92 resultados para chelators
La sang de porc és un subproducte comestible que es genera als escorxadors industrials durant el procés d'obtenció de la canal. Aquest subproducte es caracteritza per presentar una elevada càrrega contaminant i, degut a l'elevat volum que es genera, és necessari trobar estratègies que permetin la seva revaloració i aprofitament, a la vegada que disminuïm la contaminació ambiental i les despeses que es deriven del seu processament abans de l'abocament. La fracció cel·lular (FC) constitueix el 40 % de la sang de porc i conté principalment l'hemoglobina (Hb), que representa al voltant del 90 % del contingut en proteïna d'aquesta fracció (un 35 % aproximadament). L'elevat percentatge en proteïna i en ferro, i les seves bones propietats funcionals fan que l'aprofitament d'aquest subproducte com a primera matèria o ingredient de la indústria alimentària sigui una alternativa molt útil a l'hora de reduir les despeses de la indústria càrnia, sempre que es resolguin els problemes de l'enfosquiment i dels sabors estranys que pot conferir la FC quan s'addiciona a productes alimentaris. Una altra possible utilització de la FC és aprofitar les propietats colorants de l'Hb o del grup hemo, com a colorant d'origen natural en diversos productes alimentaris. Els objectius del present treball eren, en primer lloc, determinar les millors condicions d'aplicació del procés de conservació de la FC mitjançant la deshidratació per atomització i caracteritzar físico-químicament i microbiològica el concentrat d'Hb en pols. En segon lloc, avaluar l'eficàcia de diferents additius antioxidants i/o segrestants del ferro per prevenir l'enfosquiment que pateix la FC durant la deshidratació. En tercer lloc, aplicar tractaments d'altes pressions hidrostàtiques com a procés d'higienització i avaluar els efectes d'aquest tractament sobre la microbiota contaminant, el color i les propietats funcionals de la FC. Finalment, desenvolupar un procés d'obtenció d'hidrolitzats proteics descolorats a partir de l'Hb amb la finalitat d'utilitzar-los com a ingredients nutricionals i/o funcionals. La millor temperatura de deshidratació per atomització de la FC hemolitzada era 140ºC. La FC en pols presentava un contingut en humitat del 5,3 % i un percentatge de solubilitat proteica del 96 %. La deshidratació per atomització induïa canvis en l'estructura nativa de l'Hb i, per tant, un cert grau de desnaturalització que pot conduir a una disminució de les seves propietats funcionals. L'extracte sec de la FC en pols estava composat per un 94,6 % de proteïna, un 3 % de sals minerals i un 0,7 % de greix. Els valors CIE L*a*b* del color de la FC en pols eren força constants i reflectien el color vermell marró fosc d'aquesta, a causa de l'oxidació del ferro hèmic que es produeix durant la deshidratació. La càrrega contaminant de la FC fresca de la sang de porc era força elevada i el tractament d'hemòlisi amb ultrasons i la centrifugació posterior no produïen una reducció significativa de la microbiota contaminant, obtenint un producte amb uns recomptes microbiològics de l'ordre de 106 ufc·mL-1. La deshidratació per atomització produïa una disminució d'una unitat logarítmica dels recomptes totals de la FC hemolitzada. Tanmateix, el producte en pols encara reflectia l'elevada contaminació de la primera matèria, fet que condiciona negativament la seva utilització com a ingredient alimentari, a no ser que es millorin les condicions de recollida de la sang a l'escorxador o que aquesta o la FC es sotmeti a algun tractament d'higienització prèviament a la deshidratació. Les isotermes de sorció a 20ºC de la FC en pols tenien forma sigmoïdal i una histèresi estreta i llarga. L'equació GAB és un bon model matemàtic per ajustar les dades de sorció obtingudes experimentalment i determinar la isoterma d'adsorció de la FC deshidratada per atomització. El percentatge d'humitat de la FC deshidratada a 140ºC es corresponia a un valor d'aw a 20 ºC d'aproximadament el 0,16. Tenint en compte que estava per sota dels valors d'aw corresponents a la capa monomolecular, es pot garantir la conservació a temperatura ambient del producte, sempre que s'envasi en recipients tancats que no permetin l'entrada d'humitat de l'exterior. De l'estudi de la possible estabilització del color de la FC deshidratada per atomització mitjançant l'addició d'antioxidants i/o segrestants de ferro, es va observar que només l'àcid ascòrbic, la glucosa, l'àcid nicotínic i la nicotinamida, tenien efectes positius sobre el color del producte en pols. L'ascòrbic i la glucosa no milloraven la conservació del color de l'Hb però disminuïen l'enfosquiment que es produeix durant la deshidratació, amb la qual cosa es pot obtenir un producte en pols de color marró més clar. L'addició de dextrina o L-cisteïna no disminuïa l'enfosquiment ni evitava el canvi de color de l'Hb. L'àcid nicotínic i la nicotinamida protegien el color de l'Hb durant el procés de deshidratació i l'emmagatzematge de la FC en pols. Les millors condicions d'aplicació del tractament amb altes pressions hidrostàtiques (HHP) sobre la FC eren 400 MPa, a 20ºC, durant 15 minuts, perquè produïen una millora significativa de la qualitat microbiològica, no afectaven negativament al color, no comprometien gaire la solubilitat proteica l'Hb i, malgrat que produïen un augment de la viscositat, la FC romania fluida després del tractament. Aquest tractament permetia una reducció de la microbiota contaminant de la FC d'entre 2 i 3 unitats logarítmiques. L'aplicació de l'alta pressió i la posterior deshidratació per atomització permetien obtenir un producte en pols amb recomptes totals de l'ordre de 2,8 unitats logarítmiques. El color de la FC pressuritzada en pols era igual que el de la FC control deshidratada, perquè ambdues mostres presentaven la mateixa susceptibilitat a l'oxidació del grup hemo produïda per la deshidratació. L'alta pressió incrementava la susceptibilitat de l'Hb als efectes desnaturalitzants de la deshidratació, fonamentalment a pH 7 (PIE), ja que es va observar una disminució de la solubilitat proteica a pH neutre després dels 2 processos tecnològics. La FC en pols presentava una màxima capacitat escumant al PIE de l'Hb. L'aplicació del tractament HHP produïa una disminució de la capacitat escumant de la FC en pols, però no tenia efectes negatius sobre l'estabilitat de l'escuma formada. Tampoc es van observar efectes negatius del tractament HHP sobre l'activitat emulsionant de l'Hb. La màxima activitat emulsionant de l'Hb s'aconseguia amb una concentració de FC en pols de l'1,5 % a pH 7 i de l'1 % a pH 4,5. Les pastes obtingudes per escalfament de la FC presentaven característiques molt diferenciades depenent del pH. A pH neutre es formaven unes pastes dures i consistents, mentre que a pH àcid les pastes eren poc consistents, molt adhesives i més elàstiques que les anteriors. Aquestes tenien una capacitat de retenció d'aigua molt superior que les de pH 7, en les quals l'aigua quedava retinguda per capil·laritat. La textura i capacitat de retenció d'aigua de les pastes tampoc eren afectades pel tractament HHP. El tractament HHP incrementava l'activitat de la Tripsina sobre l'Hb quan el substrat i l'enzim es tractaven conjuntament i afavoria el procés d'obtenció d'hidrolitzats descolorats a partir de la FC, la qual cosa permetia assolir el mateix grau de descoloració amb una dosi d'enzim inferior. El tractament d'hidròlisi de la FC amb la utilització combinada de Tripsina seguida d'un tractament amb Pepsina permetia l'obtenció d'un hidrolitzat proteic d'Hb descolorat i hidrolitzava completament la globina, donant lloc a 2 pèptids de 10,8 i 7,4 KDa. Val a dir que també produïa un 60 80 % de nitrogen soluble en TCA, constituït fonamentalment per pèptids petits i aminoàcids lliures. Els hidrolitzats trípsics i pèpsics d'Hb, obtinguts a partir de FC no pressuritzada i deshidratats per atomització a 180ºC, eren de color blanc i tenien un contingut en humitat del 4,7 %, un 84,2 % de proteïna i 9,7 % de sals minerals. El procés d'hidròlisi permetia una reducció considerable de la contaminació de la FC, obtenint un producte en pols amb uns recomptes totals de l'ordre de 102-103 ufc·g-1. Pel que fa a la funcionalitat dels hidrolitzats d'Hb deshidratats per atomització, aquests presentaven una elevada solubilitat proteica a pH 5 i 7 i romanien solubles després d'un escalfament a 80ºC durant 30 min. Tanmateix, aquesta hidròlisi afectava molt negativament la capacitat de mantenir escumes estables i l'activitat emulsionant.
Phytoextraction has been proposed as an alternative remediation technology for soils polluted with heavy metals or radionuclides, but is generally conceived as too slow working. Enhancing the accumulation of trace pollutants in harvestable plant tissues is a prerequisite for the technology to be practically applicable. The chelating aminopolycarboxylic acid, ethylene diamine tetraacetate (EDTA), has been found to enhance shoot accumulation of heavy metals. However, the use of EDTA in phytoextraction may not be suitable due to its high environmental persistence, which may lead to groundwater contamination. This paper aims to assess whether ethylene diamine disuccinate (EDDS), a biodegradable chelator, can be used for enhanced phytoextraction purposes. A laboratory experiment was conducted to examine mobilisation of Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn into the soil solution upon application of EDTA or EDDS. The longevity of the induced mobilisation was monitored for a period of 40 days after application. Estimated effect half lives ranged between 3.8 and 7.5 days for EDDS, depending on the applied dose. The minimum observed effect half life of EDTA was 36 days, while for the highest applied dose no decrease was observed throughout the 40 day period of the mobilisation experiment. Performance of EDTA and EDDS for phytoextraction was evaluated by application to Helianthus annuus. Two other potential chelators, known for their biodegradability in comparison to EDTA, were tested in the plant experiment: nitrilo acetic acid (NTA) and citric acid. Uptake of heavy metals was higher in EDDS-treated pots than in EDTA-treated pots. The effects were still considered insufficiently high to consider efficient remediation. This may be partly due to the choice of timing for application of the soil amendment. Fixing the time of application at an earlier point before harvest may yield better results. NTA and citric acid induced no significant effects on heavy metal uptake. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Iron is essential to virtually all organisms, but poses problems of toxicity and poor solubility. Bacteria have evolved various mechanisms to counter the problems imposed by their iron dependence, allowing them to achieve effective iron homeostasis under a range of iron regimes. Highly efficient iron acquisition systems are used to scavenge iron from the environment under iron-restricted conditions. In many cases, this involves the secretion and internalisation of extracellular ferric chelators called siderophores. Ferrous iron can also be directly imported by the G protein-like transporter, FcoB. For pathogens, host-iron complexes (transferrin, lactoferrin, haem, haemoglobin) are directly used as iron sources. Bacterial iron storage proteins (ferritin, bacterioferritin) provide intracellular iron reserves for use when external supplies are restricted, and iron detoxification proteins (Dps) are employed to protect the chromosome from iron-induced free radical damage. There is evidence that bacteria control their iron requirements in response to iron availability by downregulating the expression of iron proteins during iron-restricted growth. And finally, the expression of the iron homeostatic machinery is subject to iron-dependent global control ensuring that iron acquisition, storage and consumption are geared to iron availability and that intracellular levels of free iron do not reach toxic levels. (C) 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A series of the most common chelators used in magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI) and in radiopharmaceuticals for medical diagnosis and tumour therapy, H(4)dota, H(4)teta, H(8)dotp and H(8)tetp, is examined from a chemical point of view. Differences between 12- and 14-membered tetraazamacrocyclic derivatives with methylcarboxylate and methylphosphonate pendant arms and their chelates with divalent first-series transition metal and trivalent lanthanide ions are discussed on the basis of their thermodynamic stability constants, X- ray structures and theoretical studies.
A family of oxorhenium (V) complexes of newly designed pyridylthioazophenolate ligands has been synthesized and isolated in pure form. The solid state structure of an organic compound (HL1) has been established by X-ray crystallography. The molecular structure observed in the solid state is that the two molecules of the ligand (HL1) in the asymmetric unit have similar geometries, except for the orientation of the pyridine ring. This series of organic moieties acts as tetradentate monobasic NSNO donor chelators in oxorhenium(V) complexes which has been characterized by elemental analyses, IR, H-1-NMR, UV-Vis. The complexes are 1: 1 electrolytes in nature in MeOH solution, the counter anion being ClO4). The electrochemical studies of the [(ReO)-O-V(L)Cl]ClO4 complexes in MeCN using TBAP as supporting electrolyte exhibit quasi-reversible voltammogram showing one-electron couple for [(ReO)-O-VI(L)Cl](2+)-[(ReO)-O-V(L)Cl](+) in the 1.11-1.29 V vs SCE range.
A family of ruthenium (III) complexes of tetradentate monobasic NSNO donor chelators (HL) have been synthesized and isolated in their pure form. On chromatographic separation, trans-dichloro and cis-dichloro ruthenium (111) complexes of pyridylthioazophenolates are eluted using 19:1 and 7:3 (v/v) DCM-MeOH mixtures, respectively. Both cis and trans isomers of the dark brown colored ruthenium (111) complexes, having the general formula of [Ru(L)Cl-2], have been characterized by elemental analyses, spectroscopic and other physico-chemical tools. The magnetic moments of both the cis- and trans-[Ru(L)Cl-2] complexes are in the range of 1.71-1.79 BM. One of the complexes, trans-[Ru(L1)Cl-2] (2a), has been subjected to single-crystal X-ray analysis which confirms that the chlorines are in mutually trans positions in the molecule. The EPR spectra of the cis-[Ru(L)Cl-2] complexes (1) in DMF are consistent with the fact that the complexes are low-spin octahedral with one unpaired electron having three different g values (g(x) not equal g(y) not equal g(z)) complexes are monomeric with an octahedral coordination sphere. The electrochemical studies of [Ru(L)Cl,] in DMF show a quasi-reversible voltammogram. The reduction potentials for the cis-isomers are comparatively lower than those of the corresponding trans isomers. On reaction with the bidentate bipyridyl ligand in the presence of AgNO3, the cis-[Ru(L)Cl-2] complexes (1) produce a series of complexes with the general formula [Ru(L)(bpy)(2)](PF6)(2) (3). which have also been characterized by elemental analyses, spectroscopic and other physico-chemical tools. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bacterioferritin (BFR) from Escherichia coli is a member of the ferritin family of iron storage proteins and has the capacity to store very large amounts of iron as an Fe(3+) mineral inside its central cavity. The ability of organisms to tap into their cellular stores in times of iron deprivation requires that iron must be released from ferritin mineral stores. Currently, relatively little is known about the mechanisms by which this occurs, particularly in prokaryotic ferritins. Here we show that the bis-Met-coordinated heme groups of E. coli BFR, which are not found in other members of the ferritin family, play an important role in iron release from the BFR iron biomineral: kinetic iron release experiments revealed that the transfer of electrons into the internal cavity is the rate-limiting step of the release reaction and that the rate and extent of iron release were significantly increased in the presence of heme. Despite previous reports that a high affinity Fe(2+) chelator is required for iron release, we show that a large proportion of BFR core iron is released in the absence of such a chelator and further that chelators are not passive participants in iron release reactions. Finally, we show that the catalytic ferroxidase center, which is central to the mechanism of mineralization, is not involved in iron release; thus, core mineralization and release processes utilize distinct pathways.
Low density lipoprotein (LDL) has recently been shown to be oxidised by iron within the lysosomes of macrophages and this is a novel potential mechanism for LDL oxidation in atherosclerosis. Our aim was to characterise the chemical and physical changes induced in LDL by iron at lysosomal pH and to investigate the effects of iron chelators and α-tocopherol on this process. LDL was oxidised by iron at pH 4.5 and 37°C and its oxidation monitored by spectrophotometry and HPLC. LDL was oxidised effectively by FeSO4 (5-50 µM) and became highly aggregated at pH 4.5, but not at pH 7.4. Cholesteryl esters decreased and after a pronounced lag 7-ketocholesterol increased greatly. Total hydroperoxides (measured by tri-iodide assay) increased up to 24 h and then decreased only slowly. The lipid composition after 12 h at pH 4.5 and 37°C was similar to that of LDL oxidised by copper at pH 7.4 and 4°C, i.e. rich in hydroperoxides but low in oxysterols. Previously oxidised LDL aggregated rapidly and spontaneously at pH 4.5, but not at pH 7.4. Ferrous was much more effective than ferric iron at oxidising LDL when added after the oxidation was already underway. The iron chelators diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid and, to a lesser extent, desferrioxamine inhibited LDL oxidation when added during its initial stages, but were unable to prevent LDL aggregating after it had been partially oxidised. Surprisingly, desferrioxamine increased the rate of LDL modification when added late in the oxidation process. α-Tocopherol enrichment of LDL initially increased the oxidation of LDL, but inhibited it later. The presence of oxidised and highly aggregated lipid within lysosomes has the potential to perturb the function of these organelles and to promote atherosclerosis.
Adenosine acts in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS), one of the main brain sites related to cardiovascular control. In the present study we show that A(1) adenosine receptor (A(1R)) activation promotes an increase on alpha(2)-adrenoceptor (Alpha(2R)) binding in brainstem cell culture from newborn rats. We investigated the intracellular cascade involved in such modulatory process using different intracellular signaling molecule inhibitors as well as calcium chelators. Phospholipase C, protein kinase Ca(2+)-dependent, IP(3) receptor and intracellular calcium were shown to participate in A(1R)/Alpha(2R) interaction. In conclusion, this result might be important to understand the role of adenosine within the NTS regarding autonomic cardiovascular control. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Malaria is still a major health problem in developing countries. It is caused by the protist parasite Plasmodium, in which proteases are activated during the cell cycle. Ca(2+) is a ubiquitous signalling ion that appears to regulate protease activity through changes in its intracellular concentration. Proteases are crucial to Plasmodium development, but the role of Ca(2+) in their activity is not fully understood. Here we investigated the role of Ca(2+) in protease modulation among rodent Plasmodium spp. Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) peptides, we verified protease activity elicited by Ca(2+) from the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER) after stimulation with thapsigargin (a sarco/endoplasmatic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA) inhibitor) and from acidic compartments by stimulation with nigericin (a K(+)/H(+) exchanger) or monensin (a Na(+)/H(+) exchanger). Intracellular (BAPTA/AM) and extracellular (EGTA) Ca(2+) chelators were used to investigate the role played by Ca(2+) in protease activation. In Plasmodium berghei both EGTA and BAPTA blocked protease activation, whilst in Plasmodium yoelii these compounds caused protease activation. The effects of protease inhibitors on thapsigargin-induced proteolysis also differed between the species. Pepstatin A and phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride (PMSF) increased thapsigargin-induced proteolysis in P. berghei but decreased it in P. yoelii. Conversely. E64 reduced proteolysis in P. berghei but stimulated it in P. yoelii. The data point out key differences in proteolytic responses to Ca(2+) between species of Plasmodium. (C) 2011 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this study, Cu(II) complexes with fluorinated ligands were produced aiming at the development of new, less toxic antileishmanial metallodrugs. Complexes of the general formula CuL(2) (L = lactate, trifluorolactate, 2-hydroxyisobutyrate, trifluoro-2-hydroxyisobutyrate) were synthesized in methanolic medium, purified by crystallization and characterized by elemental analysis and electronic and infrared spectroscopies. In vitro experiments with Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes showed that the trifluorolactate derivative more active than its non-fluorinated counterpart. Our results indicate that fluorinated chelators may be interesting to increase metal toxicity and/or open new paths for metallodrug chemotherapy against leishmaniasis.
Peroxiredoxins are receiving increasing attention as defenders against oxidative damage and sensors of hydrogen peroxide-mediated signaling events. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, deletion of one or more isoforms of the peroxiredoxins is not lethal but compromises genome stability by mechanisms that remain under scrutiny. Here, we show that cytosolic peroxiredoxin-null cells (tsa1 Delta tsa2 Delta) are more resistant to hydrogen peroxide than wildtype (WT) cells and consume it faster under fermentative conditions. Also, tsa1 Delta tsa2 Delta cells produced higher yields of the 1-hydroxyethyl radical from oxidation of the glucose metabolite ethanol, as proved by spin-trapping experiments. A major role for Fenton chemistry in radical formation was excluded by comparing WT and tsa1 Delta tsa2 Delta cells with respect to their levels of total and chelatable metal ions and of radical produced in the presence of chelators. The main route for 1-hydroxyethyl radical formation was ascribed to the peroxidase activity of Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase (Sod1), whose expression and activity increased similar to 5- and 2-fold, respectively, in tsa1 Delta tsa2 Delta compared with WT cells. Accordingly, overexpression of human Sod1 in WT yeasts led to increased 1-hydroxyethyl radical production. Relevantly, tsa1 Delta tsa2 Delta cells challenged with hydrogen peroxide contained higher levels of DNA-derived radicals and adducts as monitored by immuno-spin trapping and incorporation of (14)C from glucose into DNA, respectively. The results indicate that part of hydrogen peroxide consumption by tsa1 Delta tsa2 Delta cells is mediated by induced Sod1, which oxidizes ethanol to the 1-hydroxyethyl radical, which, in turn, leads to increased DNA damage. Overall, our studies provide a pathway to account for the hypermutability of peroxiredoxin-null strains.
The aim of this study was to identify a candidate drug for the development of anti-tuberculosis therapy from previously synthesized compounds based on the thiosemicarbazones, semicarbazones, dithio-carbazates and hydrazide/hydrazones compounds. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of these compounds against Mycobacterium tuberculosis was determined. Their in vitro cytotoxicity to J774 cells (IC(50)) was determined to establish a selectivity index (SI) (SI = IC(50)/MIC). The best compounds were the thiosemicarbazones (2, 3 and 4) and the hydrazide/hydrazones (14, 15, 16 and 18). The results are comparable to or better than those of ""first line"" or ""second line"" drugs commonly used to treat TB, suggesting these compounds as anti-TB drug candidates. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
An improved on-site characterization of humic-rich hydrocolloids and their metal species in aquatic environments was the goal of the present approach. Both ligand exchange with extreme chelators ( diethylenetetraaminepentaacetic acid ( DTPA), ethylendiaminetetraacetic acid ( EDTA)) and metal exchange with strongly competitive cations (Cu(II)) were used on-site to characterize the conditional stability and availability of colloidal metal species in a humic-rich German bogwater lake ( Venner Moor, Munsterland). A mobile time-controlled tangential-flow ultrafiltration technique (cut-off: 1 kDa) was applied to differentiate operationally between colloidal metal species and free metal ions, respectively. DOC ( dissolved organic carbon) and metal determinations were carried out off-site using a home-built carbon analyzer and conventional ICP-OES ( inductively-coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry), respectively. From the metal exchange equilibria obtained on-site the kinetic and thermodynamic stability of the original metal species ( Fe, Mn, Zn) could be characterized. Conditional exchange constants K ex obtained from aquatic metal species and competitive Cu(II) ions follow the order Mn > Zn >> Fe. Obviously, Mn and Zn bound to humic-rich hydrocolloids are very strongly competed by Cu( II) ions, in contrast to Fe which is scarcely exchangeable. The exchange of aquatic metal species (e.g. Fe) by DTPA/EDTA exhibited relatively slow kinetics but rather high metal availabilities, in contrast to their Cu(II) exchange.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a dimorphic fungus that causes paracoccidioidomycosis, the most prevalent human deep mycosis in Latin America. The dimorphic transition from mycelium to yeast (M-Y) is triggered by a temperature shift from 25°C to 37°C and is critical for pathogenicity. Intracellular Ca 2+ levels increased in hyphae immediately after temperature-induced dimorphism. The chelation of Ca 2+ with extracellular (EGTA) or intracellular (BAPTA) calcium chelators inhibited temperature-induced dimorphism, whereas the addition of extracellular Ca 2+ accelerated dimorphism. The calcineurin inhibitor cyclosporine A (CsA), but not tacrolimus (FK506), effectively decreased cell growth, halted the M-Y transition that is associated with virulence, and caused aberrant growth morphologies for all forms of P. brasiliensis. The difference between CsA and FK506 was ascribed by the higher levels of cyclophilins contrasted to FKBPs, the intracellular drug targets required for calcineurin suppression. Chronic exposure to CsA abolished intracellular Ca 2+ homeostasis and decreased mRNA transcription of the CCH1 gene for the plasma membrane Ca 2+ channel in yeast-form cells. CsA had no detectable effect on multidrug resistance efflux pumps, while the effect of FK506 on rhodamine excretion was not correlated with the transition to yeast form. In this study, we present evidence that Ca 2+/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase calcineurin controls hyphal and yeast morphology, M-Y dimorphism, growth, and Ca 2+ homeostasis in P. brasiliensis and that CsA is an effective chemical block for thermodimorphism in this organism. The effects of calcineurin inhibitors on P. brasiliensis reinforce the therapeutic potential of these drugs in a combinatory approach with antifungal drugs to treat endemic paracoccidioidomycosis. Copyright © 2008, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.