960 resultados para commodity spot


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This article analyses co-movements in a wide group of commodity prices during the time period 1992–2010. Our methodological approach is based on the correlation matrix and the networks inside. Through this approach we are able to summarize global interaction and interdependence, capturing the existing heterogeneity in the degrees of synchronization between commodity prices. Our results produce two main findings: (a) we do not observe a persistent increase in the degree of co-movement of the commodity prices in our time sample, however from mid-2008 to the end of 2009 co-movements almost doubled when compared with the average correlation; (b) we observe three groups of commodities which have exhibited similar price dynamics (metals, oil and grains, and oilseeds) and which have increased their degree of co-movement during the sampled period.


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This paper examines factors that affect the trade of recyclable waste in both exporting and importing countries. To this end, we employ two important elements: first, we adopt a gravity model in our empirical methodology; second, we select five waste and scrap commodities and undertake estimations using commodity-level trade data. We demonstrate that, the higher the wage/per capita GDP/population of an importing country, the more recyclable wastes it imports. This result suggests that the demand for final goods and, accordingly, the demand for materials including recycled material, have strong effects on the import volume of recyclable waste. Moreover, this implies that the imports of a developing country from developed countries increase with expanding industrial activity and economic growth. We find no evidence for a pollution haven for wastes and recycling.


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Dengue has been a major public health concern in Australia since it re-emerged in Queensland in 1992-1993. This study explored spatio-temporal distribution and clustering of locally-acquired dengue cases in Queensland State, Australia and identified target areas for effective interventions. A computerised locally-acquired dengue case dataset was collected from Queensland Health for Queensland from 1993 to 2012. Descriptive spatial and temporal analyses were conducted using geographic information system tools and geostatistical techniques. Dengue hot spots were detected using SatScan method. Descriptive spatial analysis showed that a total of 2,398 locally-acquired dengue cases were recorded in central and northern regions of tropical Queensland. A seasonal pattern was observed with most of the cases occurring in autumn. Spatial and temporal variation of dengue cases was observed in the geographic areas affected by dengue over time. Tropical areas are potential high-risk areas for mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue. This study demonstrated that the locally-acquired dengue cases have exhibited a spatial and temporal variation over the past twenty years in tropical Queensland, Australia. There is a clear evidence for the existence of statistically significant clusters of dengue and these clusters varied over time. These findings enabled us to detect and target dengue clusters suggesting that the use of geospatial information can assist the health authority in planning dengue control activities and it would allow for better design and implementation of dengue management programs.


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Bien Hoa Airbase was one of the bulk storage and supply facilities for defoliants during the Vietnam War. Environmental and biological samples taken around the airbase have elevated levels of dioxin. In 2007, a pre-intervention knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) survey of local residents living in Trung Dung and Tan Phong wards was undertaken regarding appropriate strategies to reduce dioxin exposure. A risk reduction programme was implemented in 2008 and post-intervention KAP surveys were undertaken in 2009 and 2013 to evaluate the longer term impacts. Quantitative assessment was undertaken via a KAP survey in 2013 among 600 local residents randomly selected from the two intervention wards and one control ward (Buu Long). Eight in-depth interviews and two focus group discussions were also undertaken for qualitative assessment. Most programme activities had ceased and dioxin risk communication activities had not been integrated into local routine health education programmes; however, main results generally remained and were better than that in Buu Long. In total, 48.2% of households undertook measures to prevent exposure, higher than those in pre- and post-intervention surveys (25.8% and 39.7%) and the control ward (7.7%). Migration and the sensitive nature of dioxin issues were the main challenges for the programme's sustainability


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Brown spot (caused by Alternaria alternata) is a major disease of citrus in subtropical areas of Australia. A number of chemicals, the strobilurins azoxystrobin, trifloxystrobin, pyraclostrobin and methoxycrylate, a plant activator (acibenzolar), copper hydroxide, mancozeb, captan, iprodione and chlorothalonil/pyrimthanil were tested in the field for its control. Over three seasons, trees in a commercial orchard received 16, 14 and 7 fungicide sprays, respectively, commencing at flowering in the first season, and petal fall in the later seasons. In all experiments, the strobilurins used alone, or incorporated with copper and mancozeb, were as effective as, or better than the industry standard of copper and mancozeb alone. The only exception was trifloxystrobin, which when used alone was less effective than the industry standard. Acibenzolar used alone was ineffective. Applying a mixture of azoxystrobin and acibenzolar was found to reduce the incidence of brown spot compared with applying azoxystrobin alone but, in either case, disease levels were not found to be significantly different to the industry standard. Captan, iprodione and chlorothalonil/pyrimthanil were as effective as the industry standard. The incidence and severity of rind damage were significantly lowest in the azoxystrobin, methoxycrylate, iprodione and chlorothalonil/pyrimthanil treatments. Medium and high rates of trifloxystrobin (0.07 g/L, 0 .15 g/L) and pyraclostrobin (0.8 g/L, 1.2 g/L) applied alone were the only treatments found to be IPM-incompatible as shown by the elevated level of scale infection on fruit.


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Pseudocercospora macadamiae is an important pathogen of macadamia in Australia, causing a disease known as husk spot. Growers strive to control the disease with a number of carbendazim and copper treatments. The aim of this study was to consider the macadamia fruit developmental stage at which fungicide application is most effective against husk spot, and whether application of copper-only applications at full-size fruit developmental stage toward the end of the season contributed to effective disease control. Fungicides were applied to macadamia trees at four developmental stages in three orchards in two subsequent production seasons. The effects of the treatments on disease incidence and severity were quantified using area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) and logistic regression models. Although disease incidence varied between cultivars, incidence and severity on cv. A16 showed consistent differences between the treatments. Most significant reduction in husk spot incidence occurred when spraying commenced at match-head sized-fruit developmental stage. All treatments significantly reduced husk spot incidence and severity compared with the untreated controls, and a significant positive linear relationship (R2 = 73%) between AUDPC and severity showed that timing of the first fungicide application is important for effective disease control. Application of fungicide at full-size fruit stage reduced disease incidence but had no impact on premature fruit drop.


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Husk spot, caused by Pseudocercospora macadamiae is a major fungal disease of macadamia in Australia. Chemicals to control the disease are limited and frequent failure to control the disease is a major concern to growers. The overall goal of this research was to improve the chemical control strategy of P. macadamiae through the provision of fungicides with different modes of action to carbendazim, which is the current industry standard. Husk spot incidence, premature fruit abscission, kernel quality and yield were evaluated following application of different fungicide products in replicated field experiments at three different sites. Results showed significant differences in disease incidence and premature fruit abscission between fungicide treatments, field sites and years. Generally, disease incidence and premature fruit abscission on trees treated with fungicide were significantly (P < 0.05) lower than the untreated control. Pyraclostrobin conferred significantly better protection than trifloxystrobin, reducing disease severity by 70% compared with a 50% reduction by trifloxystrobin. The pyraclostrobin treatment had a similar efficacy to the current industry standard (70% reduction cf. 73% reduction by tank-mixed carbendazim and copper). Higher amounts of immature kernels occurred in the untreated control, followed by difenoconazole and trifloxystrobin. Diseased fruit accounted for 78% of premature fruit abscission, which indicates that husk spot enhances fruit abscission in macadamia. Our results suggest that pyraclostrobin provided similar efficacy to the industry standard and could, therefore, play a key role in the management of husk spot.


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The problem of cannibalism in communally reared crabs can be eliminated by separating the growing crabs into holding compartments. There is currently no information on optimal compartment size for growing crabs individually. 136 second instar crablets (Portunus sanguinolentus) (C2 ca. 7-10 mm carapace width (CW)) were grown for 90 days in 10 different-sized opaque and transparent walled acrylic compartments. The base area for each compartment ranged from small (32 mm × 32 mm) to large (176 mm × 176 mm). Effects of holding space and wall transparency on survival, CW, moult increment, intermoult period and average weekly gain (AWG) were examined. Most crabs reached instars C9-C10 (50-70 mm CW) by the end of experiment. The final survival rate in the smallest compartment was 25% mainly due to moult-related mortality predominantly occurring at the C9 instar. However, crabs in these smaller compartments had earlier produced significantly larger moult increments from instar to instar than those in the larger compartments (P < 0.05). Crabs in the smaller compartments (<65 mm × 65 mm) also showed significantly longer moult periods (P < 0.05). The net result was that AWG in CW was 5.22 mm week-1 for the largest compartment and 5.15 mm week-1 in smallest and did not differ significantly between compartment size groups (P = 0.916). Wall transparency had no impact on survival (P = 0.530) but a slight impact on AWG (P = 0.014). Survival rate was the best indicator of minimum acceptable compartment size (?43 mm × 43 mm) for C10 crablets because below this size death occurred before growth rate was significantly affected. For further growth, it would be necessary to transfer the crablets to larger compartments.


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The isolation frequency of Microsphaeropsis sp. in spring in association with necrotic lesions on leaves in Tasmanian pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) fields has increased substantially since first identification in 2001. Examination of morphological features and sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) resulted in the identification of a new species, herein described as Microsphaeropsis tanaceti sp. nov. The pathogenicity of three M. tanaceti isolates to two pyrethrum cultivars was confirmed by inoculating glasshouse-grown plants in three experiments. No significant differences in the susceptibility of the two cultivars to infection by M. tanaceti were found. Symptoms were tan-coloured spots which coalesced around the margins of the leaves. Therefore, the name 'tan spot' is proposed for this new disease of pyrethrum. The sensitivity of seven M. tanaceti isolates to difenoconazole and azoxystrobin, commonly used fungicides for the management of foliar diseases in spring, was assessed under in vitro conditions. Sensitivity testing for difenoconazole was conducted using a mycelial growth assay on potato dextrose agar, whilst testing for sensitivity to azoxystrobin used a conidial germination assay on water agar. Microsphaeropsis tanaceti was found to be more sensitive to azoxystrobin than difenoconazole, with complete inhibition of conidial germination at concentrations above 0.625 µg a.i. mL-1. By comparison, concentrations of 50 µg a.i. difenoconazole mL-1 or greater were required for significant inhibition of mycelial growth. It therefore appears likely that there is currently some control of tan spot as a result of the use of azoxystrobin and to a lesser extent, difenoconazole, for the control of other diseases.


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Several chemicals including strobilurins (pyraclostrobin and azoxystrobin), triazoles (difenoconazole and tebuconazole), dithiocarbamates (propineb, metiram, ziram and mancozeb) and the phthalimide chlorothalonil were evaluated in three field experiments in north Queensland, Australia, for the control of brown spot (caused by Corynespora cassiicola) and black spot (caused by Asperisporium caricae) of papaya. Chlorothalonil and pyraclostrobin were shown to be more effective than the industry standard, mancozeb, for the control of brown spot. In the black spot experiments, difenoconazole, pyraclostrobin and chlorothalonil used alone or in spray programs were as effective as, or better than, the industry standards, mancozeb and tebuconazole. Plants treated with pyraclostrobin and difenoconazole had more fruit unaffected by black spot (97% and 99% respectively) than plants treated with tebuconazole (51%), mancozeb (20%) and the untreated controls (1%). Laboratory tests also showed that A. caricae was more sensitive to difenoconazole (EC50 of 2ppm) than tebuconazole (EC50 of 14ppm). In 2007, off-label permits were obtained for chlorothalonil for control of brown spot and difenoconazole and chlorothalonil for the control of black spot of papaya.


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Cultivated groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an agronomically and economically important oilseed crop grown extensively throughout the semi-arid tropics of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Rust (Puccinia arachidis) and late leaf spot (LLS, Phaseoisariopsis personata) are among the major diseases causing significant yield loss in groundnut. The development of varieties with high levels of resistance has been constrained by adaptation of disease isolates to resistance sources and incomplete resistance in resistant sources. Despite the wide range of morphological diversity observed in the cultivated groundnut gene pool, molecular marker analyses have thus far been unable to detect a parallel level of genetic diversity. However, the recent development of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers presents new opportunities for molecular diversity analysis of cultivate groundnut. The current study was conducted to identify diverse disease resistant germplasm for the development of mapping populations and for their introduction into breeding programs. Twenty-three SSRs were screened across 22 groundnut genotypes with differing levels of resistance to rust and LLS. Overall, 135 alleles across 23 loci were observed in the 22 genotypes screened. Twelve of the 23 SSRs (52%) showed a high level of polymorphism, with PIC values ≥0.5. This is the first report detecting such high levels of genetic polymorphism in cultivated groundnut. Multi-dimensional scaling and cluster analyses revealed three well-separated groups of genotypes. Locus by locus AMOVA and Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA identified candidate SSR loci that may be valuable for mapping rust and LLS resistance. The molecular diversity analysis presented here provides valuable information for groundnut breeders designing strategies for incorporating and pyramiding rust and late leaf spot resistances and for molecular biologists wishing to create recombinant inbred line populations to map these traits.


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Strawberry (Fragaria (x) ananassa) plants exhibiting leaf lesions consistent with angular leaf spot (ALS, caused by Xanthomonas fragariae Kennedy and King 1962) were identified in the Queensland strawberry germplasm at Bundeberg in May 2010. Water suspensions of bacterial ooze tested positive using a previously described primer set. However, the slow growth rate of X. fragariae and the presence of a fast-growing, non-pathogenic, undescribed Xanthomonas species presented problems that were overcome by dilution plating and DNA sequence analysis. Sequencing of the gyrB locus of putative colonies of X. fragariae indicated 100% sequence similarity to other X. fragariae isolates. A new set of diagnostic primers for X. fragariae based on the gyrB locus is presented.


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This project determined the identity of causal pathogens, epidemiology and disease cycle of Alternaria leaf blotch and fruit spot in Australian apples and provided a management strategy for both diseases for inclusion in the integrated fruit production manual.


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The responses of 95 barley lines and cultivars to spot form of net blotch (SFNB) caused by Pyrenophora teres f. maculata were analyzed as seedlings and adults in Australia and Canada. Cluster analyses revealed complex reaction responses. Only 2 lines (Esperance Orge 289 and TR3189) were resistant to all isolates at the seedling stage, whereas 15 lines and cultivars (81-82/033, Arimont, BYDV-018, CBSS97M00855T-B2-M1-Y1-M2-Y-1M-0Y, C19776, Keel, Sloop, Torrens, TR326, VB0111, Yarra, VB0229, WI-2477, WI2553, and Wisconsin Pedigree) were resistant toward the two Canadian isolates and mixture of Australian isolates at the adult stages. In Australian field experiments, the effectiveness of SFNB resistance in three barley cultivars (Barque. Cowabbie, and Schooner) and one breeding line (VB9104) with a different source of resistance was tested. Barque, which possessed a resistance gene that provided complete resistance to SFNB, was the most effective and showed no effect on grain yield or quality in the presence of inoculum. Generally, cultivars with seedling or adult resistance had less disease and better grain quality than the susceptible control. Dash, but they were not as effective as Barque. A preliminary differential set of 19 barley lines and cultivars for P teres I. maculata is proposed.