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In a recent paper Meyer and Yeoman [Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2650 (1997)] have shown that the resonance fluorescence from two atoms placed in a cavity and driven by an incoherent field can produce an interference pattern with a dark center. We study the fluorescence from two coherently driven atoms in free space and show that this system can also produce an interference pattern with a dark center. This happens when the atoms are in nonequivalent positions in the driving: field, i.e., the atoms experience different intensities and phases of the driving field. We discuss the role of the interatomic interactions in this process and find that the interference pattern with a dark center results from the participation of the antisymmetric state in the dynamics of the driven two-atom system.


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We study the behavior of a two-level atom that is driven by a bichromatic field consisting of a strong resonant component and a weaker tunable component. In addition to the splitting of the energy levels (the multiphoton AC Stark effect), we find that the weaker component also shifts the subharmonic resonances, an effect we attribute to a dynamic Stark shift. When the weaker component is tuned to a shifted resonance, no fluorescence occurs at either the frequency of the strong component or the three-photon mixing frequency. Results are obtained with numerical techniques and explained in terms of the dressed-atom model of the system. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America [S0740-3224(98)01508-2] OCIS codes: 270.4180, 270.6620, 270.0270.


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We study the interaction of a two-level atom with two lasers of different frequencies and amplitudes: a strong laser of Rabi frequency 2 Ohm(1) on resonance with the atomic transition, and a weaker laser detuned by subharmonics (2 Ohm(1)/n) of the Rabi frequency of the first. We find that under these conditions the second laser couples the dressed states created by the first in an n-photon process, resulting in doubly dressed states and in a ''multiphoton ac Stark'' effect. We calculate the eigenstates of the doubly dressed atom and their energies, and illustrate the role of this multiphoton ac Stark effect in its fluorescence, absorption, and Autler-Townes spectra. [S1050-2947(98)07607-0].


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We study the resonance fluorescence from two interacting atoms driven by a squeezed vacuum field and show that this system produces an interference pattern with a dark center. We discuss the role of the interatomic interactions in this process and find that the interference pattern results from an unequal population of the symmetric and antisymmetric states of the two-atom system. We also identify intrinsically nonclassical effects versus classical squeezed field effects, (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present finite element simulations of temperature gradient driven rock alteration and mineralization in fluid saturated porous rock masses. In particular, we explore the significance of production/annihilation terms in the mass balance equations and the dependence of the spatial patterns of rock alteration upon the ratio of the roll over time of large scale convection cells to the relaxation time of the chemical reactions. Special concepts such as the gradient reaction criterion or rock alteration index (RAI) are discussed in light of the present, more general theory. In order to validate the finite element simulation, we derive an analytical solution for the rock alteration index of a benchmark problem on a two-dimensional rectangular domain. Since the geometry and boundary conditions of the benchmark problem can be easily and exactly modelled, the analytical solution is also useful for validating other numerical methods, such as the finite difference method and the boundary element method, when they are used to dear with this kind of problem. Finally, the potential of the theory is illustrated by means of finite element studies related to coupled flow problems in materially homogeneous and inhomogeneous porous rock masses. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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We present numerical and analytical results for the Mollow probe absorption spectrum of a coherently driven two-level system in a narrow bandwidth squeezed vacuum field. The spectra are calculated for the case where the Rabi frequency of the driving field is much larger than the natural linewidth and the squeezed vacuum carrier frequency is detuned from the driving laser frequency. The driving laser is on resonance. We show that in a detuned squeezed vacuum the standard Mellow features are each split into triplets. The central components of each triplet are weakly dependent on the squeezing phase but the sidebands strongly depend on the phase and can have dispersive or absorptive/emissive profiles. We also derive approximate analytical expressions for the spectral features and find that the multi-peak structure of the spectrum can be interpreted either via the eigenfrequencies of a generalized Floquet Hamiltonian or in terms of three-photon transitions between dressed stales involving a probe field photon and a correlated photon pair from the squeezed vacuum field.


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Numerical methods ave used to solve double diffusion driven reactive flow transport problems in deformable fluid-saturated porous media. in particular, thp temperature dependent reaction rate in the non-equilibrium chemical reactions is considered. A general numerical solution method, which is a combination of the finite difference method in FLAG and the finite element method in FIDAP, to solve the fully coupled problem involving material deformation, pore-fluid flow, heat transfer and species transport/chemical reactions in deformable fluid-saturated porous media has been developed The coupled problem is divided into two subproblems which are solved interactively until the convergence requirement is met. Owing to the approximate nature of the numerical method, if is essential to justify the numerical solutions through some kind of theoretical analysis. This has been highlighted in this paper The related numerical results, which are justified by the theoretical analysis, have demonstrated that the proposed solution method is useful for and applicable to a wide range of fully coupled problems in the field of science and engineering.


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The action of water waves moving over a porous seabed drives a seepage flux into and out of the marine sediments. The volume of fluid exchange per wave cycle may affect the rate of contaminant transport in the sediments. In this paper, the dynamic response of the seabed to ocean waves is treated analytically on the basis of pore-elastic theory applied to a porous seabed. The seabed is modelled as a semi-infinite, isotropic, homogeneous material. Most previous investigations on the wave-seabed interaction problem have assumed quasi-static conditions within the seabed, although dynamic behaviour often occurs in natural environments. Furthermore, wave pressures used in the previous approaches were obtained from conventional ocean wave theories: which are based on the assumption of an impermeable rigid seabed. By introducing a complex wave number, we derive a new wave dispersion equation, which includes the seabed characteristics (such as soil permeability, shear modulus, etc.). Based on the new closed-form analytical solution, the relative differences of the wave-induced seabed response under dynamic and quasi-static conditions are examined. The effects of wave and soil parameters on the seepage flux per wave cycle are also discussed in detail. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A case sensitive intelligent model editor has been developed for constructing consistent lumped dynamic process models and for simplifying them using modelling assumptions. The approach is based on a systematic assumption-driven modelling procedure and on the syntax and semantics of process,models and the simplifying assumptions.


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To better comprehend the structural and biochemical underpinnings of ion uptake across the gills of true freshwater crabs, we performed an ultrastructural, ultracytochemical and morphometric investigation, and kinetically characterized the Na(+), K(+)-ATPase, in posterior gill lamellae of Dilocarcinus pagei. Ultrastructurally, the lamellar epithelia are markedly asymmetrical: the thick, mushroom-shaped, proximal ionocytes contain elongate mitochondria (41% cell volume) associated with numerous (approximate to 14 mu m(2) membrane per mu m(3) cytoplasm), deep invaginations that house the Na(+), K(+)-ATPase, revealed ultracytochemically. Their apical surface is amplified (7.5 mu m(2) mu m(-2)) by stubby evaginations whose bases adjoin mitochondria below the subcuticular space. The apical membrane of the thin, distal ionocytes shows few evaginations (1.6 mu m(2) mu m(-2)), each surrounding a mitochondrion, abundant in the cytoplasm below the subcuticular space; basolateral invaginations and mitochondria are few. Fine basal cytoplasmic bridges project across the hemolymph space, penetrating into the thick ionocytes, suggesting ion movement between the epithelia. Microsomal Na(+), K(+)-ATPase specific activity resembles marine crabs but is approximate to 5-fold less than in species from fluctuating salinities, and freshwater shrimps, suggesting ion loss compensation by strategies other than Na(+) uptake. Enzyme apparent K(+) affinity attains 14-fold that of marine crabs, emphasizing the relevance of elevated K(+) affinity to the conquest of fresh water. Western blotting and biphasic ouabain inhibition disclose two alpha-subunit isoforms comprising distinct functional isoenzymes. While enzyme activity is not synergistically stimulated by NH(4)(+) and K(+), each increases affinity for the other, possibly assuring appropriate intracellular K(+) concentrations. These findings reveal specific structural and biochemical adaptations that may have allowed the establishment of the Brachyura in fresh water. J. Exp. Zool. 313A:508-523, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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We conduct a theoretical analysis to investigate the double diffusion-driven convective instability of three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zones when they are heated uniformly from below. The fault zone is assumed to be more permeable than its surrounding rocks. In particular, we have derived exact analytical solutions to the total critical Rayleigh numbers of the double diffusion-driven convective flow. Using the corresponding total critical Rayleigh numbers, the double diffusion-driven convective instability of a fluid-saturated three-dimensional geological fault zone system has been investigated. The related theoretical analysis demonstrates that: (1) The relative higher concentration of the chemical species at the top of the three-dimensional geological fault zone system can destabilize the convective flow of the system, while the relative lower concentration of the chemical species at the top of the three-dimensional geological fault zone system can stabilize the convective flow of the system. (2) The double diffusion-driven convective flow modes of the three-dimensional geological fault zone system are very close each other and therefore, the system may have the similar chance to pick up different double diffusion-driven convective flow modes, especially in the case of the fault thickness to height ratio approaching 0. (3) The significant influence of the chemical species diffusion on the convective instability of the three-dimensional geological fault zone system implies that the seawater intrusion into the surface of the Earth is a potential mechanism to trigger the convective flow in the shallow three-dimensional geological fault zone system.


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We present a controlled stress microviscometer with applications to complex fluids. It generates and measures microscopic fluid velocity fields, based on dual beam optical tweezers. This allows an investigation of bulk viscous properties and local inhomogeneities at the probe particle surface. The accuracy of the method is demonstrated in water. In a complex fluid model (hyaluronic acid), we observe a strong deviation of the flow field from classical behavior. Knowledge of the deviation together with an optical torque measurement is used to determine the bulk viscosity. Furthermore, we model the observed deviation and derive microscopic parameters.


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Numerical methods are used to simulate the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow and rock alteration in three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zones. The double diffusion is caused by a combination of both the positive upward temperature gradient and the positive downward salinity concentration gradient within a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone, which is assumed to be more permeable than its surrounding rocks. In order to ensure the physical meaningfulness of the obtained numerical solutions, the numerical method used in this study is validated by a benchmark problem, for which the analytical solution to the critical Rayleigh number of the system is available. The theoretical value of the critical Rayleigh number of a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system can be used to judge whether or not the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow can take place within the system. After the possibility of triggering the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow is theoretically validated for the numerical model of a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system, the corresponding numerical solutions for the convective flow and temperature are directly coupled with a geochemical system. Through the numerical simulation of the coupled system between the convective fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transport and chemical reactions, we have investigated the effect of the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow on the rock alteration, which is the direct consequence of mineral redistribution due to its dissolution, transportation and precipitation, within the three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the effects of driving a two-level atom by two intense field modes that have equal frequencies but are otherwise distinguishable; the intensity of one mode is also assumed to be greater than that of the other. We calculate first the dressed states of the system, and then its resonance fluorescence and Autler-Townes absorption spectra. We find that the energy spectrum of the doubly dressed atom consists of a ladder of doublet continua. These continua manifest themselves in the fluorescence spectrum, where they produce continua at the positions of the Mellow sideband frequencies omega(L)+/-2 Omega of the strong field, and in the Autler-Townes absorption spectrum, which becomes a two-continuum doublet.


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The steady-state resonance fluorescence spectrum of a two-level atom driven by a bichromatic field in a broadband squeezed vacuum is studied. When the carrier frequency of the squeezed vacuum is tuned to the frequency of the central spectral line, anomalous spectral features, such as hole burning and dispersive profiles, can occur at the central line. We show that these features appear for wider, and experimentally more convenient, ranges of the parameters than in the case of monochromatic excitation. ?he absence of a coherent spectral component at the central line makes any experimental attempt to observe these features much easier. We also discuss the general features of the spectrum. When the carrier frequency of the squeezed vacuum is tuned to the first odd or even sidebands, the spectrum is asymmetric and only the sidebands an sensitive to phase. For appropriate choices of the phase the linewidths or only the odd or even sidebands can be reduced. A dressed-stale interpretation is provided.