998 resultados para canton
De part son expérience dans la surveillance et l'évaluation, ses compétences dans le domaine de la santé sexuelle et reproductive ainsi que son ancrage dans un large réseau de partenaires, l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP) a été chargé par le Service de la santé publique (SSP) du Département de la santé et de l'action sociale (DSAS) de réaliser le suivi statistique des interruptions de grossesse effectuées dans le canton de Vaud. Le mandat prévoit en particulier que l'IUMSP : collecte les formulaires de déclaration d'interruption de grossesse transmis directement à l'IUMSP par les médecins (gynécologues-obstétriciens) et gère la qualité des informations transmises ; saisisse ces informations dans une base de données informatique ; produise un rapport annuel sur l'évolution des recours à l'interruption de grossesse dans le canton de Vaud ; participe aux discussions sur les orientations de prévention découlant des analyses statistiques et collabore à la diffusion écrite des résultats auprès des publics cibles concernés.Ce rapport présente les données relatives à l'année 2012. Il décrit en outre les tendances observées depuis 2003, première année de mise en application complète du nouveau cadre légal et de la modification du système de déclaration (cf. section 2.2).A des fins de synthèse, les données essentielles sont présentées dans le corps du texte et les analyses plus détaillées sont présentées dans des tableaux supplémentaires inclus en annexe.
Incidence registration and survival data for non-melanocytic skin neoplasms and cutaneous melanoma have been abstracted from the population-based system of the Cancer Registry of the Swiss Canton of Vaud, which has been operating in a particularly favourable environment, since the large majority of cutaneous lesions resected in the area are examined by a pathologist. Among the 5,712 cases registered, 66.7% were basal-cell carcinomas, 20.6% squamous-cell cancers, 9.3% cutaneous melanomas and 3.4% other miscellaneous histological types. The distribution by histological type did not differ appreciably in the 2 sexes, but there were marked inter-sex differences as regards anatomical site. In both sexes, head and neck was by far the commonest localization for non-melanomatous neoplasms (69 to 81% of all incident cases), followed by trunk for basal-cell cancers (18% in males, 15% in females) and upper limb for squamous-cell (10% in males, 17% in females). The distribution of skin melanomas differed considerably between the 2 sexes, by far the commonest site being the trunk for males (45% of cases) and lower limbs for females (40%), followed by head and neck (22% in both sexes). Incidence rates for both basal- and squamous-cell cancers increased with age, and rates were higher in males for each localization except the lower limb. In contrast, incidence for melanoma was higher in females, and incidence rates did not increase with age above 55 years for all sites except head and neck. This can be interpreted in terms of cohort effect, since mortality from melanoma has substantially increased in Switzerland across subsequent birth cohorts. Although this study is essentially descriptive, accurate inspection of these data provides some support for the major aetiological hypotheses of skin carcinogenesis, i.e., the observation that the large majority of basal- and squamous-cell cancers arise on the head and neck confirms the importance of long-term ultraviolet exposure; the relative excess of squamous-cell as compared to basal-cell neoplasms on the upper limb may suggest the role of exposure to other (chemical) carcinogens; and the proportional excess of melanomas on the trunk in males and lower limb in females further indicates that intermittent exposure to sunlight is probably the relevant aetiologic factor for melanocytic skin neoplasms.
We studied profile of patients (n=1782) treated in specialized centers and general practice (GP) enrolled in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) programs during 2001 in the Swiss Canton of Vaud. We found that GPs treated the majority of patients (76%). Specialized centers treated a higher proportion of patients with uncontrolled intravenous use of cocaine and heroin, and prescribed neuroleptics as concomitant medication three times more frequently than GPs. Patients treated in specialized centers were more likely to undergo screening for HIV, HBV, HCV, and receive complete HBV immunization. In conclusion, specialized centers are more likely to treat severely addicted patients and patients with a poor global assessment (physical, psychiatric, and social).
Les communes vaudoises ne sont pas épargnées par les profonds changements que subissent les communes suisses depuis les années 90. Le nombre de réformes a augmenté de manière considérable et les causes de ces changements sont multiples: une complexité croissante des prestations à fournir, la recherche de formes organisationnelles plus efficaces, la difficulté de trouver des personnes s'engageant en politique. Vu ces défis, la fusion de communes a été fréquente dans certains cantons. Quant à lui, le canton de Vaud reste un canton avec un grand nombre de communes de petite taille. C'est entre autre sous l'aspect de la différente taille des communes que cette étude aborde des thèmes concernant les communes vaudoises, comme par exemple les limites de performances des communes, la politique et l'administration communale, les relations et la répartition des tâches entre les communes et le canton, la collaboration intercommunale où encore les fusions de communes. L'analyse se base sur les données de l'enquête auprès des secrétaires communaux suisses qui a lieu régulièrement depuis 1988.
[Table des matières] 1. Introduction. 2. Analyse des files actives 2001 et 2007. 2.1 Comparaison des 3 groupes d'usagesrs dans les deux files actives. 3. Trajectoire des patients présents en 2001. 3.1 Continuité et arrêts de traitements. 4. Analyse de survie: durées de traitement de substitution et des interruptions. 5. Annexe.
Summary: Victims of crime are not only physical persons. Firms also experience some different forms of victimization either from outsiders or front employees. Crimes committed inside the firm are various: theft, embezzlement, fraud, fraudulent management, money laundering, vandalism etc. Assessed damage could be considerable. But in general, most of the criminological studies relating to victimization have been interested in individuals as victims. In Switzerland, to date, research on firms'victimization is simply rare and traditional research methods such as victimization survey, self-reported delinquency or controlled experiments are not very much utilized in Swiss white-collar crime studies. Thus, in order to improve the situation, we have decided to start a victimization study on white-collar crime committed in firms of the canton of Geneva. To narrow the field of research, our project seeks to apprehend white-collar crime as a series of offences committed by employees inside the firm, by fraud or deceit, aiming at an illegitimate enrichment. The phenomenon of white-collar crime perpetrated has been evaluated by examining the presence of risk factors and prevention strategies. Furthermore, the correlation between the victimization rate and some aspects of vulnerability has also been investigated. Using data collected from the victimization survey carried out in 2005, some of the key research questions are the following: - which are the types of offences committed? - Which types of measure of prevention are the most efficient to prevent such offences ? - Which type of business is more vulnerable? - Which are the risk factors? - Which is the profile of the authors? - Which are the motivations?, etc. Findings show that companies which valorize their employees and pursue a transparent management style suffer a lower victimization rate. Further, the retail sector seems to be more affected than the financial sector and big firms are more vulnerable.
En 2008, la PMU et le CHUV ont mis en place une commission chargée d'évaluer, pour le canton de Vaud, les demandes fondées sur des arguments médicaux d'aménagement des conditions d'hébergement de personnes soumises au régime de l'aide d'urgence, introduit à la suite de l'acceptation en votation populaire, le 24 septembre 2006, de la nouvelle loi sur l'asile (LAsi). Nous présentons le contexte historique, politique, institutionnel et médical dans lequel ce groupe de travail intervient, ainsi que ses modalités de fonctionnement, puis abordons les résultats d'une analyse récente de nos données sur les caractéristiques démographiques et l'état de santé des personnes dont les dossiers nous ont été soumis. Cette analyse révèle leur mauvaise santé générale, notamment psychique, avec en particulier une prévalence très élevée d'états de stress post-traumatiques. De façon surprenante, les événements traumatiques surviennent assez fréquemment après l'arrivée en Suisse. Nous évoquons pour conclure une série de préoccupations éthiques en rapport avec cette activité.
Background: In February, 2005, the canton of Geneva in Switzerland prohibited the off-premise sale of alcoholic beverages between 9pm and 7am, and banned their sale in gas stations and video stores. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of this policy change on hospital admission rates for alcoholic intoxication.Methods: An interrupted time series analysis of this natural experiment was performed with data on hospitalisations for acute alcoholic intoxication during the 2002-2007 period. The canton of Geneva was treated as the experimental group, while all other Swiss cantons were used as the control group.Results: In the experimental site, the policy change was found to have a significant effect on admission rates among adolescents and young adults. Depending on the age group, hospitalisation rates for alcoholic intoxication fell by an estimated 25-40% as the result of restricted alcohol availability.Conclusions: Modest restrictions on opening hours and the density of off-premise outlets were found to be of relevance for public health in the canton of Geneva. In light of this finding, policy makers should consider such action as a promising approach to alcohol prevention. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Temporal dynamical analysis in fire sequences recorded from 1969 to 2008 in Canton Ticino (Switzerland) was carried out by using the Allan Factor statistics. The obtained results show the presence of daily periodicities, superimposed to two time-scaling regimes. The daily cycle vanishes for sequences of higher altitude fires, for which a single scaling behaviour is observed.