953 resultados para bench press
The purpose of this study was to investigate the behavior of heart rate (HR) and HR variability (HRV) during different loads of resistance exercise (incline bench press) in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and healthy sedentary controls. Ten healthy men (65 ± 1.2 years, control group, CG) and 10 men with clinically stable CAD (66 ± 2.4 years, CADG) were recruited. A discontinuous progressive protocol was applied with an initial load of 10% of the maximum load achieved in the 1RM (1 repetition maximum) with increases of 10% until 30% 1RM was reached, which was followed by subsequent increases of 5% 1RM until exhaustion. HRV was analyzed by linear and non-linear methods. There was a significant reduction in rMSSD (CG: 20 ± 2 to 11 ± 3 ms; CADG: 19 ± 3 to 9 ± 1 ms) and SD1 indexes (CG: 14 ± 2 to 8 ± 1 ms; CADG: 14 ± 2 to 7 ± 1 ms). An increase in HR (CG: 69 ± 5 to 90 ± 5 bpm; CADG: 62 ± 4 to 75 ± 4 bpm) and in systolic blood pressure (CG: 124 ± 3 to 138 ± 3 mmHg; CADG: 122 ± 6 to 126 ± 9 bpm) were observed (P < 0.05) when comparing pre-effort rest and 40% 1RM in both groups. Furthermore, an increase in RMSM index was also observed (CG: 28 ± 3 to 45 ± 9 ms; CADG: 22 ± 2 to 79 ± 33 ms), with higher values in CADG. We conclude that loads up to 30% 1RM during incline bench press result in depressed vagal modulation in both groups, although only stable CAD patients presented sympathetic overactivity at 20% 1RM upper limb exercise.
Prestes, J, Frollini, AB, De Lima, C, Donatto, FF, Foschini, D, de Marqueti, RC, Figueira Jr, A, and Fleck, SJ. Comparison between linear and daily undulating periodized resistance training to increase strength. J Strength Cond Res 23(9): 2437-2442, 2009-To determine the most effective periodization model for strength and hypertrophy is an important step for strength and conditioning professionals. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of linear (LP) and daily undulating periodized (DUP) resistance training on body composition and maximal strength levels. Forty men aged 21.5 +/- 8.3 and with a minimum 1-year strength training experience were assigned to an LP (n = 20) or DUP group (n = 20). Subjects were tested for maximal strength in bench press, leg press 45 degrees, and arm curl (1 repetition maximum [RM]) at baseline (T1), after 8 weeks (T2), and after 12 weeks of training (T3). Increases of 18.2 and 25.08% in bench press 1 RM were observed for LP and DUP groups in T3 compared with T1, respectively (p <= 0.05). In leg press 45 degrees, LP group exhibited an increase of 24.71% and DUP of 40.61% at T3 compared with T1. Additionally, DUP showed an increase of 12.23% at T2 compared with T1 and 25.48% at T3 compared with T2. For the arm curl exercise, LP group increased 14.15% and DUP 23.53% at T3 when compared with T1. An increase of 20% was also found at T2 when compared with T1, for DUP. Although the DUP group increased strength the most in all exercises, no statistical differences were found between groups. In conclusion, undulating periodized strength training induced higher increases in maximal strength than the linear model in strength-trained men. For maximizing strength increases, daily intensity and volume variations were more effective than weekly variations.
The results of studies about the ideal resistance training intensity for reduction of resting blood pressure levels, as well as this type of training to increase the functional capacity of hypertensive older women are still unclear, since the few investigations usually analyze young individuals normotensive, and the literature lacks precise information in elderly hypertensive subjects. Objectives: To determine the effect of two resistance training intensities on resting blood pressure and the effect of resistance training on functional capacity in elderly women with systemic arterial hypertension, analyzing these variables before and after eight weeks of intervention. Methods: Patients underwent eight weeks of resistance training, with a frequency of three times per week on alternate days, in the afternoon. The exercises performed were: leg press, bench press, knee extension, lat pull-down, knee flexion, shoulder abduction, standing cable hip abduction and biceps curl. Results: It was found that patients who underwent training with moderate resistance, showed a reduction on resting values of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) p<0.03 and of mean arterial pressure (MAP) p<0.03. Patients who underwent mild resistance training showed reduction in resting values of MAP (p<0.03) and a tendency to decrease in DBP (p<0.06). With regard to functional capacity, the results showed significant increase in the strength of arms and legs, agility and aerobic endurance (p<0.001) and maintaining flexibility (p>0.05). Conclusion: The data indicated that both mild and moderate resistance training, even when started in old age, promoted cardiovascular benefits and also improve the functional capacity of hypertensive older women.
Study objectives: This study was developed to investigate the influence of thoracic and upperlimb muscle function on 6-min walk distance (6MWD) in patients with COPD.Design: A prospective, cross-sectional study.Setting: the pulmonary rehabilitation center of a university hospital.Patients: Thirty-eight patients with mild to very severe COPD were evaluated.Measurements and results: Pulmonary function and baseline dyspnea index (BDI) were assessed, handgrip strength, maximal inspiratory pressure (Pimax), and 6MWD were measured, and the one-repetition maximum (1RM) was determined for each of four exercises (bench press, lat pull down, leg extension, and leg press) performed on gymnasium equipment. Quality of life was assessed using the St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ). We found statistically significant positive correlations between 6MWD and body weight (r = 0.32; p < 0.05), BDI (r = 0.50; p < 0.01), FEV, (r = 0.33; p < 0.05), PImax (r = 0.53; p < 0.01), and all values of 1RM. A statistically significant negative correlation was observed between 6MWD and dyspnea at the end of the 6-min walk test (r = -0.29; p < 0.05), as well as between 6MWD and the SGRQ activity domain (r = -0.45; p < 0.01) and impact domain (r = -0.34; p < 0.05) and total score (r = -0.40; p < 0.01). Multiple regression analysis selected body weight, BDI, Pimax, and lat pull down IRM as predictive factors for 6MWD (R-2 = 0.589).Conclusions: the results of this study showed the importance of the skeletal musculature of the thorax and upper limbs in submaximal exercise tolerance and could open new perspectives for training programs designed to improve functional activity in COPD patients.
Comparação entre o desempenho motor de hommes e mulheres em séries múltiplas de exercícios com pesos
The magnitude of men and women's neuromuscular, metabolic, and morphologic responses seems to be quite different even when both are submitted to exercise protocols using similar weight exercises protocols. However, differences in the motor performance between men and women have been predominantly reported in protocols based on isometric and isokinetic contractions. Thus, this study aimed to analyze men and women's behavior during multiple sets of weight exercises achieving the exhaustion, and later verifying possible differences as to the physical performance between genders using weights with similar intensity. For this, 83 subjects (50 men, and 33 women), 48 hours after being submitted to 1-RM tests in bench press, squat and arm curl performed a protocol composed by four sets at 1-RM 80% up to achieving the exhaustion in each of three exercises to evaluate the endurance ability to the fatigue in different muscular groups. It was used the ANOVA and ANCOVA for repeated measurements, followed by the Tukey's post hoc test, where P < 0.05 to the data treatment. It was verified a significant fall in the performance both in men and in women since the first up to the fourth sets of every exercise investigated (P < 0.01). Although the fatigue magnitude was higher in men in all the three exercises, the effect on the gender was only identified in the arm curl exercise (P < 0.01). The results of this study indicated that men and women presented quite different behavior in multiple sets of weight exercises, and women presented a more stable performance and a higher endurance ability to the fatigue in the arm curl as well.
This study examined the effects of long-term creatine supplementation combined with resistance training (RT) on the one-repetition maximum (1RM) strength, motor functional performance (e.g., 30-s chair stand, arm curl, and getting up from lying on the floor tests) and body composition (e.g., fat-free mass, muscle mass, and % body fat using DEXA scans) in older women. Eighteen healthy women (64.9 ± 5.0 years) were randomly assigned in a double-blind fashion to either a creatine (CR, N = 9) or placebo (PL, N = 9) group. Both groups underwent a 12-week RT program (3 days week-1), consuming an equivalent amount of either creatine (5.0 g day-1) or placebo (maltodextrin). After 12 week, the CR group experienced a greater (P < 0.05) increase (Δ%) in training volume (+164.2), and 1RM bench press (+5.1), knee extension (+3.9) and biceps curl (+8.8) performance than the PL group. Furthermore, CR group gained significantly more fat-free mass (+3.2) and muscle mass (+2.8) and were more efficient in performing submaximal-strength functional tests than the PL group. No changes (P > 0.05) in body mass or % body fat were observed from pre- to post-test in either group. These results indicate that long-term creatine supplementation combined with RT improves the ability to perform submaximal-strength functional tasks and promotes a greater increase in maximal strength, fat-free mass and muscle mass in older women. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of exercise order on one-repetition maximum (1-RM) and ten-repetition maximum (10-RM) strength gains after 6 weeks of resistance training (RT) in trained men. Sixteen men were randomly assigned into two groups based on the order of exercises performed during training sessions: a group that performed large muscle group exercises first and progressed to small muscle group exercises (LG-SM); while a second group performed the opposite sequence and started with small muscle group exercises and progressed to large muscle group exercises (SM-LG). Four sessions of RT were conducted per week; all exercises were performed for three sets of 8-12 repetitions with 1-min rest intervals between sets. Maximal and submaximal strength were assessed at baseline and after 6 weeks of RT with 1-RM and 10-RM testing for the bench press (BP), lat pulldown (LPD), triceps pulley extension (TE) and biceps curl (BC), respectively. Two-way ANOVA for the 1-RM and 10-RM tests indicated a significant group x time interaction. The 1-RM values significantly increased for all exercises in both groups (P<0.05), but were not significantly different between groups. However, effect size (ES) data indicated that the LG-SM group exhibited a greater magnitude of gains (1-RM and 10-RM) for the BP and LPD exercises. Conversely, ES indicated that the SM-LG group exhibited a greater magnitude of gains (1-RM and 10-RM) for the TE and BC exercises. In conclusion, the results suggest that upper body movements should be prioritized and performed according to individual needs to maximize maximal and submaximal strength. © 2013 Scandinavian Society of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
INTRODUÇÃO:Muitos trabalhos têm estudado o comportamento hormonal nos exercício resistido, entretanto poucos relacionam os hormônios cortisol, GH e insulina.OBJETIVO:Estudar os ajustes das concentrações plasmáticas dos hormônios cortisol, GH e insulina em exercícios resistidos de mesma intensidade com relação à massas musculares distintas.MÉTODOS:Dez voluntários, com 20,3 ± 4,2 anos, 74,1 ± 10,2 kg de peso, 177,2 ± 4,6 cm de estatura e 23,8 ± 3,2 kg/m2 de IMC, realizaram uma sessão de leg press (LP) e supino reto (SR) com quatro séries com 10 repetições a 70% 1 RM com três minutos de intervalo. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue para dosagem das concentrações plasmáticas de cortisol, GH e insulina em repouso (Pré) e em 0' (Rec. 0'), 30' (Rec. 30') e 90' (Rec. 90') de recuperação.RESULTADOS:As concentrações plasmáticas de cortisol foram significativamente reduzidas ao final da recuperação em LP (2,20±0,37 ng/dl para 1,33±0,38ng/dl) em relação à pré-dosagem. As concentrações de GH e insulina elevaram-se significativamente durante a recuperação. GH em LP foi significativamente maior em Rec. 0' (2,75±3,29 ng/ml para 9,60±5,32 ng/dl) do que em pré. A insulina elevou-se significativamente em Rec. 30' em LP (14,70±7,92 ulU/ml para 21,66 ± 8,61 ulU/ml) e em SR (6,17 ± 2,99 ulU/ml para 19,70 ± 13,8 ulU/ml) em relação à pré. As concentrações plasmáticas de insulina pré em LP foram significativamente superiores a SR (14,70 ulU/ml e 6,17 ± 2,99 ulU/ml).CONCLUSÃO:O exercício resistido promoveu diferentes ajustes nas concentrações hormonais de cortisol, GH e insulina durante o período de recuperação.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of critical force test from maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) during resistance test using straight bench press. Five healthy male volunteers aged (22.6 ± 2.88 years), weight (76.3 ± 11.49 kg) e height (182.6 ± 7.54cm), trained in resistance exercise, and performed four diferent test to determine: one maximal effort (1RM), critical force using the critical power model (force vs 1/time limit - 20, 25 and 30% 1RM). The CF was the linear coefficient and the anaerobic impulse capacity (CIA) was the angular. MLSS was determined using loads of 80, 90, 100 and 110% of critical force. Blood lactate samples were abtained at each 300sec between each stage of total 1200sec. Maximal 30s test (M30) was accomplished with load of 25% of body weight in SBP. The results showed that the 1 RM was 79.4 Kgf (± 16.98), CF 10.1N (± 2.25), CIA 1756.82 N.s (± 546.96) and the R² 0.984 (± 0,02). The MLSS occurs at 100% CF load. The lactate concentration at the MLSS was 2.2 mmol/L (± 0.77). Significant correlation was observed between MLSS and CF on SBP (r = 0.88 p = 0.05). In M30 the minimum, mean and peak power were (25.0 ± 4.9, 28.0 ± 4.9, and 30.0 ± 4.6 kgf.rps, respectively). The fatigue index was 18.0% (± 6,8). The M30 was significantly correlated with Ppeak and Pmean (r = 0.98 for both, p = 0.003). The CF means has been validated to predict the resistance training and the CIA show to be a representative anaerobic parameter in straight bench press.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of individuals not trained in methods under performing resistance exercise in the method of multiple series and the following exercises: Leg press (LP) 45, leg extension (CE), leg curl (CF), front handle (PF), rowing neutral (RN), bench press (SR) and Peck deck (PD) in 9 weeks with three training sessions / week. The study was with of 6 individuals aged 40 to 55 years were divided into two groups all were tested using the 1 RM for securing cargo to the drills being performed each test 48 h. Results: According to what was observed using this training protocol with different volume in each group for 9 weeks of training in these subjects did not differ in both groups but showed increases above two devices with other evaluated Peck deck and this is due Leg Press major muscle group.
Introduction: The rest interval between bouts is a crucial variable of resistance training to ensure recovery of neuromuscular capacity. Objective: To compare the effect of rest interval between repeated bouts of resistance training on neuromuscular capacity of trained men. Methods: Eight resistance-trained men (21.6 +/- 3.3 years, 75.1 +/- 11.3 kg, 178.2 +/- 6.8 cm) performed two randomized and crossover resistance exercise bouts, repeated with rest interval of 24h or 48h. The bouts consisted of horizontal, inclined and declined bench press performed with five sets of 10 repetitions with an intensity of 70% of one repetition maximum (1RM) for each exercise. Neuromuscular performance post-exercise bout (strength, power and speed), was assessed with an accelerometer (Myotest (R)), with a load of 50% 1RM, in the bench press exercise. Results: Both sessions (24 and 48h) showed significant reduction (P < 0.05) in the neuromuscular capacity (strength, power and speed) post-exercise bout, returning to baseline values within 24h (P> 0.05). Conclusion: The results suggest that the rest interval of 24h is sufficient for recovery of neuromuscular performance in upper limbs of resistance-trained men.