticas recorrentes em conversas informais para demonstrarmos seu papel expressivo na linguagem falada. Para tanto, fizemos um levantamento de 450 ocorrências de elementos paralinguísticos no processo de transcrição de amostras de falas do Português Regional Paraense produzidas em situações reais de conversação. Pressupondo que essas realizações não-verbais são caracterizadas por variações prosódicas, nós as submetemos a uma análise fonética por meio do software PRAAT. A partir dessa análise, constatamos a contribuição de duas propriedades: a frequência fundamental (F0) e o tempo de emissão, para a manifestação expressiva dos elementos paralinguísticos no discurso falado. Além disso, identificamos também a silabação como uma propriedade comum às realizações sonoras focalizadas. Após o processo de análise, fizemos a descrição do uso e do funcionamento desses elementos nas conversas, bem como da contribuição deles para a manifestação da fala expressiva. Os resultados nos mostram que os elementos paralinguísticos, além de contribuírem para a fluência do discurso falado, desempenham a função de sinalizar compreensão, interesse e/ou atenção, gerenciar relações interpessoais e expressar emoções, atitudes e afeto.


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This dissertation is about collective action issues in common property resources. Its focus is the “threshold hypothesis,” which posits the existence of a threshold in group size that drives the process of institutional change. This hypothesis is tested using a six-century dataset concerning the management of the commons by hundreds of communities in the Italian Alps. The analysis seeks to determine the group size threshold and the institutional changes that occur when groups cross this threshold. There are five main findings. First, the number of individuals in villages remained stable for six centuries, despite the population in the region tripling in the same period. Second, the longitudinal analysis of face-to-face assemblies and community size led to the empirical identification of a threshold size that triggered the transition from informal to more formal regimes to manage common property resources. Third, when groups increased in size, gradual organizational changes took place: large groups split into independent subgroups or structured interactions into multiple layers while maintaining a single formal organization. Fourth, resource heterogeneity seemed to have had no significant impact on various institutional characteristics. Fifth, social heterogeneity showed statistically significant impacts, especially on institutional complexity, consensus, and the relative importance of governance rules versus resource management rules. Overall, the empirical evidence from this research supports the “threshold hypothesis.” These findings shed light on the rationale of institutional change in common property regimes, and clarify the mechanisms of collective action in traditional societies. Further research may generalize these conclusions to other domains of collective action and to present-day applications.