982 resultados para changing technologies


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In the past, agricultural researchers tended to ignore the fisheries factor in global food and nutritional security. However, the role of fish is becoming critical as a result of changes in fisheries regimes, income distribution, demand and increasing international trade. Fish has become the fastest growing food commodity in international trade and this is raising concern for the supply of fish for poorer people. As a result, the impact of international trade regimes on fish supply and demand, and the consequences on the availability of fish for developing countries need to be studied. Policies aimed at increasing export earnings are in conflict with those aimed at increasing food security in third world countries. Fisheries policy research will need to focus on three primary areas which have an impact on the marginal and poorer communities of developing countries: increased international demand for low-value fish on the supply of poorer countries; improved aquaculture technologies and productivity on poorer and marginal farmers; and land and water allocation policy on productivity, food security and sustainability across farm, fishery and related sectors. The key to local food security is in the integration of agriculture, aquaculture and natural resources but an important focus on fisheries policy research will be to look at the linkages between societal, economic and natural systems in order to develop adequate and flexible solutions to achieve sustainable use of aquatic resources systems.


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Current technology valuation literature predominantly focuses on explaining the merits and implications of specific tools, but little research is available that takes a contextual process perspective. The aim of this paper is to further develop an integrative process framework that supports the structuring of the valuation process and the more systematic choice of valuation techniques for new technologies. The paper starts by reviewing key concepts and issues that surround the assessment of technology investments and the evidence of what companies use. Many factors need to be brought into the appraisal process, reflecting technological and market conditions. While there is usually a desire to reduce the assessment to a financial value, it is also widely appreciated that there is long term strategic value in securing a technological lead, which is difficult, or even inappropriate, to assess in purely financial terms. The multiple factors involved in the evaluation activity are identified with respect to the changing nature of the appraisal process as the technology matures and the implications for associated tools. The result of the literature review is a process framework which provides a conceptual basis for integrating valuation techniques. This framework is then populated with the results of industrial case studies on technology valuation to allow conclusions on its applicability to be drawn. © 2011 IEEE.


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This qualitative research expands understanding of how information about a range of Novel Food Technologies (NFTs) is used and assimilated, and the implications of this on the evolution of attitudes and acceptance. This work enhances theoretical and applied understanding of citizens’ evaluative processes around these technologies. The approach applied involved observations of interactive exchanges between citizens and information providers (i.e. food scientists), during which they discussed a specific technology. This flexible, yet structured, approach revealed how individuals construct meaning around information about specific NFTs. A rich dataset of 42 ‘deliberate discourse’ and 42 postdiscourse transcripts was collected. Data analysis encompassed three stages: an initial descriptive account of the complete dataset based on the top-down bottom-up (TDBU) model of attitude formation, followed by inductive and deductive thematic analysis across the selected technology groups. The hybrid thematic analysis undertaken identified a Conceptual Model, which represents a holistic perspective on the influences and associated features directing ‘sense-making’ and ultimate evaluations around the technology clusters. How individuals make sense of these technologies is shaped by: their beliefs, values and personal characteristics; their perceptions of power and control over the application of the technology; and, the assumed relevance of the technology and its applications within different contexts. These influences form the frame for the creation of sense-making around the technologies. Internal negotiations between these influences are evident and evaluations are based on the relative importance of each influence to the individual, which tend to contribute to attitude ambivalence and instability. The findings indicate the processes of forming and changing attitudes towards these technologies are: complex; dependent on characteristics of the individual, technology, application and product; and, impacted by the nature and forms of information provided. Challenges are faced in engaging with the public about these technologies, as levels of knowledge, understanding and interest vary.


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Transportation accounts for 22% of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK, and increases to 25% in Northern Ireland. Surface transport carbon dioxide emissions, consisting of road and rail, are dominated by cars. Demand for mobility is rising rapidly and vehicle numbers are expected to more than double by 2050. Car manufacturers are working towards reducing their carbon footprint through improving fuel efficiency and controlling exhaust emissions. Fuel efficiency is now a key consideration of consumers purchasing a new vehicle. While measures have been taken to help to reduce pollutants, in the future, alternative technologies will have to be used in the transportation industry to achieve sustainability. There are currently many alternatives to the market leader, the internal combustion engine. These alternatives include hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and electric vehicles, a term which is widely used to cover battery electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and extended-range electric vehicles. This study draws direct comparisons measuring the differing performance in terms of fuel consumption, carbon emissions and range of a typical family saloon car using different fuel types. These comparisons will then be analysed to see what effect switching from a conventionally fuelled vehicle to a range extended electric vehicle would have not only on the end user, but also the UK government.


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This chapter reports on a study of teachers in transition, developing their practice and their cognitions regarding the integration of learning technologies with traditional approaches to the teaching of English for Academic Purposes (EAP). Taking a case study approach, it examines developments in the practice of three teachers during and after a teacher education programme on the use of technology in the EAP classroom. This is a study of cognition, teaching philosophy, and the relationship between pedagogy, technology, and content, and how teachers situate these within their own practice. The setting is the rapidly changing UK higher education environment, where the speed of change is such that today's latest fashions and gadgets may well be yesterday's news tomorrow. Thus, this is not a tale of individual technologies or tools to make teachers' lives better. This is a story of people, of pedagogy's traditional values intersecting with technology, and the issues arising from this, alongside the evolution of strategies for dealing with these issues.


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L’évolution technologique et l'accroissement de la population vieillissante sont deux tendances majeures de la dernière décennie. Durant cette période, la prolifération ubiquitaire de la téléphonie mobile a changé les habitudes de communication des gens. Le changement constant des appareils téléphoniques portatifs, l'augmentation des fonctions, la diversité iconographique, la variété des interfaces et la complexité de navigation exigent aujourd’hui non seulement plus de temps d'adaptation et d’apprentissage, mais représentent aussi un effort cognitif important. Les technologies d'information et de communication (TIC) sont devenues des outils incontournables de la vie moderne. Pour les personnes âgées, cet univers en perpétuelle mutation avec ces nouveaux appareils représente un obstacle à l’accès à l’information et contribue ainsi au gap générationnel. Le manque de référence et de soutien et les déficiences physiques ou cognitives, que certaines personnes développent en vieillissant, rendent l'usage de ce type d’objet souvent impossible. Pourtant, les produits intelligents plus accessibles, tant au niveau physique que cognitif sont une réelle nécessité au sein de notre société moderne permettant aux personnes âgées de vivre de manière plus autonome et « connectée ». Cette recherche a pour but d'exposer les défis d'usage des téléphones portables existants et d'identifier en particulier les problèmes d’usage que les personnes âgées manifestent. L’étude vise la tranche de population qui est peu habituée aux technologies de communications qui ne ciblent le plus souvent que les plus jeunes et les professionnels. C’est en regardant les habitudes d’usage, que la recherche qualitative nous permettra d’établir un profil des personnes âgées par rapport au TIC et de mieux comprendre les défis liés à la perception, compréhension et l’usage des interfaces de téléphones portables.


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Cette étude porte sur les usages des TIC des étudiants universitaires du Cameroun. Elle se situe dans un contexte de l’enseignement supérieur camerounais en pleine mutation par les TIC. Elle vise donc à mieux comprendre les utilisations des TIC qui influencent l’apprentissage et la motivation académique chez les étudiants universitaires du Cameroun. Pour atteindre cet objectif, quatre principaux axes d’étude sont envisagés : -Les usages des TIC des étudiants universitaires camerounais; -Les perceptions des étudiants sur l’usage des TIC dans leur formation; -L’impact des TIC sur l’apprentissage des étudiants universitaires du Cameroun ; -L’impact des TIC sur la motivation académique des étudiants universitaires en apprentissage. La typologie de De Vries (2001) adoptée, qui est bâtie sur plusieurs variables d’apprentissage en lien avec les TIC (lire, faire des exercices, dialogue, jouer, explorer, manipuler, observer, construire et discuter), a facilité l’élaboration d’un portrait des usages des TIC des étudiants universitaires camerounais. Pour vérifier si les TIC ont un lien avec l’acquisition du savoir visée par un cours chez les étudiants camerounais, nous avons eu recours à la taxonomie de Bloom (1956) révisée par Lorin (2001). Cette taxonomie est constituée des verbes d’action qui décrivent des opérations cognitives d’apprentissage et spécifient des activités d’apprentissage liée aux TIC en terme de « capacité à ». Aussi, les résultats de Barrette (2005) sur les effets des TIC sur l’apprentissage (amélioration des résultats académiques, développement des opérations cognitives, amélioration de la motivation et intérêt des étudiants) nous ont servi de balises pour mieux comprendre les influences des TIC sur l’apprentissage des étudiants universitaires. La littérature sur l’impact des TIC sur la motivation académique a révélé que les sentiments d'autodétermination, de compétence et d'affiliation influencent la motivation des étudiants. Ainsi la théorie retenue de l'autodétermination de Deci et Ryan (1985, 1991, 2000) nous permet de mieux cerner le concept de la motivation dans cette étude. Cette recherche se fonde sur une méthodologie de type mixte, comportant plusieurs sources de données collectées (Savoie-Zajc et Karsenti (2000)): entrevues individuelles semi dirigées avec des étudiants (n = 9), observations participantes d’étudiants (n=2), observations participantes de groupes d’étudiants (n = 3), questionnaire (n=120). La thèse suit un mode de présentation par articles, chacun des articles étant en lien avec l’un des objectifs de la recherche. Les résultats obtenus confortent l’hypothèse d’une utilisation des TIC à des fins académiques par des étudiants dans le campus ainsi que dans les cybercafés. Autrement dit, la recherche dresse un portrait des usages des TIC des étudiants universitaires camerounais en mettant en évidence les types d’utilisation multivariés rencontrés. Les résultats font aussi ressortir que les TIC sont des outils didactiques efficaces pour faciliter la compréhension des situations complexes des cours suivis par les étudiants. Cette recherche a donné lieu à l’adaptation de l’échelle de mesure EMITICE, un instrument de mesure de la motivation lors de l'intégration des TIC dans l'enseignement, qui a permis de déterminer les variations de la motivation des étudiants et de mettre en évidence une comparaison de l'évolution du type de leur motivation.


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Les nouvelles technologies mobiles, Internet et les plateformes d’échanges réseautiques ont-ils un effet tangible sur les habitudes de travail des journalistes politiques de la presse écrite? Comment ces nouveaux outils participent-ils à la construction identitaire de ces journalistes? Dans le but de mieux comprendre leur contexte de travail et de (re)construction identitaire, nous avons choisi d’analyser le rôle qu’occupent les nouvelles technologies dans leur quotidien, tant du point de vue de leurs pratiques actuelles que du point de vue de leurs perceptions d’eux-mêmes et du métier. Dans cette étude qualitative, sept journalistes politiques francophones de médias traditionnels écrits ont été interviewés dans le but de nous aider à mieux cerner les libertés mais aussi les contraintes qui accompagnent l’adoption de nouveaux outils technologiques ainsi que les nouvelles pratiques qui y sont rattachées. Les nouvelles technologies et les plateformes réseautiques ne sont pas que de simples outils de travail, ils redéfinissent le rôle même du journaliste dans la société. Hormis les adaptations quotidiennes qu’elles supposent dans les changements de méthodes de travail, elles contribuent souvent à déstabiliser le journaliste dans ses valeurs traditionnelles les plus solidement ancrées. Ces nouveaux outils deviennent le lieu d’échanges accrus où le journaliste se retrouve, bien malgré lui, à devoir défendre un rôle qui lui était autrefois acquis. Vecteurs d’autovalorisation pour le public, ils sont plus souvent le lieu de résistance pour les journalistes.


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Lorsque les ouragans entrent en contact avec l'environnement bâti et naturel, les autorités publiques n'ont parfois d'autre choix que de déclarer l'évacuation obligatoire de la population située en zone à risque. En raison de l'imprévisibilité du déroulement d'une catastrophe et des comportements humains, les opérations d'évacuation sont confrontées à une incertitude significative. Les expériences passées ont montré que les technologies de l'information et des communications (TIC) ont le potentiel d'améliorer l'état de l'art en gestion des évacuations. Malgré cette reconnaissance, les recherches empiriques sur ce sujet sont à ce jour limitées. La présente étude de cas de la ville de New York explore comment l'intégration des TIC dans la planification opérationnelle des organisations ayant des responsabilités en matière de transport peut améliorer leurs réponses aux événements et influencer le succès global du système de gestion des catastrophes. L'analyse est basée sur les informations recueillies au moyen d'entretiens semi-dirigés avec les organisations de transport et de gestion des catastrophes de la ville de New York ainsi qu’avec des experts du milieu universitaire. Les résultats mettent en lumière le potentiel des TIC pour la prise de décision en interne. Même s’il est largement reconnu que les TIC sont des moyens efficaces d'échanger de l'information en interne et entre les organisations, ces usages sont confrontés à certaines contraintes technologique, organisationnelle, structurelle et systémique. Cette observation a permis d'identifier les contraintes vécues dans les pratiques usuelles de gestion des systèmes urbains.


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The development of computer and network technology is changing the education scenario and transforming the teaching and learning process from the traditional physical environment to the digital environment. It is now possible to access vast amount of information online and enable one to one communication without the confines of place or time. While E-learning and teaching is unlikely to replace face-to-face training and education it is becoming an additional delivery method, providing new learning opportunities to many users. It is also causing an impact on library services as the increased use of ICT and web based learning technologies have paved the way for providing new ICT based services and resources to the users. Online learning has a crucial role in user education, information literacy programmes and in training the library professionals. It can help students become active learners, and libraries will have to play a greater role in this process of transformation. The significance of libraries within an institution has improved due to the fact that academic libraries and information services are now responsible for e-learning within their organization.


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Libraries are caught in the middle—between static or shrinking budgets on one hand and ever-expanding user needs on the other. How did we get here, and where do we go from here? This paper will offer two perspectives: Part I will present survey results about changing Library purchasing habits in light of changing formats, access, business models and user demands. Data from a previous survey on this topic will be compared and updated. Pricing trends and possible futures will be discussed. Part II will briefly trace the history of libraries’ roles in scholarly communication and connecting learners with knowledge. From there, we show an example of phasing in a patron-driven / demand-driven and short-term loan e-book program, complete with incorporating these tools in library instruction, research, and portable device loadability for field work.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é compreender de que forma as organizações moldam seu ambiente, analisando por que algumas práticas tornam-se reconhecidas como ‘sustentáveis’ na indústria de carne bovina brasileira. O estudo dialoga com a literatura de institucionalismo organizacional ao apontar a necessidade de considerar a política (i.e. as negociações entre atores) e significados, a fim de entender como a estabilidade e a mudança institucional ocorrem em um contexto situado (i.e. em um tempo e espaço específicos). A pesquisa conclui que os entendimentos sobre o que poderia ser reconhecido como ‘sustentabilidade’ são o resultado de atores moldando o seu ambiente por meio de ações e interações que produzem significados. Seguindo uma abordagem de hegemonia, essas disputas não são apenas entre os atores que procuram vantagens recursivas, mas também procuram defender ou atacar as lógicas sociais que apoiam a posição dominante dos atores. Além disso, os atores exercem sua agência sobre as condições no presente (i.e. contexto situado), com base em um passado herdado e com o objetivo de produzir um futuro que eles imaginam. Para analisar tais processos uma abordagem de hegemonia entre atores e lógicas sociais foi desenvolvida para destacar a ordem de negociação, uma arena em que os atores lutam pela hegemonia. Como resultado de tais negociações, uma questão focal emerge, influenciando o discurso e interesses dos atores, bem como justificando as iniciativas, programas e tecnologias sobre tal questão; construindo, portanto, o consenso. Baseando-se em Realismo Crítico e Análise Crítica do Discurso, a pesquisa desenvolveu um estudo de caso longitudinal suportado por documentos públicos e confidenciais e entrevistas com especialistas, para examinar o caminho da sustentabilidade na indústria de carne bovina brasileira. Identificou-se três contextos diferentes para agência em relação à sustentabilidade. Enquanto no primeiro verifica-se um silêncio sobre práticas de sustentabilidade, o segundo enfatiza a emergência do desmatamento da Amazônia como uma questão focal, devido à agência do Greenpeace e MPF que força a indústria a desenvolver um sistema de monitoramento que rastreie seus fornecedores de gado de modo a evitar compra de suprimentos associadas ao desmatamento da Amazônia, dentre outras atividades ilegais. Finalmente, durante o terceiro contexto, o sistema de monitoramento permite que indústria de carne bovina se aproprie da sustentabilidade, assim o setor da carne passa a construir a sua legitimidade para influenciar sobre os riscos e oportunidades associadas ao contexto da sustentabilidade. Em termos de lógicas sociais, o desmatamento na Amazônia foi denunciado como um problema ambiental, nesta indústria, ancorado em algumas características da lógica do capitalismo, como a gestão de riscos, inovação e aumento da produtividade, cadeia de fornecimento global e governança. Embora este ataque questione a racionalidade da maximização racional lucro, impondo restrições ambientais para o comportamento das empresas, a solução desenvolvida é também ancorada sobre as mesmas características do capitalismo empregadas para atacá-lo. Como consequência, uma mudança gradual é ilustrada por uma transformação na ‘eficiência quantitativa’ do capitalismo, o aumento da produtividade devido à mudança da proporção de recursos consumidos para produção e à preocupação em evitar o desmatamento da Amazônia. No entanto, a ‘eficiência qualitativa’ do capitalismo é preservada uma vez que os grupos dominantes no poder ainda estão controlando os meios de produção e os recursos a eles associados (i.e. dinheiro, poder e legitimidade). Uma vez que estes processos de negociações são mediados pela racionalidade de se evitar risco aos negócios, consequentemente, a maximização do lucro, o núcleo duro da lógica do capitalismo é preservado. Portanto, os grupos dominantes mantêm sua hegemonia.


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Genomics has been propagated as a paradigm shifting innovation in livestock during the last decade. The possibility of predicting breeding values using genomic information has revolutionized the dairy cattle industry and is now being implemented in beef cattle. In this paper we discuss how genomics is changing cattle breeding through genomic selection, and how this change is creating new ways to articulate assisted reproduction technologies with animal breeding. We also debate that the scientific community is still starting the long journey to reveal the functional aspects of the cattle genome, and that knowledge in this field is the frontier to a whole new venue for the development of novel applications in the livestock sector.


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The meaning of a place has been commonly assigned to the quality of having root (rootedness) or sense of belonging to that setting. While on the contrary, people are nowadays more concerned with the possibilities of free moving and networks of communication. So, the meaning, as well as the materiality of architecture has been dramatically altered with these forces. It is therefore of significance to explore and redefine the sense and the trend of architecture at the age of flow. In this dissertation, initially, we review the gradually changing concept of "place-non-place" and its underlying technological basis. Then we portray the transformation of meaning of architecture as influenced by media and information technology and advanced methods of mobility, in the dawn of 21st century. Against such backdrop, there is a need to sort and analyze architectural practices in response to the triplet of place-non-place and space of flow, which we plan to achieve conclusively. We also trace the concept of flow in the process of formation and transformation of old cities. As a brilliant case study, we look at Persian Bazaar from a socio-architectural point of view. In other word, based on Robert Putnam's theory of social capital, we link social context of the Bazaar with architectural configuration of cities. That is how we believe "cities as flow" are not necessarily a new paradigm.