378 resultados para cladocera
Up to now 19 species of Cladocera have been found in ponds of the Varanger Peninsula (Eastern Finnmark, Norway), which are presented here. A comparison with other regions in the northern Holarctic shows, that the limits of distribution of Cladocera mainly run parallel to latitudes. Using the number of Cladocera-species as an indicator, certain regions seem to be either favoured or unfavoured with respect to the climate in inland-waters. The Varanger Peninsula can be reckoned as a favoured region.
At head of title: Paper no. 39 [i.e. 40], Department of genetics.
Mode of access: Internet.
The Holocene sediment record of Lake Tiefer See exhibits striking alternations between well-varved and non-varved intervals. Here we present a high resolution multi-proxy record for the past ~6000 years and discuss possible causes for the observed sediment variability. This approach comprises of microfacies, geochemical and microfossil analyses as well as of a multiple dating concept including varve counting, tephrochronology and radiocarbon dating. Four periods of predominantly well-varved sediment were identified at 6000-3950 cal. a BP, 3100-2850 cal. a BP, 2100-750 cal. a BP and AD 1924-present. Except of sub-recent varve formation, these periods are considered to reflect reduced lake circulation and consequently, stronger anoxic bottom water conditions. In contrast, intercalated intervals of poor varve preservation or even extensively mixed non-varved sediments indicate strengthened lake circulation. Sub-recent varve formation since AD 1924 is, in addition to natural forcing, influenced by enhanced lake productivity due to modern anthropogenic eutrophication. The general increase in periods of intensified lake circulation in Lake Tiefer See since ~4000 cal. a BP presumably is caused by gradual changes in Northern Hemisphere orbital forcing, leading to cooler and windier conditions in Central Europe. Superimposed decadal to centennial scale variability of the lake circulation regime likely is the result of additional human-induced changes of the catchment vegetation. The coincidence of major non-varved periods at Lake Tiefer See and intervals of bioturbated sediments in the Baltic Sea implies a broader regional significance of our findings.
The incidence of toxic cyanobacterial blooms is one of the important consequences of eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems. It is a very common phenomenon in reservoirs and shrimp ponds in the State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil. Cyanobacterias produce toxins which can affect aquatic organisms and men trough the food chain. Aiming to contribute to the studies of cyanobacterias in RN, we propose: a) to evaluate the toxicity of isolated cyanobacterias in important fresh-water environments; and b) to verify the effects of both natural and cultured blooms occurred in reservoirs for human supply and in the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia silvestrii. This study was carried out using samples of natural blooms occurred between March and October of 2004 in Gargalheiras Dam (08º L e 39º W), in July of 2004 in Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves Dam (06o S e 37o W) and in commercial shrimp ponds (Litopenaeus vannamei) located in fresh-water environments. The samples were collected with plankton net (20µm.) for identification, isolation and obtaining of phytoplanktonic biomass for liophilization and later toxicity bioassays. The toxicity of cultured samples and natural blooms was investigated through bioassays in Swiss mice. Quantification of cyanobacteria in samples was conducted following the Ütermol method, with 300mL samples fixed with lugol. The toxicity test with Ceriodaphnia silvestrii followed ABNT, 2001 recommendations, and were accomplished with natural hepatotoxic bloom s samples and cultured samples of both non-toxic and neurotoxic C. raciborskii. In this test, five newborns, aged between 6 and 24 hours, were exposed to different concentrations (0 a 800 mg.L-1) of crude cyanobacterial extracts during 24 and 48 hours. Three replicates were used per treatment. The pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen at the beginning and after 24 and 48hours from the test were measured. We estimated the CL50 through the Trimmed Spearman-Karber method. The blooms were constituted by Microcystis panniformis, M. aeruginosa, Anabaena circinalis, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Planktothrix agardhii, producers of mycrocistin-LR confirmed with HPLC analysis. Samples of hepatotoxic blooms registered toxinogenic potential for C. silvestrii, with CL50-24h value of 47.48 mg.L-1 and CL5048h of 38.15 mg.L-1 for GARG samples in march/2005; CL50-24h of 113,13 mg.L-1 and CL5048h of 88,24 mg.L-1 for ARG July/2004; CL50-24h of 300.39 mg.L-1 and CL50-48h of 149.89 mg.L-1 for GARG October/2005. For cultured samples, values of CL50-24h and CL50-48h for C. raciborskii toxic strains were 228.05 and 120.28 mg.L-1, respectively. There was no mortality of C. silvestrii during the tests with non-toxic C. raciborskii strain. The toxicity test with C. silvestrii presented good sensitivity degree to cyanotoxins. The toxicity of natural hepatotoxic blooms samples (microcystins) and cultured neurotoxic saxitoxins producer samples analyzed in this study give us strong indications of that toxin s influence on the zooplanktonic community structure in tropical aquatic environments. Eleven cyanobacteria strains were isolated, representing 6 species: Anabaenopsis sp., Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Chroococcus sp., Microcystis panniformis, Geitlerinema unigranulatum e Planktothrix agardhii. None presented toxicity in Swiss mice. The strains were catalogued and deposited in the Laboratório de Ecologia e Toxicologia de Organismos Aquáticos (LETMA), in UFRN, and will be utilized in ecotoxicológical and ecophysiological studies, aiming to clarify the causes and control of cyanobacterial blooms in aquatic environments in RN. This state s reservoirs must receive broader attention from the authorities, considering the constant blooms occurring in waters used for human consumption
Cladocera of Phyllopoda is very common and widely distributed in freshwater and there are more species of Cladocera than Copepoda. In Vietnam also, many kind of species of Cladocera were found by the authors. Since long time, Cladocera is known like one of the best feed for larval stage of fish. This report includes distribution and species of Cladocera in South Vietnam freshwaters; life history of Moina affinis; culture of Moina affinis and the mass culture experimented at the Oceanographic Institute of Nhatrang, Vietnam.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o cultivo em larga escala de Ankistrodesmus gracilis e Diaphanososma birgei em laboratório através do estudo da biologia das espécies, composição bioquímica e custo operacional de produção. A. gracilis apresentou um crescimento exponencial até o sexto dia, ao redor de 144 x 10(4) células mL-1. Logo em seguida, sofreu um brusco decréscimo apresentando 90 x 10(4) células mL-1 (oitavo dia). A partir do décimo primeiro dia, as células algais tenderam a crescer novamente, apresentando um máximo de 135 x 10(4) células mL-1 no 17º dia. No cultivo de D. birgei, foi observado o primeiro pico de crescimento no nono dia com 140 x 10² indivíduos L-1, aumentando novamente a partir do décimo segundo dia. A alga clorofícea A. gracilis e o zooplâncton D. birgei possuem aproximadamente 50 e 70% de proteína (PS), respectivamente, com teor de carboidrato acima de 5%. A eletricidade e mão de obra foram os itens mais dispendiosos e, de acordo com os dados obtidos, a temperatura, nutrientes, disponibilidade de luz e manejo do cultivo, foram fatores determinantes sobre a produtividade. Os resultados indicam que o meio NPK (20-5-20) pode ser utilizado diretamente como uma alternativa de cultivo em larga escala, considerando o baixo custo de produção, promovendo adequado crescimento e valor nutricional para A. gracilis e D. birgei.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi testar a influência de quatro dietas alimentares sobre o crescimento populacional, desenvolvimento, comprimento total, peso seco e valor nutricional de duas espécies zooplanctônicas, Moina micrura and Diaphanosoma birgei, com os seguintes tratamentos alimentares: somente alga (A), alga + vitaminas (AV), alga + ração (AR) e alga + ração + vitaminas (ARV). O pico de crescimento para as duas espécies estudadas ocorreu mais rápido no tratamento AV. em geral, o tratamento AV para M. micrura mostrou melhores resultados para taxa intrínseca, fecundidade, desenvolvimento embrionário e pós-embrionário. Já a longevidade e número total de desovas apresentaram melhores resultados no tratamento AR (p < 0,05). Para D. birgei, os melhores resultados foram obtidos nos tratamentos contendo ração e vitamina (p < 0,05). A maior porcentagem de proteínas e lipídeos para os dois cladóceros ocorreu nos tratamentos contendo ração, já o carboidrato foi maior no tratamento contendo somente alga (p < 0,05). em geral, as dietas contendo ração e vitamina apresentaram os melhores resultados para o desenvolvimento dos cladóceros, com qualidade de água adequada para cultivo, podendo ser utilizadas em culturas com altas concentrações em laboratório.
Potassium permanganate is a chemical compound widely used in aquaculture for the control and removal of parasites, and in the prevention of diseases caused by bacteria and fungi. However, this compound can be toxic to fish, being a strong oxidant. Moreover, there is no consistent information in the literature about its toxicity to non-target organisms. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the acute toxicity (LC50;96h) of potassium permanganate for tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, and to determine its toxic effects on nontarget organisms using ecotoxicological assays performed with the microcrustacean Ceriodaphnia dubia and with the green microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. The results showed that the concentration of 1.81 mg L-1 of potassium permanganate caused acute toxic effect in tilapia fingerlings. The ecotoxicological assays demonstrated that concentrations above 0.12 mg L-1 can cause chronic toxic effects on non-target organisms, indicating possible deleterious effects on the food chain of the aquatic ecosystem that may receive the discharge of effluents released by fish cultures treated with this chemotherapy. All toxic concentrations determined in this study were below those recommended in the literature for the use of this chemotherapy in fish cultures, demonstrating that this type of therapy should be more carefully considered in order to avoid damage to the treated fish and to the environment. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The incidence of toxic cyanobacterial blooms is one of the important consequences of eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems. It is a very common phenomenon in reservoirs and shrimp ponds in the State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil. Cyanobacterias produce toxins which can affect aquatic organisms and men trough the food chain. Aiming to contribute to the studies of cyanobacterias in RN, we propose: a) to evaluate the toxicity of isolated cyanobacterias in important fresh-water environments; and b) to verify the effects of both natural and cultured blooms occurred in reservoirs for human supply and in the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia silvestrii. This study was carried out using samples of natural blooms occurred between March and October of 2004 in Gargalheiras Dam (08º L e 39º W), in July of 2004 in Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves Dam (06o S e 37o W) and in commercial shrimp ponds (Litopenaeus vannamei) located in fresh-water environments. The samples were collected with plankton net (20µm.) for identification, isolation and obtaining of phytoplanktonic biomass for liophilization and later toxicity bioassays. The toxicity of cultured samples and natural blooms was investigated through bioassays in Swiss mice. Quantification of cyanobacteria in samples was conducted following the Ütermol method, with 300mL samples fixed with lugol. The toxicity test with Ceriodaphnia silvestrii followed ABNT, 2001 recommendations, and were accomplished with natural hepatotoxic bloom s samples and cultured samples of both non-toxic and neurotoxic C. raciborskii. In this test, five newborns, aged between 6 and 24 hours, were exposed to different concentrations (0 a 800 mg.L-1) of crude cyanobacterial extracts during 24 and 48 hours. Three replicates were used per treatment. The pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen at the beginning and after 24 and 48hours from the test were measured. We estimated the CL50 through the Trimmed Spearman-Karber method. The blooms were constituted by Microcystis panniformis, M. aeruginosa, Anabaena circinalis, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Planktothrix agardhii, producers of mycrocistin-LR confirmed with HPLC analysis. Samples of hepatotoxic blooms registered toxinogenic potential for C. silvestrii, with CL50-24h value of 47.48 mg.L-1 and CL5048h of 38.15 mg.L-1 for GARG samples in march/2005; CL50-24h of 113,13 mg.L-1 and CL5048h of 88,24 mg.L-1 for ARG July/2004; CL50-24h of 300.39 mg.L-1 and CL50-48h of 149.89 mg.L-1 for GARG October/2005. For cultured samples, values of CL50-24h and CL50-48h for C. raciborskii toxic strains were 228.05 and 120.28 mg.L-1, respectively. There was no mortality of C. silvestrii during the tests with non-toxic C. raciborskii strain. The toxicity test with C. silvestrii presented good sensitivity degree to cyanotoxins. The toxicity of natural hepatotoxic blooms samples (microcystins) and cultured neurotoxic saxitoxins producer samples analyzed in this study give us strong indications of that toxin s influence on the zooplanktonic community structure in tropical aquatic environments. Eleven cyanobacteria strains were isolated, representing 6 species: Anabaenopsis sp., Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Chroococcus sp., Microcystis panniformis, Geitlerinema unigranulatum e Planktothrix agardhii. None presented toxicity in Swiss mice. The strains were catalogued and deposited in the Laboratório de Ecologia e Toxicologia de Organismos Aquáticos (LETMA), in UFRN, and will be utilized in ecotoxicológical and ecophysiological studies, aiming to clarify the causes and control of cyanobacterial blooms in aquatic environments in RN. This state s reservoirs must receive broader attention from the authorities, considering the constant blooms occurring in waters used for human consumption
The acute toxicity of metals to Daphnia similis was determined and compared to other daphnid species to evaluate the suitability of this organism in ecotoxicology bioassays. To verify the performance D. similis in toxicity tests, we also investigated the effect of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata at 1 x 10(5) and 1 x 10(6) cells ml(-1) on Cd and Cr acute toxicity to the cladoceran. Daphnid neonates were exposed to a range of chromium and cadmium concentrations in the absence and presence of the algal cells. Metal speciation calculations using MINEQL(+) showed that total dissolved metal concentrations in zooplankton culture corresponded to 96.2% free Cd and 100% free Cr concentrations. Initial total dissolved metal concentrations were used for 48 h-LC(50) determination. LC(50) for D. similis was 5.15 x 10(-7) mol l(-1) dissolved Cd without algal cells, whereas with 1 x 10(5) cells ml(-1), it was significantly higher (7.15 x 10(-7) mol l(-1) dissolved Cd). For Cr, the 48 h-LC(50) value of 9.17 x 10(-7) mol l(-1) obtained for the cladoceran in tests with 1 x 10(6) cells ml(-1) of P. subcapitata was also significantly higher than that obtained in tests without algal cells (5.28 x 10(-7) mol l(-1) dissolved Cr). The presence of algal cells reduced the toxicity of metals to D. similis, as observed in other studies that investigated the effects of food on metal toxicity to standard cladocerans. Comparing our results to those of literature, we observed that D. similis is as sensitive to metals as other standardized Daphnia species and may serve as a potential test species in ecotoxicological evaluations.
Os organismos zooplanctônicos desempenham um importante papel na alimentação de larvas e pós-larvas de peixes, tanto na natureza, como em cativeiro em tanques de piscicultura. No aspecto do cultivo de zooplâncton cm massa, somente conhecendo-se os valores de alguns parâmetros importantes do ciclo de vida de um único indivíduo, em situações diversas, é que se pode avaliar se este estará respondendo de maneira adequada, ou não, a determinado tratamento aplicado. O trabalho mostra uma adaptação de mamadeiras plásticas comerciais para a utilização no estudo individualizado de microcrustáceos zooplanctônicos (cladóceros), em laboratório (aquários), viveiros de piscicultura, ou ambientes naturais (lagos e igarapés).