922 resultados para clinical population


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Une récente théorie de la mémoire a proposé que lorsqu'un souvenir déjà bien consolidé est réactivé, il redevient labile et susceptible aux modifications avant d'être restabilisé (reconsolidé) en mémoire à long terme. Ce nouveau modèle réfute le modèle classique de la consolidation qui propose qu'une fois consolidés, les souvenirs soient permanents et donc résistants aux effets des agents amnésiques. Les études validant la théorie de la reconsolidation abondent chez les animaux, mais encore peu d'études ont été réalisées chez les humains. L'objectif de cette thèse est de vérifier, dans une population de sujets sains et de sujets souffrant de trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT), l'efficacité d'un agent pharmacologique, le propranolol (un β-bloquant noradrénergique) à atténuer des souvenirs émotionnels nouvellement acquis ou déjà bien consolidés. Plus spécifiquement, nous avons mené un essai clinique contrôlé à double insu chez des sujets sains en leur administrant du propranolol (vs du placebo) lors de l'acquisition d'un nouveau souvenir et une semaine plus tard, lors de sa réactivation. L'objectif du premier article était d'évaluer l'efficacité du propranolol à diminuer la consolidation et la reconsolidation d'un souvenir émotionnel. Par ailleurs, puisque les études chez les animaux ont démontré que ces deux processus mnésiques s'effectuent à l'intérieur d'une fenêtre temporelle précise, le moment de l'administration du propranolol fut pris en considération. Les résultats ont démontré que le propranolol est en mesure de diminuer la consolidation et la reconsolidation d'une histoire émotionnelle tel que démontré par un pourcentage de bonnes réponses plus faible que le groupe contrôle lors des rappels. Toutefois, pour que cet effet soit observé, le propranolol doit être administré une heure avant la présentation des stimuli, pour la consolidation et une heure avant leur réactivation, pour la reconsolidation. En outre, les études portant sur la consolidation et la reconsolidation chez les animaux et chez les humains obtiennent parfois des résultats contradictoires. Ceci pourrait s'expliquer par le type de stimuli utilisé. Ainsi, l'objectif du second article était de préciser quel type d'information est le plus susceptible d'être affecté par le propranolol lors de son acquisition (consolidation) et lors de sa réactivation (reconsolidation). Pour ce faire, les éléments de l'histoire émotionnelle ont été divisés en fonction de leur valence (émotionnel ou neutre) et de leur centralité (central ou périphérique). Les résultats ont démontré le propranolol affecte l'ensemble des informations centrales lors du blocage de la consolidation, mais qu'il affecte plus spécifiquement les éléments émotionnels centraux lors de la reconsolidation. Notre groupe ayant précédemment démontré que le traitement avec le propranolol est en mesure de réduire les symptômes de TSPT chez une population clinique, nous nous sommes interrogés sur son efficacité à diminuer la mémoire implicite d'un événement traumatique. Le propranolol a été administré aux participants à 6 reprises (une fois par semaine sur une période de 6 semaines) lors de la réactivation de leur trauma. Les résultats ont révélé que le traitement avec le propranolol est en mesure de diminuer la réponse psychophysiologique des participants à l'écoute du compte rendu de leur trauma une semaine et 4 mois suivant la fin du traitement. En somme, cette thèse démontre que le propranolol est en mesure de bloquer la consolidation et la reconsolidation de souvenirs émotionnels chez l'humain lorsqu'il est administré une heure avant l'acquisition ou la réactivation des souvenirs. Il arrive en outre à atténuer un souvenir déclaratif émotionnel chez des sujets sains, mais également un souvenir implicite chez des sujets souffrant de TSPT. Ainsi, ces résultats ouvrent la voie à la création de nouveaux traitements pour les psychopathologies ayant comme étiologie un souvenir émotionnel intense.


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Aunque la trombosis venosa cerebral representa una pequeña proporción de la enfermedad cerebrovascular, su incidencia y prevalencia se han incrementado en los últimos años. Este fenómeno puede ser explicado por la mejoría en el acceso a métodos diagnósticos no invasivos y el desarrollo de técnicas más especializadas de Resonancia Magnética. Por las razones anteriores es necesario conocer las características demográficas y el comportamiento clínico de esta entidad en nuestro medio. Objetivo. El propósito de este estudio es describir las características clínicas y demográficas de pacientes con trombosis venosa cerebral y sus complicaciones en una población clínica de un hospital de IV nivel de Bogotá, Colombia. Métodos. Se analizaron historias clínicas de pacientes con trombosis venosa cerebral para obtener datos sobre los aspectos demográficos, condición clínica y complicaciones. Resultados. Se encontraron 38 registros clínicos, 76,3% mujeres, con un 60,4% de este grupo menor de 40 años. La trombofilia fue el factor de riesgo más común, siendo el síndrome antifosfolípido su principal causa, otras causas importantes fueron el embarazo y puerperio. Conclusión. La trombosis venosa cerebral es una enfermedad frecuente en la práctica clínica. En este estudio las mujeres en edad fértil fueron el grupo más afectado. Aunque no se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa, las mujeres con síndrome antifosfolípido representaron el grupo con mayor chance de complicaciones. Se necesitan más estudios a futuro con un mayor tamaño de muestra.


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A paralisia cerebral (PC) trata-se de uma condição que pode ser bastante incapacitante para a criança, gerando um forte impacto social e económico. A fisioterapia em meio aquático pode constituir um fator de promoção da melhoria do quadro clínico naquela população, contribuindo para uma inclusão escolar mas efetiva. Contudo, esta relação não está, ainda, determinada. Objetivo: investigar a opinião dos professores e dos fisioterapeutas sobre o contributo da fisioterapia em meio aquático na educação especial em crianças com PC. Metodologia: Recorreu-se a um estudo descritivo, cuja amostra, constituída por 13 sujeitos, foi selecionada por conveniência. Foi construído e aplicado um questionário à amostra. Resultados: A amostra deste estudo foi constituída por sujeitos maioritariamente do género feminino (n=11), com idades superiores a 30 anos. Todos os participantes do estudo (n=13) consideram importante o contributo da fisioterapia em meio aquático na educação especial de crianças com PC. Conclusões: Apesar de algumas limitações, considera-se que este estudo é de grande importância para a comunidade científica preocupada com a expressiva incidência da PC e dos custos associados. A fisioterapia em meio aquático parece ser uma estratégia importante na melhoria do estado de saúde das crianças com PC, contribuindo para a inclusão escolar. PALAVRAS-CHAVE:


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Impairments of cervico-cephalic kinaesthesia and habitual forward head posture have been considered important in the aetiology of postural neck pain, yet these factors have not been specifically examined in a homogeneous clinical population. The objective of this study was to compare the habitual sitting posture (HSP), perception of good posture and postural repositioning error (PRE) of the cervico-thoracic (CT) spine in individuals with postural neck pain, with a matched group of asymptomatic subjects. Twenty-one subjects with postural neck pain and 22 asymptomatic control subjects were recruited into the study. An optical motion analysis system was used to measure the HSP and perceived ‘good’ sitting posture. PRE was measured over six trials where the subject attempted to replicate their self-selected ‘good’ posture. There was no difference between the groups in the HSP but significant differences were identified in the perception of ‘good’ posture. Posture repositioning error was higher for the head posture variables than for CT and shoulder girdle variables in both groups. However, there was no significant difference in posture repositioning error between groups for any of the posture measures. The findings suggest that individuals with postural neck pain may have a different perception of ‘good’ posture, but no significant difference in HSP or kinaesthetic sensibility compared with matched asymptomatic subjects.


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Recent research in Australia has found that people with a mental illness experience higher mortality rates from preventable illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and diabetes compared to the general population. Lifestyle and other behavioural factors contribute significantly to these illnesses. Lifestyle behaviours that affect these illnesses include lack of physical activity, consumption of a poor diet and cigarette smoking. Research on the influence of these factors has been mainly directed towards the mainstream population in Australia. Consequently, there remains limited understanding of health behaviours among individuals with psychiatric disabilities, their health needs, or factors influencing their participation in protective health behaviours. This thesis presents findings from two studies. Study 1 evaluated the utility of the main components of Roger’s (1983) Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) to explain health behaviours among people with a mental illness. A clinical population of individuals with schizophrenia (N=83), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (N=70) and individuals without a mental illness (N=147) participated in the study. Respondents provided information on intentions and self-reported behaviour of engaging in physical activity, following a low-fat diet, and stopping smoking. Study 2 investigated the health care service needs of people with psychiatric disabilities (N=20). Results indicated that the prevalence of overweight, cigarette smoking and a sedentary lifestyle were significantly greater among people with a mental illness compared to that reported for individuals without a mental illness. Major predictors of the lack of intentions to adopt health behaviours among individuals with schizophrenia and MDD were high levels of fear of cardiovascular disease, lack of knowledge of correct dietary principles, lower self-efficacy, a limited social support network and a high level of psychiatric symptoms. In addition, findings demonstrated that psychiatric patients are disproportionately higher users of medical services, but they are under-users of preventive medical care services. These differences are primarily due to a lack of focus on preventive health, feelings of disempowerment and lower satisfaction of patient-doctor relationships. Implications of these results are discussed in terms of designing education and preventive programs for individuals with schizophrenia and MDD.


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Background Epidemiological evidence supports a relationship between vitamin D and mental well-being, although evidence from large-scale placebo-controlled intervention trials is lacking.

Aims To examine if vitamin D supplementation has a beneficial effect on mood in community-dwelling older women; if a single annual large dose of vitamin D has a role in the prevention of depressive symptoms; and if there is an association between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and mental health.

Method A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial of women aged 70 or older (the Vital D Study: ISRCTN83409867 and ACTR12605000658617). Participants were randomly assigned to receive 500 000 IU vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) orally or placebo every autumn/winter for 3–5 consecutive years. The tools utilised at various time points were the General Health Questionnaire, the 12-item Short Form Health Survey, the Patient Global Impression–Improvement scale and the WHO Well-Being Index. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were measured in a subset of 102 participants.

Results In this non-clinical population, no significant differences between the vitamin D and placebo groups were detected in any of the measured outcomes of mental health. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in the vitamin D group were 41% higher than the placebo group 12 months following their annual dose. Despite this difference, scores from the questionnaires did not differ. Furthermore, there was no interaction between those on antidepressant/anxiety medication at baseline and the treatment groups.

Conclusions The lack of improvement in indices of mental well-being in the vitamin D group does not support the hypothesis that an annual high dose of vitamin D3 is a practical intervention to prevent depressive symptoms in older community-dwelling women.


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This study examined the accuracy of current recommended guidelines for prescribing exercise intensity using the methods of percentage of heart rate reserve (%HRR), percentage of VO2 peak (%VO2peak) and percentage of VO2 reserve (%VO2R) in a clinical population of chronic heart failure (CHF) patients. The precision of prescription of exercise intensity for 45 patients with stable CHF (39:6 M:F, 65±9 yrs (mean±SD)) was investigated. VO2peak testing is relatively common among patients with cardiac disease, but the assessment of VO2rest is not common practice and the accepted standard value of 3.5 mL/kg/min is assumed in the application of %VO2R (%VO2R3.5). In this study, VO2rest was recorded for 3 min prior to the start of a symptom-limited exercise test on a cycle ergometer. Target exercise intensities were calculated using the VO2 corresponding to 50 or 80 %HRR, VO2peak and VO2R. The VO2 values were then converted into prescribed speeds on a treadmill in km/hr at 1 %grade using ACSM’s metabolic equation for walking. Target intensities and prescribed treadmill speeds were also calculated with the %VO2R method using the mean VO2rest value of participants (3.9 mL/kg/min) (%VO2R3.9). This was then compared to the exercise intensities and prescribed treadmill speeds using patient’s measured VO2rest. Error in prescription correlates the difference between %VO2R3.5 and %VO2R3.9 compared to %VO2R with measured VO2rest. Prescription of exercise intensity through the %HRR method is imprecise for patients on medications that blunt the HR response to exercise. %VO2R method offers a significant improvement in exercise prescription compared to %VO2peak. However, a disparity of 10 % still exists in the %VO2R method using the standard 3.5 mL/kg/min for VO2rest in the %VO2R equation. The mean measured VO2rest in the 45 CHF patients was 11 % higher (3.9±0.8 mL/kg/min) than the standard value provided by ACSM. Applying the mean measured VO2rest value of 3.9 mL/kg/min rather than the standard assumed value of 3.5 mL/kg/min proved to be closer to the prescribed intensity determined by the actual measured resting VO2. These results suggest that the %HRR method should not be used to prescribe exercise intensity for CHF patients. Instead, VO2 should be used to prescribe exercise intensity and be expressed as %VO2R with measured variables (VO2rest and VO2peak).


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PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to assess the reliability of testing skeletal muscle strength and peak aerobic power in a clinical population of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF).

METHODS: Thirty-three patients with CHF (New York Heart Association (NYHA) Functional Class 2.3 ± 0.5; left ventricular ejection fraction 27% ± 7%; age 65 ± 9 years; 28:5 male-female ratio) underwent two identical series of tests (T1 and T2), 1 week apart, for strength and endurance of the muscle groups responsible for knee extension/flexion and elbow extension/flexion. The patients also underwent two graded exercise tests on a bicycle ergometer to measure peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak). Three months later, 18 of the patients underwent a third test (T3) for each of the measures. Means were compared using MANOVA with repeated measures for strength and endurance, and ANOVA with repeated measures for VO2peak.

RESULTS: Combining data for all four movement patterns, the expression of strength increased from T1 to T2 by 12% ± 25% (P < .001; intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.89). Correspondingly, endurance increased by 13% ± 23% (P = .004; ICC = 0.87). Peak oxygen consumption was not significantly different (16.2 ± 0.8 and 16.1 ± 0.8 mL·kg-1·min-1 for T1 and T2, respectively;P = .686; ICC = 0.91). There were no significant differences between T2 and T3 for strength (2% ± 17%;P = .736; ICC = 0.92) or muscle endurance (-1% ± 15%;P = .812; ICC = 0.96), but VO2peak decreased from 16.7 ± 1.2 to 14.9 ± 0.9 mL·kg-1·min-1 (-10% ± 18%;P = .021; ICC = 0.89).

CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that in a population of patients with CHF, a familiarization trial for skeletal muscle strength testing is necessary. Although familiarization is not required for assessing oxygen consumption as a single measurement, VO2peak declined markedly in the 3-month period for which these patients were followed. Internal consistency within patients was high for the second and third strength trials and the first and second tests of VO2peak.


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Autism spectrum and schizophrenia spectrum disorders are classified separately in the DSM-5, yet research indicates that these two disorders share overlapping features. The aim of the present study was to examine the overlap between autistic and schizotypal personality traits and whether anxiety and depression act as confounding variables in this relationship within a non-clinical population. One hundred and forty-four adults completed the Autism Spectrum Quotient and the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21. A number of associations were seen between autistic and schizotypal personality traits. However, negative traits were the only schizotypal feature to uniquely predict global autistic traits, thus highlighting the importance of interpersonal qualities in the overlap of autistic and schizotypal characteristics. The inclusion of anxiety and depression did not alter relationships between autistic and schizotypal traits, indicating that anxiety and depression are not confounders of this relationship. These findings have important implications for the conceptualisation of both disorders.


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Comportamentos de pais e de filhos influenciam-se mutuamente. Crianças com alterações de linguagem relacionadas ou não à perda auditiva, podem apresentar dificuldades de relacionamento com os irmãos e seus pares. Assim, a investigação das práticas educativas parentais e do repertório comportamental infantil é fundamental para a busca de intervenções efetivas para essas crianças. O estudo tem como objetivos: (a) comparar o repertório positivo e negativo de mães e crianças com deficiência auditiva (DA) e distúrbio de linguagem (DL); (b) comparar cada uma das deficiências com grupo não clinico; (c) correlacionar comportamentos para cada uma das deficiências. Participaram deste estudo 72 mães, cujos filhos apresentavam da (n = 27), DL (n = 19) ou compunha uma população não clínica (n = 26). O instrumento utilizado foi o Roteiro de Entrevista de Habilidades Sociais Educativas Parentais, que avalia a ocorrência de habilidades sociais aplicáveis às práticas educativas. Os resultados evidenciaram a associação entre práticas positivas e habilidades sociais, bem como entre práticas negativas e problemas de comportamento. O grupo de DL não apresentou mais problemas que as crianças não clínicas, sugerindo a participação de intervenções de caráter preventivo, facilitando a inclusão social. Por outro lado as crianças com da apresentaram menos habilidades sociais, bem como suas mães, menos habilidades sociais educativas. Este estudo evidencia a importância da metodologia empregada na reabilitação de crianças com distúrbios da comunicação, sobretudo para aquelas com da visando o beneficio de programas educativos de promoção do repertório parental positivo integrados aos objetivos da fonoterapia.


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The information presented in this paper demonstrates the author's experience in previews cross-sectional studies conducted in Brazil, in comparison with the current literature. Over the last 10 years, auditory evoked potential (AEP) has been used in children with learning disabilities. This method is critical to analyze the quality of the processing in time and indicates the specific neural demands and circuits of the sensorial and cognitive process in this clinical population. Some studies with children with dyslexia and learning disabilities were shown here to illustrate the use of AEP in this population.


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Right ventricular (RV) systolic function is prognostically important, but its assessment by echocardiography remains challenging, in part because of the multitude of available measurement methods. The purpose of this prospective study was to rank these methods against the reference of RV ejection fraction (EF) as obtained in a broad clinical population by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


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Evidence suggests that the social cognition deficits prevalent in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are widely distributed in first degree and extended relatives. This ¿broader autism phenotype¿ (BAP) can be extended into non-clinical populations and show wide distributions of social behaviors such as empathy and social responsiveness ¿ with ASDs exhibiting these behaviors on the lower ends of the distributions. Little evidence has previously shown relationships between self-report measures of social cognition and more objective tasks such as face perception in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and event-related potentials (ERPs). In this study, three specific hypotheses were addressed: a) increased social ability, as measured by an increased Empathy Quotient, decreased Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS-A) score, and increased Social Attribution Task score, will predict increased activation of the fusiform gyrus in response to faces as compared to houses; b) these same measures will predict N170 amplitude and latency showing decreased latency and increased amplitude for faces as compared to houses with increased social ability; c) increased amygdala volume will predict increased fusiform gyrus activation when viewing faces as compared to houses. Findings supported all of the hypotheses. Empathy scores significantly predicted both right FFG activation [F(1,20) = 4.811, p = .041, ß = .450, R2 = 0.20] and left FFG activation [F(1,20) = 7.70, p = .012, ß = .537, R2 = 0.29]. Based on ERP results increased right lateralization face-related N170 was significantly predicted by the EQ [F(1,54) = 6.94, p = .011, ß = .338, R2 = 0.11]. Finally, total amygdala volume significantly predicted right [F(1,20) = 7.217, p = .014, ß = .515, R2 = 0.27] and left [F(1,20) = 36.77, p < .001, ß = .805, R2 = 0.65] FFG activation. Consistent with the a priori hypotheses, traits attributed to the BAP can significantly predict neural responses to faces in a non-clinical population. This is consistent with the face processing deficits seen in ASDs. The findings presented here contribute to the extension of the BAP from unaffected relatives of individuals with ASDs to the general population. These findings also give continued evidence in support of a continuous distribution of traits found in psychiatric illnesses in place of a traditional, dichotomous ¿all-or-nothing¿ diagnostic framework of neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders.


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Rumination und Suppression sind 2 maladaptive Emotionsregulationsstrategien, die im Zusammenhang mit pathologischem Verhalten wie übermäßigem Essen oder Trinken stehen. Ein Messinstrument, welches beide Strategien in Kurzform erfasst, fehlt bisher. Der RS-8 erfasst mit 8 Items die beiden Dimensionen Rumination und Suppression. Anhand von 2 klinischen (Patienten mit Alkoholabhängigkeit [n = 79], Patienten mit Adipositas [n = 53]) und einer nichtklinischen Stichprobe (n = 133) wurde die psychometrische Qualität der Skala überprüft. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der RS-8 ein valides und reliables Messinstrument ist. Die interne Konsistenz kann als gut und die faktorielle Validität als sehr gut bewertet werden. Der RS-8 ist ein ökonomisches Screening-Instrument, welches bei klinischen und nicht-klinischen Stichproben eingesetzt werden kann.


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BACKGROUND: Lack of adaptive and enhanced maladaptive coping with stress and negative emotions are implicated in many psychopathological disorders. We describe the development of a new scale to investigate the relative contribution of different coping styles to psychopathology in a large population sample. We hypothesized that the magnitude of the supposed positive correlation between maladaptive coping and psychopathology would be stronger than the supposed negative correlation between adaptive coping and psychopathology. We also examined whether distinct coping style patterns emerge for different psychopathological syndromes. METHODS: A total of 2200 individuals from the general population participated in an online survey. The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory revised (OCI-R) and the Paranoia Checklist were administered along with a novel instrument called Maladaptive and Adaptive Coping Styles (MAX) questionnaire. Participants were reassessed six months later. RESULTS: MAX consists of three dimensions representing adaptive coping, maladaptive coping and avoidance. Across all psychopathological syndromes, similar response patterns emerged. Maladaptive coping was more strongly related to psychopathology than adaptive coping both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. The overall number of coping styles adopted by an individual predicted greater psychopathology. Mediation analysis suggests that a mild positive relationship between adaptive and certain maladaptive styles (emotional suppression) partially accounts for the attenuated relationship between adaptive coping and depressive symptoms. LIMITATIONS: Results should be replicated in a clinical population. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that maladaptive and adaptive coping styles are not reciprocal. Reducing maladaptive coping seems to be more important for outcome than enhancing adaptive coping. The study supports transdiagnostic approaches advocating that maladaptive coping is a common factor across different psychopathologies.