130 resultados para cecum
To assess the value of sampling lymph nodes located far sidelong colorectal cancer specimens, we analyzed retrospectively surgical specimens from 345 colorectal cancer patients. The mesocolic and perirectal fat was divided into 2 fractions: close to (<5 cm) and distant from (>5 cm) the tumor. Tumors were located in the cecum (n = 61), ascending colon (n = 29), transverse colon (n = 31), descending colon (n = 27), sigmoid colon (n = 108), and rectum (n = 89). The median number of lymph nodes sampled was 17 in both fractions (range, 4-66), 12 (range, 0-46) in the close fraction, and 3 (range, 0-33) in the distant fraction. There were 169 pN0, 104 pN1, and 72 pN2 cases. The pN staging was accurate in all cases except 10 based on the close fraction alone; of these, 6 were upstaged from pN0 to pN1 and 4 from pN1 to pN2 when the distant fraction was considered. Among pN1-upstaged cases, 5 were rectal (3/5 with neoadjuvant radiotherapy) and 1 colonic. In the colon, we found that lymph node location is more important than lymph node number because metastatic lymph nodes were present mostly in the peritumoral area. This suggests that lymph nodes should be initially recovered from the pericolic fat close to the tumor. If there are less than 4 positive lymph nodes and less than 12 lymph nodes examined in total, additional lymph nodes should be retrieved from the distal fraction for potential upstaging. In the rectum, systematic sampling of close and distant lymph nodes is mandatory because in rare cases, metastases are detected only in distant lymph nodes, particularly in patients who have undergone neoadjuvant radiotherapy.
Expression of laminin-5 alpha3, beta3 and gamma2 protein subunits was investigated in colorectal adenocarcinomas using immunostaining and confocal microscopy. The laminin-5 heterotrimer was found in basement membranes and as extracellular deposits in tumor stroma. In contrast to the alpha3 subunit, which was under-expressed, the gamma2 and beta3 subunits were detected in the cytoplasm of carcinoma cells dissociating (budding) from neoplastic tubules, suggestive of focal alterations in laminin-5 assembly and secretion. Laminin-5 gamma2 or beta3 subunit-reactive budding carcinoma cells expressed cytokeratins but not vimentin; they did not proliferate and were not apoptotic. Furthermore, expression of laminin-5 gamma2 and beta3 subunits in budding cells was associated with focal under-expression of the E-cadherin-beta-catenin complex. Results from xenograft experiments showed that budding activity in colorectal adenocarcinomas could be suppressed when these tumors grew at ectopic s.c. sites in nude mice. In vitro, cultured colon carcinoma cells, but not adenoma-derived tumor cells, shared the laminin-5 phenotype expressed by carcinoma cells in vivo. Using colon carcinoma cell lines implanted orthotopically and invading the cecum of nude mice, the laminin-5-associated budding was restored, indicating that this phenotype is not only determined by tumor cell properties but also dependent on the tissue micro-environment. Our results indicate that both laminin-5 alpha3 subunit expression and cell-cell cohesiveness are altered in budding carcinoma cells, which we consider to be actively invading. We propose that the local tissue micro-environment contributes to these events.
BACKGROUND: Refractory status epilepticus (RSE) treatment is usually performed with coma induction using an appropriate general anesthetic. Most frequent complications are represented by hypotension and infection. Other side-effects may however be encountered. OBSERVATIONS: We describe two patients suffering from acute bowel ischemia after thiopental (THP) treatment for RSE. A 73-year-old man with a complex-patial RSE following an acute stroke received THP (303 mg/kg over 48 h); 36 h after THP discontinuation, he presented abdominal tenderness and lactate elevation. Necrosis of the terminal ileum and colon was seen during surgical exploration; he deceased shortly thereafter. A 21 year-old woman had a cryptogenic de novo generalized-convulsive RSE resistant to 5 attempts of EEG burst-suppression. During the 6th attempt, after THP (840 mg/kg over 150 h) together with mild hypothermia, she developed an ileus with elevated serum lactate; caecum necrosis was observed during surgery. Hypernatremia, acidosis and hyperlactatemia heralded this complication in both patients. CONCLUSION: In these two patients, mechanical vascular ischemia may have resulted from drug-induced paralytic ileus. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing this potential fatal side effect in adults with RSE.
BACKGROUND: Direct colonic electrical stimulation may prove to be a treatment option for specific motility disorders such as chronic constipation. The aim of this study was to provoke colonic contractions using electrical stimulation delivered from a battery-operated device. METHODS: Electrodes were inserted into the caecal seromuscular layer of eight anaesthetized pigs. Contractions were induced by a neurostimulator (Medtronic 3625). Caecal motility was measured simultaneously by video image analysis, manometry and a technique assessing colonic transit. RESULTS: Caecal contractions were generated using 8-10 V amplitude, 1000 micros pulse width, 120 Hz frequency for 10-30 s, with an intensity of 7-15 mA. The maximal contraction strength was observed after 20-25 s. Electrical stimulation was followed by a relaxation phase of 1.5-2 min during which contractions propagated orally and aborally over at least 10 cm. Spontaneous and stimulated caecal motility values were significantly different for both intraluminal pressure (mean(s.d.) 332(124) and 463(187) mmHg respectively; P < 0.001, 42 experiments) and movement of contents (1.6(0.9) and 3.9(2.8) mm; P < 0.001, 40 experiments). CONCLUSION: Electrical stimulation modulated caecal motility, and provoked localized and propagated colonic contractions.
The foreign body ingestion ocurrs often with children, olds, psychiatrics patients, prisoners or after excessive alcoholic ingestion. Most of foreign bodies (80-90%) passes spontaneously, 10 a 20% have to be removed by endoscopy and only one per cent (1%) needs to be removed by surgery. The authors report a case of a 49-year-old woman who swallowed a needle which impacted in cecum. The patient had psychosis maniac-depressive and swallowed the foreign body aiming self-damage. The presence of foreign body in cecum is rare because of physiologic straitments in the gastrointestinal tract. The ingestion of needle corresponds six percent (6%) of swallowed objects aiming self-damage. Colonoscopy served for localization the foreign body and its withdrawal with success. Colonoscopy for removing foreign bodies is a safe and cheap procedure.
Colonic obstruction is a very rare complication of gallstone disease. We describe two cases of colonic obstruction by gallstone in old age women, in which the final diagnosis was made on surgery. In one it was found a cholecystocolic fistula and a stone impacted in the sigmoid colon which was milked until the cecum, where it was removed through a cecolithotomy. In the other there was a cholecystoduodenal fistula, the stone was impacted in the sigmoid colon and in association there was a colonic necrosis, treated by colectomy, ileostomy and mucous fistula, During colonic mobilization a colecystoduodenal fistula was exposed, making necessary to perform a cholecystectomy and fistula repair. Both patients died in sepsis.
Videolaparoscopic surgery has been used for treatment of almost all surgical abdominal diseases, mainly where there are no large ressections, or operative field is limited. In these situations, laparoscopic surgery has the advantages of less morbidity, quick recovery and good cosmetic results. Bezoars removal, or its mobilization, is probably included in these possible proceedings. Three non-laparotomic procedures were described: 1. endoscopic-laparoscopic; 2. videolaparoscopy and mobilization of intestinal bezoar to the cecum; 3. laparoscopy and gastrotomy for bezoar removal, through suprapubic incision or the umbilical punction. There have been only two publications describing the videolaparoscopic method for bezoar removal, and the methods applied can be complications or morbidity related. We describe one case where the applied technique is simple and easy to perform, time saving and probably less complications-related. This technique, with four trocars, utilized a plastic bag besides the stomach to be opened, followed by gastrotomy, bezoar removal and immediate introduction in the plastic bag, suture of gastrotomy and removal through the left subcostal trocar. This technique was feasible and easy to perform, with short operative time, and there were no intra or post-operative complications; the patient was discharged in the second post-operative day, and is without further problems after one year follow-up. We believe that this could be an adequate technique to perform laparoscopic gastric bezoar removal, and the rigid sequence of operative events allows a quick procedure, with minimal contamination. The videolaparoscopy seems to be an adequate access to surgical treatment of gastro-intestinal bezoars, with or without obstruction, and should be the ellected the procedure of choice to begin the surgical treatment, with convertion to laparotomy in case of any intra-operative adversity.
Cecal volvulus is an uncommon cause of acute bowel obstruction in adults. The mechanism is torsion of the enlarged, poorly-fixed or hypermobile cecum. Patients with this condition may display highly variable clinical presentations, ranging from intermittent, self-limiting abdominal discomfort to acute abdominal pain associated with intestinal strangulation and sepsis. The treatment needs to be individualized for each case, but surgical management is required in almost every case. In the presence of gangrene or perforation of the cecum, resection and primary ileocolic anastomosis is recommended. However, in non-complicated cases detorsion and cecopexy are adequate. The authors report one case of cecal volvulus in a 55-year-old women treated with cecopexy that complicated with septic jaundice.
Objective: to evaluate the healing effect of the babassu aqueous extract and andiroba oil on open wounds in the cecum of rats. Methods: fifty-four Wistar rats were divided into three groups of 18: 1) babassu group with application of aqueous extract of babassu; 2) andiroba group with application of the oil; and 3) control group, with application of saline solution. All procedures were done by gavage. Each group was divided into three subgroups of six animals according to the observation period of 7, 14 or 21 days. From each animal was removed caecum fragment of 1.5cm² diameter. The areas of the lesions were analyzed macroscopically and resected specimens by light microscopy using hematoxylin-eosin and Masson's trichrome. Results: abscess and infection were observed in two aroeira group animals, and in one only hematoma. In relationship to adhesions degree, babassu group had higher incidence of grade II while in the control and aroeira groups predominated adhesions grade I. On microscopic examination on day 7 fibroblast proliferation was greater in aroeira and lower in babassu group (p=0.028). On the 14th day polymorphonuclear were less pronounced in babassu (p=0.007). As for the resistance test of air insufflation, it was observed that in all andiroba group in all tested days showed be higher. As for collagen, on the 7th day it was present in 100% of animals of aroeira group. On the 14th day was more pronounced in the control group and at day 21 similar results were found in the control and aroeira groups. Conclusion: animals in babassu and andiroba groups showed better cecum healing compared to the control group.
From a flock of 175 Texel sheep 25 animals died after consumption of a sawfly larvae subsequently identified as Perreyia flavipes. The disease occurred in June-July 2006 on a farm located in the county of Encruzilhada do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Although there were 11 cattle in the same paddock, none of them was affected. High numbers of compact masses containing up to 150 larvae were scattered in the paddock where the animals were grazing. Most affected sheep showed severe apathy during 24-36 h before death, but weakness, muscular tremors and depression were also observed. Necropsy was performed on six sheep and the main macroscopic lesions were hemorrhages in the subcutaneous tissues, endocardium, gallbladder wall, and abomasal mucosa. In all animals was found hydrothorax, hydropericardium, ascites, and mild jaundice. Edema in the abomasal folds, mesentery, perirenal tissues, and gallbladder wall were also seen. The livers were yellowish with disseminated pinpoint hemorrhages in the parenchyma and had an enhanced lobular pattern. Perreyia flavipes larval body fragments and heads were found in the forestomach contents of the six sheep. Feces were scant, dry and formed balls coated by mucus and streaks of blood. Similar contents were also present at the end of the cecum. Prominent microscopic lesions included severe and diffuse periacinar or massive necrosis of hepatocytes associated with multifocal random hemorrhages. Diffuse necrosis of lymphoid follicles in lymph nodes and Peyer's patches, lymphoid depletion and necrosis in germinative centers of the spleen, and diffuse vacuolization in the renal tubular epithelia were also seen.
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the real importance of anaerobic enteropathogens and rotavirus in contrast to more common agents as cause of diarrhea in piglets within the first week of life. Sixty 1- to 7-day-old piglets, 30 diarrheic and 30 non-diarrheic (control), from 15 different herds were selected, euthanized and necropsied. Samples of the jejunum, ileum, colon, cecum and feces were collected from the piglets and analyzed to determine the presence of the following enteropathogens: enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), Clostridium perfringens types A and C, Clostridium difficile, rotavirus and Isospora suis. Among diarrheic piglets, 23.3% were positive for C. difficile, 70% for C. perfringens type A cpb2+, 14.3% for rotavirus and 10% for ETEC. Among non-diarrheic control piglets, 10% were positive for C. difficile, 76.7% for C. perfringens type A cpb2+, 0% for rotavirus, 3.3% for ETEC and 3.3% for I. suis. C. perfringens type C was not detected in any of the animals. Histological lesions characteristic of C. difficile, E. coli and rotavirus were observed. However, no C. perfringens type A suggestive lesions were detected. There was a positive correlation between mesocolon edema and the presence of C. difficile toxins. Although C. perfringens type A cpb2+ was the most frequently detected enteropathogen, there was no association between its presence and diarrhea or macro or microscopic changes. C. difficile and Rotavirus were the most relevant pathogens involved with neonatal diarrhea in this study, and histopathology associated with microbiological test proved to be the key to reach a final diagnosis.
The study examined (1) the immune response in broiler chickens after oral immunization with recombinant flagellin (rFliC) from Salmonella Typhimurium conjugated with sodium alginate microparticles, and the immune response enhancement in association with recombinant cholera toxin B subunit protein (rCTB) and pool of Lactobacillus spp. (PL). The immune responses were evaluated by dosage of IgY serum and IgA from intestinal fluid and immunostaining of CD8+ T lymphocytes in the cecum. The immunized animals were challenged with Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) 21 days after treatment. In all immunized groups, a significant increase (p<0.05) was observed in IgA levels (μg/mL), especially three weeks after immunization. The serum IgY levels (μg/mL) were little affected by the treatments and differed significantly among groups only in the second post-immunization week (p<0.05). After the challenge, the number of CD8+ T cells differed significantly between the treatments and negative control. Retrieval of Salmonella Typhimurium was not detected at 48 hours after the challenge in T2 (rFliC+rCTb), T3 (rFliC+PL) and T4 (rFliC+rCTB PL). The rFliC administered orally with or without rCTB and Lactobacillus spp. produces significant induction of humoral immune response, and the immunized chickens were more effective in eliminating Salmonella after challenge.
Abstract:Trematodes belonging to the family Eucotylidae, including Tanaisia(Paratanaisia)bragaiSantos, 1934are parasites of the kidney and ureter that affect several species of domestic and wild birds. Tanaisia bragaiis considered a low pathogenic parasite, but high worm burdens may determine clinical complications, including signs of apathy, weight loss, diarrhea and death. This paper describes the first report of infection by T. bragai in peacocks (Pavo cristatus), which constitutes a new host record and offers data on the lesions associated to this parasitism, although the degree of pathogenicity and parasite load may be considered mild. These birds did not exhibit clinical signs of parasitism. The macroscopic exam revealed discreet yellow spots on the liver. In the histological sections of the kidney, specimens of T. bragai were found in the collecting ducts, which were markedly dilated, with a thickened wall. Other findings included a mild inflammatory reaction in the wall of the ducts (but sometimes absent), flattening of lining epithelial cells and small, multifocal points of calcification around the collecting ducts. The microscopic examination of the parasites revealed trematodes with an elongated body, well-developed sub terminal oral sucker, pharynx present, short esophagus, cecum somewhat undulating or not, with blind end, testes symmetrical, equatorial, irregular in shape or slightly lobed, vitelline fields extending in both pre-ovarian and post ovarian fields, uterus very long, intercecal or sometimes overlapping the cecum and containing large quantities of eggs. The present findings suggest the need for further diagnostic studies on the prevalence of this trematode in peacocks as well as pathologic studies for the determination of the potential pathogenicity of this parasite in this species of bird. Moreover, infected peacocks could serve as carriers of T. bragai to be transferred to other bird species, thereby contributing to the dispersion of the parasite.
As a T cell-dependent phenomenon, oral tolerance is not expected to depend necessarily on native configuration of antigens. We investigated the induction of oral tolerance with modified ovalbumin (Ova). Oral administration of heat-denatured (HD-Ova) and cyanogen bromide-degraded ovalbumin was less effective than native Ova in inducing oral tolerance in B6D2F1 mice. HD-Ova was effective in suppressing delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions but did not suppress specific antibody formation. Injection of Ova directly into the stomach, but not into the ileum or cecum, suppressed subsequent immunization to DTH reactions. Gavage with protease inhibitors (aprotinin or ovomucoid) before gavage with Ova was ineffective in blocking tolerance induction. Treatment with hydroxyurea to destroy cycling cells 24 h before gavage with Ova blocked oral tolerance induction and also the possibility to passively transfer tolerance to naive recipients with the serum of mice gavaged with Ova 1 h before. The implications of these findings about oral tolerance induction are discussed
The submucous plexus of the normal small and large intestine of Calomys callosus was studied by NADH and AChE histochemical techniques and by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The plexus contains (mean ± SD) 7,488 ± 293 neurons/cm2 in the duodenum, 5,611 ± 836 in the jejunum, 2,741 ± 360 in the ileum, 3,067 ± 179 in the cecum, and 3,817 ± 256 in the proximal colon. No ganglia or nerve cell bodies were seen in the esophagus, stomach, distal colon or rectum. The neurons are pear-shaped with a round or oval nucleus and the neuronal cell profile areas were larger in the large intestine than in the small intestine. Most of the neurons display intense AChE activity in the cytoplasm. AChE-positive nerve fibers are present in a primary meshwork of large nerve bundles and in a secondary meshwork of finer nerve bundles. At the ultrastructural level, the ganglia are irregular in shape and covered with fibroblast-like cells. The nucleoplasm of the neurons is finely granular with a few condensations of chromatin attached to the nuclear envelope. In the neuropil numerous varicosities filled with vesicles of different size and electron densities are seen. The pre- and post-synaptic membrane thickenings are asymmetric. Characteristic glial cells with oval nuclei and few organelles are numerous. These data provide a detailed description of this submucosal meshwork.