996 resultados para cancer relapse


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RESUMO: Introdução. O cancro de bexiga é uma patologia comum que representa o 6° e o 5° cancro mais incidente em Portugal e na Itália, respetivamente. Em mais de metade dos casos ocorre reincidência durante o primeiro ano, requerendo acompanhamento clínico ao longo da vida. A instilação intravesical de Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) (uma estirpe atenuada do Mycobacterium bovis) representa uma imunoterapia eficaz no combate ao cancro de bexiga, no entanto, muitos aspetos da interação de BCG com as células tumorais bem como com as células do sistema imunitário permanecem por desvendar. As células tumorais de bexiga expressam frequentemente as formas sialiladas dos antigénios de Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF), i.e., sialil-T (sT) e sialil-Tn (sTn). Contudo ainda se desconhece o significado da sua expressão na malignidade tumoral e se afeta a eficácia da terapêutica BCG. Objetivo do estudo. Investigar o papel dos antigénios sT e sTn no fenótipo maligno de células de cancro de bexiga bem como na resposta mediada pelo sistema imunitário à terapia com BCG. Metodologia. Para tal, foram utilizadas as linhas celulares de cancro da bexiga HT1376 e MCR, geneticamente modificadas por transdução com vetores codificantes para as sialiltransferases ST3GAL1 ou ST6GALNAC1, de forma a expressar homogeneamente os antigénios sT ou sTn respetivamente. Estes modelos celulares foram estudados após confronto com BCG. O nível de BCG internalizado foi avaliado por citometria de fluxo. O perfil global de expressão genética dos modelos celulares antes e após incubação com BCG foi analisado pela tecnologia de microarray. O perfil de citocinas secretadas pelos modelos celulares após incubação com BCG, bem como de macrófagos estimulados pelo secretoma de células de cancro de bexiga que por sua vez foram estimuladas previamente por BCG, foi estudado pelo sistema multiplex de “imuno-esferas”. Resultados. A análise do transcritoma dos modelos celulares revelou que grupos de genes envolvidos em funções específicas foram modulados em paralelo nos dois modelos celulares, após transdução, independentemente da sialiltransferase expressa. Ou seja, em células que expressavam a sialiltransferase ST3GAL1 ou ST6GALNAC1, os genes envolvidos na regulação da segregação cromossómica e na reparação do DNA foram consistentemente regulados negativamente. Genes descritos na literatura como marcadores para o cancro de bexiga foram também modulados. A incubação com BCG resultou numa tendência ao aumento da expressão de genes relevantes na preservação e estabilidade genómica e menor malignidade, no entanto, apenas em células que expressavam sT ou sTn. Entre as dez citocinas testadas, apenas a IL-6 e IL-8 foram expressas pelas linhas celulares de cancro da bexiga, com indução destas após estimulação com BCG, e principalmente em células que expressavam ST3GAL1 ou ST6GALNAC1. Em macrófagos, citocinas inflamatórias, tais como IL-1β, IL-6 e TNFα, e a citocina anti-inflamatória IL-10, foram induzidas apenas pelo secretoma de células de cancro da bexiga confrontadas com BCG, com maior relevância quando estas expressavam ST3GAL1 ou ST6GALNAC1, prevendo a estimulação de macrófagos semelhantes aos de tipo M1 e uma melhor resposta à terapia com BCG. Conclusões. O efeito geral da expressão destas sialiltransferases e dos produtos enzimáticos sT ou sTn nas células de cancro de bexiga conduz a um fenótipo de maior malignidade. Contudo, a maior avidez de estas na produção de citocinas inflamatórias após confronto com BCG, bem como a maior capacidade de estimulação de macrófagos, predirá uma resposta à terapia com BCG mais eficaz em tumores que expressem os antigénios de TF sialilados. Tais conclusões são totalmente concordantes com os nossos mais recentes dados clínicos obtidos em colaboração, que mostram que em doentes com cancro de bexiga que expressam sTn respondem melhor a terapia BCG. ----------ABSTRACT: Background. Bladder cancer is a common malignancy representing the 6th and the 5th most incident cancer in Portugal and in Italy, respectively. More than half of the cases relapse within one year, requiring though a lifelong follow-up. Intravesical instillation of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) (an attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis) represents an effective immunotherapy of bladder cancer, although many aspects of the interaction of BCG with cancer cells and host immune cells remain obscure. Bladder cancer cells often express the sialylated forms of the Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF), i.e., sialil-T (sT) e sialil-Tn (sTn). However, it’s still unknown the sense of such expression in tumour malignancy and in the BCG therapy efficacy. Aim of the study. To investigate the role of the sT and sTn antigens on the malignant phenotype of bladder cancer cells and the immune mediated response to BCG therapy. Experimental. We have utilized populations of the bladder cancer cell lines HT1376 and MCR, genetically modified by transduction with the sialyltransferases ST3GAL1 or ST6GALNAC1 to express homogeneously sT or sTn antigens. The level of BCG internalized was assessed by flow cytometry. The whole gene expression profile of BCG-challenged or unchallenged bladder cancer cell lines was studied by microarray technology. The profile of cytokines secreted by BCG-challenged bladder cancer cells and that of macrophages challenged by the secretome of BCG-challenged bladder cancer cells was studied by multiplex immune-beads assay. Results. Transcriptome analysis of the sialyltransferase-transduced cells revealed that groups of genes involved in specific functions were regulated in parallel in the two cell lines, regardless the sialyltransferase expressed. Namely, in sialyltransferase-expressing cells, genes involved in the proper chromosomal segregation and in the DNA repair were consistently down-regulated, while genes reported in literature as markers for bladder cancer were modulated. BCG-challenging induced a tendency to up-regulation of the genes preserving genomic stability and reducing malignancy, but only in cells expressing either sT or sTn. Among the ten cytokines tested, only IL-6 and IL-8 were expressed by bladder cancer cell lines and up-regulated by BCG-challenging, mainly in sialyltransferases-expressing cells. In macrophages, inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β, IL-6 and TNFα, and the antinflammatory IL-10 were induced only by the secretome of BCG-challenged bladder cancer cells, particularly when expressing either sialyltransferase, predicting the stimulation of M1-like macrophages and a better response to BCG therapy. Conclusions. The general effect of the expression of the two sialyltransferases and their products in the bladder cancer cells is toward a more malignant phenotype. However, the stronger ability of sialyltransferase expressing cells to produce inflammatory cytokines upon BCG-challenging and to stimulate macrophages predicts a more effective response to BCG in tumours expressing the sialylated TF antigens. This is fully consistent with our recent clinical data obtained in collaboration, showing that patients with bladder cancer expressing sTn respond better to BCG therapy.


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INTRODUCTION: In the postmenopausal period, an average of 25% of women will present symptomatic ovarian failure requiring hormonal replacement therapy. Estrogen can relieve vasomotor symptoms. Hormonal replacement therapy is generally not recommended for breast cancer patients due to the potential risk of tumor recurrence. To answer the questions about the safety of hormonal replacement therapy in this subgroup of women, it is necessary to establish the acceptance of treatment. METHODS: Between September 1998 and February 2001, a cohort of 216 breast cancer patients were asked to complete a questionnaire. All patients had completed their treatment and were informed about survival rates after breast cancer and hormonal replacement therapy. RESULTS: Among the 216 patients, 134 (62%) would refuse hormonal replacement therapy. A hundred patients were afraid of relapse (74.6%). Adjuvant tamoxifen therapy was the only statistically significant variable (70.3% versus 29.7% p=0.003). Understanding clinical stage (p= 0.045) and type of medical assistance (private versus public , p=0.033) also seemed to influence the decision. Early stage disease (p= 0.22), type of surgical procedure (radical versus conservative, p=0.67), adjuvant chemotherapy (p=0.082) or marital status (p=0.98 ) were not statistically significant in decision making. Several patients submitted to adjuvant chemotherapy (41.6%) would accept hormonal replacement therapy under medical supervision, as did most of advanced clinical stage patients (58.3%; p=0.022). CONCLUSION: There is a high level of rejection for hormonal replacement therapy among breast cancer patients when current data on tumor cure rates, and potential risks of estrogen use is available. Adverse effects of tamoxifen in the adjuvant setting may be the reason for refusal of hormonal replacement therapy .


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Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a particular immunopathological subtype of breast cancer that lacks expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors (ER/PR) and amplification of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) gene. Characterized by aggressive and metastatic phenotypes and high rates of relapse, TNBC is the only breast cancer subgroup still lacking effective therapeutic options, thus presenting the worst prognosis. The development of targeted therapies, as well as early diagnosis methods, is vital to ensure an adequate and timely therapeutic intervention in patients with TNBC. This review intends to discuss potentially emerging approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of TNBC patients, with a special focus on nano-based solutions that actively target these particular tumors.


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Prognosis of early breast cancer patients is significantly improved with the use of adjuvant therapies. Various guidelines have been proposed to select patients who will derive the most benefit from such treatments. However, classifications have limited usefulness in subsets of patients such as those with node negative breast cancer. The 2007 St. Paul de Vence Clinical Practice Recommendations proposed to consider adjuvant therapy in accordance with the 10-year relapse-free survival reduction estimated by Adjuvant! Online. However, many limitations remain regarding the use of Adjuvant! Online. Among them, adverse prognostic and/or predictive factors such as vascular invasion, mitotic activity, progesterone receptor negativity, and HER-2 expression are not incorporated in the routine clinical decision process. Our group has therefore issued guidelines based on the consideration of both Adjuvant! Online calculations and the prognostic and/or predictive effects of these markers. In addition, web-accessible comprehensive tables summarizing these recommendations are provided.


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BACKGROUND: The mutation status of the BRAF and KRAS genes has been proposed as prognostic biomarker in colorectal cancer. Of them, only the BRAF V600E mutation has been validated independently as prognostic for overall survival and survival after relapse, while the prognostic value of KRAS mutation is still unclear. We investigated the prognostic value of BRAF and KRAS mutations in various contexts defined by stratifications of the patient population. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed a cohort of patients with stage II and III colorectal cancer from the PETACC-3 clinical trial (N = 1,423), by assessing the prognostic value of the BRAF and KRAS mutations in subpopulations defined by all possible combinations of the following clinico-pathological variables: T stage, N stage, tumor site, tumor grade and microsatellite instability status. In each such subpopulation, the prognostic value was assessed by log rank test for three endpoints: overall survival, relapse-free survival, and survival after relapse. The significance level was set to 0.01 for Bonferroni-adjusted p-values, and a second threshold for a trend towards statistical significance was set at 0.05 for unadjusted p-values. The significance of the interactions was tested by Wald test, with significance level of 0.05. RESULTS: In stage II-III colorectal cancer, BRAF mutation was confirmed a marker of poor survival only in subpopulations involving microsatellite stable and left-sided tumors, with higher effects than in the whole population. There was no evidence for prognostic value in microsatellite instable or right-sided tumor groups. We found that BRAF was also prognostic for relapse-free survival in some subpopulations. We found no evidence that KRAS mutations had prognostic value, although a trend was observed in some stratifications. We also show evidence of heterogeneity in survival of patients with BRAF V600E mutation. CONCLUSIONS: The BRAF mutation represents an additional risk factor only in some subpopulations of colorectal cancers, in others having limited prognostic value. However, in the subpopulations where it is prognostic, it represents a marker of much higher risk than previously considered. KRAS mutation status does not seem to represent a strong prognostic variable.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most intensively studied cancer types, partly because of its high prevalence but also because of the existence of its precursor lesions, tubular or villous adenomas, and more recently (sessile) serrated adenomas, which can be detected endoscopically and removed. The morphological steps in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence have been elucidated at a molecular level, which has been facilitated by identification of the genes responsible for familial intestinal cancer. However, apart from early detection of familial forms of CRC and its use in genetic counseling, until recently such detailed molecular knowledge has had little impact on clinical management of the disease. This has dramatically changed in the last decade. With drugs specifically targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) having been shown effective in CRC, mechanisms responsible for resistance have been explored. The finding that KRAS mutated cancers do not respond to anti-EGFR treatment has had a profound impact on clinical management and on molecular diagnostics of CRC. Additional genetic tests for mutations in NRAS, BRAF and PIK3CA contribute to determining who to treat, and others will follow. New therapies effective in patients with advanced CRC are under investigation. Remaining burning questions for optimal management are which patients will relapse after resection of the primary tumor and which patients will respond to the standard 5FU-oxaliplatin adjuvant treatment regimen. Predictive tests to address these issues are eagerly awaited. New classifications of CRC, based on molecular parameters, are emerging, and we will be confronted with new subtypes of CRC, for which the definition is based on combinations of gene expression patterns, chromosomal alterations, gene mutations and epigenetic characteristics. This will be instrumental in designing new approaches for therapy but will also be translated into molecular diagnostics. Both will contribute to improved clinical management of CRC.


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The discovery of a targeted therapeutic compound along with its companion predictive biomarker is a major goal of clinical development for a personalized anticancer therapy to date. Here we present evidence of the predictive value of TLR3 expression by tumor cells for the efficacy of Poly (A:U) dsRNA in 194 breast cancer patients enrolled in a randomized clinical trial. Adjuvant treatment with double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) was associated with a significant decrease in the risk of metastatic relapse in TLR3 positive but not in TLR3-negative breast cancers. Moreover, we show the functional relevance of TLR3 expression by human tumor cells for the antitumor effects mediated by dsRNA in several preclinical mouse models carried out in immunocompromised animals. These 2 independent lines of evidence relied upon the generation of a novel tool, an anti-TLR3 antibody (40F9.6) validated for routine detection of TLR3 expression on paraffin-embedded tissues. Altogether, these data suggest that dsRNA mediates its therapeutic effect through TLR3 expressed on tumor cells, and could therefore represent an effective targeted treatment in patients with TLR3-positive cancers.


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Objective: Improved treatment has increased the survival of childhood cancer patients in recent decades, but follow-up care is recommended to detect and treat late effects. We investigated relationships between health beliefs and follow-up attendance in adult childhood cancer survivors.Methods: Childhood cancer survivors aged younger than 16 years when diagnosed between 1976 and 2003, who had survived for more than 5 years and were currently aged 20+ years, received a postal questionnaire. We asked survivors whether they attended follow-up in the past year. Concepts from the Health Belief Model (perceived susceptibility and severity of future late effects, potential benefits and barriers to follow-up, general health value and cues to action) were assessed. Medical information was extracted from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry.Results: Of 1075 survivors (response rate 72.3%), 250 (23.3%) still attended regular follow-up care. In unadjusted analyses, all health belief concepts were significantly associated with follow-up (p < 0.05). Adjusting for other health beliefs, demographic, and medical variables, only barriers (OR = 0.59; 95% CI: 0.43-0.82) remained significant. Younger survivors, those with lower educational background, diagnosed at an older age, treated with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or bone marrow transplantation and with a relapse were more likely to attend follow-up care.Conclusions: Our study showed that more survivors at high risk of cancer-and treatment-related late effects attend follow-up care in Switzerland. Patient-perceived barriers hinder attendance even after accounting for medical variables. Information about the potential effectiveness and value of follow-up needs to be available to increase the attendance among childhood cancer survivors. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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AIM: We investigated the prognostic significance of intraductal carcinoma of the prostate (IDC-P) in biopsies and transurethral resections prior to external beam radiotherapy with or without androgen deprivation. METHODS: Cohort 1 consisted of 118 intermediate risk prostate cancer patients treated by radiotherapy, with biochemical relapse as primary end-point (median follow-up 6.5 years). Cohort 2 consisted of 132 high risk patients, enrolled in a phase III randomised trial (EORTC 22863) comparing radiotherapy alone to radiotherapy with long-term androgen deprivation (LTAD) with clinical progression free survival as primary end-point (median follow-up 9.1 years). Presence of IDC-P was identified after central review. Multivariable regression modelling and Kaplan-Meier analysis were performed with IDC-P as dichotomous variable. RESULTS: IDC-P was a strong prognosticator for early (<36 months) biochemical relapse (HR 7.3; p = 0.007) in cohort 1 and for clinical disease-free survival in both arms of cohort 2 (radiotherapy arm: HR 3.5; p < 0.0001; radiotherapy plus LTAD arm: HR 2.8, p = 0.018). IDC-P retained significance after stratification for reviewed Gleason score in the radiotherapy arm (HR 2.3; p = 0.03). IDC-P was a strong prognosticator for metastatic failure rate (radiotherapy arm: HR 5.3; p < 0.0001; radiotherapy plus LTAD arm: HR 3.6; p = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: IDC-P in diagnostic samples of patients with intermediate or high risk prostate cancer is an independent prognosticator of early biochemical relapse and metastatic failure rate after radiotherapy. We suggest that the presence of IDC-P in prostate biopsies should routinely be reported.


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BACKGROUND ErbB2-positive breast cancer is characterized by highly aggressive phenotypes and reduced responsiveness to standard therapies. Although specific ErbB2-targeted therapies have been designed, only a small percentage of patients respond to these treatments and most of them eventually relapse. The existence of this population of particularly aggressive and non-responding or relapsing patients urges the search for novel therapies. The purpose of this study was to determine whether cannabinoids might constitute a new therapeutic tool for the treatment of ErbB2-positive breast tumors. We analyzed their antitumor potential in a well established and clinically relevant model of ErbB2-driven metastatic breast cancer: the MMTV-neu mouse. We also analyzed the expression of cannabinoid targets in a series of 87 human breast tumors. RESULTS Our results show that both Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the most abundant and potent cannabinoid in marijuana, and JWH-133, a non-psychotropic CB2 receptor-selective agonist, reduce tumor growth, tumor number, and the amount/severity of lung metastases in MMTV-neu mice. Histological analyses of the tumors revealed that cannabinoids inhibit cancer cell proliferation, induce cancer cell apoptosis, and impair tumor angiogenesis. Cannabinoid antitumoral action relies, at least partially, on the inhibition of the pro-tumorigenic Akt pathway. We also found that 91% of ErbB2-positive tumors express the non-psychotropic cannabinoid receptor CB2. CONCLUSIONS Taken together, these results provide a strong preclinical evidence for the use of cannabinoid-based therapies for the management of ErbB2-positive breast cancer.


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BACKGROUND Taxanes are among the most active drugs for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer, and, as a consequence, they have also been studied in the adjuvant setting. METHODS After breast cancer surgery, women with lymph node-positive disease were randomly assigned to treatment with fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide (FEC) or with FEC followed by weekly paclitaxel (FEC-P). The primary endpoint of study-5-year disease-free survival (DFS)-was assessed by Kaplan-Meier analysis. Secondary endpoints included overall survival and analysis of the prognostic and predictive value of clinical and molecular (hormone receptors by immunohistochemistry and HER2 by fluorescence in situ hybridization) markers. Associations and interactions were assessed with a multivariable Cox proportional hazards model for DFS for the following covariates: age, menopausal status, tumor size, lymph node status, type of chemotherapy, tumor size, positive lymph nodes, HER2 status, and hormone receptor status. All statistical tests were two-sided. RESULTS Among the 1246 eligible patients, estimated rates of DFS at 5 years were 78.5% in the FEC-P arm and 72.1% in the FEC arm (difference = 6.4%, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.6% to 11.2%; P = .006). FEC-P treatment was associated with a 23% reduction in the risk of relapse compared with FEC treatment (146 relapses in the 614 patients in the FEC-P arm vs 193 relapses in the 632 patients in the FEC arm, hazard ratio [HR] = 0.77, 95% CI = 0.62 to 0.95; P = .022) and a 22% reduction in the risk of death (73 and 95 deaths, respectively, HR = 0.78, 95% CI = 0.57 to 1.06; P = .110). Among the 928 patients for whom tumor samples were centrally analyzed, type of chemotherapy (FEC vs FEC-P) (P = .017), number of involved axillary lymph nodes (P < .001), tumor size (P = .020), hormone receptor status (P = .004), and HER2 status (P = .006) were all associated with DFS. We found no statistically significant interaction between HER2 status and paclitaxel treatment or between hormone receptor status and paclitaxel treatment. CONCLUSIONS Among patients with operable breast cancer, FEC-P treatment statistically significantly reduced the risk of relapse compared with FEC as adjuvant therapy.


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BACKGROUND: Gastric cancer currently ranks second in global cancer mortality. Most patients are either diagnosed at an advanced stage, or develop a relapse after surgery with curative intent. Apart from supportive care and palliative radiation to localized (e.g. bone) metastasis, systemic chemotherapy is the only treatment option available in this situation. OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy of chemotherapy versus best supportive care, combination versus single agent chemotherapy and different combination chemotherapy regimens in advanced gastric cancer. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE and EMBASE up to March 2009, reference lists of studies, and contacted pharmaceutical companies and national and international experts. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials on systemic intravenous chemotherapy versus best supportive care, combination versus single agent chemotherapy and different combination chemotherapies in advanced gastric cancer. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two authors independently extracted data. A third investigator was consulted in case of disagreements. We contacted study authors to obtain missing information. MAIN RESULTS: Thirty five trials, with a total of 5726 patients, have been included in the meta-analysis of overall survival. The comparison of chemotherapy versus best supportive care consistently demonstrated a significant benefit in overall survival in favour of the group receiving chemotherapy (hazard ratios (HR) 0.37; 95% confidence intervals (CI) 0.24 to 0.55, 184 participants). The comparison of combination versus single-agent chemotherapy provides evidence for a survival benefit in favour of combination chemotherapy (HR 0.82; 95% CI 0.74 to 0.90, 1914 participants). The price of this benefit is increased toxicity as a result of combination chemotherapy. When comparing 5-FU/cisplatin-containing combination therapy regimens with versus without anthracyclines (HR 0.77; 95% CI 0.62 to 0.95, 501 participants) and 5-FU/anthracycline-containing combinations with versus without cisplatin (HR 0.82; 95% CI 0.73 to 0.92, 1147 participants) there was a significant survival benefit for regimens including 5-FU, anthracyclines and cisplatin. Both the comparison of irinotecan versus non-irinotecan (HR 0.86; 95% CI 0.73 to 1.02, 639 participants) and docetaxel versus non-docetaxel containing regimens (HR 0.93; 95% CI 0.75 to 1.15, 805 participants) show non-significant overall survival benefits in favour of the irinotecan and docetaxel-containing regimens. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Chemotherapy significantly improves survival in comparison to best supportive care. In addition, combination chemotherapy improves survival compared to single-agent 5-FU. All patients should be tested for their HER-2 status and trastuzumab should be added to a standard fluoropyrimidine/cisplatin regimen in patients with HER-2 positive tumours. Two and three-drug regimens including 5-FU, cisplatin, with or without an anthracycline, as well as irinotecan or docetaxel-containing regimens are reasonable treatment options for HER-2 negative patients.


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PURPOSE: To retrospectively assess the influence of prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) timing on brain relapse rates in patients treated with two different chemoradiotherapy (CRT) regimens for Stage IIIB non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). METHODS AND MATERIALS: A cohort of 134 patients, with Stage IIIB NSCLC in recursive partitioning analysis Group 1, was treated with PCI (30 Gy at 2 Gy/fr) following one of two CRT regimens. Regimen 1 (n = 58) consisted of three cycles of induction chemotherapy (ICT) followed by concurrent CRT (C-CRT). Regimen 2 (n = 76) consisted of immediate C-CRT during thoracic radiotherapy. RESULTS: At a median follow-up of 27.6 months (range, 7.2-40.4), 65 patients were alive. Median, progression-free, and brain metastasis-free survival (BMFS) times for the whole study cohort were 23.4, 15.4, and 23.0 months, respectively. Median survival time and the 3-year survival rate for regimens 1 and 2 were 19.3 vs. 26.1 months (p = 0.001) and 14.4% vs. 34.4% (p < .001), respectively. Median time from the initiation of primary treatment to PCI was 123.2 (range, 97-161) and 63.4 (range, 55-74) days for regimens 1 and 2, respectively (p < 0.001). Overall, 11 (8.2%) patients developed brain metastasis (BM) during the follow-up period: 8 (13.8%) in regimen 1 and 3 (3.9%) in regimen 2 (p = 0.03). Only 3 (2.2%) patients developed BM at the site of first failure, and for 2 of them, it was also the sole site of recurrence. Median BMFS for regimens 1 and 2 were 17.4 (13.5-21.3) vs. 26.0 (22.9-29.1 months), respectively (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that in Stage IIIB NSCLC patients treated with PCI, lower BM incidence and longer survival rates result from immediate C-CRT rather than ITC-first regimens. This indicates the benefit of earlier PCI use without delay because of induction protocols.


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Recurrent breast cancer occurring after the initial treatment is associated with poor outcome. A bimodal relapse pattern after surgery for primary tumor has been described with peaks of early and late recurrence occurring at about 2 and 5 years, respectively. Although several clinical and pathological features have been used to discriminate between low- and high-risk patients, the identification of molecular biomarkers with prognostic value remains an unmet need in the current management of breast cancer. Using microarray-based technology, we have performed a microRNA expression analysis in 71 primary breast tumors from patients that either remained disease-free at 5 years post-surgery (group A) or developed early (group B) or late (group C) recurrence. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of microRNA expression data segregated tumors in two groups, mainly corresponding to patients with early recurrence and those with no recurrence. Microarray data analysis and RT-qPCR validation led to the identification of a set of 5 microRNAs (the 5-miRNA signature) differentially expressed between these two groups: miR-149, miR-10a, miR-20b, miR-30a-3p and miR-342-5p. All five microRNAs were down-regulated in tumors from patients with early recurrence. We show here that the 5-miRNA signature defines a high-risk group of patients with shorter relapse-free survival and has predictive value to discriminate non-relapsing versus early-relapsing patients (AUC = 0.993, p-value<0.05). Network analysis based on miRNA-target interactions curated by public databases suggests that down-regulation of the 5-miRNA signature in the subset of early-relapsing tumors would result in an overall increased proliferative and angiogenic capacity. In summary, we have identified a set of recurrence-related microRNAs with potential prognostic value to identify patients who will likely develop metastasis early after primary breast surgery.


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BACKGROUND: Although colon cancer (CC) with microsatellite instability (MSI) has a more favorable prognosis than microsatellite stable (MSS) CC, the impact varies according to clinicopathological parameters. We studied how MSI status affects prognosis in a trial-based cohort of stage II and III CC patients treated with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)/leucovorin or FOLFIRI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Tissue specimens of 1254 patients were tested for 10 different loci and were classified as MSI-high (MSI-H) when three or more loci were unstable and MSS otherwise. Study end points were overall survival (OS) and relapse-free survival (RFS). RESULTS: In stage II, RFS and OS were better for patients with MSI-H than with MSS CC [hazard ratio (HR) 0.26, 95% CI 0.10-0.65, P = 0.004 and 0.16, 95% CI 0.04-0.64, P = 0.01). In stage III, RFS was slightly better for patients with MSI-H CC (HR 0.67, 95% CI 0.46-0.99, P = 0.04), but the difference was not statistically significant for OS (HR 0.70, 95% CI 0.44-1.09, P = 0.11). Outcomes for patients with MSI-H CC were not different between the two treatment arms. RFS was better for patients with MSI-H than with MSS CC in the right and left colon, whereas for OS this was significant only in the right colon. For patients with KRAS- and BRAF-mutated CC, but not for double wild-type patients, RFS and OS were significantly better when the tumors were also MSI-H. An interaction test was statistically significant for KRAS and MSI status (P = 0.005), but not for BRAF status (P = 0.14). CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that for patients with stage II CC but less so for those with stage III MSI-H is strongly prognostic for RFS and OS. In the presence of 5-FU treatment, stage II patients with MSI-H tumors maintain their survival advantage in comparison with MSS patients and adding irinotecan has no added benefit. CLINICALTRIALSGOV IDENTIFIER: NCT00026273.