940 resultados para behavioral teratology
Different from other countries Of Europe and North American, studies about the behavioral profile of Noonan syndrome`s patients are inexistent. The objective of this study was to report the profiles of behavioral functions of 10 participants (4 females and 6 males), with mutations in the PTPN11 gene. For this assessment it was used the Inventory of Behaviors of Children and Adolescents from 6 to 18 years (CBCL/6-18) and the Inventory of Auto-Evaluation for Adults from 18 to 59 years (ASR). The main results point that in Adaptive Functioning Scale all the participants were in the normality range. In the Syndrome Scale the adult participants were in normality range and the children were in clinical range to the sub-scales anxious/depressed, somatic complaints and aggressive behavior. In the DSM-Oriented Scale, 25% of the adult patients were in the borderline clinical range and clinical range, respectively, for Avoidant Personality Problems and Antisocial Personality Problems. About the both children in this scale were in the clinical range of Affective Problems and Anxiety Problems. This relatively homogenous sample, regarding the PTPN11 gene, shows a normal adult behavioral profile, on the average. However, the individual children anti adult profiles show diverse internalizing and externalizing behavioral disturbances.
Nutrient sensitive insulin-like peptides (ILPs) have profound effects on invertebrate metabolism, nutrient storage, fertility and aging. Many insects transcribe ILPs in specialized neurosecretory cells at changing levels correlated with life history. However, the major site of insect metabolism and nutrient storage is not the brain, but rather the fat body, where functions of ILP expression are rarely studied and poorly understood. Fat body is analogous to mammalian liver and adipose tissue, with nutrient stores that often correlate with behavior. We used the honey bee (Apis mellifera), an insect with complex behavior, to test whether ILP genes in fat body respond to experimentally induced changes of behavioral physiology. Honey bee fat body influences endocrine state and behavior by secreting the yolk protein precursor vitellogenin (Vg), which suppresses lipophilic juvenile hormone and social foraging behavior. In a two-factorial experiment, we used RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated vg gene knockdown and amino acid nutrient enrichment of hemolymph (blood) to perturb this regulatory module. We document factor-specific changes in fat body ilp1 and ilp2 mRNA, the bee`s ILP-encoding genes, and confirm that our protocol affects social behavior. We show that ilp1 and ilp2 are regulated independently and differently and diverge in their specific expression-localization between fat body oenocyte and trophocyte cells. Insect ilp functions may be better understood by broadening research to account for expression in fat body and not only brain.
In rats, conditioned fear to context causes freezing immobility and cardiovascular changes. The dorsal hippocampus (DH) has a critical role in several memory processes, including conditioning fear to contextual information. To explore a possible involvement of the DH in contextual fear conditioning-evoked cardiovascular (mean arterial pressure and heart rate increases) and behavioral (freezing) responses, DH synaptic transmission was temporarily inhibited by bilateral microinjections of 500 nl of the nonselective synapse blocker, cobalt chloride (COCl2, 1 mmol/l), at different periods of the experimental procedure. During re-exposure to the foot shock chamber in which conditioning had taken place, bilateral DH inhibition 10 min before the conditioning session had no effect on either behavioral or cardiovascular responses. Bilateral DH inhibition immediately after the conditioning session (110 min) decreased both behavioral and cardiovascular responses during the context test. Finally, 48 h after the conditioning session, bilateral DH inhibition 10 min before re-exposure to the foot shock chamber significantly reduced cardiovascular responses but not freezing responses. These results suggest that contextual fear conditioning acquisition does not depend on the DH. This structure, however, is crucial for the consolidation of contextual fear. Moreover, although the DH appears to be less important for the behavioral (freezing) changes induced by re-exposure to the aversive conditioned context, it may play an important role on the cardiovascular responses generated by this model.
Systemic administration of cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychotomimetic compound from Cannabis sativa, attenuates the cardiovascular and behavioral responses to restraint stress. Although the brain structures related to CBD effects are not entirely known, they could involve brainstem structures responsible for cardiovascular control. Therefore, to investigate this possibility the present study verified the effects of CBD (15.30 and 60 nmol) injected into the cisterna magna on the autonomic and behavioral changes induced by acute restraint stress. During exposure to restraint stress (1 h) there was a significant increase in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR). Also, 24 h later the animals showed a decreased percentage of entries onto the open arms of the elevated plus-maze. These effects were attenuated by CBD (30 nmol). The drug had no effect on MAP and HR baseline values. These results indicate that intracisternal administration of CBD can attenuate autonomic responses to stress. However, since CBD decreased the anxiogenic consequences of restraint stress, it is possible that the drug is also acting on forebrain structures. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
At present, there is a variety of formalisms for modeling and analyzing the communication behavior of components. Due to a tremendous increase in size and complexity of embedded systems accompanied by shorter time to market cycles and cost reduction, so called behavioral type systems become more and more important. This chapter presents an overview and a taxonomy of behavioral types. The intentions of this taxonomy are to provide a guidance for software engineers and to form the basis for future research.
In ostariophysan fish, the detection of alarm substance released from the skin of a conspecific or a sympatric heterospecific may elicit alarm reactions or antipredator behavioral responses. In this study, experiments were performed to characterize and quantify the behavioral response threshold of Leporinus piau, both individually and in schools, to growing dilutions of conspecific (CAS) and heterospecific skin extract (HAS). The predominant behavioral response to CAS stock stimulation was biphasic for fish held individually, with a brief initial period of rapid swimming followed by a longer period of immobility or reduced swimming activity. As the dilution of skin extract was increased, the occurrence and magnitude of the biphasic alarm response tended to decrease, replaced by a slowing of locomotion. Slowing was the most common antipredator behavior, observed in 62.5% of animals submitted to HAS stimulation. School cohesion, measured as proximity of fish to the center of the school, and swimming activity near the water surface significantly increased after exposure to CAS when compared with the control group exposed to distilled water. Histological analysis of the epidermis revealed the presence of Ostariophysi-like club cells. The presence of these cells and the behavioral responses to conspecific and heterospecific skin extract stimulation suggest the existence of a pheromone alarm system in L. piau similar to that in Ostariophysi, lending further support for the neural processing of chemosensory information in tropical freshwater fish.
Ictal behavior coupled with SPECT findings during 28 seizures in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) with unilateral hippocampal sclerosis (13 left; 15 right) was displayed as flowcharts from right-sided (RTLE) plus left-sided (LTLE) seizures. Ictal SPECT was classified blind to neuroethology. Behaviors were categorized as ipsilateral to the epileptogenic zone (IL), contralateral to the epileptogenic zone (CL), or bilateral. SPECT intensity and region were categorized as IL or CL to the epileptogenic zone. All patients developed automatisms and had hyperperfusion in their temporal lobes. Patients` verbal responses to questions had statistical interactions in RTLE but not in LTLE sum. Most CL dystonic posturing was correlated to IL basal ganglia hyperperfusion. Basal ganglia activation occurred in seizures without dystonic posturing and CL manual automatisms, and lack of IL dystonic posturing and the presence of CL cerebellar hemispheric hyperperfusion were also observed. Coupling of neuroethology and SPECT findings reliably evaluates ictal behavior and functionality of associated brain areas. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The chronic mild stress (CMS) model has been used as an animal model of depression which induces anhedonic behavior in rodents. The present study was aimed to evaluate the behavioral and physiological effects of administration of P-carboline harmine in rats exposed to CMS Procedure. To this aim, after 40 days of exposure to CMS procedure, rats were treated with harmine (15 mg/kg/day) for 7 days. In this study, sweet food consumption, adrenal gland weight, adrenocorticotrophin hormone (ACTH) levels, and hippocampal brain-derived-neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein levels were assessed. Our findings demonstrated that chronic stressful situations induced anhedonia, hypertrophy of adrenal gland weight, increase ACTH circulating levels in rats and increase BDNF protein levels. Interestingly, treatment with harmine reversed anhedonia, the increase of adrenal gland weight, normalized ACTH circulating levels and BDNF protein levels. Finally, these findings further support the hypothesis that harmine could be a new pharmacological tool for the treatment of depression. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Larval behavioral diapause was shown to be the major factor controlling the 1-yr generation pattern of Amblyomma cajennense (F.) (Acari: Ixodidae) in Brazil. During fieldwork, this behavior was shown to coincide with long daylength (>12 h) and high mean ground temperature (approximate to 25 degrees C), which prevail during spring-summer in Brazil. The current study evaluated biological parameters of engorged females, their eggs, and the resultant larvae inside plastic pots planted with the grass Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. held in incubators set with different combinations of temperature and photoperiod. Both the long daylength (photoperiod 14:10 [L:D]h) and high temperature (25 degrees C) during larval hatching induced larval behavioral diapause, characterized by the confinement of hatched larvae on the ground below the vegetation for many weeks. When long daylength was present during hatching, but temperature was low (15 degrees C), larvae did not enter diapause. Similarly, when short daylength (10:14 or 12:12) was present during larval hatching, larvae did not enter diapause regardless whether temperature was high (25 degrees C). Termination of diapause was induced by shifting photoperiod from 14:10 to 12:12 or the temperature from 25 to 15 degrees C. When applied to field conditions, the present results indicate that both high ground mean temperature (approximate to 25 degrees C) and long daylength (>12 h) during spring-summer (October-March) are responsible for the induction and maintenance of A. cajennense larval behavioral diapause in the field. Furthermore, both the low ground mean temperature (-20 degrees C) and the short daylength (<12h) during autumn (April-May) are responsible for termination of larval behavioral diapause in the field.
Acute infections lead to alterations in behavior, collectively known as sickness behavior. which includes reduction in locomotion, food ingestion, sexual and social behavior, environmental exploration, and sleep profile. Although generally seen as undesired, sickness behavior represents a conserved strategy for animals to overcome disease. Aging process is associated with a variety of changes in immunity, which are referred to as immunosenescence, and include higher mortality by infectious diseases. Few works studied sickness behavior display in old animals. Thus, we sought to investigate the display of sickness related behaviors on aged mice. Adult(3-6 months old), middle-aged (12-15 m) and aged mice (18-22 m)were treated with i.p. LPS (200 mu g/kg) and their behaviors were assessed in the open field and in the elevated plus-maze. Exploratory activity was similar in aged mice treated or not with LPS in both apparati. In the open field, locomotion remained at baseline levels; in the elevated plus-maze, there was a time-dependent decrease in motor activity. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
The behavioral effects of the K-opioid receptor agonist U69593 were examined in lactating rats. On day 5 of lactation, animals were treated with 0.1 mg/kg of U69593 to determine whether it influences general activity and maternal latencies toward pups. Because little attention has been given to the possibility that pre-mating treatment with morphine may modulate the response to K-opioid receptor stimulation, another group of animals was submitted to the same acute challenge after abrupt withdrawal from repeated treatment with morphine sulfate during the pre-mating period (5 mg/kg on alternate days for a total of five doses). Acute F;opioid stimulation reduced total locomotion, rearing frequency, and time spent self-grooming and increased immobility duration. These K agonist effects were not observed in animals pretreated with morphine. Similarly, latencies to retrieve pups were longer only in animals pretreated with saline and challenged acutely with U69593. None of these effects were observed in morphine sulfate-pretreated animals. The present results suggest that pre-mating repeated exposure to morphine produces a tolerance-like effect on behavioral responses to low-dose K-opioid receptor stimulation in active reproductive females. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The relevance and property of studies related to stress effects on immune function are undisputable. All studies conducted on stress-immune relationships, however, provide from physical and/or psychological stressors. Indeed, as far as it is of our knowledge brain-innate immune responses were not analyzed after anxiogenic-like drugs use. The present experiment was then undertaken to analyze the effects of picrotoxin (0.3, 0.6 and 1.0 mg/kg doses) on behavior, macrophage activity, serum corticosterone and noradrenaline (NE) levels and turnover in the brain of adult mice. Results showed that picrotoxin treatment in mice: (1) decreased motor and rearing activities in an open-field; (2) decreased the number of entries into the plus-maze open-arms and decreased the time spent in the exploration of the plus-maze open-arms; (3) decreased both motor activity and the level of holes exploration in the hole-board; (4) increased the levels of serum corticosterone in dose-dependent way; (5) increased noradrenaline (NE) and MHPG levels and NE turnover in the hypothalamus; and (6) increased Staphylococcus aureus and PMA-induced macrophage oxidative burst. However, and contrary to that reported after physical or psychological stress, this drug induced no effects on macrophage phagocytosis and NE levels and turnover in the frontal cortex. The present results are thus showing that picrotoxin induces some but not all neuro-innate immunity changes previously reported for inescapable foot-shock and psychological stressors in mice. These facts suggest that this chemical stressor triggers CNS pathways that might be somehow different from those fired by inescapable foot-shock and psychological stressors, leading to different neuro-innate immune responses. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All fights reserved.
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 PUFAs) have been widely associated to beneficial effects over different neuropathologies, but only a few studies associate them to Parkinson`s disease (PD). Rats were submitted to chronic supplementation (21-90 days of life) with fish oil, rich in omega-3 PUFAs, and were uni- or bilaterally lesioned with 4 mu g of the neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) in the medial forebrain bundle Although lipid incorporation was evidenced in neuronal membranes, it was not sufficient to compensate motor deficits induced by 6-OHDA. In contrast, omega-3 PUFAs were capable of reducing rotational behavior induced by apomorphine, suggesting neuroprotection over dyskinesia The beneficial effects of omega-3 PUFAs were also evident in the maintenance of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances index from animals lesioned with 6-OHDA similar to levels from SHAM and intact animals. Although omega-3 PUFAs did not modify the tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in the substantia nigra pars compacta and in the ventral tegmental area, nor the depletion of dopamine (DA) and its metabolites in the striatum, DA turnover was increased after omega-3 PUFAs chronic supplementation Therefore, it is proposed that omega-3 PUFAs action characterizes the adaptation of remaining neurons activity. altering striatal DA turnover without modifying the estimated neuronal population. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd and the Japan Neuroscience Society. All rights reserved