972 resultados para bromide


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Dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) dispersions obtained by simply mixing the amphiphile in water, and by bath-sonication, were investigated by electron spin resonance (ESR) of stearic acids and their methyl ester derivatives, labeled at the 5th and 16th carbons of the acyl chain. The ESR spectra indicate that the non-sonicated dispersions are formed mainly by one population of DODAB vesicles, either in the gel (T < T-m) or in the liquid-crystalline (T > T-m) state. Around T-m there is a co-existence of the two phases, with a thermal hysteresis of about 3.2 degreesC. In sonicated DODAB dispersions, spin labels indicate two different environments even for temperatures far below T-m: one similar to that obtained with non-sonicated samples, a gel phase, and another one in the liquid-crystalline state. The fluid phase domain present below T-m could correspond to either the periphery of bilayer fragments, reported to be present in sonicated DODAB dispersions, or to high curvature vesicles. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The gel to liquid crystalline phase transition of the double-chained cationic dioctadecyldimethylammonium chloride and bromide (DODAX, X = Cl- or Br-) in aqueous vesicle dispersions prepared by non-sonication, sonication and extrusion has been investigated using high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The transition temperature (T-m) is a function of the preparation method, amphiphile concentration, vesicle curvature and nature of the counterion. DSC thermograms for DODAB and DODAC non-sonicated vesicle dispersions exhibit a single endothermic peak at T-m roughly independent of concentration up to 10 mM. Extrusion broadens the transition peak and shifts T-m downwards. Sonication, however, broadens slightly the transition peak and tends to shift T-m upwards suggesting that extrusion and sonication form vesicles with different characteristics. DODAC always exhibits higher T-m than DODAB irrespective of the preparation method. T-m changes as follows: T-m (sonicated) greater than or equal to T-m (non-sonicated) > T-m (extruded). Hysteresis of about 7 degrees C was observed for DODAB vesicle dispersions. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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High-curvature and stabilized vesicles of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODABr) can be formed spontaneously in aqueous electrolytic solution. It is shown by cryo-transmission electron microscopy that 5.0 mM DODABr molecules associate in water at a temperature above its gel-to-liquid-crystalline phase transition temperature (T(m)approximate to45 degreesC) in a variety of complex bilayer structures. However, in the presence of NaCl the preferred structures formed are unilamellar and bilamellar vesicles with high curvature and the dispersion is polydisperse in size and geometry, but the main vesicle population contains spherical, flattened and smoothed structures. It is, however, less polydisperse than the corresponding salt-free dispersion, and the size polydispersity and the vesicle curvature radius tend to decrease with NaCl concentration. Long cylindrical bilamellar vesicles, with a very thin water layer separating the bilayers are also formed in the presence of 10 mM NaCl. The effect of the ionic strength on T-m, obtained by differential scanning calorimetry, is shown to depend on the nature of the counterion: Br- decreases, whereas Cl- increases Tm of DODABr, indicating different affinity of these counterions for the vesicle surfaces.


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Differential scanning calorimetry (DSc) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) were used to obtain the gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition temperature (T-m) and the apparent hydrodynamic radius (R-h) of spontaneously formed cationic vesicles of dialkyldimethylammonium bromide salts (CnH2n+1)(2)(CH3)(2)N+center dot Br-, with varying chain lengths. The preparation of cationic vesicles from aqueous solution of these surfactants, for n = 12, 14, 16 and 18 (DDAB, DTDAB, DHDAB and DODAB, respectively), requires the knowledge of the surfactant gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition temperature, or melting temperature (T-m) since below this temperature these surfactants are poorly or not soluble in water. That series of cationic surfactants has been widely investigated as vesicle-forming surfactants, although C-12 and C-18, DDAB and DODAB are by far the most investigated from this series. The dependence of T-m of these surfactants on the number n of carbons in the surfactant tails is reported. The T-m obtained by DSC increases non-linearly with n, and the vesicle apparent radius R-h is about the same for DHDAB and DODAB, but much smaller for DDAB. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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Combined dynamic and static light scattering (DLS, SLS) and cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) were used to investigate extruded cationic vesicles of dioctadecyldimethylammonium chloride and bromide (DODAX, X being Cl- or Br-). In salt-free dispersions the mean hydrodynamic diameter, D-h, and the weight average molecular weight, M-w, are larger for DODAB than for DODAC vesicles, and both D-h and M-w increase with the diameter (phi) of the extrusion filter. NaCl (NaBr) decreases (increases) the DODAB (DODAC) vesicle size, reflecting the general trend of DODAB to assemble as larger vesicles than DODAC. The polydispersity index is lower than 0.25, indicating the dispersions are rather polydisperse. Cryo-TEM micrographs show that the smaller vesicles are spherical while the larger ones are oblong or faceted, and the vesicle samples are fairly polydisperse in size and morphology. They also indicate that the vesicle size increases with phi and DODAB assembles as larger vesicles than DODAC. Lens-shaped vesicles were observed in the extruded preparations. Both light scattering and cryo-TEM indicate that the vesicle size is larger or smaller than phi when phi is smaller or larger than the optimal phi* approximate to 200 nm. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The effect of the micelle-forming surfactant series alkyltrimethylammonium bromide (C(n)TAB, n = 12, 14, 16 and 18) on the thermotropic phase behavior of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) vesicles in water was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry at constant 5.0 mM total surfactant concentration and varying individual surfactant concentrations. The pre-, post- and main transition temperatures (T-s, T-p and T-m), melting enthalpy (Delta H) and peak width of the main transition (Delta T-1/2) are reported as a function of the surfactant molar fraction. No clear dependence of these parameters on the C(n)TAB chain length was found. At 5 mM, neat DODAB in water exhibits two transition temperatures, T-s = 32.1 and T-m = 42.7 degrees C, as obtained from the DSC upscans, but not a clear T-p. For every n, except n = 12, T-s vanishes as CnTAB concentration increases and approaches CMC. T-m behaves differently for different n, the longer C(14)TAB and C(16)TAB decrease, while C(18)TAB increases T-m with increasing concentration. The data indicate that changes in T-m, T-s, T-p and Delta H of the transition are related not only to the extent of C(n)TAB affinity to DODAB but also to the surfactant chain length. Accordingly, C18TAB yields a more compact bilayer, thus increasing T-m, while C(14)TAB and C(1G)TAB yield a less organized bilayer and reduce T-m. C(12)TAB does not much affect T-s and T-m, although it yields T-p approximate to 51.6 degrees C. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A recently described non-viral gene delivery system [dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB)/monoolein (MO)] has been studied in detail to improve knowledge on the interactions between lamellar (DODAB) and non-lamellar-forming (MO) lipids, as a means to enhance their final cell transfection efficiency. Indeed, the morphology, fluidity, and size of these cationic surfactant/neutral lipid mixtures play an important role in the ability of these systems to complex nucleic acids. The different techniques used in this work, namely dynamic light scattering (DLS), fluorescence spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM), light microscopy (LM), and surface pressure-area isotherms, allowed fully characterization of the phase behavior and aggregate morphology of DODAB/MO mixtures at different molar ratios. Overall, the results indicate that the final morphology of DODAB/MO aggregates depends on the balance between the tendency of DODAB to form zero-curvature bilayer structures and the propensity of MO to form non-bilayer structures with negative curvature. These results also show that in the MO-rich region, an increase in temperature has a similar effect on aggregate morphology as an increase in MO concentration. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Optically clear dispersions of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide and chloride (DODAX, X = Br-, Cl-) in water can be obtained by simply mixing the amphiphiles at low concentrations (I mM) and at a temperature safely above the gel to liquid crystalline phase transition temperature (T-m approximate to 45-48 degrees C) of DODAX in water. Under these conditions, dynamic light scattering shows that, at room temperature, the dispersions contain two well-defined populations of large vesicles with average hydrodynamic radii (RH) of 80 and 337 nm for DODAB and of 69 and 247 nm for DODAC. Cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) micrographs show that DODAX vesicles are unilamellar and polydisperse with apparent radius up to 800 nm. The vesicles are stable for at least I month according to the ageing time-dependence of the turbidity and molar absorption coefficient. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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We have used surface tension measurements, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic light scattering (DLS), and cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) to investigate the dynamic and structural behavior of octadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (C(18)TAB) micelles in water and NaBr solution. The surface tension data for fixed C(18)TAB concentrations of 25 mM and varied NaBr additions (0-50 mM) shows that the critical micelle concentration (cmc) increases after an initial decrease at 0.5 mM NaBr. This unusual effect has been explained using results from DSC and DLS. At low salt concentrations (below ca. 25 mM) the relaxation time distribution is bimodal with a dominant fast mode due to spherical micelles. Above ca. 35 mM NaBr disklike structures are favored and the relaxation time distribution is more closely unimodal. The postulated sphere-to-disk transition is supported by cryo-TEM micrographs. A pronounced increase in the micellar effective hydrodynamic radius (R-H) is observed as the NaBr concentration is increased above about 35 mM; below 35 mM the R-H of the spherical micelles changes Little with ionic strength.


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The thermotropic phase behavior of cationic liposomes in mixtures of two of the most investigated liposome-forming double-chain lipids, dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) and didodecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB), was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), turbidity, and Nile Red fluorescence. The dispersions were investigated at 1.0 mM total surfactant concentration and varying DODAB and DDAB concentrations. The gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition temperatures (T-m) of neat DDAB and DODAB in aqueous dispersions are around 16 and 43 degrees C, respectively, and we aim to investigate the T-m behavior for mixtures of these cationic lipids. Overall, DDAB reduces the T-m of DODAB, the transition temperature depending on the DDAB content, but the T-m of DDAB is roughly independent of the DODAB concentration. Both DSC and fluorescence measurements show that, within the mixture, at room temperature (ca. 22 degrees C), the DDAB-rich liposomes are in the liquid-crystalline state, whereas the DODAB-rich liposomes are in the gel state. DSC results point to a higher affinity of DDAB for DODAB liposomes than the reverse, resulting in two populations of mixed DDAB/DODAB liposomes with distinctive phase behavior. Fluorescence measurements also show that the presence of a small amount of DODAB in DDAB-rich liposomes causes a pronounced effect in Nile Red emission, due to the increase in liposome size, as inferred from turbidity results.