993 resultados para cattle disease
Bovine tuberculosis, caused by infection with Mycobacterium bovis, is a re-emerging zoonotic disease. It has staged a comeback by establishing infections in wildlife and cattle, creating the potential for human disease in locations where it was thought to be under control. In northwestern Minnesota, infected cattle and white-tailed deer were first discovered in 2005. A major bovine tuberculosis eradication campaign is underway in the state, with multiple efforts employed to control M. bovis infection in both cattle and deer populations. In order to effectively eradicate bovine tuberculosis in Minnesota, there is a need for better understanding of the factors that increase the risk of deer and cattle interacting in a way that facilitates tuberculosis transmission. By reducing the risk of disease transmission within the animal populations, we will also reduce the risk that bovine tuberculosis will again become a common disease in human populations. The purpose of this study is to characterize the risk of interactions between cattle and white-tailed deer in northern Minnesota in order to prevent M. bovis transmission. A survey originally developed to assess deer-cattle interactions in Michigan was modified for use in Minnesota, introducing a scoring method to evaluate the areas of highest priority at risk of potential deer-cattle interaction. The resulting semi-quantitative deer-cattle interaction risk assessment was used at 53 cattle herds located in the region adjacent to the bovine tuberculosis “Core Area”. Two evaluators each scored the farm separately, and then created a management plan for the farm that prioritized the areas of greatest risk for deer-cattle interactions. Herds located within the “Management Zone” were evaluated by Minnesota Board of Animal Health staff, and results from these surveys were used as a point of comparison.
Livestock face complex foraging options associated with optimizing nutrient intake while being able to avoid areas posing risk of parasites or disease. Areas of tall nutrient-rich swards around fecal deposits may be attractive for grazing, but might incur fitness costs from parasites. We use the example of dairy cattle and the risks of tuberculosis transmission posed to them by pastures contaminated with badger excreta to examine this trade-off. A risk may be posed either by aerosolized inhalation through investigation or by ingestion via grazing contaminated swards. We quantified the levels of investigation and grazing of 150 dairy cows at badger latrines (accumulations of feces and urine) and crossing points (urination-only sites). Grazing behavior was compared between strip-grazed and rotation-grazed fields. Strip grazing had fields subdivided for grazing periods of <24 h, whereas rotational grazing involved access to whole fields for 1 to 7 d each. A higher proportion of the herd investigated badger latrines than crossing points or controls. Cattle initially avoided swards around badger latrines but not around crossing points. Avoidance periods were shorter in strip- compared with rotation-grazing systems. In rotation-grazing management, latrines were avoided for longer times, but there were more investigative contacts than with strip-grazing management. If investigation is a major route of tuberculosis transmission, the risk to cattle is greatest in extensive rotation-grazing systems. However, if ingestion of fresh urine is the primary method of transmission, strip-grazing management may pose a greater threat. Farming systems affect the level and type of contact between livestock and wildlife excreta and thus the risks of disease.
Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV), an arthropod-borne orbivirus, causes significant mortality in white-tailed deer and can also cause disease in cattle. Objectives of this preliminary investigation were 1) to survey cattle at auction markets to determine the prevalence of anti-EHDV antibodies in Iowa cattle, 2) to determine EHDV seroprevalence in herds in which clinical EHD had been diagnosed, and 3) to determine whether EHDV is associated with stillbirths and/or congenital anomalies in calves. There was a 15% seroprevalence in auction market cattle; positive cattle were from southern, central, and western Iowa. Herds in which clinical EHD had been diagnosed had >60% seroprevalence. Viremia was detected in both clinically affected and unaffected cattle during an EHD outbreak. EHDV exposure was not consistently associated with congenital anomalies. Although additional surveillance is warranted, EHDV is unlikely to have a significant effect on the reproductive health of Iowa cattle.
The membrane-associated enzyme L-α-glycerol-3-phosphate oxidase (GlpO) of Mycoplasma mycoides subs. mycoides (Mmm), the causal agent of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) has been identified as a virulence factor responsible for the release of toxic by-products such as H2O2 that mediate host cell injury. Since CBPP pathogenesis is based on host inflammatory reactions, we have determined the capacity of recombinant GlpO to generate in vivo protective responses against challenge in immunized cattle. We also investigated whether sera raised against recombinant GlpO in cattle and mice inhibit production of H2O2 by Mmm. Immunization of cattle with recombinant GlpO did not protect against challenge with a virulent strain of Mmm. Further, although both murine and bovine antisera raised against recombinant GlpO detected recombinant and native forms of GlpO in immunoblot assays with similar titres, only murine antibodies could neutralize GlpO enzymatic function. The data raise the possibility that Mmm has adapted to evade potential detrimental antibody responses in its definitive host.
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether sheep grazing communal alpine pastures with cattle can transmit Border disease virus (BDV) to cattle. A total of 1170 sheep and 923 cattle were tested for BDV using RT-PCR (sheep) and for pestivirus antibodies using an ELISA (cattle), respectively, before being moved to one of 4 pastures (A, B, C and D). Eight sheep from pasture C were viraemic. 396 of 923 cattle examined before the pasture season were seronegative. The latter were re-examined after the pasture season and 99 were seropositive or indeterminate. Antibody specificity was determined in 25 of these using a serum neutralization test (SNT). BDV infection was confirmed in 10 cattle and was considered likely in 8 others. BVDV infection was confirmed in 4 cattle and considered likely in 3 after pasturing. The study has shown that the transmission of BDV from sheep to cattle is possible on communal alpine pastures.
The purpose of this study was to examine the occurrence of sheep persistently infected with Border disease virus (BDV) on 76 mixed cattle and sheep farms and whether seroconversion to BDV infection occurred in cattle of these farms. Seroprevalence of BDV and bovine viral disease virus (BVDV) infection in sheep was also investigated. Quantitative RT-PCR for pestivirus detection and an ELISA to detect pestivirus antibodies were used in 2'384 and 2'291 ovine blood samples, respectively. Another 27 seropositive sheep from ten flocks underwent serum neutralization testing to differentiate between BDV and BVDV antibodies. A BDV titre that was at least four times higher than the BVDV titre was interpreted as the result of BDV infection. Titres against BVDV were interpreted in an analogous fashion. All examined sheep were pestivirus-negative, 310 sheep were seropositive, 119 had an indeterminate titre and 1'862 were seronegative. The flock seroprevalence ranged from 0.0 to 73.9 %. Three of the 27 flocks that underwent serum neutralization testing were interpreted as BDV-infected because of 6 sheep with higher BDV titres, and 6 flocks were interpreted as BVDV-infected because of 14 sheep with higher BVDV titres.
Congenital pseudomyotonia in Chianina cattle is a muscle function disorder very similar to that of Brody disease in humans. Mutations in the human ATP2A1 gene, encoding SERCA1, cause Brody myopathy. The analysis of the collected Chianina pedigree data suggested monogenic autosomal recessive inheritance and revealed that all 17 affected individuals traced back to a single founder. A deficiency of SERCA1 function in skeletal muscle of pseudomyotonia affected Chianina cattle was observed as SERCA1 activity in affected animals was decreased by about 70%. Linkage analysis showed that the mutation was located in the ATP2A1 gene region on BTA25 and subsequent mutation analysis of the ATP2A1 exons revealed a perfectly associated missense mutation in exon 6 (c.491G>A) leading to a p.Arg164His substitution. Arg164 represents a functionally important and strongly conserved residue of SERCA1. This study provides a suitable large animal model for human Brody disease.
Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is a serious respiratory disease of cattle caused by Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides. Current vaccines against CBPP induce short-lived immunity and can cause severe postvaccine reactions. Previous studies have identified the N terminus of the transmembrane lipoprotein Q (LppQ-N') of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides as the major antigen and a possible virulence factor. We therefore immunized cattle with purified recombinant LppQ-N' formulated in Freund's adjuvant and challenged them with M. mycoides subsp. mycoides. Vaccinated animals showed a strong seroconversion to LppQ, but they exhibited significantly enhanced postchallenge glomerulonephritis compared to the placebo group (P = 0.021). Glomerulonephritis was characterized by features that suggested the development of antigen-antibody immune complexes. Clinical signs and gross pathological scores did not significantly differ between vaccinated and placebo groups. These findings reveal for the first time the pathogenesis of enhanced disease as a result of antibodies against LppQ during challenge and also argue against inclusion of LppQ-N' in a future subunit vaccine for CBPP.
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Associations between exposure to viruses and bovine respiratory disease in Australian feedlot cattle
Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is the most important cause of clinical disease and death in feedlot cattle. Respiratory viral infections are key components in predisposing cattle to the development of this disease. To quantify the contribution of four viruses commonly associated with BRD, a case-control study was conducted nested within the National Bovine Respiratory Disease Initiative project population in Australian feedlot cattle. Effects of exposure to Bovine viral diarrhoea virus 1 (BVDV-1), Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1), Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) and Bovine parainfluenza virus 3 (BPIV-3), and to combinations of these viruses, were investigated. Based on weighted seroprevalences at induction (when animals were enrolled and initial samples collected), the percentages of the project population estimated to be seropositive were 24% for BoHV-1, 69% for BVDV-1, 89% for BRSV and 91% for BPIV-3. For each of the four viruses, seropositivity at induction was associated with reduced risk of BRD (OR: 0.6–0.9), and seroincrease from induction to second blood sampling (35–60 days after induction) was associated with increased risk of BRD (OR: 1.3–1.5). Compared to animals that were seropositive for all four viruses at induction, animals were at progressively increased risk with increasing number of viruses for which they were seronegative; those seronegative for all four viruses were at greatest risk (OR: 2.4). Animals that seroincreased for one or more viruses from induction to second blood sampling were at increased risk (OR: 1.4–2.1) of BRD compared to animals that did not seroincrease for any viruses. Collectively these results confirm that prior exposure to these viruses is protective while exposure at or after feedlot entry increases the risk of development of BRD in feedlots. However, the modest increases in risk associated with seroincrease for each virus separately, and the progressive increases in risk with multiple viral exposures highlights the importance of concurrent infections in the aetiology of the BRD complex. These findings indicate that, while efficacious vaccines could aid in the control of BRD, vaccination against one of these viruses would not have large effects on population BRD incidence but vaccination against multiple viruses would be expected to result in greater reductions in incidence. The findings also confirm the multifactorial nature of BRD development, and indicate that multifaceted approaches in addition to efficacious vaccines against viruses will be required for substantial reductions in BRD incidence.
Viruses play a key role in the complex aetiology of bovine respiratory disease (BRD). Bovine viral diarrhoea virus 1 (BVDV-1) is widespread in Australia and has been shown to contribute to BRD occurrence. As part of a prospective longitudinal study on BRD, effects of exposure to BVDV-1 on risk of BRD in Australian feedlot cattle were investigated. A total of 35,160 animals were enrolled at induction (when animals were identified and characteristics recorded), held in feedlot pens with other cattle (cohorts) and monitored for occurrence of BRD over the first 50 days following induction. Biological samples collected from all animals were tested to determine which animals were persistently infected (PI) with BVDV-1. Data obtained from the Australian National Livestock Identification System database were used to determine which groups of animals that were together at the farm of origin and at 28 days prior to induction (and were enrolled in the study) contained a PI animal and hence to identify animals that had probably been exposed to a PI animal prior to induction. Multi-level Bayesian logistic regression models were fitted to estimate the effects of exposure to BVDV-1 on the risk of occurrence of BRD.Although only a total of 85 study animals (0.24%) were identified as being PI with BVDV-1, BVDV-1 was detected on quantitative polymerase chain reaction in 59% of cohorts. The PI animals were at moderately increased risk of BRD (OR 1.9; 95% credible interval 1.0-3.2). Exposure to BVDV-1 in the cohort was also associated with a moderately increased risk of BRD (OR 1.7; 95% credible interval 1.1-2.5) regardless of whether or not a PI animal was identified within the cohort. Additional analyses indicated that a single quantitative real-time PCR test is useful for distinguishing PI animals from transiently infected animals.The results of the study suggest that removal of PI animals and/or vaccination, both before feedlot entry, would reduce the impact of BVDV-1 on BRD risk in cattle in Australian feedlots. Economic assessment of these strategies under Australian conditions is required. © 2016 Elsevier B.V.