985 resultados para common foreign
W przypadku niejednolitego stanowiska pastw czonkowskich Unii Europejskiej wobec Kosowa, osabieniu ulega presti i sia oddziaywania Unii na arenie midzynarodowej. W odniesieniu do problemu Abchazji i Osetii Poudniowej natomiast, dziaania UE obrazuj, e samo wyraenie zainteresowania okrelonym problemem oraz udzielanie apolitycznej pomocy finansowej, ktrym nie towarzysz wyranie i precyzyjnie zdefiniowane cele polityczne, dziaalno instytucji wyposaonych w silny mandat oraz proces aktywnych negocjacji, nie przyczynia si do rozwizania palcego problemu midzynarodowego, naraajc na szwank pozycj midzynarodow Unii Europejskiej. Po raz kolejny pastwa czonkowskie pokazuj, i koncepcja Wsplnej Polityki Zagranicznej i Bezpieczestwa, wspierana midzy innymi przez Europejsk Polityk Ssiedztwa, jest pozbawiona stabilnych podstaw.
Celem artykuu jest ukazanie uwarunkowa reorientacji polityki Unii wobec regionu Afryki Pnocnej po roku 2011, w zwizku z jej zaangaowaniem podczas arabskiej wiosny, a take analiza zakresu nowego podejcia w odniesieniu do praktycznych moliwoci wdraania unijnych instrumentw polityk. Powysze rozwaania pozwol na przedstawienie wnioskw dotyczcych dalszego zaangaowania Unii Europejskiej w regionie Afryki Pnocnej i budowy nowych ram podejcia strategicznego UE w tym regionie, zarwno na paszczynie ustalania interesw na arenie brukselskiej, jak i przedstawienia wypracowanego stanowiska i uruchomienia dziaa na arenie midzynarodowej.
Autor w pracy stawia tez, e francusko-niemiecki motor odegra pozytywn rol w procesie integracji europejskiej w XX w. Dziki bliskiej wsppracy francusko-niemieckiej moliwa bya realizacja unii walutowo-gospodarczej, Wsplna Polityka Zagraniczna i Bezpieczestwa oraz stworzenie w UE obszaru wolnoci, bezpieczestwa i sprawiedliwoci. W XXI w. trudna sytuacja gospodarcza Francji i napicia spoeczne spowodoway spadek jej znaczenia w Unii Europejskiej. Kryzys finansowy strefy euro oraz problem uchodcw wykreoway Niemcy na samotnego lidera w Unii Europejskiej. Jednake wsppraca francusko-niemiecka nie zaamaa si, gdy oba pastwa wzajemnie si potrzebuj i zapewniaj rwnowag w Europie. Zdaniem wielu ekspertw, ze wzgldu na oglne nastroje w Europie, w Berlinie i Paryu brakuje nowych idei ukazujcych perspektywy rozwojowe Unii Europejskiej na najblisze lata.
Ce mmoire vise lucider les implications de lintgration europenne pour les diplomaties nationales. partir dune approche sociologique axe sur les pratiques des individus, une tude de cas est mene sur la diplomatie autrichienne, pour la priode allant de 1987 2009. Sappuyant sur une vingtaine dentretiens conduits en 2009 Vienne, cette tude rend compte, dune part, des changements engendrs par lintgration europenne de lAutriche au regard des pratiques et des reprsentations de ses diplomates concernant la politique de neutralit. Dautre part, nous relatons le processus dadaptation des diplomates et du ministre des Affaires trangres autrichiens aux exigences pratiques et aux dynamiques sociales de linteraction diplomatique au sein de lUnion europenne (UE). En somme, notre tude montre que les diplomates impliqus dans la gestion des affaires (tant internes quexternes) de lUE convergent autour dun certain nombre de rgles et de reprsentations sociales; cette dynamique a des implications substantielles pour les diplomaties nationales intgres relativement tardivement dans lUE, comme ce fut le cas pour lAutriche.
El proceso de integracin en Unin Europea se caracteriza por la incorporacin de los asuntos de seguridad exterior y defensa, tras el Tratado de Lisboa se enmarcaron en la PCSD. Dicha poltica por un proceso de integracin progresiva, Spillover, ha tenido periodos de reactivacin y de letargos.
El presente trabajo busca examinar cmo el fenmeno de la migracin por asilo ha influido en la evolucin de la Poltica Exterior y de Seguridad Comn de la Unin Europea (PESC- UE) a partir del caso de Grecia entre 2001 y 2012. De esta manera, se identifica la migracin por asilo como un problema de seguridad en medio del proceso de construccin europea. Se examina el marco legal y poltico existente sobre el asilo en Grecia y en la Unin, y se analiza el proceso de construccin de la PESC-UE a partir de sus incisos sobre poltica de vecindad, de desarrollo y cooperacin, y de la proteccin de los derechos humanos. El resultado de la investigacin permite establecer, luego de estudiar el caso griego, que la migracin por asilo ha influido parcialmente en la evolucin de la PESC- UE durante el periodo observado.
In the wake of Libya and the American pivot to Asia, CSDP-NATO relations must be recalibrated. The buzz word for CSDP should be: integrated through the EU and empowered through NATO.
The Arab Spring, the American pivot, and the global crisis: these affect all of EU external action, but also present opportunities for EU action. A debate on grand strategy remains necessary.
In the first year and a half of its existence, the EEAS and its head have become the target of extensive criticism for the shortcomings of EU foreign policy; shortcomings that in fact date back to the creation of the European Union. The EUs diplomatic service has been blamed variously for lacking clarity, acting too slowly and being unable to bridge the institutional divide. In this Commentary author Hrant Kostanyan argues that the EEAS discretionary power in the Eastern Partnership multilateral framework is restricted by the decision-making procedures between a wide range of stakeholders: the member states and the partner countries, as well as by the EU institutions, international organisations and the Civil Society Forum. Since this decision-making process places a substantial number of brakes on the discretionary power of the EEAS, any responsible analysis or critique of the service should take these constraints into consideration. Ultimately, the EEAS is only able to craft EU foreign policy insofar as it is allowed to do so.
A new and far-reaching round of sanctions imposed recently on Iran by the EU is starting to hurt the country, its economy and its citizens. Yet Irans leadership seems deaf to demands for international weapons inspectors to be allowed unhindered access to its nuclear enrichment facilities. With a regime that is not likely to sway to international and domestic pressure, and in view of the shifting strategic landscape in the Middle East, the question is whether the twin-track approach of sanctions and diplomacy should be kept up, or whether it should make way for an alternative set of policies that could preserve the fragile stability in the wider Middle East and turn a vicious circle into a virtuous one. In this new Commentary, CEPS Senior Research Fellow Steven Blockmans argues that the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, supported by the European External Action Service, is in a good position to offer a negotiated way out of this seemingly intractable situation.
La question de la protection des donnes caractre personnel pose dans le cadre des activits dassistance et de soutien des missions civiles de gestion de crise ne semble gure avoir suscit lintrt des instances en charge de leur gestion et ce en dpit de son importance majeure au regard des tches excutes quotidiennement par les agents de ces missions dans le domaine de la coopration policire et judiciaire en matire pnale. Sappuyant sur une exprience de terrain, lauteur sefforcera, dans ces lignes, de dmontrer la ncessit dentamer une rflexion de fond sur ce sujet afin, le cas chant, de prendre les initiatives utiles destines porter remde aux difficults qui, en ce domaine, pourraient apparatre.
The UK and Canada recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at allowing the two countries to optimise their respective diplomatic resources by sharing embassy and consulate sites, the joint acquisition, supply and use of services, as well as collaboration on crisis response, consular services, security, diplomatic mail, information management and IT. This CEPS Commentary argues that the MoU on Mutual Support of Missions Abroad runs counter to the spirit of loyal cooperation, in particular in the realm of EU foreign policy. It also raises challenges to coherence, consistency and effectiveness of EU action in policy areas concerning visas, trade and consular protection. Moreover, the agreement may throw a spanner in the works of EU solidarity and the creation of a stronger EU identity, both internally and externally
Steven Blockmans characterises the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the EU as a marvellous honour and a much-needed boost" for an integration project that is suffering grave economic difficulties and considerable social unrest, but he regrets that the growing role of the EU to act as a peacemaker beyond its geographical borders was not acknowledged in the award announcement.
Based on interviews with diplomats from a representative cross-section of nine member states and members of the EEAS itself, the research findings of this EPIN Working Paper confirm long-standing traditions and member state perceptions of cooperation with European institutions. The paper also reveals new aspects of the intergovernmental method of foreign policy shaping and making in the European Union; in particular how different national positions can positively or negatively affect the consolidation of the EEAS and the role of the EU as an international actor. As such, the Working Paper makes an original contribution to the existing literature on one of most discussed actors in the European Unions post-Lisbon architecture in the domain of EU external action.
This CEPS Special Report gives an overview of Chinas perceptions of the EU and the protection of Chinese investments in Europe since the outbreak of the European sovereign debt crisis, especially since the more concrete talks in late 2011 on possible financial support from China. Although the top leadership of the communist party of China (CPC) changed in its recent handover, the perceptions described in this paper are likely to remain the same, just as the main tenets of Chinas foreign policy are unlikely to change in the near future. The report argues that while the EUs image has suffered greatly from the sovereign debt crisis and the way it has been handled, there is room to improve Chinas view of Europe and for the EU to maintain a relatively strong negotiation position towards China.