998 resultados para bilateral Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome
This report describes the epidemiological and clinical-evolutive characteristics of eight patients with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. A positive history of contact with rodents was present in 100% of the cases. The time between the onset of symptoms and hospital care was, on average, 3.6 days. All patients showed clinical and laboratory findings suggestive of HPS. Elevated urea and creatinine levels were observed in 6 (75%) cases, PO2 was < 60 mmHg in 100% of the cases, and a chest X-ray demonstrated a bilateral interstitial-alveolar infiltrate. The diagnosis was confirmed by the detection of IgM antibodies against Sin Nombre virus by ELISA. Three patients died as a direct consequence of HPS.
Fraser syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by cryptophthalmos, cutaneous syndactyly, laryngeal, and urogenital malformations. We present a population-based epidemiological study using data provided by the European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) network of birth defect registries. Between January 1990 and December 2008, we identified 26 cases of Fraser syndrome in the monitored population of 12,886,464 births (minimal estimated prevalence of 0.20 per 100,000 or 1:495,633 births). Most cases (18/26; 69%) were registered in the western part of Europe, where the mean prevalence is 1 in 230,695 births, compared to the prevalence 1 in 1,091,175 for the rest of Europe (P = 0.0003). Consanguinity was present in 7/26 (27%) families. Ten (38%) cases were liveborn, 14 (54%) pregnancies were terminated following prenatal detection of a serious anomaly, and 2 (8%) were stillborn. Eye anomalies were found in 20/24 (83%), syndactyly in 14/24 (58%), and laryngeal anomalies in 5/24 (21%) patients. Ambiguous genitalia were observed in 3/24 (13%) cases. Bilateral renal agenesis was present in 12/24 (50%) and unilateral in 4/24 (17%) cases. The frequency of anorectal anomalies was particularly high (42%). Most cases of Fraser syndrome (85%) are suspected prenatally, often due to the presence of the association of renal agenesis and cryptophthalmos. In the European population, a high proportion (82%) of pregnancies is terminated, thus reducing the live birth prevalence to a third of the total prevalence rate.
Purpose: To describe the clinical, histologic and genetic findings of corneal opacities in the trisomy 8 mosaic syndrome. Methods: 3 children aged 8 years (Patients A), 6 years (Patients B) and 1 month (Patients C) respectively, were referred with corneal opacities for ophthalmologic evaluation. The 2 older patients had been previously diagnosed with trisomy 8 mosaicism, while the third was diagnosed after the ocular examination. Automated lamellar keratoplasty (ALTK) was performed on the most amblyopic eye. Histopathologic analysis with immunohistochemical markers and cytogenetic studies by FISH using haploid probes for chromosome 8 and chromosome 16 (control) were performed on the excised corneal lesion. Results: All patients presented vascularized corneal opacities involving the superficial stroma, and amblyopia with a bilateral involvement in two of them (Patients A and B). Post-operative follow-up (range 6-20 months) was satisfactory, with the graft remaining clear and improved visual acuity, allowing iso-acuity and stereoscopy in the one month old child (Patients C). The clinically observed corneal opacities corresponded histopathologically to the replacement of the normal anterior corneal stroma by a choristomatous loose richly vascularized connective tissue containing mucopolysacharides. Bowman's membrane was absent. There were no adnexal structures. The overlaying epithelium expressed keratin 3 in all three cases. Keratin 19 was found in the suprabasal epithelial cells in one case but was absent in the other cases. There were no expression of keratin 7 and 1 as well as MUC5AC in the epithelial cells. FISH analysis from 100 interphase cells of the affected tissue and normal conjontival probe revealed normal diploid cells. Conclusions: In this series, the corneal opacities associated with trisomy 8 mosaic syndrome share a common clinical, histopathological and genetic features. ALTK should be considered at diagnosis to prevent amblyopia in these children.
OBJECTIVES: To characterize the pathogenesis and clinical features of optic disc edema associated with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (SAS). METHODS: A series of 4 patients with SAS and papilledema (PE) underwent complete neuro-ophthalmologic evaluation and lumbar puncture. In 1 patient, continuous 24-hour intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring was also performed. RESULTS: All 4 patients had bilateral PE that was asymmetric in 2. Three patients had optic nerve dysfunction, asymmetric in 1, unilateral in 2. Daytime cerebrospinal fluid pressure measurements were within normal range. Nocturnal monitoring performed in one patient, however, demonstrated repeated episodes of marked ICP elevation associated with apnea and arterial oxygen desaturation. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that PE in SAS is due to episodic nocturnal hypoxemia and hypercarbia resulting in increased ICP secondary to cerebral vasodilation. In these individuals, intermittent ICP elevation is sufficient to cause persistent disc edema. These patients may be at increased risk for developing visual loss secondary to PE compared with patients with obesity-related pseudotumor cerebri because of associated hypoxemia. The diagnosis of SAS PE may not be appreciated because daytime cerebrospinal fluid pressure measurements are normal and because patients tend to present with visual loss rather than with symptoms of increased ICP.
The major active retinoid, all-trans retinoic acid, has long been recognized as critical for the development of several organs, including the eye. Mutations in STRA6, the gene encoding the cellular receptor for vitamin A, in patients with Matthew-Wood syndrome and anophthalmia/microphthalmia (A/M), have previously demonstrated the importance of retinol metabolism in human eye disease. We used homozygosity mapping combined with next-generation sequencing to interrogate patients with anophthalmia and microphthalmia for new causative genes. We used whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing to study a family with two affected brothers with bilateral A/M and a simplex case with bilateral anophthalmia and hypoplasia of the optic nerve and optic chiasm. Analysis of novel sequence variants revealed homozygosity for two nonsense mutations in ALDH1A3, c.568A>G, predicting p.Lys190*, in the familial cases, and c.1165A>T, predicting p.Lys389*, in the simplex case. Both mutations predict nonsense-mediated decay and complete loss of function. We performed antisense morpholino (MO) studies in Danio rerio to characterize the developmental effects of loss of Aldh1a3 function. MO-injected larvae showed a significant reduction in eye size, and aberrant axonal projections to the tectum were noted. We conclude that ALDH1A3 loss of function causes anophthalmia and aberrant eye development in humans and in animal model systems.
The authors report three children who suffered temporary oromotor or speech disturbances as focal epileptic manifestations within the frame of benign partial epilepsy of childhood with rolandic spikes and review similar cases described in the literature. The deficit can occur as an initial symptom of the disorder without visible epileptic seizures and interferes in a variable way with simple voluntary oromotor functions or complex movements including speech production, depending on the exact location and spread of the discharging epileptic focus around the perisylvian region. The most severe deficit produces the anterior operculum syndrome. More subtle non-linguistic deficits such as intermittent drooling, oromotor apraxia or dysfluency, as well as linguistic ones involving phonologic production, can occur. The rapidity of onset, progression and recovery of the deficit is very variable as well as its duration and presumably reflects the degree of epileptic activity. In some cases, rapid improvement with antiepileptic medication occurs and coincidence between the paroxysmal EEG activity (which is usually bilateral) and the functional deficit is seen. The clinical and EEG profile of the seizures disorder and the dynamic of the deficit in these cases bear a strong resemblance to what is seen in the acquired epilepsy-aphasia syndrome (Landau and Kleffner). The variations in clinical symptoms appear more related to the main site, local extension and bilaterality of the epileptic foci rather than a basic difference in physiopathology.
Fat embolism syndrome is a rare complication that develops after extended soft tissue disruption by liposuction, in particular if combined with time consuming, multiple procedures. Early signs are non-specific and often not considered, so that diagnosis and correct management may be delayed. We report a case in which liposuction combined with other aesthetic surgical procedures caused a fat embolism syndrome in a 46-year-old woman, which was followed by multiple organ failure and the development of sepsis with perimammary abscesses. Extended liposuction of the abdomen and thighs, bilateral augmentation mammaplasty, and stripping of both greater saphenous veins were combined.
Correction of pectus excavatum combined with open heart surgery in a patient with Marfan's syndrome.
We report a patient with Marfan's syndrome and pectus excavatum who underwent open heart surgery with simultaneous correction of the sternal malformation. Permanent internal stabilization, achieved by bilateral overlapping of the bevelled ends of the lowest ribs and reinforced with sternal closure wires offered a maintained postoperative chest wall stability, avoided the potential postoperative complications of cardiac compression, and improved the aesthetic appearance of the anterior chest wall. The increased risk of bleeding due to extensive dissection was minimized by postponing the repair of pectus excavatum to when protamin is administered after termination of cardiopulmonary bypass.
Children with congenital heart disease (CHD) who survive surgery often present impaired neurodevelopment and qualitative brain anomalies. However, the impact of CHD on total or regional brain volumes only received little attention. We address this question in a sample of patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS), a neurogenetic condition frequently associated with CHD. Sixty-one children, adolescents, and young adults with confirmed 22q11.2 deletion were included, as well as 80 healthy participants matched for age and gender. Subsequent subdivision of the patients group according to CHD yielded a subgroup of 27 patients with normal cardiac status and a subgroup of 26 patients who underwent cardiac surgery during their first years of life (eight patients with unclear status were excluded). Regional cortical volumes were extracted using an automated method and the association between regional cortical volumes, and CHD was examined within a three-condition fixed factor. Robust protection against type I error used Bonferroni correction. Smaller total cerebral volumes were observed in patients with CHD compared to both patients without CHD and controls. The pattern of bilateral regional reductions associated with CHD encompassed the superior parietal region, the precuneus, the fusiform gyrus, and the anterior cingulate cortex. Within patients, a significant reduction in the left parahippocampal, the right middle temporal, and the left superior frontal gyri was associated with CHD. The present results of global and regional volumetric reductions suggest a role for disturbed hemodynamic in the pathophysiology of brain alterations in patients with neurodevelopmental disease and cardiac malformations.
Purpose: To report on the clinical and electrophysiological findings in a patient with oculo-auricular syndrome due to HMX1 mutation, with a follow-up of 12 years. Background: Oculo-auricular syndrome (MIM: 612109) is a rare developmental recessive condition affecting the eye and external ear that results from a mutation in the HMX1 gene. Previously described ocular abnormalities include bilateral microcornea, posterior synechiae, cataract, chorioretinal colobomas and rod-cone dystrophy. Methods: Retrospective chart review of an affected boy followed over a period of 12 years who had serial complete ophthalmologic examinations, fundus photographs, Goldmann perimetry and full-field electroretinograms (ERG). Results: Initial ERG tracings revealed generalized rod more than cone dysfunction. Thereafter, a rapid deterioration in rod and cone function was detected on follow up ERGs. Conclusion: The retinal degeneration in the recessively inherited oculo-auricular syndrome is a progressive rod-cone dystrophy. Visual prognosis is guarded considering the progressive nature of the retinal dystrophy in early infancy.
Ophthalmo-acromelic syndrome (OAS), also known as Waardenburg Anophthalmia syndrome, is defined by the combination of eye malformations, most commonly bilateral anophthalmia, with post-axial oligosyndactyly. Homozygosity mapping and subsequent targeted mutation analysis of a locus on 14q24.2 identified homozygous mutations in SMOC1 (SPARC-related modular calcium binding 1) in eight unrelated families. Four of these mutations are nonsense, two frame-shift, and two missense. The missense mutations are both in the second Thyroglobulin Type-1 (Tg1) domain of the protein. The orthologous gene in the mouse, Smoc1, shows site- and stage-specific expression during eye, limb, craniofacial, and somite development. We also report a targeted pre-conditional gene-trap mutation of Smoc1 (Smoc1(tm1a)) that reduces mRNA to ∼10% of wild-type levels. This gene-trap results in highly penetrant hindlimb post-axial oligosyndactyly in homozygous mutant animals (Smoc1(tm1a/tm1a)). Eye malformations, most commonly coloboma, and cleft palate occur in a significant proportion of Smoc1(tm1a/tm1a) embryos and pups. Thus partial loss of Smoc-1 results in a convincing phenocopy of the human disease. SMOC-1 is one of the two mammalian paralogs of Drosophila Pentagone, an inhibitor of decapentaplegic. The orthologous gene in Xenopus laevis, Smoc-1, also functions as a Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) antagonist in early embryogenesis. Loss of BMP antagonism during mammalian development provides a plausible explanation for both the limb and eye phenotype in humans and mice.
BACKGROUND: Heerfordt syndrome is rare and is characterized by fever, uveitis, parotid gland enlargement, and facial nerve palsy. We hereby present a case of Heerfordt syndrome with unilateral facial nerve palsy as a presentation of sarcoidosis. HISTORY AND SIGNS: A 29-year-old male patient from Sri Lanka presented with eye redness OU, blurred vision OD, fever, headache, night sweat, fatigue, and weight loss (5 kg over 1 month). Examination revealed mild anterior uveitis OU, mild vitritis OD, fundus whitish lesions OU, left otalgia, taste disorders, bilateral parotid gland enlargement, and left facial nerve palsy. Work-up for infection or tumour was negative. Chest computed tomography and transbronchial lymph node biopsy set the diagnosis of sarcoidosis. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: The patient recovered completely within 2 months under therapy with prednisone and azathioprine. One year after onset of treatment, no recurrence was noted. CONCLUSIONS: Heerfordt syndrome is a rare manifestation of neurosarcoidosis and has to be included in the differential diagnosis of facial nerve palsy.
OBJECTIVE: To assess whether thalamic strokes presenting with a central Horner's syndrome (HS) show specific clinicoanatomic patterns. METHODS: From the Lausanne Stroke Registry (period 1993 to spring 2002), the authors selected all patients with thalamic stroke presenting with ipsilateral HS. Patients with complete infarction of the posterior cerebral artery territory, with involvement of middle cerebral artery territory or bilateral lesions, were excluded. Lesions on brain MRI were correlated with standard neuroanatomic templates. RESULTS: Nine patients with thalamic infarction presenting with central HS were found; all showed contralateral ataxic hemiparesis (AH). Lesions involved the anterior or paramedian thalamus and extended to the hypothalamic or rostral paramedian mesencephalic area in all but one subject. Associated clinical signs included dysphasia (two patients), somnolence (six), vertical gaze paresis (two), asterixis (two), and hemihypesthesia (three). CONCLUSION: The alternate clinical pattern of central HS with contralateral AH is a stroke syndrome of the diencephalic-mesencephalic junction, resulting from the involvement of the common arterial supply to the paramedian/anterior thalamus, the posterior hypothalamus and the rostral paramedian midbrain.
The case of a man exposed during 25 years to vibration while maneuvering a heavy earth moving tractor is reported. The first clinical manifestation of hand-arm vibration syndrome was a bilateral Raynaud's phenomenon followed five years later by digital necrosis. The arteriography revealed a proximal and bilateral ulnar artery occlusion. Bilateral median nerve conduction abnormalities were also present. Vibration exposure level was much higher than the threshold level proposed by the European Commission. Laboratory examinations for vasculitis and other vascular diseases were all negative. The purpose of this report is to show that vibration can be responsible for proximal occlusion of a medium sized artery and severe neurovascular abnormalities which must be distinguished from the usual vasospastic Raynaud's phenomenon and the classical hypothenar hammer syndrome. An early and correct diagnosis is crucial because continued repetitive trauma can result in irreversible ischemic injury and loss of digits.
We report the case of a 20-year-old woman, with no medical history, who in a short period of time developed the association of a bilateral vestibulocochlear deficit and a nonsyphilitic interstitial keratitis, the usual clinical presentation of Cogan's syndrome. This rare disease was named after David Cogan, the ophthalmologist to whom we owe the description of the first series of cases. The precise aetiology of Cogan's syndrome has yet to be defined, but clinical and biological evidence point toward an immunopathological process. Some authors distinguish between a typical and an atypical form of Cogan's syndrome, the former being associated with interstitial keratitis, the latter with other forms of ocular involvement. The diagnosis of Cogan's syndrome is mainly a clinical one, the association of a bilateral vestibulocochlear deficit and a non-syphilitic keratitis being almost specific. Cogan's syndrome is frequently associated with general signs and cardiovascular, neurological, rheumathological and digestive involvement. Laboratory data usually show nonspecific inflammatory signs (elevation of the white cell count and of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate). The mortality of the disease is essentially determined by its cardiovascular involvement, mostly aortic insufficiency, which should therefore actively be sought for in every patient. It is useful to emphasise that the typical form of Cogan's syndrome carries a higher risk regarding the development of aortic insufficiency, whereas the atypical form is more often associated with a systemic vasculitis. Treatment is mandatory, based upon corticosteroids, and must sometimes be intensified by the administration of a steroid-sparing immunosuppressive drug. Although our patient perfectly met the diagnostic criteria of Cogan's syndrome, the vestibular symptoms preceded the visual complaints, the reverse temporal sequence being more often reported in the literature. Systemic signs and cardiovascular involvement are frequently seen in Cogan's syndrome, but were notably absent in our patient. Blood samples showed inflammatory signs, whereas both lumbar puncture and cerebral MRI were normal, which is the usual pattern encountered in Cogan's syndrome. Following the rapid initiation of immunosuppressive therapy (Prednisone), the visual symptoms due to the bilateral keratitis resolved in a matter of days, whereas the vestibulocochlear deficit was only partly - but dramatically - reduced. This is in accordance with literature data, showing that a severe and permanent auditory deficit occurs at some time in the majority of patients suffering from Cogan's syndrome. Tapering off Prednisone unfortunately reactivated the audiovestibular and ocular symptoms of the disease in our patient so that a steroid-sparing immunosuppressive drug had to be added (azathioprine, followed by mycophenolate mofetil because the patient developed hepatic intolerance). Only after these therapeutic measures could the disease be stabilised. With this case report, we would like to emphasise the importance of rapidly identifying the clinical picture of Cogan's syndrome, so that immunosuppressive therapy can be started without delay, which may significantly reduce both morbidity and mortality of this disease.