143 resultados para circumstellar


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Aims. We study the optical and near-infrared colour excesses produced by circumstellar emission in a sample of Be/X-ray binaries. Our main goals are exploring whether previously published relations, valid for isolated Be stars, are applicable to Be/X-ray binaries and computing the distance to these systems after correcting for the effects of the circumstellar contamination. Methods. Simultaneous UBVRI photometry and spectra in the 3500−7000 Å spectral range were obtained for 11 optical counterparts to Be/X-ray binaries in the LMC, 5 in the SMC and 12 in the Milky Way. As a measure of the amount of circumstellar emission we used the Hα equivalent width corrected for photospheric absorption. Results. We find a linear relationship between the strength of the Hα emission line and the component of E(B − V) originating from the circumstellar disk. This relationship is valid for stars with emission lines weaker than EW ≈ −15   Å. Beyond this point, the circumstellar contribution to E(B − V) saturates at a value ≈0.17   mag. A similar relationship is found for the (V − I) near infrared colour excess, albeit with a steeper slope and saturation level. The circumstellar excess in (B − V) is found to be about five times higher for Be/X-ray binaries than for isolated Be stars with the same equivalent width EW(Hα), implying significant differences in the physical properties of their circumstellar envelopes. The distance to Be/X-ray binaries (with non-shell Be star companions) can only be correctly estimated by taking into account the excess emission in the V band produced by free-free and free-bound transitions in the circumstellar envelope. We provide a simple method to determine the distances that includes this effect.


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Context. Historically, supergiant (sg)B[e] stars have been difficult to include in theoretical schemes for the evolution of massive OB stars. Aims. The location of Wd1-9 within the coeval starburst cluster Westerlund 1 means that it may be placed into a proper evolutionary context and we therefore aim to utilise a comprehensive multiwavelength dataset to determine its physical properties and consequently its relation to other sgB[e] stars and the global population of massive evolved stars within Wd1. Methods. Multi-epoch R- and I-band VLT/UVES and VLT/FORS2 spectra are used to constrain the properties of the circumstellar gas, while an ISO-SWS spectrum covering 2.45−45μm is used to investigate the distribution, geometry and composition of the dust via a semi-analytic irradiated disk model. Radio emission enables a long term mass-loss history to be determined, while X-ray observations reveal the physical nature of high energy processes within the system. Results. Wd1-9 exhibits the rich optical emission line spectrum that is characteristic of sgB[e] stars. Likewise its mid-IR spectrum resembles those of the LMC sgB[e] stars R66 and 126, revealing the presence of equatorially concentrated silicate dust, with a mass of ~10−4M⊙. Extreme historical and ongoing mass loss (≳ 10−4M⊙yr−1) is inferred from the radio observations. The X-ray properties of Wd1-9 imply the presence of high temperature plasma within the system and are directly comparable to a number of confirmed short-period colliding wind binaries within Wd1. Conclusions. The most complete explanation for the observational properties of Wd1-9 is that it is a massive interacting binary currently undergoing, or recently exited from, rapid Roche-lobe overflow, supporting the hypothesis that binarity mediates the formation of (a subset of) sgB[e] stars. The mass loss rate of Wd1-9 is consistent with such an assertion, while viable progenitor and descendent systems are present within Wd1 and comparable sgB[e] binaries have been identified in the Galaxy. Moreover, the rarity of sgB[e] stars - only two examples are identified from a census of ~ 68 young massive Galactic clusters and associations containing ~ 600 post-Main Sequence stars - is explicable given the rapidity (~ 104yr) expected for this phase of massive binary evolution.


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An important component of current models for interstellar and circumstellar evolution is the infrared (IR)spectral data collected from stellar outflows around oxygen-rich stars and from the general interstellar medium [1]. IR spectra from these celestial bodies are usually interpreted as showing the general properties of sub-micron sized silicate grains [2]. Two major features at 10 and 20 microns are reasonably attributed to amorphous olivine or pyroxene (e.g. Mg2Si04 or MgSi03) on the basis of comparisons with natural standards and vapor condensed silicates [3-6]. In an attempt to define crystallisation rates for spectrally amorphous condensates, Nuth and Donn [5] annealed experimentally produced amorphous magnesium silicate smokes at 1000K. On analysing these smokes at various annealing times, Nuth and Donn [5] showed that changes in crystallinity measured by bulk X-ray diffraction occured at longer annealing times (days) than changes measured by IR spectra (a few hours). To better define the onset of crystallinity in these magnesium silicates, we have examined each annealed product using a JEOL 1OOCX analytical electron microscope (AEM). In addition, the development of chemical diversity with annealing has been monitored using energy dispersive spectroscopy of individual grains from areas <20nm in diameter. Furthermore, the crystallisation kinetics of these smokes under ambient, room temperature conditions have been examined using bulk and fourier transform infrared (FTIR)spectra.


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The ion (C6CH2)(.-) is formed in the gas phase by the process -C=C-C=C-C=CH2OEt --> (C6CH2)(.-) + EtO., and charge stripping of the product radical anion yields the carbenoid neutral C6CH2; this can be either a singlet (the ground state), which is best represented as the carbene :C=C=C=C=C=C=CH2, or a triplet; the adiabatic electron affinity and the dipole moment of the carbenoid neutral are calculated to be 2.82 eV and 7.33 D respectively.


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The last few years have brought an increasing interest in the chemistry of rite interstellar and circumstellar environs. Many of the molecular species discovered in remote galactic regions have been dubbed 'non-terrestrial' because of their unique structures (Thaddeus et al, 1993). These findings have provided a challenge to chemists in many differing fields to attempt to generate these unusual species in the laboratory of particular recent interest have been the unsaturated hydrocarbon families, CnH and CnH2, which have been pursued by a number of diverse methodologies. A wine range of heterocumulenes, including CnO, HCnO, CnN, HCnN, CnS, HCnS, CnSi and HCnSi have also provided intriguing targets for laboratory experiments. Strictly the term cumulene refers to a class of compounds that possess a series of adjacent double bonds, with allene representing the simplest example (H2C=C=CH2). However for many of the non-terrestrial molecules presented here, the carbon chain cannot be described in terms of a single simple valence structure, and so we use the terms cumulene and heterocumulene in a more general sense: to describe molecular species that contain an unsaturated polycarbon chain. Mass spectrometry has proved an invaluable tool in the quest for interstellar cumulenes and heterocumulenes in the laboratory it has the ability in its many forms, to (i) generate charged analogs of these species in the gas phase, (ii) probe their connectivity, ion chemistry, and thermochemistry, and (iii) in some cases, elucidate the neutrals themselves. Here, we will discuss the progress of these studies to this time. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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A recent theoretical investigation by Terzieva & Herbst of linear carbon chains, C-n where n greater than or equal to 6, in the interstellar medium has shown that these species can undergo efficient radiative association to form the corresponding anions. An experimental study by Barckholtz, Snow & Bierbaum of these anions has demonstrated that they do not react efficiently with molecular hydrogen, leading to the possibility of detectable abundances of cumulene-type anions in dense interstellar and circumstellar environments. Here we present a series of electronic structure calculations which examine possible anionic candidates for detection in these media, namely the anion analogues of the previously identified interstellar cumulenes CnH and Cn-1CH2 and heterocumulenes CnO (where n = 2-10). The extraordinary electron affinities calculated for these molecules suggest that efficient radiative electron attachment could occur, and the large dipole moments of these simple (generally) linear molecules point to the possibility of detection by radio astronomy.


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Three anion isomers of formula C7H have been synthesised in the mass spectrometer by unequivocal routes. The structures of the isomers are \[HCCC(C-2)(2)](-), C6CH- and C2CHC4-. One of these, \[HCCC(C-2)(2)](-), is formed in sufficient yield to allow it to be charge stripped to the corresponding neutral radical.


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More than 70 molecules of varied nature have been identified in the envelopes of carbon-rich stars through their spectral fingerprints in the microwave or far infrared regions. Many of them are carbon chain molecules and radicals, and a significant number are unique to the circumstellar medium. The determination of relevant laboratory kinetics data is critical to keep up with the development of the high spectral and spatial resolution observations and of the refinement of chemical models. Neutralneutral reactions of the CN radical with unsaturated hydrocarbons could be a dominant route in the formation of cyanopolyynes, even at low temperatures and deserve a detailed laboratory investigation. The approach we have developed aims to bridge the temperature gap between resistively heated flow tubes and shock tubes. The present kinetic measurements are obtained using a new reactor combining a high-enthalpy source with a flow tube and a pulsed laser photolysislaser-induced fluorescence system to probe the undergoing chemical reactions. The high-enthalpy flow tube has been used to measure the rate constant of the reaction of the CN radical with propane (C3H8), propene (C3H6), allene (C3H4), 1,3-butadiene (1,3-C4H6), and 1-butyne (C4H6) over a temperature range extending from 300 to 1200 K. All studied reactions of CN with unsaturated hydrocarbons are rapid, with rate coefficients greater than 10-10 cm3 center dot molecule-1 center dot s-1 and exhibit slight negative temperature dependence above room temperature. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Chem Kinet 44: 753766, 2012


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The majority of young, low-mass stars are surrounded by optically thick accretion disks. These circumstellar disks provide large reservoirs of gas and dust that will eventually be transformed into planetary systems. Theory and observations suggest that the earliest stage toward planet formation in a protoplanetary disk is the growth of particles, from sub-micron-sized grains to centimeter- sized pebbles. Theory indicates that small interstellar grains are well coupled into the gas and are incorporated to the disk during the proto-stellar collapse. These dust particles settle toward the disk mid-plane and simultaneously grow through collisional coagulation in a very short timescale. Observationally, grain growth can be inferred by measuring the spectral energy distribution at long wavelengths, which traces the continuum dust emission spectrum and hence the dust opacity. Several observational studies have indicated that the dust component in protoplanetary disks has evolved as compared to interstellar medium dust particles, suggesting at least 4 orders of magnitude in particle- size growth. However, the limited angular resolution and poor sensitivity of previous observations has not allowed for further exploration of this astrophysical process.

As part of my thesis, I embarked in an observational program to search for evidence of radial variations in the dust properties across a protoplanetary disk, which may be indicative of grain growth. By making use of high angular resolution observations obtained with CARMA, VLA, and SMA, I searched for radial variations in the dust opacity inside protoplanetary disks. These observations span more than an order of magnitude in wavelength (from sub-millimeter to centimeter wavelengths) and attain spatial resolutions down to 20 AU. I characterized the radial distribution of the circumstellar material and constrained radial variations of the dust opacity spectral index, which may originate from particle growth in these circumstellar disks. Furthermore, I compared these observational constraints with simple physical models of grain evolution that include collisional coagulation, fragmentation, and the interaction of these grains with the gaseous disk (the radial drift problem). For the parameters explored, these observational constraints are in agreement with a population of grains limited in size by radial drift. Finally, I also discuss future endeavors with forthcoming ALMA observations.


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Nearly all young stars are variable, with the variability traditionally divided into two classes: periodic variables and aperiodic or "irregular" variables. Periodic variables have been studied extensively, typically using periodograms, while aperiodic variables have received much less attention due to a lack of standard statistical tools. However, aperiodic variability can serve as a powerful probe of young star accretion physics and inner circumstellar disk structure. For my dissertation, I analyzed data from a large-scale, long-term survey of the nearby North America Nebula complex, using Palomar Transient Factory photometric time series collected on a nightly or every few night cadence over several years. This survey is the most thorough exploration of variability in a sample of thousands of young stars over time baselines of days to years, revealing a rich array of lightcurve shapes, amplitudes, and timescales.

I have constrained the timescale distribution of all young variables, periodic and aperiodic, on timescales from less than a day to ~100 days. I have shown that the distribution of timescales for aperiodic variables peaks at a few days, with relatively few (~15%) sources dominated by variability on tens of days or longer. My constraints on aperiodic timescale distributions are based on two new tools, magnitude- vs. time-difference (Δm-Δt) plots and peak-finding plots, for describing aperiodic lightcurves; this thesis provides simulations of their performance and presents recommendations on how to apply them to aperiodic signals in other time series data sets. In addition, I have measured the error introduced into colors or SEDs from combining photometry of variable sources taken at different epochs. These are the first quantitative results to be presented on the distributions in amplitude and time scale for young aperiodic variables, particularly those varying on timescales of weeks to months.


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The interaction between supernova ejecta and circumstellar matter, arising from previous episodes of mass loss, provides us with a means of constraining the progenitors of supernovae. Radio observations of a number of supernovae show quasi-periodic deviations from a strict power-law decline at late times. Although several possibilities have been put forward to explain these modulations, no single explanation has proven to be entirely satisfactory. Here we suggest that Luminous blue variables undergoing S-Doradus type variations give rise to enhanced phases of mass loss that are imprinted on the immediate environment of the exploding star as a series of density enhancements. The variations in mass loss arise from changes in the ionization balance of Fe, the dominant ion that drives the wind. With this idea, we find that both the recurrence timescale of the variability and the amplitude of the modulations are in line with the observations. Our scenario thus provides a natural, single-star explanation for the observed behaviour that is, in fact, expected on theoretical grounds.


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The photometric and spectroscopic properties of 26 well-observed Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) were analyzed with the aim of exploring SN Ia diversity. The sample includes (Branch) normal SNe, as well as extreme events such as SN 1991T and SN 1991bg, while the truly peculiar SNe Ia, SN 2000cx and SN 2002cx, are not included in our sample. A statistical treatment reveals the existence of three different groups. The first group (FAINT) consists of faint SNe Ia similar to SN 1991bg, with low expansion velocities and rapid evolution of Si II velocity. A second group consists of normal SNe Ia, also with high temporal velocity gradient (HVG), but with brighter mean absolute magnitude =-19.3 and higher expansion velocities than the FAINT SNe. The third group includes both normal and SN 1991T-like SNe Ia: these SNe populate a narrow strip in the Si II velocity evolution plot, with a low-velocity gradient (LVG), but have absolute magnitudes similar to HVGs. While the FAINT and HVG SNe Ia together seem to define a relation between R(Si II) and ���m15(B), the LVG SNe either do not conform to that relation or define a new, looser one. The R(Si II) premaximum evolution of HVGs is strikingly different from that of LVGs. We discuss the impact of this evidence on the understanding of SN Ia diversity, in terms of explosion mechanisms, degree of ejecta mixing, and ejecta-circumstellar material interaction.


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We report the detection of new transitions of octatetraynyl (C8H) toward the circumstellar envelope IRC +10 216 using data taken with the 100 m Green Bank Telescope (GBT). In addition, we report five features from the Ku, K, and Q bands that have been identified as transitions of the octatetraynyl anion (C8H-). From a rotational temperature diagram and an assumed source size of 30", we find a total C8H column density of 8(3)×10^12 cm-2 and a rotational temperature of ~13 K. From the five detected transitions of C8H-, we find a total C8H- column density of ~2.1×10^12 cm-2 consistent with a rotational temperature of ~34 K for a total C8H/C8H- column density ratio of ~3.8. This observed C8H/C8H- column density ratio is similar to the theoretical prediction of 3.6, while the observed column densities were lower than that predicted by a factor of ~30. This prompted us to reinvestigate the initial conditions of the circumstellar envelope (CSE) model. The new model results are presented, and they more closely match the C8H and C8H- abundances observed with the GBT. Finally, we use the new CSE model results to predict the abundance of decapentaynyl (C10H), and we compare them with the measured upper limit found from the GBT observations.