987 resultados para combined stable isotope and fatty acid analysis


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Holes 572C and 573A provide high resolution (about 5000-yr. sampling interval) records of oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy (Globigerinoides sacculifera) and carbonate stratigraphy for the Pliocene of the equatorial Pacific. These data enable detailed correlation of carbonate events between sites and provide additional resolution to the previous carbonate stratigraphy. Comparison of calcium carbonate and d18O data reveal a "Pacific-type" carbonate stratigraphy throughout the Pliocene. The d18O data have two modes of variability with a boundary at 2.9 Ma. The planktonic d18O record does not have a steplike enrichment at 3.2 Ma, which is observed in benthic records elsewhere, suggesting that this event does not represent the proposed initiation of northern hemispheric glaciation. Hole 572C does record a distinct d18O enrichment event at about 2.4 Ma, which has been previously associated with the onset of major ice rafting in the North Atlantic.


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Tests of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber (white; d'Orbigny) have become a standard tool for reconstructing past oceanic environments. Paleoceanographers often utilize the Mg/Ca ratios of the foraminiferal tests for reconstructing low-latitude ocean glacial-interglacial changes in sea surface temperatures (SST). We report herein a comparison of Mg/Ca measurements on sample pairs (n = 20) of two G. ruber (white) morphotypes (G. ruber sensu stricto (s.s.) and G. ruber sensu lato (s.l.)) from surface and downcore samples of the western Pacific and Indian Oceans. G. ruber s.s. refers to specimens with spherical chambers sitting symmetrically over previous sutures with a wide, high arched aperture, whereas G. ruber s.l. refers to a more compact test with a diminutive final chamber and small aperture. The G. ruber s.s. specimens generally show significantly higher Mg/Ca ratios compared to G. ruber s.l. Our results from the Mg/Ca ratio analysis suggest that G. ruber s.l. specimens precipitated their shells in slightly colder surface waters than G. ruber s.s. specimens. This conclusion is supported by the differences in delta18O and delta13C values between the two morphotypes. Although it is still unclear if these two morphotypes represent phenotypic variants or sibling species, our findings seem to support the hypothesis of depth and/or seasonal allopatry within a single morphospecies.


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Temora longicornis, a dominant calanoid copepod species in the North Sea, is characterised by low lipid reserves and high biomass turnover rates. To survive and reproduce successfully, this species needs continuous food supply and thus requires a highly flexible digestive system to exploit various food sources. Information on the capacity of digestive enzymes is scarce and therefore the aim of our study was to investigate the enzymatic capability to respond to quickly changing nutritional conditions. We conducted two feeding experiments with female T. longicornis from the southern North Sea off Helgoland. In the first experiment in 2005, we tested how digestive enzyme activities and enzyme patterns as revealed by substrate SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) responded to changes in food composition. Females were incubated for three days fed ad libitum with either the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina or the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii. At the beginning and at the end of the experiment, copepods were deep-frozen for analyses. The lipolytic enzyme activity did not change over the course of the experiment but the enzyme patterns did, indicating a distinct diet-induced response. In a second experiment in 2008, we therefore focused on the enzyme patterns, testing how fast changes occur and whether feeding on the same algal species leads to similar patterns. In this experiment, we kept the females for 4 days at surplus food while changing the algal food species daily. At day 1, copepods were offered O. marina. On day 2, females received the cryptophycean Rhodomonas baltica followed by T. weissflogii on day 3. On day 4 copepods were again fed with O. marina. Each day, copepods were frozen for analysis by means of substrate SDS-PAGE. This showed that within 24 h new digestive enzymes appeared on the electrophoresis gels while others disappeared with the introduction of a new food species, and that the patterns were similar on day 1 and 4, when females were fed with O. marina. In addition, we monitored the fatty acid compositions of the copepods, and this indicated that specific algal fatty acids were quickly incorporated. With such short time lags between substrate availability and enzyme response, T. longicornis can successfully exploit short-term food sources and is thus well adapted to changes in food availability, as they often occur in its natural environment due seasonal variations in phyto- and microzooplankton distribution.


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A field study was conducted in Santala Bay with weekly samplings during February and March 2000. Ice thickness was 20-28 cm, snow cover 0-1 cm. The under-ice water column was stratified with a cold (-0.3 - 0.2°C) and less saline (S = 2.1-4.9) interface layer. Concentrations of particulate organic carbon (0.5-5.8 mg POC/l) and algal pigments (0.3-18.2 µg chlorophyll a/l) were higher in the ice than in the water (0.2-0.5 mg POC/l, 1.6-7.1 µg chlorophyll a/l) and peaked mostly in the bottom part of the ice. The thin ice and almost lacking snow cover had favoured an early ice-algal and phytoplankton bloom. The diversity of metazoans was low, with six species in the ice and eight species in the under-ice water. The rotifer Synchaeta cf. littoralis dominated both in ice and water, with maximum abundances of 230 individuals/l in the bottom part of the ice. Rotifer eggs were also observed in the ice. Baltic sea ice seems to be a suitable habitat for rotifers. Nauplii and copepodids of the calanoid Acartia longiremis in the under-ice water showed some herbivorous feeding (<0.1-0.23 ng gut pigment/individual), but analysis of fatty acids, fatty alcohols and biomarker ratios indicated a more omnivorous/carnivorous diet. Despite low temperatures, this copepod showed growth and development below the ice, doubling in numbers (mainly CI, CII) from 118 to 230 individuals m during the third week of March.


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Deep marine late Pleistocene sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Sulu Sea Site 769 contain a high-resolution record of paleoceanographic change in this strongly monsoonal climatic setting in the tropical western Pacific. Detailed time series of planktonic foraminifer (G.ruber; white variety) d18O, d13C, and bulk CaCO3 mass accumulation rate (MAR) were generated, spanning the last 750 k.y. Sedimentation rates in this portion of the record average 8.5 cm/k.y., and vary from 4 to 16 cm/k.y. Cross spectral analysis of the d18O and d13C time-series demonstrate that each contains increased variance at the primary orbital periodicities. The d18O record shows strong variability in the precessional-band and closely correlates with the SPECMAP d18O record and other high-resolution records. The dominance of a 23-k.y cycle in the d18O record agrees with other studies of the monsoon system in the Indian Ocean that have documented the importance of precessional insolation as a monsoon-forcing mechanism. In addition, d13C is strongly coherent, with d18O at a period of 41 k.y (obliquity), suggesting a connection between surface water CO2 chemistry in the Sulu Sea and high- latitude climatic change. The d18O and d13C time-series both contain increased spectral variance at a period of 30 k.y. Although the source of 30-k.y. variability is unknown, other studies have documented late Pleistocene Pacific Oceanographic variability with a period of 30 k.y. Major- and trace-metal analyses were performed on a second, less-detailed sample series to independently assess paleoproductivity changes and bottom-water conditions through time. Glacial periods are generally times of increased calcium carbonate and copper accumulation. The positive association between these independent indicators of paleoproductivity suggests an increase in productivity in the basin during most glacial episodes. Changing bottom-water redox conditions were also assessed using the geochemical data. Low concentrations of molybdenum throughout the record demonstrate that bottom waters at this site were never anoxic during the last 750 k.y. The bioturbated character of the sediments agrees with this interpretation.