804 resultados para breeds


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The aim of the present study was to assess the heat tolerance of animals of two Portuguese (Alentejana and Mertolenga) and two exotic (Frisian and Limousine) cattle breeds, through the monitoring of physiological acclimatization reactions in different thermal situations characterized by alternate periods of thermoneutrality and heat stress simulated in climatic chambers. In the experiment, six heifers of the Alentejana, Frisian and Mertolenga breeds and four heifers of the Limousine breed were used. The increase in chamber temperatures had different consequences on the animals of each breed. When submitted to heat stress, the Frisian animals developed high thermal polypnea (more than 105 breath movements per minute), which did not prevent an increase in the rectal temperature (from 38.7 degrees C to 40.0 degrees C). However, only a slight depression in food intake and in blood thyroid hormone concentrations was observed under thermal stressful conditions. Under the thermal stressful conditions, Limousine animals decreased food intake by 11.4% and blood triiodothyronine (T3) hormone concentration decreased to 76% of the level observed in thermoneutral conditions. Alentejana animals had similar reactions. The Mertolenga cattle exhibited the highest capacity for maintaining homeothermy: under heat stressful conditions, the mean thermal polypnea increased twofold, but mean rectal temperature did not increase. Mean food intake decreased by only 2% and mean T3 blood concentration was lowered to 85,6% of the concentration observed under thermoneutral conditions. These results lead to the conclusion that the Frisian animals had more difficulty in tolerating high temperatures, the Limousine and Alentejana ones had an intermediate difficulty, and the Mertolenga animals were by far the most heat tolerant.


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A synaptonemal complex (SC) study of specimens of Nellore and Gyr breeds of Bos taurus indicus was performed with the main objective to identify and determinate the frequency of abnormalities of SC and the frequency of cells with abnormalities. All animals analyzed had 29 autosomal bivalents and one sexual bivalent. The Nellore breed had 30.00% of cells with SC abnormalities while the Gyr breed had only 11.11%. Statistical analyses showed that there were not significant differences for the number of cells with abnormalities among the breeds studied. The subspecies Bos taurus indicus had 16.92% of cells showing abnormalities, being 62.82% of these abnormalities in zygotene and 37.18% in pachytene. Some aspects regarding the frequency of cells with abnormalities and the fertility of Nellore and Gyr breeds are discussed.


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Intense selective pressures applied over short evolutionary time have resulted in homogeneity within, but substantial variation among, horse breeds. Utilizing this population structure, 744 individuals from 33 breeds, and a 54,000 SNP genotyping array, breed-specific targets of selection were identified using an FST-based statistic calculated in 500-kb windows across the genome. A 5.5-Mb region of ECA18, in which the myostatin (MSTN) gene was centered, contained the highest signature of selection in both the Paint and Quarter Horse. Gene sequencing and histological analysis of gluteal muscle biopsies showed a promoter variant and intronic SNP of MSTN were each significantly associated with higher Type 2B and lower Type 1 muscle fiber proportions in the Quarter Horse, demonstrating a functional consequence of selection at this locus. Signatures of selection on ECA23 in all gaited breeds in the sample led to the identification of a shared, 186-kb haplotype including two doublesex related mab transcription factor genes (DMRT2 and 3). The recent identification of a DMRT3 mutation within this haplotype, which appears necessary for the ability to perform alternative gaits, provides further evidence for selection at this locus. Finally, putative loci for the determination of size were identified in the draft breeds and the Miniature horse on ECA11, as well as when signatures of selection surrounding candidate genes at other loci were examined. This work provides further evidence of the importance of MSTN in racing breeds, provides strong evidence for selection upon gait and size, and illustrates the potential for population-based techniques to find genomic regions driving important phenotypes in the modern horse. © 2013 Petersen et al.


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The present study aimed to evaluate the performance, survivability and carcass traits of crossbred lambs. Data from 299 lambs born to 209 ewes were used. The dams were from a local hair breed (Santa Inês) and five breeds of sires were used: Dorper (DR), Ile de France (IF), Hampshire Down (HD), Texel (TX) and Santa Inês (SI). The lambs were weighed at birth, weaning and slaughter. Fasting body weight, skin thickness, hot and cold carcass weight, carcass yield and carcass length were measured at slaughter. Carcasses were separated into commercial cuts: neck, shoulder, rib, belly, loin and leg. Leg length and circumference were measured. Analyses of variances using MIXED procedure in SAS® were carried out for weights and carcass traits. Factor, discriminant and canonical analysis were carried out. Mortality data of animals from birth until slaughter was analyzed using logistic regression. The HD animals had the highest mortality rate. TX lambs had similar growth rate and survivability compared to DR and IF and had better carcass traits than these genetic groups. Therefore, this breed can be used as paternal breed to crossbreeding with Santa Inês dams. Santa Inês animals did not differ in growth from birth until slaughter compared to crossbred animals, which highlights the potential of this naturalized breed for meat production. Moreover, there is a great variability inside this breed for carcass and growth traits which may undergo great improvement through selection programs. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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In this study, 15 microsatellite DNA loci used in comparative tests by the International Society for Animal Genetics were applied to the evaluation of genetic diversity and management, and the efficiency of paternity testing in Marajoara horses and Puruca ponies from the Marajó Archipelago. Based on the genotyping of 93 animals, mean allelic diversity was estimated as 9.14 and 7.00 for the Marajoara and Puruca breeds, respectively. While these values are similar to those recorded in most European breeds, mean levels of heterozygosity were much lower (Marajoara 49%, Puruca 40%), probably as a result of high levels of inbreeding in the Marajó populations. The mean informative polymorphic content of this 15-marker system was over 50% in both breeds, and was slightly higher in the Marajoara horses. The discriminative power and exclusion probabilities derived from this system were over 99% for both populations, emphasizing the efficacy of these markers for paternity testing and genetic management in the two breeds.


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Foi investigada a variabilidade genética de 14 sistemas protéicos codificados por 15 locos estruturais em amostras de sangue de suínos das raças Piau e Caruncho. Os resultados foram comparados com àqueles obtidos previamente para amostras de Landrace, Large White, Duroc e Mouro. O grau de variabilidade genética obtida para Piau (He=0,114) foi similar àquelas estimadas para outras raças criadas no Brasil (Landrace, He=0,116; Large White, He=0,119; Duroc, 0,095; Mouro, He= 0,130). Caruncho apresentou a menor variabilidade (He= 0,056). A partir das freqüências gênicas dos locos polimórficos, foi calculada a eficiência de cada sistema para testes de paternidade e as probabilidades combinadas de exclusão de paternidade foram estimadas em 58% para Piau e 36% para Caruncho. Análises das distâncias genéticas revelaram que a raça mais próxima da Piau foi a Landrace (D=0,042). Caruncho apresentou as maiores divergências em relação a todas as raças comparadas, que variaram de 0,107 (com Landrace) a 0,176 (com Duroc). A árvore construída através de UPGMA e Distância de Rogers mostrou uma topologia na qual Piau e Mouro se uniram as raças Européias (Landrace e Large White), e Caruncho está separado de todas as demais raças. Os resultados das análises das amostras de Caruncho devem ser interpretados com cautela, uma vez que o número de animais estudados foi pequeno.


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Para estudar o relacionamento genético entre as raças suínas Landrace, Large White e Duroc foram utilizados os dados sobre três polimorfismos protéicos, investigados em três amostras brasileiras e em 13 populações de outros países, incluindo uma população de Landrace Belga. O dendrograma, construído a partir da matriz dos coeficientes de distância genética, mostrou três grandes grupos reunidos por raça. Os agrupamentos de Landrace e os de Large White mostraram em média maior semelhança entre si (D = 0,203) do que entre eles e os de Duroc (D = 0,241). Nas três raças, as menores distâncias genéticas foram verificadas entre as populações brasileiras e as cubanas (Landrace: D = 0,060; Large White: D = 0,052; Duroc: D = 0,065), apesar de não haver relatos de trocas de animais entre estes dois países.


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Background: Iran is an area of particular interest for investigating goat diversity. Archaeological remains indicate early goat domestication (about 10 000 years ago) in the Iranian Zagros Mountains as well as in the high Euphrates valley and southeastern Anatolia. In addition, mitochondrial DNA data of domestic goats and wild ancestors (C. aegagrusor bezoar) suggest a pre-domestication management of wild populations in southern Zagros and central Iranian Plateau. In this study genetic diversity was assessed in seven Iranian native goat breeds, namely Markhoz, Najdi, Taleshi, Khalkhali, Naini, native Abadeh and Turki-Ghashghaei. A total of 317 animals were characterized using 14 microsatellite loci. Two Pakistani goat populations, Pahari and Teddy, were genotyped for comparison.Results: Iranian goats possess a remarkable genetic diversity (average expected heterozygosity of 0.671 across loci, 10.7 alleles per locus) mainly accounted for by the within-breed component (G(ST) = 5.9%). Positive and highly significant F-IS values in the Naini, Turki-Ghashghaei, Abadeh and Markhoz breeds indicate some level of inbreeding in these populations. Multivariate analyses cluster Iranian goats into northern, central and western groups, with the western breeds relatively distinct from the others. Pakistani breeds show some relationship with Iranian populations, even if their position is not consistent across analyses. Gene flow was higher within regions (west, north, central) compared to between regions but particularly low between the western and the other two regions, probably due to the isolating topography of the Zagros mountain range. The Turki-Ghashghaei, Najdi and Abadeh breeds are reared in geographic areas where mtDNA provided evidence of early domestication. These breeds are highly variable, located on basal short branches in the neighbor-joining tree, close to the origin of the principal component analysis plot and, although highly admixed, they are quite distinct from those reared on the western side of the Zagros mountain range.Conclusions: These observations call for further investigation of the nuclear DNA diversity of these breeds within a much wider geographic context to confirm or re-discuss the current hypothesis (based on maternal lineage data) of an almost exclusive contribution of the eastern Anatolian bezoar to the domestic goat gene pool.


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The synaptonemal complex (SC) was analyzed in four F1 hybrids of Bos taurus taurus and B. taurus indicus including Gyr-Simmental (G-S), Nelore Simmental (N-S), Gyr-Holstein-Friesian (G-H) and Nelore-Piemontese (N-P). We analysed the frequency of various types of SC abnormalities and the frequency of cells with SC abnormalities. The results were compared with similar observations made on purebred animals. All the animals studied possessed 29 autosomal and one sex bivalent. The frequency of cells with abnormalities in the hybrids were 28.0% in the N-P, 29.1% in the G-S, 33.3% in the N-S and 40.0% in the G-H. The frequency of cells with abnormalities in the four hybrids was 31.5%; 57.9% of these abnormalities occurred in zygotene and 42.0% occurred in pachytene. The comparisons among the hybrids and among the hybrids and their parental breeds showed that the only significant difference was between Gyr and Gyr-Holstein-Friesian animals. Some aspects of the relationship between the frequency of cells with anomalies and the fertility of hybrids are discussed.


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To assist cattle producers transition from microsatellite (MS) to single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping for parental verification we previously devised an effective and inexpensive method to impute MS alleles from SNP haplotypes. While the reported method was verified with only a limited data set (N = 479) from Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, and Jersey cattle, some of the MS-SNP haplotype associations were concordant across these phylogenetically diverse breeds. This implied that some haplotypes predate modern breed formation and remain in strong linkage disequilibrium. To expand the utility of MS allele imputation across breeds, MS and SNP data from more than 8000 animals representing 39 breeds (Bos taurus and B. indicus) were used to predict 9410 SNP haplotypes, incorporating an average of 73 SNPs per haplotype, for which alleles from 12 MS markers could be accurately be imputed. Approximately 25% of the MS-SNP haplotypes were present in multiple breeds (N = 2 to 36 breeds). These shared haplotypes allowed for MS imputation in breeds that were not represented in the reference population with only a small increase in Mendelian inheritance inconsistancies. Our reported reference haplotypes can be used for any cattle breed and the reported methods can be applied to any species to aid the transition from MS to SNP genetic markers. While ~91% of the animals with imputed alleles for 12 MS markers had ≤1 Mendelian inheritance conflicts with their parents' reported MS genotypes, this figure was 96% for our reference animals, indicating potential errors in the reported MS genotypes. The workflow we suggest autocorrects for genotyping errors and rare haplotypes, by MS genotyping animals whose imputed MS alleles fail parentage verification, and then incorporating those animals into the reference dataset.


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The study of population structure by pedigree analysis is useful to identify important circumstances that affect the genetic history of populations. The intensive use of a small number of superior individuals may reduce the genetic diversity of populations. This situation is very common for the beef cattle breeds. Therefore, the objectives of the present study were to analyze the pedigree and possible inbreeding depression on traits of economic interest in the Marchigiana and Bonsmara breeds and to test the inclusion of the individual inbreeding coefficient (F-i) or individual increases in inbreeding coefficient (Delta F-i) in the genetic evaluation model for the quantification of inbreeding depression. The complete pedigree file of the Marchigiana breed included 29,411 animals born between 1950 and 2003. For the Bonsmara breed, the pedigree file included 18,695 animals born between 1988 and 2006. Only animals with at least 2 equivalent generations of known pedigree were kept in the analyses of inbreeding effect on birth weight, weaning weight measured at about 205 d, and BW at 14 mo in the Marchigiana breed, and on birth weight, weaning weight, and scro-tal circumference measured at 12 mo in the Bonsmara breed. The degree of pedigree knowledge was greater for Marchigiana than for Bonsmara animals. The average generation interval was 7.02 and 3.19 for the Marchigiana and Bonsmara breed, respectively. The average inbreeding coefficient was 1.33% for Marchigiana and 0.26% for Bonsmara. The number of ancestors explaining 50% of the gene pool and effective population size computed via individual increase in coancestry were 13 and 97.79 for Marchigiana and 41 and 54.57 for Bonsmara, respectively. These estimates indicate reduction in genetic variability in both breeds. Inbreeding depression was observed for most of the growth traits. The model including Delta F-i can be considered more adequate to quantify inbreeding depression. The inclusion of F-i or Delta F-i in the genetic evaluation model may not result in better fit to the data. A genetic evaluation with simultaneous estimation of inbreeding depression can be performed in Marchigiana and Bonsmara breeds, providing additional information to producers and breeders.


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We recently mapped the belt mutation in Brown Swiss cattle to a 922 kb interval on BTA3. In this study, we analysed two additional cattle breeds with the belted phenotype: Galloway and Dutch Belted (Lakenvelder). By genotyping microsatellites in solid-coloured and belted Galloways, we confirmed that the belt mutation in Galloways is strongly associated with the same chromosomal locus as in Brown Swiss cattle. Subsequently, we analysed 36 SNPs in the belt interval in three breeds. We identified a single belt-associated haplotype for each of the analysed breeds. The three breed-specific belt haplotypes share alleles in four blocks. Three of these blocks comprise only one single or two consecutive markers, while the largest shared haplotype block encompasses nine consecutive SNPs in a 336 kb interval. The large shared haplotype across divergent breeds suggests a common mutation for the belt phenotype in all three breeds. We identified a potential candidate gene within this interval coding for the developmental transcription factor HES6. We re-sequenced the complete HES6 coding sequence in belted and solid-coloured cattle but did not find belt-associated polymorphisms. In conclusion, our data provide strong evidence in favour of a common founder for the belt phenotype in different cattle breeds and have resulted in an improved fine-mapping of the causative mutation.