833 resultados para bioavailability
Five British former mining and smelting sites were investigated and found to have levels of total Sb of up to 700 mg kg(-1), indicating high levels of contamination which could be potentially harmful. However, this level of Sb was found to be biologically unavailable over a wide range of pH values, indicating that Sb is relatively unreactive and immobile in the surface layers of the soil, remaining where it is deposited rather than leaching into lower horizons and contaminating ground water. Sb, sparingly soluble in water, was unavailable to the bacterial biosensors tested. The bioluminescence responses were correlated to levels of co-contaminants such as arsenic and copper, rather than to Sb concentrations. This suggests that soil contamination by Sb due to mining and smelting operations is not a severe risk to the environment or human health provided that it is present as immobile species and contaminated sites are not used for purposes which increase the threat of exposure to identified receptors. Co-contaminants such as arsenic and copper are more bioavailable and may therefore be seen as a more significant risk.
The metabolic vasodilator mediating postexercise hypotension (PEH) is poorly understood. Recent evidence suggests an exercise-induced reliance on pro-oxidant-stimulated vasodilation in normotensive young human subjects, but the role in the prehypertensive state is not known.
Resveratrol offers pleiotropic health benefits including a reported ability to inhibit lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cytokine production. The aim of this work was to prepare, characterize and evaluate a resveratrol nanoparticulate formulation based on zein. For this purpose, the oral bioavailability of the encapsulated polyphenol as well as its anti-inflammatory effects in a mouse model of endotoxic shock was studied. The resveratrol-loaded nanoparticles displayed a mean size of 307±3 nm, with a negative zeta potential (-51.1±1.55 mV), and a polyphenol loading of 80.2±3.26 μg/mg. In vitro, the release of resveratrol from the nanoparticles was found to be pH independent and adjusted well to the Peppas-Sahlin kinetic model, suggesting a mechanism based on the combination of diffusion and erosion of the nanoparticle matrix. Pharmacokinetic studies demonstrated that zein-based nanoparticles provided high and prolonged plasma levels of the polyphenol for at least 48 h. The oral bioavailability of resveratrol when administered in these nanoparticles increased up to 50% (19.2-fold higher than for the control solution of the polyphenol). Furthermore, nanoparticles administered daily for 7 days at 15 mg/kg, were able to diminish the endotoxic symptoms induced in mice by the intraperitoneal administration of LPS (i.e., hypothermia, piloerection and stillness). In addition, serum TNF-α levels were slightly lower (approximately 15%) than those observed in the control.
Interaction of organic xenobiotics with soil water-soluble humic material (WSHM) may influence their environmental fate and bioavailability. We utilized bacterial assays (lux-based toxicity and mineralization by Burkholderia sp. RASC) to assess temporal changes in the bioavailability of [14C]-2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) in soil water extracts (29.5 μg mL-1 2,4-DCP; 840.2 μg mL-1 organic carbon). HPLC determined and bioavailable concentrations were compared. Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) was used to confirm the association of a fraction (>50%) of [14C]-2,4-DCP with WSHM. Subtle differences in parameters describing 2,4-DCP mineralization curves were recorded for different soil-2,4-DCP contact times. Problems regarding the interpretation of mineralization data when assessing the bioavailability of toxic compounds are discussed. The lux-bioassay revealed a time-dependent reduction in 2,4-DCP bioavailability: after 7 d, less than 20% was bioavailable. However, GPC showed no quantitative difference in the amount of WSHM-associated 2,4-DCP over this time. These data suggest qualitative changes in the nature of the 2,4-DCP-WSHM association and that associated 2,4-DCP may exert a toxic effect. Although GPC distinguished between free- and WSHM-associated 2,4-DCP, it did not resolve the temporal shift in bioavailability revealed by the lux biosensor. These results stress that assessment of risk posed by chemicals must be considered using appropriate biological assays.
Experiments were conducted to investigate the interactions between an earthworm species (Lumbricus terrestrius) and soil microflora with respect to the bioavailability and mineralisation of 14C ring-labelled atrazine. Presence of earthworms had no affect on atrazine in soil solution (assayed by soil centrifugation). This soil solution pool was highly time dependent, decreasing considerably as the experiment proceeded. KCl-extractable label was, however, affected by the presence of earthworms, with this pool initially increasing in the presence of the worms. This pool was also highly time-dependent although, the pattern of this dependence did not follow that for label in soil solution. Mineralisation of the atrazine closely followed the KCl exchangeable pool and not that of the soil solution pool. However, label sorbed to the surface of the worms was closely correlated to the soil solution pool. Mineralisation in the presence of earthworms was double that of the controls. By the end of the experiment 6% of added radioactivity was present in the earthworm biomass.
Magnitude, form and bioavailability of fluvial carbon exports from Irish organic soils under pasture
Organic soils are widespread in Ireland and vulnerable to degradation via drainage for agriculture. The soil-landuse combination of pasture on organic soils may play a disproportionate role in regional C dynamics but is yet to receive study. Fluvial C fluxes and labile organic fractions were determined for two such sites at nested field (c.4 ha) and subcatchment scales (>40 ha); one relatively dry and nutrient rich, the other wetter and nutrient poor. Field scale flux from the nutrient poor site over 2 years was 38.9 ± 6.6 g C m−2 yr−1 with DIC > DOC > POC at 57, 32 and 11 % respectively, and 72 % DIC was comprised of above equilibrium CO2. At the nutrient rich site, which overlies limestone geology, field scale export over an individual year was 90.4 g C m−2 with DIC > DOC > POC at 49, 42 and 9 %, but with 90 % DIC as bicarbonate. By comparison with the nutrient poor site, the magnitude and composition of inorganic C exports from the nutrient rich site implied considerable export of soil-respiratory C as bicarbonate, and lower evasion losses due to carbonate system buffering. Labile DOC determined using dark incubations indicated small fractions (5–10 %) available for remineralisation over typical downstream transit times of days to weeks. These fractions are probably conservative as photolysis in the environment can increase the proportion of labile compounds via photocleavage and directly remineralise organic matter. This study demonstrates that monitoring at soil–water interfaces can aid capture of total landscape fluvial fluxes by precluding the need to incorporate prior C evasion, although rapid runoff responses at field scales can necessitate high resolution flow proportional, and hydrograph sampling to constrain uncertainty of flux estimates.
The European “Community Bureau of Reference” (BCR) sequential extraction procedure, diffusive gradient in thin-films technique (DGT), and physiologically based extraction test were applied to assess metal bioavailability in sediments of Lake Taihu (n = 13). Findings from the three methods showed that Cd was a significant problem in the western lake whereas Cu, Zn, and Ni pollution was most severe in the northern lake. Results from the sequential extraction revealed that more than 50 % of the Cu and Zn were highly mobile and defined within the extractable fraction (AS1 + FM2 + OS3) in the majority of the sediments, in contrast extractable fractions of Ni and Cd were lower than 50 % in most of the sampling sites. Average Cu, Zn, Ni, and Cd bioaccessibilities were <50 % in the gastric phase. Zn and Cd bioaccessibility in the intestinal phase was ∼50 % lower than the gastric phase while bioaccessibilities of Cu and Ni were 47–57 % greater than the gastric phase. Linear regression analysis between DGT and BCR measurements indicated that the extractable fractions (AS1 + FM2 + OS3) in the reducing environment were the main source of DGT uptake, suggesting that DGT is a good in situ evaluation tool for metal bioavailability in sediments.
Devido às actividades antropogénicas várias substâncias químicas têm sido introduzidas no meio ambiente em concentrações que de outro modo não ocorreriam de forma tão elevada naturalmente. Assim, o conhecimento acerca das características de um químico, tais como, o potencial para se acumular em diferentes níveis tróficos, a sua mobilidade dentro do ecossistema, a toxicidade específica e a bioacumulação, é fundamental para compreender os seus efeitos nos ecossistemas. Esta tese investiga a influência de especiação, na biodisponibilidade do cádmio (Cd) para o isópode Porcellio dilatatus, incluindo os efeitos de especiação do metal: (i) na assimilação do Cd, (ii) no modo como o Cd se distribui internamente no organismo, e (iii) como a sobrevivência e a reprodução são afectadas em isópodes terrestres. Num primeiro ensaio laboratorial avaliou-se a importância da transferência trófica na assimilação do Cd em P. dilatatus. Para tal analisou-se a eficiência de assimilação (EA) do Cd em isópodes, adicionado superficialmente ao alimento (alface) na forma de Cd(NO3)2 e contaminando o meio de crescimento da alface. A hipótese era de que a alface contaminada biologicamente através do cultivo em meio hidropónico contaminado teria uma maior proporção de complexos com proteína ou conjugado na forma de Cd (ex. Cd cisteína). A EA de Cd foi maior entre os isópodes que foram alimentados com o sal (71%, SE = 7%), do que entre os isópodes que se alimentaram de alface contaminada biologicamente (52%, SE = 5%), demonstrando-se assim num teste laboratorial que é provável que a especiação do Cd influencie a taxa de assimilação e acumulação do Cd. Na experiência alimentar que se seguiu, estudou-se em detalhe a especiação do metal comparando as EA do Cd conjugado com cisteína (Cd(Cys)2) e na forma de Cd(NO3)2, com os quais se contaminou gelatina com alface. A utilização de Cd-cisteína, proporcionou uma forma experimental para explorar a biodisponibilidade do Cd complexado dentro do tecido biológico. Como esperado, a EA de Cd em isópodes alimentados com nitrato de Cd (64%, SE = 5%) foi maior do que no caso de isópodes alimentados com o conjugado de cisteína (20%, SE = 3%). De seguida estudou-se a distribuição subcelular das espécies de Cd assimilado através de um processo de fraccionamento. Supunha-se que as diferenças de especiação de Cd reflectiria diferentes estratégias de compartimentalização, com consequências ao nível da detoxificação, armazenamento celular e distribuição subcelular do metal. O “sequestro” na forma de metal biologicamente detoxificado (BDM = proteínas estáveis ao calor - HSP e grânulos ricos em metal - RMG) foi maior nos isópodes alimentados com Cd(NO3)2, sugerindo que são mais eficientes na detoxificação de Cd (22%) do que quando alimentados com Cd(Cys)2 (15%). Foi também demonstrado que os isópodes alimentados com Cd(Cys)2 possuíam níveis de armazenamento de Cd superior nas fracções sensíveis ao metal (MSF = organelos e proteínas desnaturadas pelo calor - HDP) consideradas fracções potencialmente vulneráveis e afectando os isópodes em termos de toxicidade. As diferentes distribuições internas que se seguiram à assimilação e detoxificação das diferentes espécies de Cd foram finalmente avaliadas em termos da sobrevivência e reprodução dos isópodes. O tratamento com Cd(Cys)2 teve maior mortalidade, provavelmente devido à maior disponibilidade de Cd ingerido com implicações ao nível dos processos fisiológicos. Os isópodes alimentados com Cd(NO3)2 armazenaram o Cd nos MRG, como estratégia de detoxificação, sendo mais eficientes a detoxificar o Cd ainda que aumentando a concentração total do metal que se tornou menos tóxico para o isópode. Desta forma, o Cd nos grânulos não estava disponível para os processos fisiológicos e deixou de ser tóxico. Isso poderia estar relacionado com a resistência e tolerância aos metais devido à capacidade dos isópodes compartimentalizarem o Cd no hepatopâncreas, que actua como um mecanismo de detoxificação e contribui para a tolerância a altos níveis de cádmio. Em termos de parâmetros reprodutivos, observou-se uma redução de gestações e duração da gestação na presença de ambas as espécies de metal, mas no caso do Cd(Cys)2 as gravidezes não se concluíram. O número de jovens produzido por fêmeas alimentadas com Cd(NO3)2 foi menor do que no controlo, mas os pesos dos juvenis foram superiores. Finalmente sugere-se assim que esta abordagem seja considerada em estudos do movimento trófico de metais nas cadeias alimentares dado que se espera que a especiação de metais implique diferentes fluxos, dentro de uma dada cadeia trófica.
Exploring the bioavailability of (poly)phenols from berries and their potential activities in humans
(Poly)phenols are the most widely distributed secondary metabolites, in plants, and, therefore, are regular constituents of human food products. The regular ingestion of (poly)phenol-containing foods has been associated with a reduced risk of acquiring chronic diseases and many studies are currently trying to corroborate this theory. However, the precise contribution of (poly)phenols to disease prevention is still unknown.(...)
Les nanoparticules (NPs) de polymère ont montré des résultats prometteurs pour leur utilisation comme système de transport de médicaments pour une libération contrôlée du médicament, ainsi que pour du ciblage. La biodisponibilité des médicaments administrés oralement pourrait être limitée par un processus de sécrétion intestinale, qui pourrait par la suite être concilié par la glycoprotéine P (P-gp). La dispersion de la Famotidine (modèle de médicament) à l’intérieur des nanoparticules (NPs) pegylées a été évaluée afin d’augmenter la biodisponibilité avec du polyéthylène glycol (PEG), qui est connu comme un inhibiteur de P-gp. L’hypothèse de cette étude est que l’encapsulation de la Famotidine (un substrat de P-gp) à l’intérieur des NPs préparées à partir de PEG-g-PLA pourrait inhiber la fonction P-gp. La première partie de cette étude avait pour but de synthétiser quatre copolymères de PEG greffés sur un acide polylactide (PLA) et sur un squelette de polymère (PLA-g-PEG), avec des ratios de 1% et 5% (ratio molaire de PEG vs acide lactique monomère) de soit 750, soit 2000 Da de masse moléculaire. Ces polymères ont été employés afin de préparer des NPs chargés de Famotidine qui possède une faible perméabilité et une solubilité aqueuse relativement basse. Les NPs préparées ont été analysées pour leur principaux paramètres physicochimiques tels que la taille et la distribution de la taille, la charge de surface (Potentiel Zeta), la morphologie, l’efficacité d’encapsulation, le pourcentage résiduel en alcool polyvinylique (PVA) adsorbé à la surface des NPs, les propriétés thermiques, la structure cristalline et la libération du médicament. De même, les formules de NPs ont été testées in vitro sur des cellules CaCo-2 afin dʼévaluer la perméabilité bidirectionnelle de la Famotidine. Généralement, les NPs préparées à partir de polymères greffés PLA-g-5%PEG ont montré une augmentation de la perméabilité du médicament, ce par l’inhibition de l’efflux de P-gp de la Famotidine dans le modèle CaCo-2 in vitro. Les résultats ont montré une baisse significative de la sécrétion de la Famotidine de la membrane basolatéral à apical lorsque la Famotidine était encapsulée dans des NPs préparées à partir de greffes de 5% PEG de 750 ou 2000 Da, de même que pour d’autres combinaisons de mélanges physiques contenant du PEG5%. La deuxième partie de cette étude est à propos de ces NPs chargées qui démontrent des résultats prometteurs en termes de perméabilité et d’inhibition d’efflux de P-gp, et qui ont été choises pour développer une forme orale solide. La granulation sèche a été employée pour densifier les NPs, afin de développer des comprimés des deux formules sélectionnées de NPs. Les comprimés à base de NPs ont démontré un temps de désintégration rapide (moins d’une minute) et une libération similaire à la Famotidine trouvée sur le marché. Les résultats de l’étude du transport de comprimés à base de NPs étaient cohérents avec les résultats des formules de NPs en termes d’inhibition de P-gp, ce qui explique pourquoi le processus de fabrication du comprimé n’a pas eu d’effet sur les NPs. Mis ensemble, ces résultats montrent que l’encapsulation dans une NP de polymère pegylé pourrait être une stratégie prometteuse pour l’amélioration de la biodisponibilité des substrats de P-gp.
La phytoremédiation constitue une technologie alternative pour le traitement de sols contaminés en métaux. Toutefois, la biodisponibilité des métaux dans le sol peut limiter l’efficacité de cette approche. Nous émettons l’hypothèse que diverses espèces de plante, caractérisées par systèmes racinaires différents, peuvent affecter différemment la biodisponibilité des éléments traces (ET) dans le sol. Une étude utilisant un dispositif expérimental en bloc aléatoire complet avec cinq réplicats a été conduite entre le 6 juin et le 3 septembre 2014, sur le site du Jardin botanique de Montréal. Dans ce contexte, l’impact de la présence de huit espèces de plantes, herbacées ou ligneuses, sur le pool labile de six métaux (Ag, Cu, Pd, Zn, Ni et Se) dans la rhizosphère de celles-ci a été étudié. Après trois mois de culture, la biomasse aérienne et souterraine de chaque espèce a été mesurée et la concentration en ET dans les tissus des plantes a été analysée. La fraction labile de ces ET dans la rhizosphère (potentiellement celle qui serait biodisponible) de même que d’autres paramètres édaphiques (le pH, la conductivité, le pourcentage de matière organique et le carbone organique dissous (COD)) ont aussi été mesurés et comparés en fonction de la présence d’une ou l’autre des espèces utilisées. Les résultats montrent que pour la plupart des plantes testées, les plus fortes concentrations en ET ont été trouvées dans les racines alors que les plus faibles niveaux s’observaient dans les parties aériennes, sauf pour le Ni dans le Salix nigra. Ceci suggère que le Ni peut être extrait du sol par des récoltes régulières des tiges et des feuilles de cette espèce de saule. Les pools labiles de l’Ag, Ni et du Cu dans la rhizosphère étaient significativement et différemment affectés par la présence des plantes. Toutefois, la présence des plantes testées n’a pas affecté certains paramètres clés de la rhizosphère (ex. le pH, conductivité, et le pourcentage de matière organique). À l’opposé, les niveaux de COD dans la rhizosphère de toutes les plantes testées se sont révélés supérieurs en comparaison des témoins (sols non plantés). De plus, une corrélation positive a pu être établie entre la concentration disponible du Ni et la concentration en COD. Une relation similaire a été déterminée pour le Cu. Ceci suggère que certains systèmes racinaires pourraient modifier les niveaux de COD et avoir un impact indirect sur les pools labiles des ET dans le sol.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the in vitro gastric stability of colistin sulfate (CS) and its antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and to study the impact of ETEC O149: F4 (K88) infection in pigs on CS intestinal absorption. The stability profile of CS was evaluated in a simulated gastric fluid (SGF). Antimicrobial activity of CS and its degradation products were examined in a 96-well polystyrene microplate model. The effect of experimental infection with ETEC O149: F4 on CS intestinal absorption was determined by quantification of CS systemic concentration using a validated LC–MS/MS method. A rapid degradation of CS accompanied by an increase in CS antimicrobial activity by comparison with non-degraded CS (P < 0.0001) was observed in SGF. Additionally, CS levels were not quantifiable in systemic circulation using a highly sensitive method and concurrent oral challenge did not affect CS absorption in an induction model of subclinical post-weaning diarrhea (PWD).
Phosphorus fractionation was employed to find the bioavailability of phosphorus and its seasonal variations in the Panangad region of Cochin estuary, the largest estuarine system in the southwest coast of India. Sequential extraction of the surficial sediments using chelating agents was taken as a tool for this. Phosphate in the water column showed seasonal variations, with high values during the monsoon months, suggesting external runoff. Sediment texture was found to be the main factor influencing the spatial distribution of the geochemical parameters in the study region. Similarly, total phosphorus also showed granulometric dependence and it ranged between 319.54 and 2,938.83 μg/g. Calcium-bound fraction was the main phosphorus pool in the estuary. Significant spatial variations were observed for all bioavailable fractions; iron-bound inorganic phosphorus (5.04–474.24 μg/g), calcium-bound inorganic phosphorus (11.16–826.09 μg/g), and acidsoluble organic phosphorus (22.22–365.86 μg/g). Among the non-bioavailable phosphorus, alkalisoluble organic fraction was the major one (51.92– 1,002.45 μg/g). Residual organic phosphorus was K. R. Renjith (B) · N. Chandramohanakumar · M. M. Joseph Department of Chemical Oceanography, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi 682016, Kerala, India e-mail: renjithaqua@gmail.com comparatively smaller fraction (3.25–14.64% of total). The sandy and muddy stations showed distinct fractional composition and the speciation study could endorse the overall geochemical character. There could be buffering of phosphorus, suggested by the increase in the percentage of bioavailable fractions during the lean premonsoon period, counteracting the decreases in the external loads. Principal component analysis was employed to find the possible processes influencing the speciation of phosphorus in the study region
Low phosphorus (P) in acid sandy soils of the West African Sudano-Sahelian zone is a major limitation to crop growth. To compare treatment effects on total dry matter (TDM) of crops and plant available P (P-Bray and isotopically exchangeable P), field experiments were carried out for 2 years at four sites where annual rainfall ranged from 560 to 850 mm and topsoil pH varied between 4.2 and 5.6. Main treatments were: (i) crop residue (CR) mulch at 500 and 2000 kg ha^-1, (ii) eight different rates and sources of P and (iii) cereal/legume rotations including millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), sorhum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walp.) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). For the two Sahelian sites with large CR-induced differences in TDM, mulching did not modify significantly the soils' buffering capacity for phosphate ions but led to large increases in the intensity factor (C_p) and quantity of directly available soil P (E_1min). In the wetter Sudanian zone lacking effects of CR mulching on TDM mirrored a decline of E_1min with CR. Broadcast application of soluble single superphosphate (SSP) at 13 kg P ha^-1 led to large increases in C_p and quantity of E_1min at all sites which translated in respective TDM increases. The high agronomic efficiency of SSP placement (4 kg P ha^-1) across sites could be explained by consistent increases in the quantity factor which confirms the power of the isotopic exchange method in explaining management effects on crop growth across the region.
Chemical methods to predict the bioavailable fraction of organic contaminants are usually validated in the literature by comparison with established bioassays. A soil spiked with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was aged over six months and subjected to butanol, cyclodextrin and tenax extractions as well as an exhaustive extraction to determine total PAH concentrations at several time points. Earthworm (Eisenia fetida) and rye grass root (Lolium multiflorum) accumulation bioassays were conducted in parallel. Butanol extractions gave the best relationship with earthworm accumulation (r2 ≤ 0.54, p ≤ 0.01); cyclodextrin, butanol and acetone–hexane extractions all gave good predictions of accumulation in rye grass roots (r2 ≤ 0.86, p ≤ 0.01). However, the profile of the PAHs extracted by the different chemical methods was significantly different (p < 0.01) to that accumulated in the organisms. Biota accumulated a higher proportion of the heavier 4-ringed PAHs. It is concluded that bioaccumulation is a complex process that cannot be predicted by measuring the bioavailable fraction alone. The ability of chemical methods to predict PAH accumulation in Eisenia fetida and Lolium multiflorum was hindered by the varied metabolic fate of the different PAHs within the organisms.