947 resultados para childhood development


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Background/Aims: In an investigation of the functional impact of amblyopia on children, the fine motor skills, perceived self-esteem and eye movements of amblyopic children were compared with that of age-matched controls. The influence of amblyogenic condition or treatment factors that might predict any decrement in outcome measures was investigated. The relationship between indirect measures of eye movements that are used clinically and eye movement characteristics recorded during reading was examined and the relevance of proficiency in fine motor skills to performance on standardised educational tests was explored in a sub-group of the control children. Methods: Children with amblyopia (n=82; age 8.2 ± 1.3 years) from differing causes (infantile esotropia n=17, acquired strabismus n=28, anisometropia n=15, mixed n=13 and deprivation n=9), and a control group of children (n=106; age 9.5 ± 1.2 years) participated in this study. Measures of visual function included monocular logMAR visual acuity (VA) and stereopsis assessed with the Randot Preschool Stereoacuity test, while fine motor skills were measured using the Visual-Motor Control (VMC) and Upper Limb Speed and Dexterity (ULSD) subtests of the Brunicks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency. Perceived self esteem was assessed for those children from grade 3 school level with the Harter Self Perception Profile for Children and for those in younger grades (preschool to grade 2) with the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Acceptance for Young Children. A clinical measure of eye movements was made with the Developmental Eye Movement (DEM) test for those children aged eight years and above. For appropriate case-control comparison of data, the results from amblyopic children were compared with age-matched sub-samples drawn from the group of children with normal vision who completed the tests. Eye movements during reading for comprehension were recorded by the Visagraph infra-red recording system and results of standardised tests of educational performance were also obtained for a sub-set of the control group. Results Amblyopic children (n=82; age 8.2 ± 1.7 years) performed significantly poorer than age-matched control children (n=37; age 8.3 ± 1.3 years) on 9 of 16 fine motor skills sub-items and for the overall age-standardised scores for both VMC and ULSD items (p<0.05); differences were most evident on timed manual dexterity tasks. The underlying aetiology of amblyopia and level of stereoacuity significantly affected fine motor skill performance on both items. However, when examined in a multiple regression model that took into account the inter-correlation between visual characteristics, poorer fine motor skills performance was only associated with strabismus (F1,75 = 5.428; p =0. 022), and not with the level of stereoacuity, refractive error or visual acuity in either eye. Amblyopic children from grade 3 school level and above (n=47; age 9.2 ± 1.3 years), particularly those with acquired strabismus, had significantly lower social acceptance scores than age-matched control children (n=52; age 9.4 ± 0.5 years) (F(5,93) = 3.14; p = 0.012). However, the scores of the amblyopic children were not significantly different to controls for other areas related to self-esteem, including scholastic competence, physical appearance, athletic competence, behavioural conduct and global self worth. A lower social acceptance score was independently associated with a history of treatment with patching but not with a history of strabismus or wearing glasses. Amblyopic children from pre-school to grade 2 school level (n=29; age = 6.6 ± 0.6 years) had similar self-perception scores to their age-matched peers (n=20; age = 6.4 ± 0.5 years). There were no significant differences between the amblyopic (n=39; age 9.1 ± 0.9 years) and age-matched control (n = 42; age = 9.3 ± 0.38 years) groups for any of the DEM outcome measures (Vertical Time, Horizontal Time, Number of Errors and Ratio (Horizontal time/Vertical time)). Performance on the DEM did not significantly relate to measures of VA in either eye, level of binocular function, history of strabismus or refractive error. Developmental Eye Movement test outcome measures Horizontal Time and Vertical Time were significantly correlated with reading rates measured by the Visagraph for both reading for comprehension and naming numbers (r>0.5). Some moderate correlations were also seen between the DEM Ratio and word reading rates as recorded by Visagraph (r=0.37). In children with normal vision, academic scores in mathematics, spelling and reading were associated with measures of fine motor skills. Strongest effect sizes were seen with the timed manual dexterity domain, Upper Limb Speed and Dexterity. Conclusions Amblyopia may have a negative impact on a child’s fine motor skills and an older child’s sense of acceptance by their peers may be influenced by treatment that includes eye patching. Clinical measures of eye movements were not affected in amblyopic children. A number of the outcome measures of the DEM are associated with objective recordings of reading rates, supporting its clinical use for identification of children with slower reading rates. In children with normal vision, proficiency on clinical measures of fine motor skill are associated with outcomes on standardised measures of educational performance. Scores on timed manual dexterity tasks had the strongest association with educational performance. Collectively, the results of this study indicate that, in addition to the reduction in visual acuity and binocular function that define the condition, amblyopes have functional impairment in childhood development skills that underlie proficiency in everyday activities. The study provides support for strategies aimed at early identification and remediation of amblyopia and the co-morbidities that arise from abnormal visual neurodevelopment.


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Research has established a close relationship between learning environments and learning outcomes (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victoria, 2008; Woolner, Hall, Higgins, McCaughey & Wall, 2007) yet little is known about how students in Australian schools imagine the ways that their learning environments could be improved to enhance their engagement with the processes and content of education and children are rarely consulted on the issue of school design (Rudduck & Flutter, 2004). Currently, school and classroom designers give attention to operational matters of efficiency and economy, so that architecture for children’s education is largely conceived in terms of adult and professional needs (Halpin, 2007). This results in the construction of educational spaces that impose traditional teaching and learning methods, reducing the possibilities of imaginative pedagogical relationships. Education authorities may encourage new, student-centred pedagogical styles, such as collaborative learning, team-teaching and peer tutoring, but the spaces where such innovations are occurring do not always provide the features necessary to implement these styles. Heeding the views of children could result in the creation of spaces where more imaginative pedagogical relationships and student-centred pedagogical styles can be implemented. In this article, a research project conducted with children in nine Queensland primary schools to investigate their ideas of the ideal ‘school’ is discussed. Overwhelmingly, the students’ work emphasised that learning should be fun and that learning environments should be eco-friendly places where their imaginations can be engaged and where they learn from and in touch with reality. The children’s imagined schools echo ideas that have been promoted over many decades by progressive educators such as John Dewey (1897, in Provenzo, 2006) (“experiential learning”), AS Neill (in Cassebaum, 2003) (Summerhill school) and Ivan Illich (1970) (“deschooling”), with a vast majority of students suggesting that, wherever possible, learning should take place away from classrooms and in environments that support direct, hands-on learning.


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The transition from early intervention programs to inclusive school settings presents children with developmental disabilities with a range of social challenges. In Queensland, in the year of transition to school, many children with developmental disabilities attend an Early Childhood Development Program for 2 to 3 days each week and also begin attendance in a mainstream program with the latter increasing to full-time attendance during the year. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected by parent interviews and teacher questionnaires for 62 children participating in the Transition to School Project regarding their perceptions of the success of the transition process and the benefits and challenges of inclusion. Both parents and teachers saw a range of benefits to children from their inclusion in ‘regular’ classrooms, with parents noting the helpfulness of teachers and their support for inclusion. Challenges noted by parents included the school’s lack of preparation for their child’s particular developmental needs especially in terms of the physical environment while teachers reported challenges meeting the needs of these children within the context and resources of the classroom. Parents were more likely than teachers to view the transition as easy. Correlational analyses indicated that teachers were more likely to view the transition as easy when they felt that the child was appropriately placed in a ‘regular’ classroom. Findings from this project can inform the development of effective transition-to-school programs in the early school years for children with developmental disabilities.


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In this annotated guide we offer a reference list, with brief synposes, of possible films for inclusion in schools and linked to the Australian Curriculum: English (AC:E). These films meet one of the three cross curriculum priorities in the Australian Curriculum, which is Studies of Asia, specifically Australia’s contribution to Asia and Asia’s impact on Australia. This priority was recently introduced to curriculum policy in the 2008 Melbourne Declaration (Ministerial Council for Education Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs, 2008). In this guide we include Australians films made by Asian Australian filmmakers, as well as films about people from Asian countries in Australia, where representations of Asia are a significant part of the film’s content.


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Deleuze (1990) states in Negotiations that signs are realized in ideas. Although Deleuze referred to cinema, his thinking about signs and ideas can apply to drawings. Cinema is moving imagery and drawing is static, however both are informed and constructed from realized ideas that continue to shift beyond the artifact. Theories about children’s drawings have historically pertained to establishing schematic universalities rather than acknowledging the agglomerative connections they make to the multiple things occurring around a drawing as it is created. Universal schemas however persist within early childhood art discourses despite the growth of critical theory research into other aspects of childhood. Deleuze’s assertions about the signs and classifications of cinema help to contest notions of schematic development, i.e. children should progress through particular iconic drawing stages at particular ages. Deleuze’s quotes and thoughts on the imaginary and imagination are referenced to interrogate ‘scientific’ knowledges and the gathering of evidential truths about children’s intellectual growth and development. Four examples from a dataset of drawings from a pilot study, undertaken by the author that tested the methodological potential of intergenerational collaborative drawing in early childhood settings, facilitate focused discussion on the above contestations.


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Population-based brain mapping provides great insight into the trajectory of aging and dementia, as well as brain changes that normally occur over the human life span.We describe three novel brain mapping techniques, cortical thickness mapping, tensor-based morphometry (TBM), and hippocampal surface modeling, which offer enormous power for measuring disease progression in drug trials, and shed light on the neuroscience of brain degeneration in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI).We report the first time-lapse maps of cortical atrophy spreading dynamically in the living brain, based on averaging data from populations of subjects with Alzheimer's disease and normal subjects imaged longitudinally with MRI. These dynamic sequences show a rapidly advancing wave of cortical atrophy sweeping from limbic and temporal cortices into higher-order association and ultimately primary sensorimotor areas, in a pattern that correlates with cognitive decline. A complementary technique, TBM, reveals the 3D profile of atrophic rates, at each point in the brain. A third technique, hippocampal surface modeling, plots the profile of shape alterations across the hippocampal surface. The three techniques provide moderate to highly automated analyses of images, have been validated on hundreds of scans, and are sensitive to clinically relevant changes in individual patients and groups undergoing different drug treatments. We compare time-lapse maps of AD, MCI, and other dementias, correlate these changes with cognition, and relate them to similar time-lapse maps of childhood development, schizophrenia, and HIV-associated brain degeneration. Strengths and weaknesses of these different imaging measures for basic neuroscience and drug trials are discussed.


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Esta tese teve o objetivo de investigar o processo de apropriação do espaço por educadores que atuam nos berçários da Creche Institucional Doutor Paulo Niemeyer. Trata-se de um estudo de caso/intervenção o qual busca entender os significados e sentidos produzidos por esses sujeitos e as transformações dos arranjos espaciais provocadas pelas intervenções ocorridas em 2008, que enfocaram a formação em serviço através da participação dos mesmos como co-pesquisadores. Partimos do pressuposto de que o espaço/ambiente é um mediador das práticas pedagógicas e do desenvolvimento infantil. Discutimos a concepção de espaço e de outras categorias espaciais (ambiente, território e lugar) a partir da abordagem interdisciplinar (Filosofia, Geografia, Arquitetura, Psicologia e Educação), e histórico-cultural, destacando o caráter relacional do mesmo. Participaram da pesquisa 22 educadores e 37 crianças dos 3 agrupamentos de berçários, além da diretora. Para a produção dos dados, foram realizados os seguintes procedimentos metodológicos: entrevista com a diretora, observação e registro em diário de bordo e fotográfico dos arranjos espaciais e suas transformações, sessões reflexivas com os educadores e aplicação de um questionário nos educadores. Os resultados indicam que as intervenções, via ações colaborativas, propiciaram mudanças significativas nos arranjos espaciais, aumentando a quantidade e a qualidade da estruturação espacial. Igualmente, esta pesquisa possibilitou a reflexão da prática pedagógica e a ressignificação do papel do ambiente no fazer pedagógico. Esperamos que esta pesquisa contribua para a melhoria da qualidade da educação de crianças pequenas e que o uso desta metodologia, da qual os educadores participaram como co-pesquisadores, possa auxiliar no processo de formação em serviço desses profissionais e também em outras pesquisas que privilegiem o víeis interventivo no contexto de investigação.


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BACKGROUND: Late preterm infants (LPIs) (34-36 weeks' gestation) account for up to 75% of preterm births and constitute a significant proportion of all neonatal admissions. This study assessed the impact of neonatal intensive or high-dependency care (IC) on developmental outcomes of LPIs at 3 years of age. METHODS: This cohort study included 225 children born late preterm in Northern Ireland during 2006. Children born late preterm who received IC were compared with children born late preterm who did not receive IC. Cognitive, motor, and language skills were assessed by using the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition. Growth was assessed by using anthropometric measures of height and weight. RESULTS: LPIs who received IC were more often less mature (34 weeks' gestation), with lower birth weight (<= 2500 g) and Apgar scores (<7 at 5 minutes) compared with the control group. They were more often born by cesarean delivery and more likely to have received resuscitation at birth. At 3 years of age, children born late preterm who received IC demonstrated similar cognitive, motor, and language skills compared with children in the control group. Measurements of growth also did not differ significantly between groups. CONCLUSIONS: Despite having increased maternal, perinatal, and neonatal risk factors, there were no significant differences in early childhood development between LPIs who received IC and those who did not. LPIs do not receive routine follow-up after IC and this study provides useful and reassuring data for parents and clinicians on the longer-term outcome of this infant group.


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Dans de nombreuses sociétés industrialisées, une grande valeur est attribuée au jeu des enfants, principalement parce que le jeu est considéré comme étant une composante essentielle de leur développement et qu’il contribue à leur bonheur et à leur bien-être. Toutefois, des inquiétudes ont récemment été exprimées au regard des transformations qui s’opèrent dans le jeu des enfants, notamment en ce qui a trait à la réduction du temps de jeu en plein air. Ces transformations ont été attribuées, en grande partie, à une perception de risques accrus associés au jeu en plein air et à des changements sociaux qui favorisent des activités de loisirs plus structurées et organisées. L’inquiétude concernant la diminution de l’espace-temps accordé au jeu des enfants est d’ailleurs clairement exprimée dans le discours de la santé publique qui, de plus, témoigne d’un redoublement de préoccupations vis-à-vis du mode de vie sédentaire des enfants et d’une volonté affirmée de prévention de l'obésité infantile. Ainsi, les organisations de santé publique sont désormais engagées dans la promotion du jeu actif pour accroître l'activité physique des enfants. Nous assistons à l’émergence d’un discours de santé publique portant sur le jeu des enfants. À travers quatre articles, cette thèse explore le discours émergeant en santé publique sur le jeu des enfants et analyse certains de ses effets potentiels. L'article 1 présente une prise de position sur le sujet du jeu en santé publique. J’y définis le cadre d'analyse de cette thèse en présentant l'argument central de la recherche, les positions que les organisations de santé publique adoptent vis-à-vis le jeu des enfants et les répercussions potentielles que ces positions peuvent avoir sur les enfants et leurs jeux. La thèse permet ensuite d’examiner comment la notion de jeu est abordée par le discours de santé publique. L'article 2 présente ainsi une analyse de discours de santé publique à travers 150 documents portant sur la santé, l'activité physique, l'obésité, les loisirs et le jeu des enfants. Cette étude considère les valeurs et les postulats qui sous-tendent la promotion du jeu comme moyen d’améliorer la santé physique des enfants et permet de discerner comment le jeu est façonné, discipliné et normalisé dans le discours de santé publique. Notre propos révèle que le discours de santé publique représente le jeu des enfants comme une activité pouvant améliorer leur santé; que le plaisir sert de véhicule à la promotion de l’activité physique ; et que les enfants seraient encouragés à organiser leur temps libre de manière à optimiser leur santé. Étant donné l’influence potentielle du discours de santé publique sur la signification et l’expérience vécue du jeu parmi les enfants, cette thèse présente ensuite une analyse des représentations qu’ont 25 enfants âgés de 7 à 11 ans au regard du jeu. L’article 3 suggère que le jeu est une fin en soi pour les enfants de cette étude; qu'il revêt une importance au niveau émotionnel; et qu'il s’avère intrinsèquement motivé, sans but particulier. De plus, l’amusement que procure le jeu relève autant d’activités engagées que d’activités sédentaires. Enfin, certains enfants expriment un sentiment d'ambivalence concernant les jeux organisés; tandis que d’autres considèrent parfois le risque comme une composante particulièrement agréable du jeu. De tels résultats signalent une dissonance entre les formes de jeux promues en santé publique et le sens attribué au jeu par les enfants. Prenant appui sur le concept de « biopédagogies » inspiré des écrits de Michel Foucault, le quatrième article de cette thèse propose un croisement des deux volets de cette étude, soit le discours de santé publique sur le jeu et les constructions du jeu par les enfants. Bien que le discours de la santé publique exhortant au «jeu actif» soit reproduit par certains enfants, d'autres soulignent que le jeu sédentaire est important pour leur bien-être social et affectif. D’autre part, tandis que le « jeu actif » apparait, dans le discours de santé publique, comme une solution permettant de limiter le risque d'obésité, il comporte néanmoins des contradictions concernant la notion de risque, dans la mesure où les enfants ont à négocier avec les risques inhérents à l’activité accrue. À terme, cet article suggère que le discours de santé publique met de l’avant certaines représentations du jeu (actifs) tandis qu’il en néglige d’autres (sédentaires). Cette situation pourrait donner lieu à des conséquences inattendues, dans la mesure où les enfants pourraient éventuellement reconfigurer leurs pratiques de jeu et les significations qu’ils y accordent. Cette thèse n'a pas pour but de fournir des recommandations particulières pour la santé publique au regard du jeu des enfants. Prenant appui sur la perspective théorique de Michel Foucault, nous présentons plutôt une analyse d’un discours émergeant en santé publique ainsi que des pistes pour la poursuite de recherches sur le jeu dans le domaine de l’enfance. Enfin, compte tenu des effets potentiels du discours de la santé publique sur le jeu des enfants, et les perspectives contemporaines sur le jeu et les enfants, la conclusion offre des pistes de réflexion critique.


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La présente thèse est construite en trois parties. La première partie est précédée du chapitre 1 qui présente les premières données du travail de terrain sur les femmes hassidiques Belz, l’éducation des jeunes enfants et l’histoire de la communauté. La première partie est composée de trois chapitres qui analysent les notions relatives à la petite enfance, notamment sa définition et sa conception à travers l’histoire humaine récente et selon différentes cultures. Le chapitre 2 examine la question de la petite enfance en soi et des conditions qui la définissent. Le chapitre 3 analyse l’institutionnalisation de la petite enfance dans le monde moderne contemporain. Le chapitre 4 analyse l’avènement de la norme scientifique et son impact sur la petite enfance en ce qui a trait à l’éducation et au développement. Ces chapitres analysent notamment l’éducation en petite enfance en CPE (Centres de la petite enfance) au Québec. La deuxième partie de la thèse, composée aussi de trois chapitres, présente les paradigmes scientifiques et les cadres conceptuels dominants en petite enfance. Le chapitre 5 explique l’impact du « néolibéralisme » ou de la modernité avancée en petite enfance. Le chapitre 6 présente le nouveau paradigme du « postfondamentalisme » en petite enfance et le chapitre 7, celui de l’éco-éducation ainsi que la posture de « l’écosophie » en petite enfance. Ce dernier propose une application pédagogique de l’éco-éducation et de l’écosophie en petite enfance. La troisième partie fait état du travail de terrain en anthropologie au sein de la communauté féminine des Hassidim Belz de Montréal, notamment au sein des services de garde en milieux familial accrédités par le ministère de la Famille du Québec. Elle se divise en deux chapitres. Le chapitre 8 analyse l’incident de la Directive contre l’enseignement religieux en services de garde subventionnés. Le chapitre 9 propose les résultats du travail de terrain sur la philosophie de vie et la spiritualité des femmes hassidiques Belz de Montréal. La conclusion générale intègre le paradigme de l’éco-éducation et la posture de « l’écosophie » en petite enfance à la philosophie de vie et la spiritualité des femmes hassidiques Belz de Montréal. Elle propose un « réenchantement » du développement et de l’éducation en petite enfance.


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This thesis entitled “Child labour in india”Children are "supremely important assets" of the nation, India proudly asserts in the National Policy for Children (1974) gracefully acknowledging that they are future citizens on whose shoulders the destiny of our nation rests.Childhood is a time of discovery as the world and all it contains are new to children. It is a time of excitement and anticipation. lt is a time of dreams and fantasies. And it is a time of receiving love and appreciation. Paradoxically, a picture of contrast is a common experience in India as a vast majority of children who are starved of basic needs of nutrition, health and education are made to work at an early age in exploitative conditions. The specter of child labour is a glaring anomaly in a country graciously adorning human right. In an exposition of the problem involving human rights abuse, Chapters from Two to Five of this study have shot into focus the human rights jurisprudence with special reference to the rights of children. Children have a particular identity as children and they also have a universal identity as human beings.The concern for mankind expressed unequivocally and transcending the globe will be real and moving and not mere rhetoric and ritual if and only when it begins with children, as, to quote the words of Nehru, the human being counts much more as a child than as a grown up.The first three of these rights namely right to health, right to nutritive food and right to education are dealt with in Chapter Four. Finally, the positive effects of education have been sketched in that chapter to impress upon its significance in the development of human capitals.legitimization. The theme of legitimacy was rationalised on the ground of poverty as a strategy for achieving eradication of child labour ultimately by enforcing minimum wages, shorter working hours, leave compensation, non-formal education etc., as the employer would soon discover that child labour is not cheap and would be obliged to substitute adult labour. However, humanising the work life is only a promise to the detriment of children as the Act of 1986 enacted as a part of the new strategy is nearingcompletion of a decade of existence but nowhere near the fulfilment of the mission.As similar urge is more necessary and overdue, it has been suggested that a special body be established with all powers for cognisance of human rights abuse of children.It is proposed to conclude this study with a brief summary of the inferences drawn from the foregoing chapters along with a few suggestions emerging out of those inferences


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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la incidencia de los mecanismo de cooperación humanitaria utilizados por UNICEF y CICR en la protección de la niñez durante el conflicto en Uganda en el periodo 2008-2012. Se analiza y describen los proyectos implementados para proteger a la niñez en situación de conflicto, teniendo en cuenta las relaciones establecidas entre los actores del Sistema Internacional para generar la cooperación humanitaria. Se parte del hecho que la cooperación humanitaria genera efectos positivos en la población sin embargo se da un choque cultural cuando la cooperación internacional efectúa sus acciones en comunidades con tradiciones y costumbres diferentes.


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Este trabajo realizado como requisito de grado del programa de Filosofía de la Universidad Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, aborda el tema de la educación moral en la infancia a partir del análisis y discusión de algunas teorías de la moral. También hace un acercamiento a la literatura infantil en lo relativo a la función que se le puede atribuir como recurso o herramienta para la formación moral. De este modo, el trabajo se estructura siguiendo una argumentación que primero pretende esclarecer los conceptos que se vinculan con el tema de la educación moral como los son el de socialización, el de infancia, el de desarrollo, el mismo concepto de educación moral, y otros que permiten identificar y problematizar esta cuestión en relación con los niños y las particularidades de su comportamiento, sus procesos cognitivos y el modo en que se dan sus relaciones sociales. Por ello el trabajo recoge aportes de la sociología y de la psicología que complementan el tema, que es observado aquí, principalmente, desde la filosofía moral. Estos conceptos ayudan a estructurar el problema que se plantea relativo a la manera cómo se construye lo moral en la infancia. A partir de ellos se desarrolla el resto del texto, primero, con el análisis crítico que se hace en el capítulo dos a la teoría racionalista de la moral, la cual se pone en discusión con los planteamientos de algunas teorías de los sentimientos morales y del desarrollo emocional. Luego, en el capítulo tres se examina la teoría de las virtudes de Aristóteles, destacando la mayor capacidad que tiene de comprender comportamientos morales no racionales, como los de la infancia, que se relacionan con lo que desde la sociología se entiende como el entorno social en el que se desarrolla la moral individual. Finalmente, en el capítulo cuatro, se examina la literatura infantil como un recurso que sirve para la formación moral en los niños, debido a los procesos cognitivos y sociales, que esta literatura favorece. En este capítulo se retoman las cuestiones tratadas a lo largo del trabajo acerca de lo moral y la formación en la infancia para ponerlas en relación con ejemplos de la literatura infantil tomados de los Cuentos de los Hermanos Grimm que permiten identificar algunos elementos que vinculan la lectura de estos cuentos con los procesos de formación moral.