890 resultados para chronic stress
The effect of chronic social stress on growth, energetic substrates and hormones was tested in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. After a 14-day isolation period, the fish were paired for 8 days. In order to expose fish to chronic intermittent social contact during pairing, they were maintained in direct contact with each other during the first day. After that, a black plastic screen partition was introduced in each tank, preventing direct contact between animals. Every day the partition was removed for 30 min, allowing physical interaction between fish. At the end of pairing period, they were isolated again for 13 days. Fish were weighed and blood was sampled frequently during the experiment. Plasma levels of cortisol, growth hormone, glucose, total protein and free amino acids were quantified. Both dominants and subordinates had specific growth rate decreased during the pairing period, but only subordinates increased when the stressor was abolished (dominants: 0.32 +/- 0.21 and 0.24 +/- 0.41, subordinates: -0.77 +/- 0.29 and 0.37 +/- 0.31, respectively). Dominants showed a higher cortisol level one week after pairing condition had been abolished than subordinates (dominants: 56.76 +/- 13.26, subordinates: 31.89 +/- 13.36). We conclude that chronic condition of intermittent social stress represents a stressful condition for animals of both hierarchical ranks and a treatment of one daily short direct contact between conspecifics does not promote habituation in fish, as mentioned for other stressors. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Susceptibility to infections, autoimmune disorders and tumor progression is strongly influenced by the activity of the endocrine and nervous systems in response to a stressful stimulus. When the adaptive system is switched on and off efficiently, the body is able to recover from the stress imposed. However, when the system is activated repeatedly or the activity is sustained, as during chronic or excessive stress, an allostatic load is generated, which can lead to disease over long periods of time. We investigated the effects of chronic cold stress in BALB/c mice (4 degrees C/4 h daily for 7 days) on functions of macrophages. We found that chronic cold stress induced a regulatory phenotype in macrophages, characterized by diminished phagocytic ability, decreased TNF-alpha and IL-6 and increased IL-10 production. In addition, resting macrophages from mice exposed to cold stress stimulated spleen cells to produce regulatory cytokines, and an immunosuppressive state that impaired stressed mice to control Trypanosoma cruzi proliferation. These regulatory effects correlated with an increase in macrophage expression of 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, an enzyme that converts inactive glucocorticoid into its active form. As stress is a common aspect of modern life and plays a role in the etiology of many diseases, the results of this study are important for improving knowledge regarding the neuro-immune-endocrine interactions that occur during stress and to highlight the role of macrophages in the immunosuppression induced by chronic stress. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
There is emerging evidence that individuals have the capacity to learn to be resilient by developing protective mechanisms that prevent them from the maladaptive effects of stress that can contribute to addiction.The emerging field of the neuroscience of resilience is beginning to uncover the circuits and molecules that protect against stress-related neuropsychiatric diseases, such as addiction. Glucocorticoids (GCs) are important regulators of basal and stress-related homeostasis in all higher organisms and influence a wide array of genes in almost every organ and tissue. GCs, therefore, are ideally situated to either promote or prevent adaptation to stress. In this review, we will focus on the role of GCs in the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenocortical axis and extra-hypothalamic regions in regulating basal and chronic stress responses. GCs interact with a large number of neurotransmitter and neuropeptide systems that are associated with the development of addiction. Additionally, the review will focus on the orexinergic and cholinergic pathways and highlight their role in stress and addiction. GCs play a key role in promoting the development of resilience or susceptibility and represent important pharmacotherapeutic targets that can reduce the impact of a maladapted stress system for the treatment of stress-induced addiction.
Visceral pain is a debilitating disorder which affects up to 25% of the population at any one time. It is a global term used to describe pain originating from the internal organs, which is distinct from somatic pain. Currently the treatment strategies are unsatisfactory, with development of novel therapeutics hindered by a lack of detailed knowledge of the underlying mechanisms. The work presented in this thesis aimed to redress this issue and look in more detail at the molecular mechanisms of visceral pain in preclinical models. Stress has long been implicated in the pathophysiology of visceral pain in both preclinical and clinical studies. Here a mouse model of early-life stress-induced visceral hypersensitivity was validated. Moreover, mouse strain differences were also apparent in visceral sensitivity suggesting a possible genetic component to the underlying pathophysiology. Furthermore, gender and sex hormones were also implicated in stress sensitivity and visceral pain. Using the rat model of maternal separation, some of the epigenetic mechanisms underpinning visceral hypersensitivity, specifically the contribution of histone acetylation were unravelled. Glutamate has been well established in somatic pain processing, however, its contribution to visceral pain has not been extensively characterised. It was found that glutamate uptake is impaired in viscerally hypersensitive animals, an effect which could be reversed by treatment with riluzole, a glutamate uptake activator. Moreover, negative modulation of the metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptor 7 was sufficient to reverse visceral hypersensitivity in a stress sensitive rat strain, the Wistar Kyoto rat. Furthermore, toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) was implicated in chronic stress-induced visceral hypersensitivity. Taken together, these findings have furthered our knowledge of the pathophysiology of visceral pain. In addition, we have identified glutamate transporters, mGlu7 receptor, histone acetylation and TLR4 as novel targets, amenable to pharmacological manipulation for the specific treatment of visceral pain.
Exposure to chronic stress can alter the structure and function of brain regions involved in learning and memory, and these effects are typically long-lasting if the stress occurs during sensitive periods of development. Until recently, adolescence has received relatively little attention as a sensitive period of development, despite marked changes in behaviour, heightened reactivity to stressors, and cognitive and neural maturation. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the long-term effects of chronic stress in adolescence on two spatial learning and memory tasks (Morris water maze and Spatial Object Location test) and on a working memory task (Delayed Alternation task). Male rats were randomly assigned to chronic social instability stress (SS; daily 1 hour isolation and subsequent change of cage partner between postnatal days 30 and 45) or to a no-stress control group (CTL). During acquisition learning in the Morris water maze task, SS rats demonstrated impaired long-term memory for the location of the hidden escape platform compared to CTL rats, although the impairment was only seen after the first day of training. Similarly, SS rats had impaired long-term memory in the Spatial Object Location test after a long delay (240 minutes), but not after shorter delays (15 or 60 minutes) compared to CTL rats. On the Delayed Alternation task, which assessed working memory across delays ranging from 5 to 90 seconds, no group differences were observed. These results are partially in line with previous research that revealed adult impairment on spatial learning and memory tasks after exposure to chronic social instability stress in adolescence. The observed deficits, however, appear to be limited to long-term memory as no group differences were observed during brief periods of retention.
Affiliation: Mark Daniel : Département de médecine sociale et préventive, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal
L’Étude sur la santé des aînés au Québec montre que les femmes âgées de 65 ans et plus ont un risque deux fois plus élevé de dépression et de troubles anxieux que les hommes âgés. La littérature scientifique des 40 dernières années suggère que le stress quotidien et le soutien social sont associés à la présence de ces troubles mentaux dans la communauté. L’objectif de la présente étude est de vérifier l’effet médiateur du stress quotidien et du soutien social sur l’association entre le genre et la dépression et les troubles anxieux. L’échantillon était composé d’individus de 65 ans et plus vivant en résidence privée au Québec. Des analyses de régression logistiques ont été menées afin d’identifier l’effet médiateur du stress et du soutien social en contrôlant pour des variables démographiques, socioéconomiques et de santé potentiellement confondantes. Les résultats de ces analyses ne permettent pas de conclure que le stress quotidien et le soutien social sont des variables médiatrices dans la relation entre le genre et la dépression ou entre le genre et les troubles anxieux chez les aînés. Puisque ces variables n’expliquent pas les différences de genre observées dans les prévalences de ces troubles psychiatriques d’autres avenues devront être étudiées.
La mémoire immunitaire permet à l’organisme de se souvenir de tous les agents pathogènes rencontrés afin de pouvoir monter une réponse immunitaire plus rapide et plus efficace en cas de réinfection. Après la phase de contraction de la réponse primaire, les lymphocytes T CD8 mémoires survivent grâce à la présence de cytokines telle que l’interleukine 15 (IL-15). Ces cellules permettent aussi au système immunitaire de contrôler les virus latents n’ayant pas été totalement éliminés de l’hôte. Les situations de stress chronique affectent le système immunitaire provoquant la réactivation des virus latents. Des titres viraux élevés de virus de la famille Herspeviridea ont été observés chez les astronautes à leur retour de mission, suggérant que les hormones libérées en situation de stress auraient un impact négatif sur les lymphocytes T CD8+ mémoires. Un modèle de stress chronique in vitro chez la souris a été élaboré en ajoutant de la corticostérone à des lymphocytes T CD8+ mémoires. Il a ainsi été démontré que l’hormone de stress avait un effet pro-apoptotique sur ces cellules et que cet effet était partiellement inhibé par l’IL-15. Des cibles moléculaires ont aussi été identifiées afin de suivre la fonction immunitaire mémoire lors des vols spatiaux à l’aide du cytomètre en flux Microflow1, une nouvelle plateforme portative de diagnostic biomédical. Les résultats des tests en laboratoire puis dans la Station Spatiale Internationale (SSI) démontrent qu’il sera possible de suivre la fonction immunitaire mémoire et les marqueurs de stress en temps réel lors des vols spatiaux.
Directeur(s) de thèse : Alain Marchand. M. Sc. Université de Montréal 2015. Comprend un résumé en anglais et en français. Disponible en format Adobe PDF.
Le stress chronique en milieu de travail est lié à une variété d’effets négatifs tant physiologiques que psychologiques tels l’anxiété, la dépression et l’épuisement professionnel (Taylor et al., 1997). Les professionnels de la santé et les travailleurs sociaux étant les plus touchés (Felton, 1998), les intervenants des centres de réadaptation de jeunes tels le Centre-Jeunesse de Montréal-Institut Universitaire (CJM-IU) sont donc une population particulièrement vulnérable. L’objectif principal de la présente étude était de tester auprès de 70 intervenants du CJM-IU l’effet d’un programme web de gestion de stress chronique auto-administré sur le stress psychologique et physiologique puisque nous le savons, le stress implique la sécrétion d’hormones et l’activation du système nerveux. Nous avions pour hypothèse que cet effet si présent, aura un impact subséquent sur la dépression, l’anxiété et l’épuisement professionnel. Le programme testé, Stress et Compagnie, développé par le Centre d’Études sur le Stress Humain de l’Institut Universitaire en Santé Mentale de Montréal est basé sur des récentes découvertes en psychoneuroendocrinologie. L’évaluation a été faite par un devis expérimental avec groupe expérimental et témoin avec un pré-test et deux post-test dont un directement après le programme et un autre un mois plus tard. Les résultats sans être significatifs tendent à suggérer que le programme permet de réduire le stress chronique psychologique chez un sous groupe d’intervenants, notamment ceux n’ayant pas été exposés à un évènement potentiellement traumatisant lors de la dernière année. Les effets sur le stress physiologique sont plus instables.
Organisms are constantly subjected to stressful stimuli that affect numerous physiological processes and activate the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, increasing the release of glucocorticoids. Exposure to chronic stress is known to alter basic mechanisms of the stress response. The purpose of the present study was to compare the effect of two different stress paradigms (chronic restraint or variable stress) on behavioral and corticosterone release to a subsequent exposure to stressors. Considering that the HPA axis might respond differently when it is challenged with a novel or a familiar stressor we investigated the changes in the corticosterone levels following the exposure to two stressors: restraint (familiar stress) or forced novelty (novel stress). The changes in the behavioral response were evaluated by measuring the locomotor response to a novel environment. In addition, we examined changes in body, adrenals, and thymus weights in response to the chronic paradigms. Our results showed that exposure to chronic variable stress increased basal plasma corticosterone levels and that both, chronic restraint and variable stresses, promote higher corticosterone levels in response to a novel environment, but not to a challenge restraint stress, as compared to the control (non-stressed) group. Exposure to chronic restraint leads to increased novelty-induced locomotor activity. Furthermore, only the exposure to variable stress reduced body weights. In conclusion, the present results provide additional evidence on how chronic stress affects the organism physiology and point to the importance of the chronic paradigm and challenge stress on the behavioral and hormonal adaptations induced by chronic stress. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Adolescence has been proposed as an ontogenic period of vulnerability to stress. Nevertheless, the impact of stressful events during adolescence in cardiovascular activity is poorly understood. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the immediate and long-lasting effects of exposure to stressful events during adolescence in cardiovascular function of rats. To this end, we compared the impact of 10-days exposure to two chronic stress protocols: the repeated restraint stress (RRS, homotypic) and chronic variable stress (CVS, heterotypic). Independent groups of animals were tested 24 h (immediate) or three weeks (long-lasting) following completion of stress period. Exposure to CVS, but not RRS, during adolescence increased basal HR values without affecting arterial pressure, which was followed by augmented power of oscillatory component at low frequency (sympathetic-related) of the pulse interval (PI). RRS enhanced variance of the PI with an increase in the power of both low and high (parasympathetic-related) frequency components. RRS also increased the baroreflex gain. Neither RRS nor CVS affected systolic arterial pressure variability. The RRS-evoked changes in PI variability were long-lasting and persisted into adulthood while all alterations evoked by the CVS were reversed in adulthood. These findings indicate a stress type-specific influence in immediate and long-term effects of stress during adolescence in cardiovascular function. While immediate changes in cardiovascular function were mainly observed following CVS, long-lasting autonomic consequences in adulthood were observed only in animals exposed to RRS during adolescence.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Stress is the most commonly reported precipitating factor for seizures in patients with epilepsy. Despite compelling anecdotal evidence for stress-induced seizures, animal models of the phenomena are sparse and possible mechanisms are unclear. Here, we tested the hypothesis that increased levels of the stress-associated hormone corticosterone ( CORT) would increase epileptiform activity and spontaneous seizure frequency in mice rendered epileptic following pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus. We monitored video-EEG activity in pilocarpine-treated mice 24/7 for a period of four or more weeks, during which animals were serially treated with CORT or vehicle. CORT increased the frequency and duration of epileptiform events within the first 24 hours of treatment, and this effect persisted for up to two weeks following termination of CORT injections. Interestingly, vehicle injection produced a transient spike in CORT levels - presumably due to the stress of injection - and a modest but significant increase in epileptiform activity. Neither CORT nor vehicle treatment significantly altered seizure frequency; although a small subset of animals did appear responsive. Taken together, our findings indicate that treatment of epileptic animals with exogenous CORT designed to mimic chronic stress can induce a persistent increase in interictal epileptiform activity.