851 resultados para coherent optical BPSK homodyne transmission


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We experimentally demonstrate 7-dB reduction of nonlinearity penalty in 40-Gb/s CO-OFDM at 2000-km using support vector machine regression-based equalization. Simulation in WDM-CO-OFDM shows up to 12-dB enhancement in Q-factor compared to linear equalization.


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We report a novel real-time homodyne coherent receiver based on a DPSK optical-electrical-optical (OEO) regenerator used to extract a carrier from carrier-less phase modulated signals based on feed-forward based modulation stripping. The performance of this non-DSP based coherent receiver was evaluated for 10.66Gbit/s BPSK signals. Self-homodyne coherent detection and homodyne detection with an injection-locked local oscillator laser was demonstrated. The performance was evaluated by measuring the electrical signal-to-noise (SNR) and recording the eye diagrams. Using injection-locking for the LO improves the performance and enables homodyne detection with optical injection-locking to operate with carrier-less BPSK signals without the need for polarization multiplexed pilot-tones.


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We present the compensation of the equalization enhanced phase noise (EEPN) in the long-haul n-level phase shift keying (n-PSK) coherent optical transmission system, by employing a scheme of phase modulated optical pilot carrier. © OSA 2013.


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We have revisited soliton transmission in the new context of coherent optical detection optimizing and comparing digital backward propagation and in-line optical filtering as a means to suppress soliton timing and phase jitter. We find that in-line optical filtering allows one to improve the reach of the soliton system by up to the factor of 2. Our results show that nonlinear propagation can lead to performance beyond the nonlinear Shannon limit.


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In this paper, we analyze the sensitivities of coherent optical receivers and microwave receivers. We derive theoretical limits of signal-to-noise ratio and bit error rate. By applying a generic approach to a broad range of receivers, we can compare their performance directly. Other publications have considered some of these receivers. However, their diverse nature obscures the big picture. Using our results as a unifying platform, previous publications can be compared and discrepancies between them identified.


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In this paper, we demonstrate through computer simulation and experiment a novel subcarrier coding scheme combined with pre-electrical dispersion compensation (pre-EDC) for fiber nonlinearity mitigation in coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) systems. As the frequency spacing in CO-OFDM systems is usually small (tens of MHz), neighbouring subcarriers tend to experience correlated nonlinear distortions after propagation over a fiber link. As a consequence, nonlinearity mitigation can be achieved by encoding and processing neighbouring OFDM subcarriers simultaneously. Herein, we propose to adopt the concept of dual phase conjugated twin wave for CO-OFDM transmission. Simulation and experimental results show that this simple technique combined with 50% pre-EDC can effectively offer up to 1.5 and 0.8 dB performance gains in CO-OFDM systems with BPSK and QPSK modulation formats, respectively.


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In this Letter, we theoretically and numerically analyze the performance of coherent optical transmission systems that deploy inline or transceiver based nonlinearity compensation techniques. For systems where signal-signal nonlinear interactions are fully compensated, we find that beyond the performance peak the signal-to-noise ratio degradation has a slope of 3 dBSNR/dBPower suggesting a quartic rather than quadratic dependence on signal power. This is directly related to the fact that signals in a given span will interact not only with linear amplified spontaneous emission noise, but also with the nonlinear four-wave mixing products generated from signal-noise interaction in previous (hitherto) uncompensated spans. The performance of optical systems employing different nonlinearity compensation schemes were numerically simulated and compared against analytical predictions, showing a good agreement within a 0.4 dB margin of error.


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We develop a framework for estimating the quality of transmission (QoT) of a new lightpath before it is established, as well as for calculating the expected degradation it will cause to existing lightpaths. The framework correlates the QoT metrics of established lightpaths, which are readily available from coherent optical receivers that can be extended to serve as optical performance monitors. Past similar studies used only space (routing) information and thus neglected spectrum, while they focused on oldgeneration noncoherent networks. The proposed framework accounts for correlation in both the space and spectrum domains and can be applied to both fixed-grid wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) and elastic optical networks. It is based on a graph transformation that exposes and models the interference between spectrum-neighboring channels. Our results indicate that our QoT estimates are very close to the actual performance data, that is, to having perfect knowledge of the physical layer. The proposed estimation framework is shown to provide up to 4 × 10-2 lower pre-forward error correction bit error ratio (BER) compared to theworst-case interference scenario,which overestimates the BER. The higher accuracy can be harvested when lightpaths are provisioned with low margins; our results showed up to 47% reduction in required regenerators, a substantial savings in equipment cost.


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This thesis focuses on digital equalization of nonlinear fiber impairments for coherent optical transmission systems. Building from well-known physical models of signal propagation in single-mode optical fibers, novel nonlinear equalization techniques are proposed, numerically assessed and experimentally demonstrated. The structure of the proposed algorithms is strongly driven by the optimization of the performance versus complexity tradeoff, envisioning the near-future practical application in commercial real-time transceivers. The work is initially focused on the mitigation of intra-channel nonlinear impairments relying on the concept of digital backpropagation (DBP) associated with Volterra-based filtering. After a comprehensive analysis of the third-order Volterra kernel, a set of critical simplifications are identified, culminating in the development of reduced complexity nonlinear equalization algorithms formulated both in time and frequency domains. The implementation complexity of the proposed techniques is analytically described in terms of computational effort and processing latency, by determining the number of real multiplications per processed sample and the number of serial multiplications, respectively. The equalization performance is numerically and experimentally assessed through bit error rate (BER) measurements. Finally, the problem of inter-channel nonlinear compensation is addressed within the context of 400 Gb/s (400G) superchannels for long-haul and ultra-long-haul transmission. Different superchannel configurations and nonlinear equalization strategies are experimentally assessed, demonstrating that inter-subcarrier nonlinear equalization can provide an enhanced signal reach while requiring only marginal added complexity.


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We study the generation of coherent optical phonons in spin-frustrated pyrochlore single crystals Dy2Ti2O7, Gd2Ti2O7, and Tb2Ti2O7 using femtosecond laser pulses (65 fs, 1.57 eV) in degenerate time-resolved transmission experiments as a function of temperature from 4 to 296 K. At 4 K, two coherent phonons are observed at similar to 5.3 THz (5.0 THz) and similar to 9.3 THz (9.4 THz) for Dy2Ti2O7 (Gd2Ti2O7), whereas three coherent phonons are generated at similar to 5.0, 8.6, and 9.7 THz for Tb2Ti2O7. In the case of spin-ice Dy2Ti2O7, a clear discontinuity is observed in the linewidths of both the coherent phonons as well as in the phase of lower-energy coherent phonon mode, indicating a subtle structural change at 110 K. Another important observation is a phase difference of pi between the modes in all the samples, thus suggesting that the driving forces behind the generation of these modes could be different in nature, unlike a purely impulsive or displacive mechanism.


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Recent advances in coherent optical receivers is reviewed. Digital-Signal-Processing (DSP) based phase and polarization management techniques make coherent detection robust and feasible. With coherent detection, the complex field of the received optical signal is fully recovered, allowing compensation of linear and nonlinear optical impairments including chromatic dispersion (CD) and polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) using digital filters. Coherent detection and advanced optical modulation formats have become a key ingredient to the design of modern dense wavelength-division multiplexed (DWDM) optical broadband networks. In this paper, firstly we present the different subsystems of a digital coherent optical receiver, and secondly, we will compare the performance of some multi-level and multi-dimensional modulation formats in some physical impairments and in high spectral-efficiency (SE) and high-capacity DWDM transmissions, simulating the DSP with Matlab and the optical network performance with OptiSystem software.


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We scrutinize the concept of integrable nonlinear communication channels, resurrecting and extending the idea of eigenvalue communications in a novel context of nonsoliton coherent optical communications. Using the integrable nonlinear Schrödinger equation as a channel model, we introduce a new approach - the nonlinear inverse synthesis method - for digital signal processing based on encoding the information directly onto the nonlinear signal spectrum. The latter evolves trivially and linearly along the transmission line, thus, providing an effective eigenvalue division multiplexing with no nonlinear channel cross talk. The general approach is illustrated with a coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing transmission format. We show how the strategy based upon the inverse scattering transform method can be geared for the creation of new efficient coding and modulation standards for the nonlinear channel. © Published by the American Physical Society.


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In this letter, we experimentally study the statistical properties of a received QPSK modulated signal and compare various bit error rate (BER) estimation methods for coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing transmission. We show that the statistical BER estimation method based on the probability density function of the received QPSK symbols offers the most accurate estimate of the system performance.


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The never-stopping increase in demand for information transmission capacity has been met with technological advances in telecommunication systems, such as the implementation of coherent optical systems, advanced multilevel multidimensional modulation formats, fast signal processing, and research into new physical media for signal transmission (e.g. a variety of new types of optical fibers). Since the increase in the signal-to-noise ratio makes fiber communication channels essentially nonlinear (due to the Kerr effect for example), the problem of estimating the Shannon capacity for nonlinear communication channels is not only conceptually interesting, but also practically important. Here we discuss various nonlinear communication channels and review the potential of different optical signal coding, transmission and processing techniques to improve fiber-optic Shannon capacity and to increase the system reach.


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Coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) is an attractive transmission technique to virtually eliminate intersymbol interference caused by chromatic dispersion and polarization-mode dispersion. Design, development, and operation of CO-OFDM systems require simple, efficient, and reliable methods of their performance evaluation. In this paper, we demonstrate an accurate bit error rate estimation method for QPSK CO-OFDM transmission based on the probability density function of the received QPSK symbols. By comparing with other known approaches, including data-aided and nondata-aided error vector magnitude, we show that the proposed method offers the most accurate estimate of the system performance for both single channel and wavelength division multiplexing QPSK CO-OFDM transmission systems. © 2014 IEEE.