102 resultados para cinemas


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Conforme os percursos que fiz, buscarei mostrar que as práticas cineclubistas se ampliaram em consonância com o alargamento das possibilidades de criação videocinematográficas propiciados pelos avanços da tecnologia da imagem e de sua popularização a partir dos anos 2000, sem se afastar dos seus sentidos iniciais que são a democratização do audiovisual e a organização do público. Sob a designação de cineclube há uma rede de criadores que, em suas ações, realizam, além de obras audiovisuais, espaços-tempos de convivência e intercâmbio de experiências e novas idéias, caracterizando um território identitário, que é o cineclubismo contemporâneo, e que, a despeito dos interesses e elementos de identificação de seus sujeitos, é desfronteirado. Pois assim, mostra-se aberto a contribuições e atravessamentos diversos que de alguma forma envolvem a cultura visual em sua complexa presença na atualidade


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Novas tecnologias, entendidas como parte integrante dos ambientes midiáticos contemporâneos, ajudam a conformar novos modelos perceptivos. O surgimento e a proliferação de tecnologias de síntese e de modelagem de sons por meios eletrônicos recria a relação entre o espaço presente no filme e as referências significantes que possuímos desse espaço. Os sons destacam-se dos objetos empíricos, alargando o campo de significações e de afetações sensoriais. Ao criar novas relações entre o corpo do espectador e uma inédita paisagem sonora eletrônica, novas tecnologias de som, como parte de um processo mais amplo das mídias, demandam um maior envolvimento da plateia. Dispositivos de imersão, efeitos especiais, uma nova distribuição espacial do ambiente sonoro, maior fidelidade e potência, reproduzem o encantamento físico despertado pelos primeiros cinemas. Para analisar o surgimento de novas audibilidades, novas formas de investigar o mundo a partir dessas tecnologias e dessa atual paisagem sonora, este trabalho procura uma abordagem tríplice. Inicialmente, procuramos fazer uma descrição de cunho fenomenológico da experiência cinematográfica. Em seguida, utilizamos propostas da Teoria das Materialidades para falar das afetações físicas induzidas pelo espaço sonoro eletrônico. Por último, utilizamos a perspectiva das ciências cognitivas que nos diz que corpo, cérebro e ambiente neste caso um ambiente extremamente tecnológico fazem parte de um mesmo processo dinâmico


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A busca do homem pela reprodução do movimento através das imagens é antiga. Tão antiga que é difícil fixar uma data para marcar a invenção do cinema. Para a indústria cinematográfica comercial, no entanto, esse marco costuma ser definitivo: o dia 28 de dezembro de 1895, por ocasião da primeira exibição pública paga de filmes dos Irmãos Lumiére com seu cinematógrafo. Mas o que parece ser inaugurado aí não é simplesmente uma técnica ilusória de reprodução do movimento, e sim um conceito de espetáculo que se sedimentou durante os dez ou vinte anos seguintes. Graças a interesses econômicos e ideológicos, o cinema passou de um exercício de escrita do movimento com a luz, para uma gramática muito bem sedimentada e padronizada. Junto com esse modelo de narrativa, determinou-se também a situação-cinema. Nela, o público é submetido a uma arquitetura de espectação estanque, que favorece a inatividade motora e a concentração na obra em detrimento da interação social e de uma postura participativa do espectador. Desde o surgimento da televisão e da videografia, porém, essa situação-cinema vem sendo contestada. Com essas novas tecnologias, seguidas pelo advento dos aparatos digitais, o audiovisual deixou de estar confinado às salas escuras, poltronas confortáveis e telas brancas. Todo e qualquer ambiente passou a ser uma paisagem de exibição audiovisual em potencial. Essa ruptura, por suas características estéticas, sociais, culturais, acabou encontrando na arte um campo de expansão. Ao longo dos últimos sessenta anos, a quantidade de aparelhos audiovisuais em circulação, portáteis, interativos só cresce. O resultado é que o audiovisual se tornou nosso principal meio para trocas de informações de toda ordem textual, visual, sonora etc. No seu dia-a-dia, o ser humano transita velozmente entre espaço físico e ciberespaço sem qualquer constrangimento. A materialidade é sempre um estímulo para acessar a virtualidade e vice-versa. Diante desse contexto cultural contemporâneo, de onipresença do audiovisual e de permanente troca entre essas duas janelas, é que este trabalho se posiciona. A busca aqui é por desvendar o ponto em que as duas dimensões de espaço e tempo se tangenciam e se mesclam. Deixam de ser ou para se tornar e. O pano de fundo para esse mergulho é justamente um exercício de exploração da potencialidade estética e criativa da exibição audiovisual entre todos os seus elementos constitutivos, incluindo aí o espectador participador. Assim se criam os cinemas para paisagens


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This thesis focuses on the complex relationship between representations of the human body and the formal processes of mise-en-scène in three consecutive films by the writer-director Paul Schrader: American Gigolo (1980), Cat People (1982) and Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985). While Schrader’s work has typically been critiqued under the broad category of masculinity in crisis (and often as a subset of the films of his more famous long-time collaborator, Martin Scorsese), I focus on a fiveyear early period of his filmography when he sought to explore his key themes of bodily crisis, fragmentation and alienation through an unusually intense focus upon the expressive potential of film form, specifically via the combined elements of colour, lighting, camerawork and production design. By approaching these three films as corporeal character studies of troubled figures whose emotional and psychosexual neurosis is experienced in and through the body, I will locate Schrader’s filmmaking process and style within the thematic and aesthetic contexts of both his own early film criticism and the European and Japanese art cinemas that he claims as his primary influence. In doing so, I will establish Schrader’s position as a director whose literary and theological background differentiated him from his peers of the postclassical Hollywood generation, and who thus continually sought to develop his own visual literacy through his relationship with the camera and his collaborations with more overtly style-oriented film artists. But instead of merely focusing on mise-en-scène to gain a formalist appreciation of these films, I mobilise stylistic analysis as a new critical approach towards the problematic discourses of identity and embodiment that have haunted Schrader’s career from the beginning. In particular, I argue that paying closer attention to Schrader’s formal choices sheds new light on how these films – which he approached as exercises in style – repeatedly deal with the volatile and unavoidably body-oriented categories of race, gender and sexuality. In the process, I argue that a formalist attentiveness to mise-en-scène can also provide valuable cultural insights into Schrader’s oeuvre.


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This article considers the relationships between aesthetics and ideology in donor-funded ‘development’ film-making from Zimbabwe, examining in particular how the films’ producers have attempted to popularize a genre of film-making that has its roots in colonial cinema. Making close reference to two productions from the Harare-based Media for Development Trust (MFD) – Neria (Godwin Mawaru, 1992), and Everyone’s Child (Tsitsi Dangarembga, 1996) (both of which may be regarded as archetypal examples of their genre) – the article demonstrates how the films deploy a range of aesthetic strategies to imbue a set of narratives drawn from colonial development films with greater impact and cultural resonance for contemporary local audiences. The article also suggests that close analysis of these strategies may provide insights into the relationships between the films’ aesthetic dimensions and wider ideological issues in the region.


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This essay covers the history of Károly Lajthay’s Hungarian film Drakula halála (1921), the cinema’s first adaptation of Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula. The essay attempts to construct a production history of the film, as well as to create an accurate list of cast members and key filming locations. As Drakula halála is lost, the essay also features the very first English translation of an extremely rare 1924 Hungarian novella based on the film, which offers much insight into its narrative.


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Predicting the next location of a user based on their previous visiting pattern is one of the primary tasks over data from location based social networks (LBSNs) such as Foursquare. Many different aspects of these so-called “check-in” profiles of a user have been made use of in this task, including spatial and temporal information of check-ins as well as the social network information of the user. Building more sophisticated prediction models by enriching these check-in data by combining them with information from other sources is challenging due to the limited data that these LBSNs expose due to privacy concerns. In this paper, we propose a framework to use the location data from LBSNs, combine it with the data from maps for associating a set of venue categories with these locations. For example, if the user is found to be checking in at a mall that has cafes, cinemas and restaurants according to the map, all these information is associated. This category information is then leveraged to predict the next checkin location by the user. Our experiments with publicly available check-in dataset show that this approach improves on the state-of-the-art methods for location prediction.


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Propaganda represented the sacrifice of soldiers in war and praised the power of the country. It has been around these images that all over the world entire populations were mobilized on the expectation of victory. Through the static image of printed posters or the newspaper news projected in cinemas all over the globe, governments sought to promote a patriotic spirit, encouraging the effort of individual sacrifice by sending a clear set of messages that directly appealed to the voluntary enlistment in the armies, messages that explained the important of rationing essential goods, of the intensification of food production or the purchase of war bonds, exacerbating feelings, arousing emotions and projecting an image divided between the notion of superiority and the idea of fear of the opponent. From press, in the First World War, to radio in World War II, to television and cinema from the 1950s onwards, propaganda proved to be a weapon as deadly as those managed by soldiers in the battlefield. That’s why it is essential to analyse and discuss the topic of War and Propaganda in the Twentieth Century. This conference is organized by the IHC and the CEIS20 and is part of the Centennial Program of the Great War, organized by the IHC, and the International Centennial Program coordinated by the Imperial War Museum in London.


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Dans ce mémoire, nous étudions les productions bollywoodiennes issues de la foisonnante industrie du film de Mumbai. Nous explorons la forme populaire que ce cinéma propose et la nouvelle tendance qui émerge dans les années 1990, à travers laquelle se développent des représentations liées à la nouvelle classe moyenne indienne. Cette étude cherche à interroger les films les plus populaires des années 1990 afin de comprendre comment ils déploient leurs narratifs et leur narration. En procédant à des analyses descriptives et poétiques des récits, l’étude est principalement préoccupée par le traitement de la romance, un thème majeur de cette décennie. À travers ce thème, nous analysons les motifs narratifs, les procédés stylistiques, les détours de l’expression des sentiments ainsi que les dynamiques entre les sphères privée, publique et familiale. Essentiellement, nous mettons en lumière comment la distribution des informations narratives place le spectateur dans une position privilégiée organisant les plaisirs de sa participation aux films bollywoodiens.


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In the current contemporary Chinese context, still caught up with a governmental censorship of the media productions as well as information circulation, creators must find diverse ways to express themselves freely. Several styles of cinemas cohabit in this country hustled by political ideologies. Two main categories are divided, opposed and intermingled, the “mainstream” cinema and the “independent” cinema. It is via the medium of cinema and more particularly that of the present generation of Chinese directors that will be highlighted the emergence of new creative subjectivities. These subjectivities are in a constant dance with the State in the reaching of professional achievement while maintaining the status of artistic independence. The author will look into the evolution of the notion of Chinese identity from the 1990s until today. Rising from an opposition between tradition and modernism, the formation of new subjectivities is founded on a constant negotiation with the imposing forces of globalization but also in relation with the Chinese State. One currently speaks about an easing of communist rigidity and even the emergence of neoliberal tendencies. This would lead to the creation of a Chinese identity, brought up to date in tune with the assertion of individual desires at the expense of the community. The collective experiment is set aside to make room for the subjectivity of creative individuals, who create while positioning themselves as a unit in interrelationship with society.


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Il est désormais commun de reconnaître que le cinéma, aujourd’hui, s’émancipe de son dispositif médiatique traditionnel, adoptant maintes formes liées aux champs culturels qui l’accueillent : jeux vidéo, web, médias portatifs, etc. Toutefois, c’est peut-être le champ des arts visuels et médiatiques contemporains qui lui aura fait adopter, depuis la fin des années soixante, les formes les plus désincarnées, allant parfois jusqu’à le rendre méconnaissable. À cet effet, certaines œuvres sculpturales et installatives contemporaines uniquement composées de lumière et de vapeur semblent, par leurs moyens propres, bel et bien reprendre, tout en les mettant à l’épreuve, quelques caractéristiques du médium cinématographique. Basé sur ce constat, le présent mémoire vise à analyser, sur le plan esthétique, cette filiation potentielle entre le média-cinéma et ces œuvres au caractère immatériel. Pour ce faire, notre propos sera divisé en trois chapitres s’intéressant respectivement : 1) à l’éclatement médiatique du cinéma et à sa requalification vue par les théories intermédiales, 2) au processus d’évidement du cinéma – à la perte de ses images et de ses matériaux – dans les pratiques en arts visuels depuis une cinquantaine d’années, et 3) au corpus de l’artiste danois Olafur Eliasson, et plus spécialement à son œuvre Din Blinde Passager (2010), qui est intimement liée à notre problématique. Notre réflexion sera finalement, au long de ce parcours, principalement guidée par les approches esthétiques et philosophiques de Georges Didi-Huberman et de Jacques Rançière.


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Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de cette thèse a été dépouillée de ses documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale de la thèse a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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La volonté de produire des vues sonores est présente dès les débuts du cinéma, comme en témoignent les expérimentations d'Edison, Lioret, Messter et tant d'autres. Ce mémoire s'inscrira en continuité des études débutées il y a une vingtaine d'années déjà, tendant à montrer que l'utilisation du son in ne débute pas en 1927 avec The Jazz Singer (Alan Crosland). Il s'orientera sur les travaux de Léon Gaumont relatifs à la synchronisation du son et de l'image par l'entremise de son chronophone, et examinera en quoi cette tentative de synchronisation pourrait participer aux processus attractionnels du cinéma des premiers temps, période d'inventions et d'expérimentations multiples de la fin du XIXème siècle jusqu'aux alentours de 1914. De facto, comme ce cinéma a principalement une dimension exhibitionniste, l'ajout du son postsynchronisé semble renforcer son côté attractionnel prédominant : non seulement on « fait vivre des images », mais en plus on adjoint la possibilité de « donner à entendre », en rendant plus intrinsèquement sensitive l'expérience cinématographique. Il sera principalement question de l'apport de cette nouvelle attraction relativement à plusieurs instances : le fabricant de vues animées, le « metteur en scène », l'exhibiteur et, bien entendu, le spectateur. Ces recherches seront basées sur différents types de « vues phoniques » produites par la compagnie de Léon Gaumont qui soulèveront des questions parallèles tantôt relatives aux appareillages, tantôt relatives aux paradigmes de monstration dans lesquelles ces vues s'inscrivent. Ces divers éléments permettront alors de distinguer à quel(s) niveau(x) se situe la frontière entre « l'attraction d'attraction » et l'attraction en soi, que constitue l'adjonction d'un son synchronisé à l'image.