1000 resultados para coarse woody debris


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The mesoscale (100–102 m) of river habitats has been identified as the scale that simultaneously offers insights into ecological structure and falls within the practical bounds of river management. Mesoscale habitat (mesohabitat) classifications for relatively large rivers, however, are underdeveloped compared with those produced for smaller streams. Approaches to habitat modelling have traditionally focused on individual species or proceeded on a species-by-species basis. This is particularly problematic in larger rivers where the effects of biological interactions are more complex and intense. Community-level approaches can rapidly model many species simultaneously, thereby integrating the effects of biological interactions while providing information on the relative importance of environmental variables in structuring the community. One such community-level approach, multivariate regression trees, was applied in order to determine the relative influences of abiotic factors on fish assemblages within shoreline mesohabitats of San Pedro River, Chile, and to define reference communities prior to the planned construction of a hydroelectric power plant. Flow depth, bank materials and the availability of riparian and instream cover, including woody debris, were the main variables driving differences between the assemblages. Species strongly indicative of distinctive mesohabitat types included the endemic Galaxias platei. Among other outcomes, the results provide information on the impact of non-native salmonids on river-dwelling Galaxias platei, suggesting a degree of habitat segregation between these taxa based on flow depth. The results support the use of the mesohabitat concept in large, relatively pristine river systems, and they represent a basis for assessing the impact of any future hydroelectric power plant construction and operation. By combing community classifications with simple sets of environmental rules, the multivariate regression trees produced can be used to predict the community structure of any mesohabitat along the reach.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2015


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When assessing fragmentation effects on species, not only habitat preferences on the landscape scale, but also microhabitat selection is an important factor to consider, as microhabitat is also affected by habitat disturbance, but nevertheless essential for species for foraging, nesting and sheltering. In the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil we examined microhabitat selection of six Pyriglena leucoptera (white-shouldered fire-eye), 10 Sclerurus scansor (rufous-breasted leaftosser), and 30 Chiroxiphia caudata (blue manakin). We radio-tracked the individuals between May 2004 and February 2005 to gain home ranges based on individual fixed kernels. Vegetation structures in core plots and fringe plots were compared. In C. caudata, we additionally assessed the influence of behavioural traits on microhabitat selection. Further, we compared microhabitat structures in the fragmented forest with those in the contiguous, and contrasted the results with the birds` preferences. Pyriglena leucoptera preferred liana tangles that were more common in the fragmented forest, whereas S. scansor preferred woody debris, open forest floor (up to 0.5 m), and a thin closed leaf litter cover which all occurred significantly more often in the contiguous forest. Significant differences were detected in C. caudata for vegetation densities in the different strata; the distance of core plots to the nearest lek site was significantly influenced by sex and age. However, core sites of C. caudata in fragmented and contiguous forests showed no significant differences in structure. Exploring microhabitat selection and behavior may greatly support the understanding of habitat selection of species and their susceptibility to fragmentation on the landscape scale.


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We tested the hypothesis that microhabitat variables, abundance of terrestrial rodents, and microhabitat selection patterns of terrestrial rodents vary between the cool-dry and warm-wet season in the Atlantic forest of Brazil. We selected variables associated with ecological factors potentially important to terrestrial rodents (physical structure of litter and woody debris, and arthropod availability) and established 25 small, independent sampling units covering 36 ha of a homogenous, mature Atlantic forest patch. Litter humidity and height, amount of small woody debris, arthropod availability, and terrestrial rodent abundance increased, whereas the quantity of large woody debris decreased in the warm-wet season. Greater spatial segregation among terrestrial rodents also was observed in this season, especially between morphologically similar species. The distribution of 3 of the 4 most common terrestrial rodents was influenced by microhabitat variables in at least I of the seasons, and these species also differed in their pattern of microhabitat selection between seasons. In general, the amount of small woody debris and litter humidity were more important for the microscale distribution of terrestrial rodents in the cool-dry season, whereas in the mild warm-wet season species distributions were associated with food availability or were not clearly influenced by the measured variables. The patterns of microhabitat selection by 3 common terrestrial rodents, which were associated with features that characterize old-growth forest, may be responsible for their vulnerability to forest fragmentation.


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1. With the aim of determining whether patterns of variation in macroinvertebrate assemblage composition across the hierarchy of spatial units in two lowland rivers changed during a supra-seasonal drought (1997–2000), patterns during a reduced flow season (1999–2000) were compared with those during two preceding higher flow seasons (1997–98 and 1998–99) using samples from the Glenelg and Wimmera Rivers, two lowland regulated rivers in western Victoria, Australia.

2. We hypothesised that (i) differences between reaches would increase during the reduced flow season owing to decreased hydrological connectivity, (ii) differences between the habitats would decrease because the cessation of flow in run habitats should cause them to become more similar to pool habitats and (iii) differences between microhabitats would also decrease because of reduced scour of inorganic substrata and large woody debris.

3. During each season, macroinvertebrates were sampled from three microhabitats (sand/silt substratum, large woody debris and macrophytes) that were hierarchically nested within a run or pool habitat and within one of three reaches within each river. A range of physico-chemical variables was also sampled.

4. Analysis of similarity showed that assemblage composition in both rivers during the higher flow seasons differed more among microhabitats than other spatial units. However, during the reduced flow season, assemblage composition in the Wimmera River differed most among reaches. This change in pattern was associated with the combined effects of decreased flow and longitudinal increases in salinity. In contrast, the fauna of the Glenelg River appeared to be resistant to the effects of the reduced flow season, owing to limited decline in water quality despite lower river discharge.

5. As salinisation and poor water quality in the Wimmera River result from human activities in the catchment, these results support the idea that human impacts on rivers can change macroinvertebrate scaling patterns and exacerbate the effects of drought beyond the tolerance of many riverine macroinvertebrates.


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The impact of excessive sediment supply on river channels has been  described in many areas of the world. Sediment deposition disturbance alters habitat  structure by decreasing channel depth, changing substrate composition and burying woody debris. River rehabilitation is occurring worldwide, but information is scant on fish assemblage responses to rehabilitation in sedimentdisturbed lowland rivers. Sediment removal and large woody debris (LWD) replacement  were used to experimentally rehabilitate habitat along a 1500m stretch of the Glenelg River in western Victoria, Australia. Using an asymmetrical before-after control-impact (BACI) design, fish were captured before and after the reach was rehabilitated, from two control reaches and from a ‘higher quality’ reference reach. After two years post-rehabilitation monitoring, the fish assemblage at the rehabilitated reach did not differ from control reaches. Temporal changes in taxa richness and the abundance of Philypnodon grandiceps, Nannoperca spp. and three angling taxa occurred after rehabilitation (winter 2003) compared with the before period (winter 2002), but these effects did not differ between rehabilitated and control locations. Highest taxa richness and abundances occurred at the reference location. High salinity coincided with the timing of rehabilitation works, associated with low river discharges due to drought. The negative effects of other large-scale disturbances may have impaired the effectiveness of reachscale rehabilitation or the effects of rehabilitation may take longer than two years to develop in a lowland river subjected to multiple environmental disturbances.


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The early habitat use of age 0 year brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis in three north temperate lakes which differ in terms of shoreline physical habitat is described. In the two lakes, which contained abundant shoreline woody debris and inundated vegetation, brook charr were observed in extremely close proximity with these habitat features, near shore and near the surface. Fish were absent from open areas away from shore unless in close proximity with fallen floating logs near the surface, extending offshore. In a third lake that had no woody debris or inundated shoreline vegetation, brook charr were observed exclusively in close proximity with the shoreline itself, and near the surface. In all three lakes, fish were most closely associated with the shoreline and with woody debris and inundated vegetation (when present) shortly after emergence, and significantly farther from shore and deeper in the water column thereafter.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Tropical forests are experiencing an increase in the proportion of secondary forests as a result of the balance between the widespread harvesting of old-growth forests and the regeneration in abandoned areas. The impacts of such a process on biodiversity are poorly known and intensely debated. Recent reviews and multi-taxa studies indicate that species replacement in wildlife assemblages is a consistent pattern, sometimes stronger than changes in diversity, with a replacement from habitat generalists to old-growth specialists being commonly observed during tropical forest regeneration. However, the ecological drivers of such compositional changes are rarely investigated, despite its importance in assessing the conservation value of secondary forests, and to support and guide management techniques for restoration. By sampling 28 sites in a continuous Atlantic forest area in Southeastern Brazil, we assessed how important aspects of habitat structure and food resources for wildlife change across successional stages, and point out hypotheses on the implications of these changes for wildlife recovery. Old-growth areas presented a more complex structure at ground level (deeper leaf litter, and higher woody debris volume) and higher fruit availability from an understorey palm, whereas vegetation connectivity, ground-dwelling arthropod biomass, and total fruit availability were higher in earlier successional stages. From these results we hypothetize that generalist species adapted to fast population growth in resource-rich environments should proliferate and dominate earlier successional stages, while species with higher competitive ability in resource-limited environments, or those that depend on resources such as palm fruits, on higher complexity at the ground level, or on open space for flying, should dominate older-growth forests. Since the identification of the drivers of wildlife recovery is crucial for restoration strategies, it is important that future work test and further develop the proposed hypotheses. We also found structural and functional differences between old-growth forests and secondary forests with more than 80 years of regeneration, suggesting that restoration strategies may be crucial to recover structural and functional aspects expected to be important for wildlife in much altered ecosystems, such as the Brazilian Atlantic forest. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Paleogene sedimentary rocks of the Arkose Ridge Formation (Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska) preserve a record of a fluvial-lacustrine depositional environment and its forested ecosystem in an active basin among the convergent margin tectonic processes that shaped southern Alaska. An -800 m measured succession at Box Canyon indicates braid-plain deposition with predominantly gravelly deposits low in the exposure to sandy and muddy facies associations below an overlying lava flow sequence. U-Pb geochronology on zircons from a tuff and a sandstone within the measured section, as well as an Ar/Ar date from the overlying lava constrain the age of the sedimentary succession to between similar to 59 Ma and 48 Ma Fossil plant remains occur throughout the Arkose Ridge Formation as poorly-preserved coalified woody debris and fragmentary leaf impressions. At Box Canyon, however, a thin la-custrine depositional lens of rhythmically laminated mudrocks yielded fish fossils and a well-preserved floral assemblage including foliage and reproductive organs representing conifers, sphenopsids, monocots, and dicots. Leaf physiognomic methods to estimate paleoclimate were applied to the dicot leaf collection and indicate warm temperate paleotemperatures (-11-15 +/- -4 degrees C MAT) and elevated paleoprecipitation (-120 cm/yr MAP) estimates as compared to modem conditions; results that are parallel with previously published estimates from the partly coeval Chickaloon Formation deposited in more distal depositional environments in the same basin. The low abundance of leaf herbivory in the Box Canyon dicot assemblage (-9% of leaves damaged) is also similar to the results from assemblages in the meander-plain depositional systems of the Chickaloon. This new suite of data informs models of the tectonostratigraphic evolution of southern Alaska and the developing understanding of terrestrial paleoecology and paleoclimate at high latitudes during the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene greenhouse climate phase. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The reconstruction of past flash floods in ungauged basins leads to a high level of uncertainty, which increases if other processes are involved such as the transport of large wood material. An important flash flood occurred in 1997 in Venero Claro (Central Spain), causing significant economic losses. The wood material clogged bridge sections, raising the water level upstream. The aim of this study was to reconstruct this event, analysing the influence of woody debris transport on the flood hazard pattern. Because the reach in question was affected by backwater effects due to bridge clogging, using only high water mark or palaeostage indicators may overestimate discharges, and so other methods are required to estimate peak flows. Therefore, the peak discharge was estimated (123 ± 18 m3 s–1) using indirect methods, but one-dimensional hydraulic simulation was also used to validate these indirect estimates through an iterative process (127 ± 33 m3 s–1) and reconstruct the bridge obstruction to obtain the blockage ratio during the 1997 event (~48%) and the bridge clogging curves. Rainfall–Runoff modelling with stochastic simulation of different rainfall field configurations also helped to confirm that a peak discharge greater than 150 m3 s–1 is very unlikely to occur and that the estimated discharge range is consistent with the estimated rainfall amount (233 ± 27 mm). It was observed that the backwater effect due to the obstruction (water level ~7 m) made the 1997 flood (~35-year return period) equivalent to the 50-year flood. This allowed the equivalent return period to be defined as the recurrence interval of an event of specified magnitude, which, where large woody debris is present, is equivalent in water depth and extent of flooded area to a more extreme event of greater magnitude. These results highlight the need to include obstruction phenomena in flood hazard analysis.


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In a borehole in the southern outskirts of the town of Göttingen, limnic sediments of several Pleistocene warm periods occur intercalated with coarse solifluction debris and gravel of the river Leine. Pollen analysis of the limnic sediments in a borehole at Ottostrasse gave evidence of three warm periods of interglacial character, followed by three interstadial phases. The warm phases are separated one from another by stadial phases with, at least in one case, indications of periglacial solifluction. This sequence belongs to the Brunhes magnetic epoch. The pollen data allow to exclude an Eemian or Holsteinian age of the warm period sediments. Thus a Cromerian age is assumed, though the exact position of the newly described warm periods within the ''Cromerian'' remains uncertain. A section in a borehole at Akazienweg is of Holsteinian age.


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During the extension of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 76 a new and previously unpenetrated lithological unit composed mainly of claystones was cored above basalt basement at Site 534 in the Blake-Bahama Basin. The Callovian part of the new unit contains interbedded 'black shales' which were hitherto unexpected in this part of the section. This Paper presents a brief palynological examination of lithofacies-kerogen relationships in these sediments and shows that their organic content is almost entirely a function of the re-deposition of terrestial and marine organic matter versus the ambient redox conditions of the depositional environment. Allochthonous organic matter inputs are highest in the interbedded turbidites and decline progressively toward the pelagic black shales in which marine organic matter is comparatively well preserved. The significance of various kerogen and palynomorph indices are discussed. The study emphasizes the absolute necessity for sedimentologically-aware sampling in all palynological and geochemical work on lithologically heterogeneous sequences.


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The focus of this report is is the channel conditions at Vasa Creek, Bellevue, Washington, with regard to kokanee habitat and slope stability. This required a geomorphic and geologic assessment of the stream and riparian corridor along Vasa Creek. I focused my efforts in a 720m study-reach just south of I-90 in which City of Bellevue had no information. My assessment is divided into 3 categories: channel morphology, geology, and landslide hazards. I described the channel morphology by determining the gradient of the channel, longitudinal and cross-channel geometries, grain size distribution, embeddedness observations, type of channel reaches present, and the locations of significant in-channel woody-debris, landslides, scarps, landslide debris, and erosional features. This was done by conducting a longitudinal survey, 7 cross-channel surveys, pebble counts, and visual observations with the aid of a GPS device for mapping. I completed my geological assessment using both field observations and borehole data provided by GeoMapNW. Borehole data provided logs of the subsurface material at specific locations. In the field, I interpreted local geology using material in the channel as well as exposures in the adjacent slope. I completed the landslide hazard assessment using GIS methods supplemented by field observations. GIS methods included the use of aerial LiDAR to discern slope values and locations of features. Features of interest include the locations of scarps, landslides, landslide debris, and erosional features which were observed in the field. I classified 4 slope classes using ArcMap10 along with the locations of previously mapped landslides, scarps, and landslide debris. I describe the risk of slope failure according to the Washington Administration Code definition of critical areas (WAC 365-190-120 6a-i). My results are presented in the form of a map suite containing a channel morphology map, geology map, and landslide hazard map. The channel is a free-formed alluvial plane-bed reach with infrequent step-pools with riffles associated with landslide debris that chokes the channel. Overall I found that there is not the potential for kokanee habitat due flashy behavior (sudden high flow events), landslide inundation, and a lack of favorable conditions within the channel. The updated geologic map displays advance outwash deposits and alluvium present within the study-reach, as opposed to exposures of the Blakeley Formation along with other corrections from borehole data interpretations. The landslide hazard map shows that there are areas at high risk for slope failure along the channel that should be looked into further.


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Gap succession is a significant determinant of structure and development in most forest communities. Lightning strikes are an important source of canopy gaps in the mangrove forest of Everglades National Park. I investigated the successional dynamics of lightning-initiated canopy gaps to determine their influence on forest stand structure of the mixed mangrove forests ( Rhizophora mangle, Laguncularia racemosa, and Avicennia germinans ) of the Shark River. I measured gap size, gap shape, light environment, soil characteristics, woody debris, and fiddler crab abundance. I additionally measured the vegetative composition in a chronosequences of gap successional stages (new, recruiting, and growing gaps). I recorded survivorship, recruitment, growth and soil elevation dynamics within a subset of new and growing gaps. I determined the relationship between intact forest soil elevation and site hydrology in order to interpret the effects of lightning disturbance on soil elevation dynamics. ^ Gap size averaged 289 ± 20 m2 (± 1SE) and light transmittance decreased exponentially as gaps filled with saplings. Fine woody debris was highest in recruiting gaps. Soil strength was lower in the gaps than in the forest. The abundance of large and medium fiddler crab burrows increased linearly with total seedling abundance. Soil surface elevation declined in newly formed lightning gaps; this loss was due to a combination of superficial erosion (8.5 mm) and subsidence (60.9 mm). A distinct two-cohort recruitment pattern was evident in the seedling/sapling surveys, suggesting a partitioning of the succession between individuals present before and after lightning strike. In new gaps, the seedling recruitment rate was twice as high as in forest and the sapling population increased. At the growing gap stage, R. mangle seedling mortality was 10 times greater and sapling mortality was 13 times greater than recruitment. Growing gaps had reduced seedling stem elongation, sapling growth and adult growth. However, a few individuals (R. mangle saplings) were able to recruit into the adult life stage. In conclusion, the high density of R. mangle seedlings and saplings imply that lightning strike disturbances in these mangrove forests favor their recruitment over that of A. germinans and L. racemosa. ^