934 resultados para case history


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This paper presents two case histories from Brazil where geophysical and resistivity piezocone tests were carried out to detect contamination. At the first one, the site investigation program was carried out to detect salt-water intrusions in a superficial sedimentary aquifer, at the Paranaguá harbor, in Paraná State. The second case history is a sanitary landfill from Bauru City, São Paulo State. In both sites, superficial geophysical tests were interpreted to detect and delineate the shape of contamination plume, helping to locate the resistivity piezocone tests. It was found that the interpretation of resistivity piezocone tests is straightforward to assess salt-water intrusion in sedimentary sands. For tropical soils, this technique presented some limitations since the groundwater table sometimes is deeper than the layer penetratable to the cone. Moreover, the genesis of those soils affects soil behavior and soil and water sampling is required to support interpretation.


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The first and main contribution of this article is its access to the decision-making processes which drive innovation in policy-making within central government. The article will present a detailed case history of how the innovation came about and conclude by highlighting analytic possibilities for future research. The policy in focus is the UK’s Traffic Management Act 2004, which passed responsibility for managing incidents on major roads from the police to the Highways Agency (HA), and has been interpreted as a world first in traffic management. The article tracks the Traffic Management Act 2004 from problem identification to a preliminary evaluation. It is then suggested that future research could explain organizational change more theoretically. By taking a longitudinal and multi-level approach, the research falls into a processual account of organizational change. The second contribution of the article is to highlight two novel ways in which this approach is being applied to policy-making, through an institutional processualist research programme on public management reform and empirical investigations using complex systems to explain policy change.


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Several deterministic and probabilistic methods are used to evaluate the probability of seismically induced liquefaction of a soil. The probabilistic models usually possess some uncertainty in that model and uncertainties in the parameters used to develop that model. These model uncertainties vary from one statistical model to another. Most of the model uncertainties are epistemic, and can be addressed through appropriate knowledge of the statistical model. One such epistemic model uncertainty in evaluating liquefaction potential using a probabilistic model such as logistic regression is sampling bias. Sampling bias is the difference between the class distribution in the sample used for developing the statistical model and the true population distribution of liquefaction and non-liquefaction instances. Recent studies have shown that sampling bias can significantly affect the predicted probability using a statistical model. To address this epistemic uncertainty, a new approach was developed for evaluating the probability of seismically-induced soil liquefaction, in which a logistic regression model in combination with Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic was used. This approach was used to estimate the population (true) distribution of liquefaction to non-liquefaction instances of standard penetration test (SPT) and cone penetration test (CPT) based most updated case histories. Apart from this, other model uncertainties such as distribution of explanatory variables and significance of explanatory variables were also addressed using KS test and Wald statistic respectively. Moreover, based on estimated population distribution, logistic regression equations were proposed to calculate the probability of liquefaction for both SPT and CPT based case history. Additionally, the proposed probability curves were compared with existing probability curves based on SPT and CPT case histories.


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Queensland’s legal labour disputes history does not exhibit the current trend seen in Canada and Switzerland (Gravel & Delpech, 2008) where cases citing International Labour Standards (ILS) are often successful (which is not presently the case in Queensland either). The two Queensland cases (Kuhler v. Inghams Enterprises P/L & Anor, 1997 and Bale v. Seltsam Pty Ltd, 1996) that have used ILSs were lost. Australia is a member state of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and a signatory of many ILSs. Yet, ILSs are not used in their legal capacity when compared to other international standards in other areas of law. It is important to recognize that ILSs are uniquely underutilized in labour law. Australian environmental, criminal, and industrial disputes consistently draw on international standards. Why not for the plight of workers? ILSs draw their power from supranational influence in that when a case cites an ILS the barrister or solicitor is going beyond legal precedence and into international peer pressure. An ILS can be appropriately used to highlight that Australian or Queensland legislation does not conform to a Convention or Recommendation. However, should the case deal with a breach of existing law based or modified by an ILS, citing the ILS is a good way to remind the court of its origin. It’s a new legal paradigm critically lacking in Queensland’s labour law practice. The following discusses the research methodology used in this paper. It is followed by a comparative discussion of results between the prevalence of ILSs and other international standards in Queensland case history. Finally, evidence showing the international trend of labour disputes using ILSs for victory is discussed.


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Clinicians regularly face the confronting challenge of differentiating a choroidal naevus from a melanoma. Uveal naevi are a relatively common finding during routine eye examinations: a prevalence of 6.5 per cent has been reported.1 In contrast, malignant melanomata are uncommon, being found in six persons per million population, but they can have devastating implications and consequences.2 Differential diagnoses can be difficult to make with certainty; any additional information that can assist in this process is advantageous...


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This paper merges the analysis of a case history and the simplified theoretical model related to a rather singular phenomenon that may happen in rotating machinery. Starting from the first, a small industrial steam turbine experienced a very strange behavior during megawatt load. When the unit was approaching the maximum allowed power, the temperature of the babbitt metal of the pads of the thrust bearing showed constant increase with an unrecoverable drift. Bearing inspection showed that pad trailing edge had the typical aspect of electrical pitting. This kind of damage was not reparable and bearing pads had to replaced. This problem occurred several times in sequence and was solved only by adding further ground brushes to the shaft-line. Failure analysis indicated electrodischarge machining as the root fault. A specific model, able to take into consideration the effect of electrical pitting and loading capacity decreasing as a consequence of the damage of the babbitt metal, is proposed in the paper and shows that the phenomenon causes the irretrievable failure of the thrust bearing.


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Fault identification in industrial machine is a topic of major importance under engineering point of view. In fact, the possibility to identify not only the type, but also the severity and the position of a fault occurred along a shaft-line allows quick maintenance and shorten the downtime. This is really important in the power generation industry where the units are often of several tenths of meters long and where the rotors are enclosed by heavy and pressure-sealed casings. In this paper, an industrial experimental case is presented related to the identification of the unbalance on a large size steam turbine of about 1.3 GW, belonging to a nuclear power plant. The case history is analyzed by considering the vibrations measured by the condition monitoring system of the unit. A model-based method in the frequency domain, developed by the authors, is introduced in detail and it is then used to identify the position of the fault and its severity along the shaft-line. The complete model of the unit (rotor – modeled by means of finite elements, bearings – modeled by linearized damping and stiffness coefficients and foundation – modeled by means of pedestals) is analyzed and discussed before being used for the fault identification. The assessment of the actual fault was done by inspection during a scheduled maintenance and excellent correspondence was found with the identified one by means of authors’ proposed method. Finally a complete discussion is presented about the effectiveness of the method, even in presence of a not fine tuned machine model and considering only few measuring planes for the machine vibration.


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This paper presents the case history of the construction of a 3 m high embankment on the geocell foundation over the soft settled red mud. Red mud is a waste product from the Bayer process of Aluminum industry. Geotechnical problems of the site, the design of the geocell foundation based on experimental investigation and the construction sequences of the geocell foundations in the field are discussed in the paper. Based on the experimental studies, an analytical model was also developed to estimate the load carrying capacity of the soft clay bed reinforced with geocell and combination of geocell and geogrid. The results of the experimental and analytical studies revealed that the use of combination of geocell and the geogrid is always beneficial than using the geocell alone. Hence, the combination of geocell and geogrid was recommended to stabilize the embankment base. The reported embankment is located in Lanjigharh (Orissa) in India. Construction of the embankment on the geocell foundation has already been completed. The constructed embankmenthas already sustained two monsoon rains without any cracks and seepage. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Face às transformações sócio-culturais ocorridas ao longo do século XX, que favoreceram a predominância de configurações psicopatológicas distintas das neuroses, a metapsicologia freudiana passou por críticas e revisões, que visavam tanto compreender quanto tratar essas patologias que desde então ficaram em evidência. O narcisismo se mostrou um conceito central nessa reformulação teórica, que permitiu a construção de uma segunda teoria tópica do aparelho psíquico, quando o inconsciente deixou de ser entendido como subproduto da consciência. Neste novo modelo, embora o conflito edipiano ainda mantenha um lugar de destaque na cena psíquica, sua importância no desvelamento dos processos de instauração das psicopatologias passou a um plano secundário. A aquisição de um sentido vital e o desenvolvimento de estilos subjetivos como tributários das marcações sensoriais estabelecidas nos primórdios da relação materno-infantil passaram, radativamente, a ocupar um lugar de destaque na teorização psicanalítica e, consequentemente, os processos infralingüísticos adquiriram relevo como moduladores da eficácia da cura pela palavra. Neste trabalho discuto aspectos de algumas das intuições freudianas acerca da forma como se constitui um psiquismo em sua teorização, e apresento a relevância de contribuições à sua teoria, realizadas por psicanalistas como Ferenczi, Winnicott, Anzieu e Haag, entre outros. A contribuição desses autores para a o entendimento das condições e obstáculos para o estabelecimento de um Eu capaz de agir de forma criativa na interação com seu meio, permite que se pense no fenômeno humano em uma perspectiva que rompe com os dualismos - aos quais Freud se manteve aderido - e compreende a subjetivação como um processo complexo e interminável. A categoria sensorialidade desempenha um papel significativo e precisa ser considerada na compreensão dos fenômenos que emergem no campo transferencial. Apresento um caso clínico como fio condutor e como ilustração da importância de seu resgate na prática da terapia psicanalítica contemporânea, visto que pretendo reafirmar a soberania da clínica para interpelar a teoria e enriquecê-la.


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O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi à realização de um estudo geológico sobre os folhelhos fraturados da Formação Candeias que ocorrem em diferentes partes da Bacia do Recôncavo, sendo enfatizadas suas principais relações com a acumulação de petróleo. Este trabalho contempla, ainda, uma revisão bibliográfica acerca da evolução da campanha exploratória nesta bacia, desde seus primórdios, na década de trinta, além de uma análise sob as perspectivas na área de exploração e produção. A Bacia do Recôncavo, situada na região Nordeste do Brasil, está inserida numa grande bacia tafrogênica (Rifte abortado Recôncavo-Tucano-Jatobá), originada nos momentos iniciais de ruptura do paleocontinente Gondwana ocidental, no Eocretáceo, sob os campos de tensões que produziram o Oceano Atlântico. Em termos estratigráficos, a bacia guarda um importante registro geológico, compreendido por depósitos continentais (lacustres, fluvio-deltáicos, neríticos, eólicos e leques aluviais), sendo subdividido em seis seqüências sedimentares, referentes aos estágios pré-rifte e rifte. As principais acumulações de petróleo na bacia podem ser agrupadas em três grandes sistemas: pré-rifte, rifte-Candeias e rifte-Ilhas, representando plays exploratórios distintos. As perspectivas futuras para a Bacia do Recôncavo devem considerar a importância da identificação de novos plays exploratórios, através da caracterização de novos intervalos geradores e reservatórios, como é o caso dos folhelhos fraturados e do shale gas. Não menos importante é o desenvolvimento de novas técnicas de produção, aumentando o fator de recuperação de campos produtores.


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As tensões residuais de cravação ocorrem quando a estaca e o solo não são totalmente descomprimidos após dissipação completa da energia transferida à estaca durante sua instalação. Este assunto tem merecido a atenção de vários pesquisadores, uma vez que a presença das tensões residuais na estaca causa uma alteração no seu comportamento quando carregada. A presente dissertação reuniu estudos anteriores que estabeleceram os principais fatores que influenciam as tensões residuais de cravação. Procurou-se executar uma série de simulações objetivando melhor entender o desenvolvimento das tensões residuais com a porcentagem de resistência de ponta, em continuidade aos estudos de Costa (1994). Costa (1994) observou que a porcentagem de carga na ponta é um fator relevante na avaliação das tensões residuais de cravação. Uma análise paramétrica efetuada confirmou estudos anteriores, verificando que a razão entre a carga residual na ponta em relação à capacidade de carga global cresce, a medida que a porcentagem de carga na ponta aumenta, chegando a um valor máximo para, em seguida, diminuir. Este comportamento é similar ao da curva de compactação do solo, quando, ao aumentar a umidade, o peso específico seco aumenta, até um valor máximo, correspondente à umidade ótima, para em seguida reduzir. Verificouse, ainda, semelhantemente ao aumento da energia de compactação, que vai transladando a curva para cima e para à esquerda do gráfico umidade x peso específico seco, que o aumento do comprimento da estaca apresenta um comportamento similar. O aumento do comprimento leva a curva para cima e para a esquerda. Finalmente, selecionou-se um caso de obra com condições propícias para o desenvolvimento de altas tensões residuais de cravação. Trata-se de um caso de estacas metálicas longas, embutidas em solo residual jovem, de elevada resistência, bem documentado com extensa instrumentação, por ocasião da instalação. A retroanálise de cinco estacas do banco de dados mostrou que as cargas residuais previstas, num programa de simulação de cravação, se aproximaram muito dos valores experimentais. Foi observado também que a profundidade do ponto neutro previsto e medido apresentou uma excelente concordância. O resultado mais relevante desta pesquisa foi quando os valores de porcentagem de ponta foram introduzidos no eixo das abscissas e os valores da razão entre a carga residual na ponta e a capacidade de carga global, no eixo das ordenadas, e se observou o aspecto da curva semelhante à de compactação. A dissertação ilustra ser possível e simples a previsão das tensões residuais de cravação através de uma análise pela equação da onda.


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The complex, fragmented and diverse aspects of a sustainable development perspective are translated into an eight-point framework that defines a problem boundary larger than that traditionally adopted by civil engineers. This leads to practical questions intended to inform engineers who ask 'am I being sustainable?' during project implementation. The value of the questions is tested against a case history of a wastewater treatment project. This demonstrates the relevance of the questions to successive project delivery phases of defining the problem, choosing a solution and implementing that solution through design, construction and operation. The case history highlights that answers to several of the additional questions raised by considering this wider problem space are currently buried within government and clients' policies, regulations and standard practice; these answers may not be accessible to the professional engineer.


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Pile reuse has become an increasingly popular option in foundation design, mainly due to its potential cost and environmental benefits and the problem of underground congestion in urban areas. However, key geotechnical concerns remain regarding the behavior of reused piles and the modeling of foundation systems involving old and new piles to support building loads of the new structure. In this paper, a design and analysis tool for pile reuse projects will be introduced. The tool allows coupling of superstructure stiffness with the foundation model, and includes an optimization algorithm to obtain the best configuration of new piles to work alongside reused piles. Under the concept of Pareto Optimality, multi-objective optimization analyses can also reveal the relationship between material usage and the corresponding foundation performance, providing a series of reuse options at various foundation costs. The components of this analysis tool will be discussed and illustrated through a case history in London, where 110 existing piles are reused at a site to support the proposed new development. The case history reveals the difficulties faced by foundation reuse in urban areas and demonstrates the application of the design tool to tackle these challenges. © ASCE 2011.


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This paper deals with the case history of a damaged one-span prestressed concrete bridge on a crucial artery near the city of Cagliari (Sardinia), along the sea-side. After being involved in a disastrous flood, attention has arisen on the worrying safety state of the deck, submitted to an intense daily traffic load. Evident signs of this severe condition were the deterioration of the beams concrete and the corrosion, the lack of tension and even the rupture of the prestressing cables. After performing a limited in situ test campaign, consisting of sclerometer, pull out and carbonation depth tests, a first evaluation of the safety of the structure was performed. After collecting the data of dynamic and static load tests as well, a comprehensive analysis have been carried out, also by means of a properly calibrated F.E. model. Finally the retrofitting design is presented, consisting of the reparation and thickening of the concrete cover, providing flexural and shear FRP external reinforcements and an external prestressing system, capable of restoring a satisfactory bearing capacity, according to the current national codes. The intervention has been calibrated by the former F.E. model with respect to transversal effects and influence of local and overall deformation of reinforced elements. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.


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The technique of energy extraction using groundwater source heat pumps, as a sustainable way of low-grade thermal energy utilization, has widely been used since mid-1990's. Based on the basic theories of groundwater flow and heat transfer and by employing two analytic models, the relationship of the thermal breakthrough time for a production well with the effect factors involved is analyzed and the impact of heat transfer by means of conduction and convection, under different groundwater velocity conditions, on geo-temperature field is discussed.A mathematical model, coupling the equations for groundwater flow with those for heat transfer, was developed. The impact of energy mining using a single well system of supplying and returning water on geo-temperature field under different hydrogeological conditions, well structures, withdraw-and-reinjection rates, and natural groundwater flow velocities was quantitatively simulated using the finite difference simulator HST3D. Theoretical analyses of the simulated results were also made. The simulated results of the single well system indicate that neither the permeability nor the porosity of a homogeneous aquifer has significant effect on the temperature of the production segment provided that the production and injection capability of each well in the aquifers involved can meet the designed value. If there exists a lower permeable interlayer, compared with the main aquifer, between the production and injection segments, the temperature changes of the production segment will decrease. The thicker the interlayer and the lower the interlayer permeability, the longer the thermal breakthrough time of the production segment and the smaller the temperature changes of the production segment. According to the above modeling, it can also be found that with the increase of the aquifer thickness, the distance between the production and injection screens, and/or the regional groundwater flow velocity, and/or the decrease of the production-and-reinjection rate, the temperature changes of the production segment decline. For an aquifer of a constant thickness, continuously increase the screen lengths of production and injection segments may lead to the decrease of the distance between the production and injection screens, and the temperature changes of the production segment will increase, consequently.According to the simulation results of the single well system, the parameters, that can cause significant influence on heat transfer as well as geo-temperature field, were chosen for doublet system simulation. It is indicated that the temperature changes of the pumping well will decrease as the aquifer thickness, the distance between the well pair and/or the screen lengths of the doublet increase. In the case of a low permeable interlayer embedding in the main aquifer, if the screens of the pumping and the injection wells are installed respectively below and above the interlayer, the temperature changes of the pumping well will be smaller than that without the interlay. The lower the permeability of the interlayer, the smaller the temperature changes. The simulation results also indicate that the lower the pumping-and-reinjection rate, the greater the temperature changes of the pumping well. It can also be found that if the producer and the injector are chosen reasonably, the temperature changes of the pumping well will decline as the regional groundwater flow velocity increases. Compared with the case that the groundwater flow direction is perpendicular to the well pair, if the regional flow is directed from the pumping well to the injection well, the temperature changes of the pumping well is relatively smaller.Based on the above simulation study, a case history was conducted using the data from an operating system in Beijing. By means of the conceptual model and the mathematical model, a 3-D simulation model was developed and the hydrogeological parameters and the thermal properties were calibrated. The calibrated model was used to predict the evolution of the geo-temperature field for the next five years. The simulation results indicate that the calibrated model can represent the hydrogeological conditions and the nature of the aquifers. It can also be found that the temperature fronts in high permeable aquifers move very fast and the radiuses of temperature influence are large. Comparatively, the temperature changes in clay layers are smaller and there is an obvious lag of the temperature changes. According to the current energy mining load, the temperature of the pumping wells will increase by 0.7°C at the end of the next five years. The above case study may provide reliable base for the scientific management of the operating system studied.