39 resultados para citalopram


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A method using Liquid Phase Microextraction for simultaneous detection of citalopram (CIT), paroxetine (PAR) and fluoxetine (FLU), using venlafaxine as internal standard, in plasma by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection was developed. The linearity was evaluated between 5.0 and 500 ng mL-1 (r > 0.99) and the limit of quantification was 2.0, 3.0 and 5.0 ng mL-1 for CIT, PAR and FLU, respectively. Therefore, it can be applied to therapeutic drug monitoring, pharmacokinetics or bioavailability studies and its advantages are that it necessary relatively inexpensive equipment and sample preparation techniques.


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Polythiophene (PTh) phase electropolymerized on the stainless steel wire was evaluated as solid-phase microextraction (SPME), and analysis by liquid chromatography with spectrophotometric detection (LC-UV) for determination of new-generation antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (citalopram, paroxetine, fluoxetine and sertraline), in plasma samples. The influence of electropolymerization variables (scan rate, potential range and scan cycles) was evaluated on SPME performance. The SPME variables (extraction time, temperature, matrix pH, ionic strength and desorption procedure), as well as the influence of plasma proteins on sorption mechanisms were also evaluated. The SPME/LC-UV method developed for determination of antidepressants in plasma sample presented a linear range between the limit of quantification (LOQ, 200-250 ng mL-1) to 4000 ng mL-1, and interday precision with coefficient of variation (CV) ranged from 11 to 15%. The proposed method can be a useful tool for the determination of antidepressants in human plasma samples in urgent toxicological analysis after the accidental or suicidal intake of higher doses of medications.


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Enhancing the sensitivity of nuclear magnetic resonance measurements via hyperpolarization techniques like parahydrogen induced polarization (PHIP) is of high interest for spectroscopic investigations. Parahydrogen induced polarization is a chemical method, which makes use of the correlation between nuclear spins in parahydrogen to create hyperpolarized molecules. The key feature of this technique is the pairwise and simultaneous transfer of the two hydrogen atoms of parahydrogen to a double or triple bond resulting in a population of the Zeeman energy levels different from the Boltzmann equation. The obtained hyperpolarization results in antiphase peaks in the NMR spectrum with high intensities. Due to these strong NMR signals, this method finds arnlot of applications in chemistry e.g. the characterization of short-lived reaction intermediates. Also in medicine it opens up the possibility to boost the sensitivity of medical diagnostics via magnetic labeling of active contrast agents. Thus, further examination and optimization of the PHIP technique is of significant importance in order to achieve the highest possible sensitivity gain.rnrnIn this work, different aspects concerning PHIP were studied with respect to its chemical and spectroscopic background. The first part of this work mainly focused on optimizing the PHIP technique by investigating different catalyst systems and developing new setups for the parahydrogenation. Further examinations facilitated the transfer of the generated polarization from the protons to heteronuclei like 13C. The second part of this thesis examined the possibility to transfer these results to different biologically active compounds to enable their later application in medical diagnostics. Onerngroup of interesting substances is represented by metabolites or neurotransmitters in mammalian cells. Other interesting substances are clinically relevant drugs like a barbituric acid derivative or antidepressant drugs like citalopram which were investigated with regard to their applicability for the PHIP technique and the possibility to achievernpolarization transfer to 13C nuclei. The last investigated substrate is a polymerizable monomer whose polymer was used as a blood plasma expander for trauma victims after the first half of the 20th century. In this case, the utility of the monomer for the PHIP technique as a basis for later investigations of a polymerization reaction using hyperpolarized monomers was examined.rnrnHence, this thesis covers the optimization of the PHIP technology, hereby combining different fields of research like chemical and spectroscopical aspects, and transfers the results to applications of real biologally acitve compounds.


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Altern geht mit einer Reihe physiologischer Veränderungen einher. Da in höherem Lebensalter überdurchschnittlich viele Arzneistoffe eingenommen werden und häufig mehrere Erkrankungen gleichzeitig vorliegen, können Auffälligkeiten in den Arzneimittelkonzentrationen im Blut nicht nur altersbedingt, sondern auch krankheitsbedingt oder durch Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen verursacht sein.rnrnDie vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Fragestellung, ob der Arzneimittelmetabolismus bei Alterspatenten generell, oder nur bei Patienten mit Multimorbidität und –medikation verändert ist, und in welchem Lebensalter diese Veränderungen einsetzen. Im Mittelpunkt stand dabei die Frage, ob die Aktivitäten distinkter Arzneimittel-abbauender Enzyme der Cytochrom P450-Enzym-Familie (CYP) verändert sind. Da viele Psychopharmaka nur bei Patienten im Alter zwischen 18 und 65 Jahren zugelassen sind, wurde die Hypothese geprüft, dass sich Patienten im Alter über und unter 65 Jahren in ihren Medikamentenspiegeln unterscheiden.rnrnFür die Untersuchungen wurde eine Datenbank aus Blutspiegelmessungen erstellt, die im Rahmen des pharmakotherapiebegleitenden TDM erhoben worden waren. Die Blutspiegel stammten von insgesamt 4197 Patienten, die mit Amisulprid, Aripiprazol, Citalopram, Clozapin, Donepezil, Escitalopram, Mirtazapin, Quetiapin, Risperidon, Sertralin, Venlafaxin oder Ziprasidon behandelt wurden. Die Messungen wurden ergänzt mit Angaben aus den TDM-Anforderungsscheinen bezüglich Tagesdosis, Begleitmedikamenten, Schweregrad der Erkrankung, Therapieerfolg und Verträglichkeit der Medikation. Zusätzlich wurden klinische Befunde der Leber- und Nierenfunktion einbezogen, sowie Angaben zur Berechnung des BMI. Die in vivo-CYP-Enzymaktivitäten wurden anhand von metabolischen Ratios (Serumkonzentrationen Metabolit/ Serumkonzentration Muttersubstanz) beurteilt.rnrnIm Mittel stieg der Schweregrad der Erkrankung mit dem Alter und der Therapieerfolg verschlechterte sich. Dies betraf im Einzelnen nur Patienten, die mit Amisulprid oder Clozapin behandelt worden waren. Ältere Patienten litten häufiger an Nebenwirkungen als jüngere.rnUnter Aripiprazol, Quetiapin, Sertralin und Venlafaxin erreichten Alterspatienten mit niedrigeren Tagesdosen gleiche Therapieerfolge wie jüngere Patienten.rnPatienten, die mit Clozapin oder Amisulprid behandelt wurden, zeigten im Alter schlechtere Behandlungserfolge bei gleicher (Clozapin) bzw. niedrigerer (Amisulprid) Tagesdosis.rnTherapieerfolg und mittlere Tagesdosis änderten sich bei Patienten, die Ziprasidon, Donepezil, Citalopram, Escitalopram und Mirtazapin einnahmen, nicht altersabhängig.rnrnAltersabhängige Unterschiede der Serumspiegel zeigten sich für Amisulprid, Aripiprazol, Donepezil, Mirtazapin, Desmethylmirtazapin, Quetiapin und DesmethylsertralinrnAllerdings lagen die Altersgrenzen außer bei Donepezil deutlich niedriger als die gängig angenommene, nämlich bei 35 Jahren (Aripiprazol), 70 Jahren (Donepezil), 55 Jahren (D-Sertralin), 41 Jahren (Amisulprid), 49 Jahren (Quetiapin) und 58 Jahren (Mirtazapin).rnEs bestand kein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Auftreten veränderter Serumspiegel im Alter und dem Verteilungsvolumen, der Plasmaproteinbindung oder der Eliminationshalbwertszeit der untersuchten Wirkstoffe.rnrnBei Patienten ohne Comedikation fand sich in keinem Fall eine altersabhängige Veränderung der Ratio. Es ergab sich daher kein Hinweis auf eine Veränderung der CYP-Aktivität im Alter. Die Einnahme von Comedikation nahm mit dem Alter zu, hierfür ließ sich eine Altersgrenze von 49 Jahren definieren. Unter Polytherapie wurden Veränderungen der CYP-Aktivität beobachtet.rnrnDer Einfluss veränderter Leber- oder Nierenfunktion auf die Biotransformation von Pharmaka wurde anhand von Serumspiegeln von Patienten, die mit Donepezil, Venlafaxin, Citalopram oder Escitalopram behandelt wurden, untersucht. rnBei keinem Wirkstoff wurden unter auffälligen Leber- oder Nierenparametern signifikant veränderte Serumspiegel gemessen.rnEine Abhängigkeit der Serumspiegel vom Körpergewicht wurde nur für Desmethylsertralin gefunden. Die Spiegel waren bei Patienten mit einem Body Mass Index unter 20 signifikant höher als bei Patienten mit einem Index über 20. Aufgrund der kleinen Fallgruppe und der Tatsache, dass der Serumspiegel der Muttersubstanz nicht stieg, konnte nicht zwingend von einem Alterseinfluss aufgrund der veränderten Körperzusammensetzung ausgegangen werden.rnInsgesamt ergaben sich aus den Untersuchungen Hinweise auf moderate altersabhängige Veränderungen der Pharmakokinetik. Es ließen sich allerdings keine allgemeinen Dosierempfehlungen für Alterspatienten ableiten. Es zeigte sich jedoch, dass mit altersabhängigen Veränderungen der Pharmakokinetik bereits nach dem 50. Lebensjahr zu rechnen ist. Weitere Untersuchungen sollten auch den Alterseffekt auf gastrointestinale Transporter einbeziehen, die die aktive Aufnahme von Arzneistoffen ins Blut bewerkstelligen. Unklar ist auch die Rolle des Alterns auf die Aktivität des P-Glykoproteins. rn


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The serotonin (5-hydroxtryptamine, 5-HT) system plays a role in analgesia and emesis. The aim of this study was to test whether opioids or ketamine inhibit the human 5-HT transporter and whether this increases free plasma 5-HT concentrations. HEK293 cells, stably transfected with the human 5-HT transporter cDNA, were incubated with morphine, hydromorphone, fentanyl, alfentanil, pethidine (meperidine), tramadol, ketamine, and the reference substance citalopram (specific 5-HT transporter inhibitor). The uptake of [(3)H]5-HT was measured by liquid scintillation counting. In a second series of experiments, study drugs were incubated with plasma of ten healthy blood donors and change of 5-HT plasma-concentrations were measured (ELISA). The end point was the inhibition of the 5-HT transporter by different analgesics either in HEK293 cells or in human platelets ex vivo. Tramadol, pethidine, and ketamine suppressed [(3)H]5-HT uptake dose-dependently with an IC50 of 1, 20.9, and 230 μM, respectively. These drugs also prevented 5-HT uptake in platelets with an increase in free plasma 5-HT. Free 5-HT concentrations in human plasma were increased by citalopram 1 μM, tramadol 20 μM, pethidine 30 μM, and ketamine 100 μM to 280 [248/312]%, 269 [188/349]%, and 149 [122/174]%, respectively, compared to controls without any co-incubation (means [95 % CI]; all p < 0.005). No change in both experimental settings was observed for the other opioids. Tramadol and pethidine inhibited the 5-HT transporter in HEK293 cells and platelets. This inhibition may contribute to serotonergic effects when these opioids are given in combination, e.g., with monoamine oxidase inhibitors or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.


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The serotonin transporter (SERT) is a member of the Na+/Cl−-dependent neurotransmitter transporter family and constitutes the target of several clinically important antidepressants. Here, replacement of serine-545 in the recombinant rat SERT by alanine was found to alter the cation dependence of serotonin uptake. Substrate transport was now driven as efficiently by LiCl as by NaCl without significant changes in serotonin affinity. Binding of the antidepressant [3H]imipramine occurred with 1/5th the affinity, whereas [3H]citalopram binding was unchanged. These results indicate that serine-545 is a crucial determinant of both the cation dependence of serotonin transport by SERT and the imipramine binding properties of SERT.


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Drugs acting at 5-HT receptors were evaluated on three animal models of anxiety. On the elevated X-maze test the majority of 5-HT1 agonists were found to be anxiogenic. However, ipsapirone was anxiolytic and buspirone and gepirone were inactive. The 5-HT2 agonist DOI and the 5-HT2 antagonist ritanserin were anxiolytic while ICI 169,369, a 5-HT2 antagonist was inactive. All 5-HT3 antagonists tested were inactive in this test, while the indirect serotomimetics zimeldine and fenfluramine were anxiogenic. Neither beta-adrenoceptor agonists nor antagonists had reproducible effects on anxiety in this model. Combined beta-1/beta-2 adrenoceptor antagonists reversed the anxiogenic effects of 8-OH-DPAT while selective beta-1 or beta-2 antagonists did not. On the social interaction model the 5-HT1 agonists 8-OH-DPAT, RU 24969 and 5-MeODMT were anxiogenic and ipsapirone was anxiolytic. The 5-HT2 agonist DOI and the beta-adrenoceptor- and 5-HT- antagonist pindolol were anxiolytic, while the 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 antagonists were inactive. In the marble burying test, the 5-HT upake inhibitors zimeldine, fluvoxamine, indalpine and citalopram, the 5-HT1B/5-HT1C agonists mCPP and TFMPP and the 5-HT2/5-HT1C agonist DOI reduced marble burying without affecting locomotor activity. 5-HT1A agonists and the 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 antagonists were without effect. Lesions of the dorsal raphe nucleus reversed the anxiogenic effects of 8-OH-DPAT in the X-maze model. The implication of these results for the understanding of the pharmacology of 5-HT in anxiety is discussed.


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Background - Several antipsychotic agents are known to prolong the QT interval in a dose dependent manner. Corrected QT interval (QTc) exceeding a threshold value of 450 ms may be associated with an increased risk of life threatening arrhythmias. Antipsychotic agents are often given in combination with other psychotropic drugs, such as antidepressants, that may also contribute to QT prolongation. This observational study compares the effects observed on QT interval between antipsychotic monotherapy and psychoactive polytherapy, which included an additional antidepressant or lithium treatment. Method - We examined two groups of hospitalized women with Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder and Schizoaffective Disorder in a naturalistic setting. Group 1 was composed of nineteen hospitalized women treated with antipsychotic monotherapy (either haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone or clozapine) and Group 2 was composed of nineteen hospitalized women treated with an antipsychotic (either haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone or quetiapine) with an additional antidepressant (citalopram, escitalopram, sertraline, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, mirtazapine, venlafaxine or clomipramine) or lithium. An Electrocardiogram (ECG) was carried out before the beginning of the treatment for both groups and at a second time after four days of therapy at full dosage, when blood was also drawn for determination of serum levels of the antipsychotic. Statistical analysis included repeated measures ANOVA, Fisher Exact Test and Indipendent T Test. Results - Mean QTc intervals significantly increased in Group 2 (24 ± 21 ms) however this was not the case in Group 1 (-1 ± 30 ms) (Repeated measures ANOVA p < 0,01). Furthermore we found a significant difference in the number of patients who exceeded the threshold of borderline QTc interval value (450 ms) between the two groups, with seven patients in Group 2 (38%) compared to one patient in Group 1 (7%) (Fisher Exact Text, p < 0,05). Conclusions - No significant prolongation of the QT interval was found following monotherapy with an antipsychotic agent, while combination of these drugs with antidepressants caused a significant QT prolongation. Careful monitoring of the QT interval is suggested in patients taking a combined treatment of antipsychotic and antidepressant agents.


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BACKGROUND: In epidemiological studies, statins appear to benefit mood, and there are now some randomized controlled trials examining the efficacy of statins. However, the role of statins in depression remains uncertain. Thus the aim of this paper was to assess the effect of statins on depressive symptoms by performing a meta-analysis of all double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled clinical trials (RCT) conducted in subjects with depression. METHODS: A systematic search was executed using PubMed and ClinicalTrials.gov in November 30th, 2015 for all double-blind, RCT of statins versus placebo in persons with depressive symptoms. Sixty-seven potential articles were identified through search of electronic databases, of those three met inclusion criteria and were included in the meta-analysis. The outcome measure was change in Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) scores associated with statin use. A meta-analysis was conducted and standardized mean differences (SMDs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated. GRADE was used to assess study quality. RESULTS: The three articles included provided data on 165 participants with moderate to severe depression. Of these, 82 were randomized to statins as an adjuvant therapy to antidepressant treatment (i.e., citalopram or fluoxetine) and 83 to the placebo arm. All studies were double-blind RCTs, with a follow-up of 6-12 weeks. The statin agents evaluated were lovastatin, atorvastatin, and simvastatin. When compared to placebo, statins, as add-on to treatment as usual, largely improved depressive symptoms as assessed by the HDRS (SMD=-0.73, 95% IC -1.04 to -0.42, p<0.001, 3 between-group comparisons, n=165). No serious adverse effects were reported. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that adjunctive treatment with statins could be useful for the treatment of depressive symptoms. Additional double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trials are necessary to settle the matter.