979 resultados para beta diversity
Benthic microorganisms are key players in the recycling of organic matter and recalcitrant compounds such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in coastal sediments. Despite their ecological importance, the response of microbial communities to chronic PAH pollution, one of the major threats to coastal ecosystems, has received very little attention. In one of the largest surveys performed so far on coastal sediments, the diversity and composition of microbial communities inhabiting both chronically contaminated and non-contaminated coastal sediments were investigated using high-throughput sequencing on the 18S and 16S rRNA genes. Prokaryotic alpha-diversity showed significant association with salinity, temperature, and organic carbon content. The effect of particle size distribution was strong on eukaryotic diversity. Similarly to alpha-diversity, beta-diversity patterns were strongly influenced by the environmental filter, while PAHs had no influence on the prokaryotic community structure and a weak impact on the eukaryotic community structure at the continental scale. However, at the regional scale, PAHs became the main driver shaping the structure of bacterial and eukaryotic communities. These patterns were not found for PICRUSt predicted prokaryotic functions, thus indicating some degree of functional redundancy. Eukaryotes presented a greater potential for their use as PAH contamination biomarkers, owing to their stronger response at both regional and continental scales.
Twenty macropods from five locations in Queensland, Australia, grazing on a variety of native pastures were surveyed and the bacterial community of the foregut was examined using 454-amplicon pyrosequencing. Specifically, the V3/V4 region of 16S rRNA gene was examined. A total of 5040 OTUs were identified in the data set (post filtering). Thirty-two OTUs were identified as 'shared' OTUS (i.e. present in all samples) belonging to either Firmicutes or Bacteroidetes (Clostridiales/Bacteroidales). These phyla predominated the general microbial community in all macropods. Genera represented within the shared OTUs included: unclassified Ruminococcaceae, unclassified Lachnospiraceae, unclassified Clostridiales, Peptococcus sp. Coprococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Blautia sp., Ruminoccocus sp., Eubacterium sp., Dorea sp., Oscillospira sp. and Butyrivibrio sp. The composition of the bacterial community of the foregut samples of each the host species (Macropus rufus, Macropus giganteus and Macropus robustus) was significantly different allowing differentiation between the host species based on alpha and beta diversity measures. Specifically, eleven dominant OTUs that separated the three host species were identified and classified as: unclassified Ruminococcaceae, unclassified Bacteroidales, Prevotella spp. and a Syntrophococcus sucromutans. Putative reductive acetogens and fibrolytic bacteria were also identified in samples. Future work will investigate the presence and role of fibrolytics and acetogens in these ecosystems. Ideally, the isolation and characterization of these organisms will be used for enhanced feed efficiency in cattle, methane mitigation and potentially for other industries such as the biofuel industry.
The Florida manatee, Trichechus manatus latirostris, is a hindgut-fermenting herbivore. In winter, manatees migrate to warm water overwintering sites where they undergo dietary shifts and may suffer from cold-induced stress. Given these seasonally induced changes in diet, the present study aimed to examine variation in the hindgut bacterial communities of wild manatees overwintering at Crystal River, west Florida. Faeces were sampled from 36 manatees of known sex and body size in early winter when manatees were newly arrived and then in mid-winter and late winter when diet had probably changed and environmental stress may have increased. Concentrations of faecal cortisol metabolite, an indicator of a stress response, were measured by enzyme immunoassay. Using 454-pyrosequencing, 2027 bacterial operational taxonomic units were identified in manatee faeces following amplicon pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene V3/V4 region. Classified sequences were assigned to eight previously described bacterial phyla; only 0.36% of sequences could not be classified to phylum level. Five core phyla were identified in all samples. The majority (96.8%) of sequences were classified as Firmicutes (77.3 ± 11.1% of total sequences) or Bacteroidetes (19.5 ± 10.6%). Alpha-diversity measures trended towards higher diversity of hindgut microbiota in manatees in mid-winter compared to early and late winter. Beta-diversity measures, analysed through permanova, also indicated significant differences in bacterial communities based on the season.
Intensified agricultural practises introduced after the Second World War are identified as a major cause of global biodiversity declines. In several European countries agri-environment support schemes have been introduced to counteract the ongoing biodiversity declines. Farmers participating in agri-environment schemes are financially compensated for decreasing the intensity of farming practises leading to smaller yields and lower income. The Finnish agri-environment support scheme is composed of a set of measures, such as widened field margins along main ditches (obligatory measure), management of features increasing landscape diversity, management of semi-natural grasslands, and organic farming (special agreement measures). The magnitude of the benefits for biodiversity depends on landscape context and the properties of individual schemes. In this thesis I studied whether one agri-environment scheme, organic farming, is beneficial for species diversity and abundance of diurnal lepidopterans, bumblebees, carabid beetles and arable weeds. I found that organic farming did not enhance species richness of selected insect taxa, although bumblebee species richness tended to be higher in organic farms. Abundance of lepidopterans and bumblebees was not enhanced by organic farming, but carabid beetle abundance was higher in mixed farms with both cereal crop production and animal husbandry. Both species richness and abundance of arable weeds were higher in organic farms. My second objective was to study how landscape structure shapes farmland butterfly communities. I found that the percentage of habitat specialists and species with poor dispersal abilities in butterfly assemblages decreased with increasing arable field cover, leading to a dramatic decrease in butterfly beta diversity. In field boundaries local species richness of butterflies was linearly related to landscape species richness in geographic regions with high arable field cover, indicating that butterfly species richness in field boundaries is more limited by landscape factors than local habitat factors. In study landscapes containing semi-natural grasslands the relationship decelerated at high landscape species richness, suggesting that local species richness of butterflies in field boundaries is limited by habitat factors (demanding habitat specialists that occurred in semi-natural grasslands were absent in field margins). My results suggest that management options in field margins will affect mainly generalists, and species with good dispersal abilities, in landscapes with high arable field cover. Habitat specialists and species with poor dispersal abilities may benefit of management options if these are applied in the vicinity of source populations.
Biodiversity surveys were conducted in 13, 10x50 m(2) plots located between 1400 to 3100 in abode mean sea level in a range of habitats in temperate mixed Oak and Coniferous forests through sub-alpine to the alpine grasslands in Chamoli district of Uttaranchal state in the Indian Garhwal Himalaya. Cross-taxon congruence in biodiversity (alpha-diversity and beta-diversity) across macrolichens, mosses, liverworts, woody plants (shrubs and trees) and ants was investigated, so as to examine the extent to which these group, of organisms can function as Surrogates for each other. Although woody plants provided a major substrate for macrolichens and mosses, there was no species-specific association between them. Woody plant species richness was highly positively correlated with mosses (r(2) = 0.63, P < 0.001) but the relationship, as not particularly very strong with lichens and liverworts. While there was a significant correlation in the species turnover (β-diversity) of macrolichens with mosses (r(2) = 0.21 P < 0.005). the relationship was relatively poor with the woody plants. On the other hand. negative correlations emerged in the species richness of ants with those of macrolichens, mosses and woody plants (r(2) = -0.44 P < 0.05). but most of the complementarity (turnover) relationships among them were positive, Since diversity between taxonomic hierarchies within the group was consistently significantly positively correlated in all these taxa, the higher taxonomic categories Such as genus and family may be employed as surrogates for rapid assessment and monitoring of species diversity, Although no single group other than macrolichens has emerged as a good indicator of changes in species richness in all other groups, some concordant relationships between them conform to the hypothesis that species assemblages of certain taxonomic groups could still be used as surrogates for efficient monitoring of species diversity in other groups whose distribution may further predict the importance of conserving overall biodiversity in landscapes such as the Garhwal Himalaya. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
For efficient use of conservation resources it is important to determine how species diversity changes across spatial scales. In many poorly known species groups little is known about at which spatial scales the conservation efforts should be focused. Here we examined how the community turnover of wood-inhabiting fungi is realised at three hierarchical levels, and how much of community variation is explained by variation in resource composition and spatial proximity. The hierarchical study design consisted of management type (fixed factor), forest site (random factor, nested within management type) and study plots (randomly placed plots within each study site). To examine how species richness varied across the three hierarchical scales, randomized species accumulation curves and additive partitioning of species richness were applied. To analyse variation in wood-inhabiting species and dead wood composition at each scale, linear and Permanova modelling approaches were used. Wood-inhabiting fungal communities were dominated by rare and infrequent species. The similarity of fungal communities was higher within sites and within management categories than among sites or between the two management categories, and it decreased with increasing distance among the sampling plots and with decreasing similarity of dead wood resources. However, only a small part of community variation could be explained by these factors. The species present in managed forests were in a large extent a subset of those species present in natural forests. Our results suggest that in particular the protection of rare species requires a large total area. As managed forests have only little additional value complementing the diversity of natural forests, the conservation of natural forests is the key to ecologically effective conservation. As the dissimilarity of fungal communities increases with distance, the conserved natural forest sites should be broadly distributed in space, yet the individual conserved areas should be large enough to ensure local persistence.
No presente estudo foi avaliada (i) a estrutura das assembleias de peixes de igarapés de terra-firme ao longo do contínuo fluvial do rio Machado, na bacia do rio Amazonas, (ii) os efeitos de alterações ambientais sobre as assembleias de peixes de igarapés através de comparações entre áreas íntegras (em uma Unidade de conservação) e alteradas por ação antrópica na bacia hidrográfica do rio Machado, e (iii) a organização espacial das assembleias de peixes de tributários de baixa ordem na bacia do rio Machado através da avaliação dos padrões de co-ocorrência das espécies, identificando os possíveis fatores estruturadores dessas assembleias e através de uma Análise de Parcimônia de Endemismo (PAE). As amostragens foram realizadas entre os meses de agosto e setembro de 2011, junho e agosto de 2012 e julho de 2013, totalizando 81 igarapés. Os peixes foram coletados durante uma hora em um trecho de 80 metros, com o auxilio de uma rede de mão (picaré) e um puçá. Para o capítulo 1, um maior número de indivíduos e espécies foram encontradas no trecho baixo quando comparado o trecho alto da bacia. Todavia, somente foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o trecho alto e os trechos médio e baixo. Assim, rejeitamos nossa hipótese de diferenças entre os trechos analisados, onde esperávamos que a riqueza e abundância de espécies de igarapés aumentaria no gradiente longitudinal cabeceira-foz do rio Machado. Contudo, apesar da não confirmação da hipótese, um padrão de adição e substituição de espécies foi observado do trecho alto para o médio, e um padrão de substituição de espécies foi observado do trecho médio para o baixo. Referente ao capítulo 2, apontamos que apesar da área desflorestada não apresentar diferenças marcantes na riqueza de espécies e abundância, quando comparada com a área com igarapés conservados, esta (área desflorestada) apresentou elevada similaridade a nível composicional entre os igarapés amostrados (menor diversidade beta), diferentemente dos igarapés localizados na Rebio, que apresentaram maior número de espécies com hábitos mais especializados. Igarapés desflorestados apresentaram homogeneização da sua ictiofauna em comparação com igarapés providos de mata ripária, refletindo a maior homogeneização estrutural encontrada em igarapés com baixo percentual de cobertura vegetal. Dessa forma, a retirada da cobertura vegetal em igarapés com comunidades mais diversificads e especializadas, como os da Rebio Jaru, promoveria a homogeneização das espécies acarretando a perda destas, assim como a substituição destas por espécies tolerantes a condições ambientais comuns a ambientes alterados. Para o capítulo 3, embora não tenhamos encontrado áreas de endemismo na bacia analisada, apontamos que a influência da estrutura física dos igarapés sobre a composição de espécies é o principal fator modulador da estruturação da assembleia de peixes. Todavia, tal fator não se aplica a estruturação da assembleia baseada na coocorrência de espécies, haja vista que, a análise de toda a bacia com diferentes níveis de uso de solo, apresentou um padrão organizacional não aleatório
Ecologicamente, comunidades são conjuntos de populações convivendo no mesmo espaço e tempo. A forma como as espécies que compõem estas comunidades, como elas se distribuem e como estão estruturadas, depende de inúmeros fatores, entre eles históricos, biogeográficos e evolutivos. Neste estudo, buscamos compreender como as comunidades de anfíbios anuros e de lagartos estão estruturadas e quais fatores ambientais e de degradação são determinantes nesta estruturação. Amostramos cinco remanescentes de restinga no estado do Espírito Santo, utilizando método de procura ativa em transecções lineares nas diferentes fisionomias vegetais destes ecossistemas. Realizamos amostragens nas estações seca e de chuvas em todas as restingas, e somamos um total de 60 horas de esforço amostral para os anfíbios e 75 horas para os lagartos. Registramos um total de 32 espécies de anfíbios anuros conjuntamente nos cinco remanescentes de restinga, sendo duas destas espécies endêmicas deste ecossistema: Scinax agilis e Melanophryniscus setiba. A restinga do Parque Paulo Cesar Vinha foi o remanescente com a maior riqueza de espécies de anuros, enquanto a restinga da Reserva Biológica de Comboios foi, comparativamente, o remanescente com menor riqueza de espécies. Em termos de composição de espécies, as restingas de Praia das Neves e Paulo Cesar Vinha foram as mais similares, enquanto a restinga de Comboios foi a mais distante na análise de agrupamento. Registramos no conjunto de restingas seis modos reprodutivos para as espécies de anuros, sendo 75% deles relacionados aos ambientes aquáticos. A disponibilidade de locais de desova esteve positivamente relacionada à riqueza de espécies. Todos os mesohábitats das restingas, com exceção das fitofisionomias de halófila-psamófila, foram utilizados pelos indivíduos registrados, entretanto, uma porcentagem considerável dos indivíduos foi encontrada nos alagados. Em relação às comunidades de lagartos, adotamos além dos nossos dados, aqueles disponíveis em Dias e Rocha (2014) e aqueles disponíveis em Winck (2012). Registramos um total de 23 espécies de lagartos nos remanescentes de restinga amostrados nos estados do Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo e Bahia. Observamos que as comunidades presentes nos remanescentes estudados possuem considerável diferenciação entre elas. A diversidade beta (β) foi elevada enquanto o grau de aninhamento foi intermediário. Registramos ainda a presença do lagarto exótico invasor Hemidactylus mabouia em ambiente natural nos remanescentes de restinga estudados neste Tese. Encontramos 45 indivíduos, distribuídos em três dos cinco remanescentes amostrados. Registramos ainda ovos de H. mabouia (2 deles eclodidos) em dois dos cinco locais estudados, indicando que o recrutamento de indivíduos está ocorrendo com sucesso nas populações invasoras. A presença de H. mabouia esteve relacionada à restingas com maior frequência de degradação ambiental. Consideramos que os dados obtidos nesta tese, fornecem informações de considerável importância para o entendimento da estrutura das comunidades de anfíbios e lagartos nos ecossistemas de restinga ao longo da costa brasileira
Effects of agricultural intensification (AI) on biodiversity are often assessed on the plot scale, although processes determining diversity also operate on larger spatial scales. Here, we analyzed the diversity of vascular plants, carabid beetles, and birds in agricultural landscapes in cereal crop fields at the field (n = 1350), farm (n = 270), and European-region (n = 9) scale. We partitioned diversity into its additive components alpha, beta, and gamma, and assessed the relative contribution of beta diversity to total species richness at each spatial scale. AI was determined using pesticide and fertilizer inputs, as well as tillage operations and categorized into low, medium, and high levels. As AI was not significantly related to landscape complexity, we could disentangle potential AI effects on local vs. landscape community homogenization. AI negatively affected the species richness of plants and birds, but not carabid beetles, at all spatial scales. Hence, local AI was closely correlated to beta diversity on larger scales up to the farm and region level, and thereby was an indicator of farm-and region-wide biodiversity losses. At the scale of farms (12.83-20.52%) and regions (68.34-80.18%), beta diversity accounted for the major part of the total species richness for all three taxa, indicating great dissimilarity in environmental conditions on larger spatial scales. For plants, relative importance of alpha diversity decreased with AI, while relative importance of beta diversity on the farm scale increased with AI for carabids and birds. Hence, and in contrast to our expectations, AI does not necessarily homogenize local communities, presumably due to the heterogeneity of farming practices. In conclusion, a more detailed understanding of AI effects on diversity patterns of various taxa and at multiple spatial scales would contribute to more efficient agri-environmental schemes in agroecosystems.
Community structure depends on both deterministic and stochastic processes. However, patterns of community dissimilarity (e.g. difference in species composition) are difficult to interpret in terms of the relative roles of these processes. Local communities can be more dissimilar (divergence) than, less dissimilar (convergence) than, or as dissimilar as a hypothetical control based on either null or neutral models. However, several mechanisms may result in the same pattern, or act concurrently to generate a pattern, and much research has recently been focusing on unravelling these mechanisms and their relative contributions. Using a simulation approach, we addressed the effect of a complex but realistic spatial structure in the distribution of the niche axis and we analysed patterns of species co-occurrence and beta diversity as measured by dissimilarity indices (e.g. Jaccard index) using either expectations under a null model or neutral dynamics (i.e., based on switching off the niche effect). The strength of niche processes, dispersal, and environmental noise strongly interacted so that niche-driven dynamics may result in local communities that either diverge or converge depending on the combination of these factors. Thus, a fundamental result is that, in real systems, interacting processes of community assembly can be disentangled only by measuring traits such as niche breadth and dispersal. The ability to detect the signal of the niche was also dependent on the spatial resolution of the sampling strategy, which must account for the multiple scale spatial patterns in the niche axis. Notably, some of the patterns we observed correspond to patterns of community dissimilarities previously observed in the field and suggest mechanistic explanations for them or the data required to solve them. Our framework offers a synthesis of the patterns of community dissimilarity produced by the interaction of deterministic and stochastic determinants of community assembly in a spatially explicit and complex context.
In spite of the controversy that they have generated, neutral models provide ecologists with powerful tools for creating dynamic predictions about beta-diversity in ecological communities. Ecologists can achieve an understanding of the assembly rules operating in nature by noting when and how these predictions are met or not met. This is particularly valuable for those groups of organisms that are challenging to study under natural conditions (e.g., bacteria and fungi). Here, we focused on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) communities and performed an extensive literature search that allowed us to synthesize the information in 19 data sets with the minimal requisites for creating a null hypothesis in terms of community dissimilarity expected under neutral dynamics. In order to achieve this task, we calculated the first estimates of neutral parameters for several AMF communities from different ecosystems. Communities were shown either to be consistent with neutrality or to diverge or converge with respect to the levels of compositional dissimilarity expected under neutrality. These data support the hypothesis that divergence occurs in systems where the effect of limited dispersal is overwhelmed by anthropogenic disturbance or extreme biological and environmental heterogeneity, whereas communities converge when systems have the potential for niche divergence within a relatively homogeneous set of environmental conditions. Regarding the study cases that were consistent with neutrality, the sampling designs employed may have covered relatively homogeneous environments in which the effects of dispersal limitation overwhelmed minor differences among AMF taxa that would lead to environmental filtering. Using neutral models we showed for the first time for a soil microbial group the conditions under which different assembly processes may determine different patterns of beta-diversity. Our synthesis is an important step showing how the application of general ecological theories to a model microbial taxon has the potential to shed light on the assembly and ecological dynamics of communities.
Terrestrial invertebrates constitute most of described animal biodiversity and soil is a major reservoir of this diversity. In the classical attempt to understand the processes supporting biodiversity, ecologists are currently seeking to unravel the differential roles of environmental filtering and competition for resources in niche partitioning processes: these processes are in principle distinct although they may act simultaneously, interact at multiple spatial and temporal scales, and are often confounded in studies of soil communities. We used a novel combination of methods based on stable isotopes and trait analysis to resolve these processes in diverse oribatid mite assemblages at spatial
scales at which competition for resources could in principle be a major driver. We also used a null model approach based on a general neutral model of beta diversity. A large and significant fraction of community variation was explainable in terms of linear and periodic spatial structures in the distribution of organic C, N and soil structure: species were clearly arranged along an environmental, spatially structured gradient. However, competition related trait differences did not map onto the distances separating species along the environmental gradient and neutral models provided a satisfying approximation of beta diversity patterns. The results represent the first robust evidence
that in very diverse soil arthropod assemblages resource-based niche partitioning plays a minor role while environmental filtering remains a fundamental driver of species distribution.
Despite its wide implications for many ecological issues, the global pattern of spatial turnover in the occurrence of species has been little studied, unlike the global pattern of species richness. Here, using a database on the breeding distributions of birds, we present the first global maps of variation in spatial turnover for an entire taxonomic class, a pattern that has to date remained largely a matter of conjecture, based on theoretical expectations and extrapolation of inconsistent patterns from different biogeographic realms. We use these maps to test four predictions from niche theory as to the form that this variation should take, namely that turnover should increase with species richness, towards lower latitudes, and with the steepness of environmental gradients and that variation in turnover is determined principally by rare (restricted) species. Contrary to prediction, we show that turnover is high both in areas of extremely low and high species richness, does not increase strongly towards the tropics, and is related both to average environmental conditions and spatial variation in those conditions. These results are closely associated with a further important and novel finding, namely that global patterns of spatial turnover are driven principally by widespread species rather than the restricted ones. This complements recent demonstrations that spatial patterns of species richness are also driven principally by widespread species, and thus provides an important contribution towards a unified model of how terrestrial biodiversity varies both within and between the Earth's major land masses.
Species-area relationships (SAR) are fundamental in the understanding of biodiversity patterns and of critical importance for predicting species extinction risk worldwide. Despite the enormous attention given to SAR in the form of many individual analyses, little attempt has been made to synthesize these studies. We conducted a quantitative meta-analysis of 794 SAR, comprising a wide span of organisms, habitats and locations. We identified factors reflecting both pattern-based and dynamic approaches to SAR and tested whether these factors leave significant imprints on the slope and strength of SAR. Our analysis revealed that SAR are significantly affected by variables characterizing the sampling scheme, the spatial scale, and the types of organisms or habitats involved. We found that steeper SAR are generated at lower latitudes and by larger organisms. SAR varied significantly between nested and independent sampling schemes and between major ecosystem types, but not generally between the terrestrial and the aquatic realm. Both the fit and the slope of the SAR were scale-dependent. We conclude that factors dynamically regulating species richness at different spatial scales strongly affect the shape of SAR. We highlight important consequences of this systematic variation in SAR for ecological theory, conservation management and extinction risk predictions.
Aim To examine the effect on the observed relationship betw een spatial turnover and latitude of both the measure of beta diversity used and the method of analysis.
Location The empirical analyses presented herein are for the New World.
Methods We take the spatial distributions of the owls of the New World as an exemplar data set to investigate the patterns of beta diversity across latitudes revealed by different analytical methods. To illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of alternative measures of beta diversity and different analytical approaches, we also use a simple random distribution model, focusing in particular on the influence of richness gradients and landmass geometry.
Results Our simple spatial model of turnover demonstrates that different combinations of analytical approach and measure of beta diversity can give rise to strikingly different relationships between turnover and latitude. The analyses of the bird data for the owls of the New World demonstrate that this observation extends to real data.
Conclusions For the particular assemblage considered, we present strong evidence that species richness declines at higher latitudes, and there is also some evidence that species turnover is greater nearer the equator, despite conceptual and practical difficulties involved in analysing spatial patterns of species turnover. We suggest some ways of overcoming these difficulties.