939 resultados para cardiac pleural effusion


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A dificuldade no diagnóstico definitivo da tuberculose extrapulmonar persiste principalmente devido a baixa resolutividade dos métodos convencionais disponíveis para a detecção do Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Esse estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a contribuição da técnica imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) para a detecção de Mycobacterium spp. em casos de tuberculose pleural e ganglionar com histoquímica negativa, assim como, investigar alguns aspectos clínicos, laboratoriais e morfológicos da doença. Para obtenção desta amostra fez-se a busca dos casos no Núcleo de Vigilância Epidemiológica (NVE) e Divisão de Arquivo Médico e Estatística (DAME) do Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto (HUJBB) e no Departamento de Anatomia Patológica da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), selecionando-se aqueles que haviam realizado exame histopatológico para esclarecimento diagnóstico do caso. Foram incluídos 50 pacientes, sendo 25 com diagnóstico presuntivo de tuberculose pleural e 25 de tuberculose ganglionar. Para obtenção dos dados clínicos e laboratoriais os respectivos prontuários foram revisados, e para confirmação dos aspectos morfológicos foi realizada a revisão de todas as lâminas selecionadas. Posteriormente, cada amostra foi submetida à técnica IHQ com anticorpo polyclonal Mycobacterium bovis BCG. Encontrou-se no grupo investigado, maior frequência do sexo masculino, cuja média de idade foi de 33,8 anos (desvio padrão: 14,1) sendo a maioria procedente da cidade de Belém-Pará e com nível de escolaridade de sete ou menos anos de estudo. Os sintomas constitucionais mais frequentes em todo o grupo foram a febre e perda ponderal. Nos pacientes com tuberculose pleural, os sintomas específicos mais encontrados foram tosse, dor torácica e dispneia, e naqueles com a forma ganglionar da doença, o envolvimento da cadeia cervical isolada foi mais frequente. Infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) ou Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (Sida) e etilismo foram as condições de risco mais frequentemente associadas. Na tuberculose pleural, 20% dos casos cursaram com derrame pleural associado à lesão parenquimatosa, e em 60% o líquido pleural foi do tipo exsudativo. Enquanto, na forma ganglionar, em 50% dos casos evidenciou-se lesão parenquimatosa à radiografia do tórax. Neste estudo, foi inexpressiva a quantidade de participantes nos quais foi realizada a pesquisa direta e cultura para bacilo álcool - ácido resistente (BAAR) nos diversos espécimes clínicos analisados (líquido pleural, tecido pleural e ganglionar, escarro e lavado broncoalveolar) O padrão morfológico predominante em ambas as formas da doença foi o granuloma tipo tuberculoide com necrose caseosa, independente do status sorológico para o HIV. A técnica IHQ contribuiu para o diagnóstico de tuberculose pleural em 21% (4/19) das amostras de tecido pleural e em 37,5% (9/24) de tecido ganglionar. Um resultado imuno-histoquímico positivo define o diagnóstico de micobacteriose, e quando associado aos achados clínicos, laboratoriais e morfológicos torna-se uma ferramenta de grande utilidade para melhorar o diagnóstico da tuberculose extrapulmonar.


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Introdução: A pneumonia é uma das infecções mais comuns em crianças, sendo o derrame pleural uma complicação potencial, principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento, onde existem sérias limitações de recursos diagnóstico-terapêuticos. Objetivos: Conhecer o perfil das crianças portadoras de derrame pleural parapneumônico, analisando sua evolução a partir da terapêutica clínica e cirúrgica que são submetidas. Método: Estudo descritivo, transversal, de coleta prospectiva, no qual foram estudadas todas as crianças internadas em um hospital de referência de doenças infecciosas na Região Norte-Brasil com diagnóstico de derrame pleural parapneumônico, submetidas a procedimento cirúrgico para abordagem do mesmo, no período de outubro de 2010 a outubro de 2011. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 46 crianças, com distribuição igual entre os sexos, predominância de menores de 3 anos (74%) e procedentes do interior do estado (54,3%). Parcela considerável (28%) possuía algum grau de inadequação do estado nutricional. A média de tempo de doença até à admissão na referida instituição foi de 16,9 dias, e todos os indivíduos eram provenientes de outro hospital. A duração média da internação hospitalar foi de 26,0 dias, e a do estado febril, de 9,8 dias. Foram utilizados 2,2 esquemas antimicrobianos, em média, por paciente e o Ceftriaxone foi o antibiótico mais comum. Diagnóstico etiológico só foi alcançado em um único caso. Em 22 crianças, (47,8%), havia empiema pleural, e elas apresentaram maior tempo de drenagem. Foi encontrada associação entre crianças com nanismo e cirurgias múltiplas (Teste G = 8,40; p= 0,040). A grande maioria das criança foi operada uma única vez (80,4%), e a drenagem torácica fechada foi a cirurgia mais realizada. A drenagem torácica aberta foi instalada em 24,0% dos pacientes. A toracotomia com descorticação foi realizada em 2 pacientes (4,0%). Todas as crianças da amostra obtiveram recuperação clínica e radiológica em até quatro meses após a alta hospitalar, e não houve óbito na amostra. Conclusão: A população estudada possui doença em estágio avançado e distúrbios nutricionais prevalentes, que podem influenciar na evolução. É necessária padronização da antibioticoterapia, e reconsiderar a drenagem torácica aberta no empiema pleural, a partir de novos estudos sobre o tema, principalmente na indisponibilidade da videotoracoscopia.


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OBJECTIVE: Pleural tuberculosis is the most frequently occurring form of extra pulmonary disease in adults. In up to 40% of cases, the lung parenchyma is concomitantly involved, which can have an epidemiological impact. This study aims to evaluate the pleural and systemic inflammatory response of patients with pleural or pleuropulmonary tuberculosis. METHODS: A prospective study of 39 patients with confirmed pleural tuberculosis. After thoracentesis, a high resolution chest tomography was performed to evaluate the pulmonary involvement. Of the 39 patients, 20 exhibited only pleural effusion, and high resolution chest tomography revealed active associated-pulmonary disease in 19 patients. The total protein, lactic dehydrogenase, adenosine deaminase, vascular endothelial growth factor, interleukin-8, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and transforming growth factor-beta(1) levels were quantified in the patient serum and pleural fluid. RESULTS: All of the effusions were exudates with high levels of adenosine deaminase. The levels of vascular endothelial growth factor and transforming growth factor-beta(1) were increased in the blood and pleural fluid of all of the patients with pleural tuberculosis, with no differences between the two forms of tuberculosis. The tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels were significantly higher in the pleural fluid of the patients with the pleuropulmonary form of tuberculosis. The interleukin-8 levels were high in the pleural fluid of all of the patients, without any differences between the forms of tuberculosis. CONCLUSION: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha was the single cytokine that significantly increased in the pleural fluid of the patients with pulmonary involvement. However, an overlap in the results does not permit us to suggest that cytokine is a biological marker of concomitant parenchymal involvement. Although high resolution chest tomography can be useful in identifying these patients, the investigation of fast acid bacilli and cultures for M. tuberculosis in the sputum is recommended for all patients who are diagnosed with pleural tuberculosis.


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Objective: To describe clinical and laboratory characteristics in patients with tuberculosis-related or lymphoma-related lymphocytic pleural effusions, in order to identify the variables that might contribute to differentiating between these diseases. Methods: This was a retrospective study involving 159 adult HIV-negative patients with tuberculosis-related or lymphoma-related lymphocytic effusions (130 and 29 patients, respectively), treated between October of 2008 and March of 2010 at the Pleural Diseases Outpatient Clinic of the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine Hospital das Clinicas Heart Institute, in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Results: Mean age and the mean duration of symptoms were lower in the tuberculosis group than in the lymphoma group. The levels of proteins, albumin, cholesterol, amylase, and adenosine deaminase (ADA) in pleural fluid, as well as the serum levels of proteins, albumin, and amylase, were higher in the tuberculosis group, whereas serum cholesterol and triglycerides were higher in the lymphoma group. Pleural fluid leukocyte and lymphocyte counts were higher in the tuberculosis group. Of the tuberculosis group patients, none showed malignant cells; however, 4 showed atypical lymphocytes. Among the lymphoma group patients, cytology for neoplastic cells was positive, suspicious, and negative in 51.8%, 24.1%, and 24.1%, respectively. Immunophenotyping of pleural fluid was conclusive in most of the lymphoma patients. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate clinical and laboratory similarities among the patients with tuberculosis or lymphoma. Although protein and ADA levels in pleural fluid tended to be higher in the tuberculosis group than in the lymphoma group, even these variables showed an overlap. However, none of the tuberculosis group patients had pleural fluid ADA levels below the 40-U/L cut-off point.


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Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate a panel of proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines in noncomplicated and complicated parapneumonic pleural effusions and to correlate their levels with pleural fluid biochemical parameters. Methods: Serum and pleural effusion were collected from 60 patients with noncomplicated (n = 26) or complicated (n = 34) parapneumonic effusions and assayed for cytologic, biochemical, and proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines. Student t test was used to compare serum and pleural fluid values, Spearman correlation to analyze the relationship between pleural fluid cytokines and biochemical parameters, and accuracy of pleural fluid cytokine levels to determine the optimal cutoff value for identification of complicated effusions. Corrections for multiple comparisons were applied and a P value < .05 was accepted as significant. Results: Serum and pleural fluid cytokine levels of IL-8, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), IL-10, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) soluble receptor (sR) II were similar between groups. In contrast, complicated effusions had higher levels of pleural fluid IL-1 beta, IL-1 receptor antagonist (ra), and TNF sRI. Negative correlations were found between pleural fluid glucose with IL-1 beta and TNF sRI and positive correlations between lactic dehydrogenate (LDH) with IL-1 beta, IL-8, and VEGF. Pleural fluid levels of IL-1 beta, IL-1ra, and TNF sRI were more accurate than IL-8, VEGF, IL-10, and TNF sRII in discriminating complicated effusions. Conclusions: Both proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokine levels in pleural fluid are elevated in complicated in comparison with noncomplicated parapneumonic pleural effusions, and they correlate with both pleural fluid glucose and LDH levels. IL-1 beta, IL-1ra, and TNF sRI had higher sensitivity and specificity than IL-8, VEGF, IL-10, and TNF sRII in discriminating complicated effusions. CHEST 2012; 141( 1):183-189


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Todo paciente con derrame pleural de causa no clara debe ser sometido a pleurocentesis para estudio de las características del líquido pleural. El laboratorio inmunológico está entre los análisis solicitados en forma optativa. Se revisa la utilidad de la determinación de ANA, células LE, factor reumatoideo, complemento y sus fracciones en el diagnóstico etiológico de los pacientes con derrame pleural


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Metastatic melanoma is an uncommon clinical entity which can have an unusual presentation. We describe a patient with metastatic melanoma who presented with diffuse melanosis cutis, black urine and black pleural effusion. Very few medical conditions can cause black discoloration of body fluids, so this should prompt physicians to search for a number of potential underlying causes.


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The spectrum of the clinical presentation and severity of malaria infections is broad, ranging from uncomplicated febrile illness to severe forms of disease such as cerebral malaria (CM), acute lung injury (ALI), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), pregnancy-associated malaria (PAM) or severe anemia (SA). Rodent models that mimic human CM, PAM and SA syndromes have been established. Here, we show that DBA/2 mice infected with P. berghei ANKA constitute a new model for malaria-associated ALI. Up to 60% of the mice showed dyspnea, airway obstruction and hypoxemia and died between days 7 and 12 post-infection. The most common pathological findings were pleural effusion, pulmonary hemorrhage and edema, consistent with increased lung vessel permeability, while the blood-brain barrier was intact. Malaria-associated ALI correlated with high levels of circulating VEGF, produced de novo in the spleen, and its blockage led to protection of mice from this syndrome. In addition, either splenectomization or administration of the anti-inflammatory molecule carbon monoxide led to a significant reduction in the levels of sera VEGF and to protection from ALI. The similarities between the physiopathological lesions described here and the ones occurring in humans, as well as the demonstration that VEGF is a critical host factor in the onset of malaria-associated ALI in mice, not only offers important mechanistic insights into the processes underlying the pathology related with malaria but may also pave the way for interventional studies.


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Purpose Dasatinib is a BCR-ABL inhibitor, 325-fold more potent than imatinib against unmutated BCR-ABL in vitro. Phase II studies have demonstrated efficacy and safety with dasatinib 70 mg twice daily in chronic-phase (CP) chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) after imatinib treatment failure. In phase I, responses occurred with once-daily administration despite only intermittent BCR-ABL inhibition. Once-daily treatment resulted in less toxicity, suggesting that toxicity results from continuous inhibition of unintended targets. Here, a dose-and schedule-optimization study is reported. Patients and Methods In this open-label phase III trial, 670 patients with imatinib-resistant or -intolerant CP-CML were randomly assigned 1: 1: 1: 1 between four dasatinib treatment groups: 100 mg once daily, 50 mg twice daily, 140 mg once daily, or 70 mg twice daily. Results With minimum follow-up of 6 months (median treatment duration, 8 months; range, = 1 to 15 months), marked and comparable hematologic (complete, 86% to 92%) and cytogenetic (major, 54% to 59%; complete, 41% to 45%) response rates were observed across the four groups. Time to and duration of cytogenetic response were similar, as was progression-free survival (8% to 11% of patients experienced disease progression or died). Compared with the approved 70-mg twice-daily regimen, dasatinib 100 mg once daily resulted in significantly lower rates of pleural effusion (all grades, 7% v 16%; P = .024) and grade 3 to 4 thrombocytopenia (22% v 37%; P = .004), and fewer patients required dose interruption (51% v 68%), reduction (30% v 55%), or discontinuation (16% v 23%). Conclusion Dasatinib 100 mg once daily retains the efficacy of 70 mg twice daily with less toxicity. Intermittent target inhibition with tyrosine kinase inhibitors may preserve efficacy and reduce adverse events.


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Background and objective: Both talc and 0.5% silver nitrate have been shown to induce effective pleurodesis. However, acute adverse systemic inflammatory effects have been described with both agents. The aim of this study was to assess in rabbits the systemic effects associated with a new technique of pleurodesis using repeated low doses of 0.1% silver nitrate. Methods: Rabbits were injected intrapleurally through a chest tube with 0.1% silver nitrate at 0, 24 and 48 h. Other groups received a single injection of 0.5% silver nitrate or 400 mg/kg of talc. Blood samples were collected at 24, 48 and 72 h, and at 7 days, and cytological and biochemical measurements were performed. After 28 days, the presence of macroscopic pleural adhesions and microscopic pleural fibrosis in the pleural cavity were evaluated. Results: Both talc and 0.5% silver nitrate caused significant increases in blood neutrophils, serum LDH, IL-8, transforming growth factor-beta and CRP in comparison with control at almost all time points, whereas sequential doses of 0.1% silver nitrate only increased LDH and CRP in the first 24 h and transforming growth factor-beta at all time points. All groups showed efficient pleurodesis, with no differences in pleural adhesions or fibrosis. Conclusions: Sequential doses of 0.1% silver nitrate produced efficient pleurodesis in rabbits, with a low systemic inflammatory response in comparison with 400 mg/kg of talc or 0.5% silver nitrate.


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Study objectives: To analyze and compare radiologic lung expansion after tale pleurodesis performed either by videothoracoscopy or chest tube and correlate it with clinical outcome. Secondary end points evaluated were its follows: clinical efficacy; quality of life; safety; and survival. Methods: Prospective randomized study that included 60 patients (45 women, 15 men; mean age, 55.2 years) with recurrent malignant pleural effusion between January, 2005 and January 2008. They were randomized into the following two groups: video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) talc poudrage; and tale slurry (TS) administered through a chest tube. Lung expansion was evaluated through chest CT scans obtained 0, 1, 3 and 6 months after pleurodesis. Complications, drainage time, hospital stay,and quality of life (Medical Outcomes Study 36-item short form and World Health Organization quality-of-life questionnaires) were also analyzed. Results: There were no significant differences in preprocedure clinical and pathologic variables between groups. The immediate total (ie, > 90%) lung expansion was observed in 27 patients (45%) and wits more frequent in the VATS group (60% vs 30%, respectively; p = 0.027). During follow-up, 71% of the patients showed unaltered or improved lung expansion and 9 patients (15%) needed new pleural procedures (VATS group, 5 recurrences; TS group, 4 recurrences; p = 0.999). No differences, were found between groups regarding quality of life, complications, drainage time, hospital stay, and survival. Immediate lung expansion (lid not correlate with radiologic recurrence, clinical recurrence, or complications (p = 0.60, 0.15, and 0.20, respectively). Conclusion: Immediate partial lung expansion was a frequent finding and was more frequent after TS. Nonetheless, no correlation between immediate lung expansion and clinical outcome was found in this study. (CHEST 2009; 136:361-368)


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Roots of Pfaffia paniculata have been well documented for multifarious therapeutic values and have also been used for cancer therapy in folk medicine. This study has been performed in a human breast tumor cell line, the MCF-7 cells. These are the most commonly used model of estrogen-positive breast cancer, and it has been originally established in 1973 at the Michigan Cancer Foundation from a pleural effusion taken from a woman with metastatic breast cancer. Butanolic extract of the roots of P. paniculata showed cytotoxic effect MCF-7 cell line. as determined with crystal violet assay, cellular death with acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining, and cell proliferation with immunocytochemistry of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). Subcellular alterations were evaluated by electron microscopy. Cells treated With butanolic extract showed degeneration of cytoplasmic components and profound morphological and nuclear alterations. The results show that this butanolic extract indeed presents cytotoxic substances, and its fractions merit further investigations. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The 4-year study (1987-1990) covered the major clinical-epidemiological characteristics of pneumonia in children as diagnosed at the emergency service of the Children's Hospital, as well as etiologies, and factors involved in the most severe cases. Etiology was determined in 47.7% of the 541 pneumonia cases, involving 283 pathogens of which 38.6% were viruses and 12.6% bacteria. Viral and mixed etiologies were more frequent in children under 12 months of age. Bacteria predominated in ages between 6 and 23 months. Among the viruses, respiratory syncytial virus predominated (66%). The bacterial pneumonias accounted for 12.2% of the recognized etiologies. The most important bacterial agents were S. pneumoniae (64%) and H. influenzae (19%). H. influenzae and mixed infections had a relevant participation during the 1988 season, pointing to annual variations in the relative participation of pathogens and its possible implication in severity of diseases. Correlation of severity and increased percentage of etiological diagnosis was assessed: patients with respiratory rates over 70 rpm, or pleural effusion and/or extensive pulmonary parenchyma compromise yielded higher positive laboratory results. Various individual and family risk factors were recognized when comparing pneumonia children with healthy controls.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine the frequency of radiological manifestations of chest tuberculosis among the tuberculosis outpatients at the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Hospital, and to correlate these radiological findings with the sputum bacilloscopy. SAMPLE AND METHODS: A review was made of the medical record cards and chest X-rays of all patients attended between January 1996 and December 1998. Patients with a diagnosis of tuberculosis who presented intrathoracic manifestations of the disease and negative anti-HIV serology were selected. RESULTS: The selection included 153 patients, with an average age of 37.5 years, who were predominantly male (60.8%) and white (56.9%). Pulmonary lesions were present in 121 (79.9%) and extrapulmonary lesions in 32 (20.1%). Parenchymal-infiltrate lesions appeared in 56 patients (36.6%), cavity lesions in 55 (36.0%), pleural effusion in 28 (18.3%), isolated nodules in 6 (3.9%), mediastinal enlargement in 4 (2.6%) and miliary pattern in 4 (2.6%). Cavities were present in 45.5% of the patients with pulmonary lesions, generally in association with the parenchymal-infiltrate lesions. Parenchymal infiltrate was present in 86.8% of the patients with pulmonary lesions. There was significant presence of alcohol-acid resistant bacillus in the sputum of patients with cavities (76.4%), in comparison with those without cavities (50%) (p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: Parenchymal-infiltrate lesions are the most frequent radiological manifestation of pulmonary tuberculosis, and they are generally associated with cavities. There is a relationship between the presence of acid fast bacilli in sputum and pulmonary cavity lesions.