909 resultados para automated NOE assignment
PURPOSE. To evaluate the relationship between pattern electroretinogram (PERG) amplitude, macular and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness by optical coherence tomography (OCT), and visual field (VF) loss on standard automated perimetry (SAP) in eyes with temporal hemianopia from chiasmal compression. METHODS. Forty-one eyes from 41 patients with permanent temporal VF defects from chiasmal compression and 41 healthy subjects underwent transient full-field and hemifield (temporal or nasal) stimulation PERG, SAP and time domain-OCT macular and RNFL thickness measurements. Comparisons were made using Student`s t-test. Deviation from normal VF sensitivity for the central 18 of VF was expressed in 1/Lambert units. Correlations between measurements were verified by linear regression analysis. RESULTS. PERG and OCT measurements were significantly lower in eyes with temporal hemianopia than in normal eyes. A significant correlation was found between VF sensitivity loss and fullfield or nasal, but not temporal, hemifield PERG amplitude. Likewise a significant correlation was found between VF sensitivity loss and most OCT parameters. No significant correlation was observed between OCT and PERG parameters, except for nasal hemifield amplitude. A significant correlation was observed between several macular and RNFL thickness parameters. CONCLUSIONS. In patients with chiasmal compression, PERG amplitude and OCT thickness measurements were significant related to VF loss, but not to each other. OCT and PERG quantify neuronal loss differently, but both technologies are useful in understanding structure-function relationship in patients with chiasmal compression. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00553761.) (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009; 50: 3535-3541) DOI:10.1167/iovs.08-3093
Concerns have been raised about the reproducibility of brachial artery reactivity (BAR), because subjective decisions regarding the location of interfaces may influence the measurement of very small changes in lumen diameter. We studied 120 consecutive patients with BAR to address if an automated technique could be applied, and if experience influenced reproducibility between two observers, one experienced and one inexperienced. Digital cineloops were measured automatically, using software that measures the leading edge of the endothelium and tracks this in sequential frames and also manually, where a set of three point-to-point measurements were averaged. There was a high correlation between automated and manual techniques for both observers, although less variability was present with expert readers. The limits of agreement overall for interobserver concordance were 0.13 +/-0.65 mm for the manual and 0.03 +/-0.74 mm for the automated measurement. For intraobserver concordance, the limits of agreement were -0.07 +/-0.38 mm for observer 1 and -0.16 +/-0.55 mm for observer 2. We concluded that BAR measurements were highly concordant between observers, although more concordant using the automated method, and that experience does affect concordance. Care must be taken to ensure that the same segments are measured between observers and serially.
Sympatric individuals of Rattus fuscipes and Rattus leucopus, two Australian native rats from the tropical wet forests of north Queensland, are difficult to distinguish morphologically and are often confused in the field. When we started a study on fine-scale movements of these species, using microsatellite markers, we found that the species as identified in the field did not form coherent genetic groups. In this study, we examined the potential of an iterative process of genetic assignment to separate specimens from distinct (e.g. species, populations) natural groups. Five loci with extensive overlap in allele distributions between species were used for the iterative process. Samples were randomly distributed into two starting groups of equal size and then subjected to the test. At each iteration, misassigned samples switched groups, and the output groups from a given round of assignment formed the input groups for the next round. All samples were assigned correctly on the 10th iteration, in which two genetic groups were clearly separated. Mitochondrial DNA sequences were obtained from samples from each genetic group identified by assignment, together with those of museum voucher specimens, to assess which species corresponded to which genetic group. The iterative procedure was also used to resolve groups within species, adequately separating the genetically identified R. leucopus from our two sampling sites. These results show that the iterative assignment process can correctly differentiate samples into their appropriate natural groups when diagnostic genetic markers are not available, which allowed us to resolve accurately the two R. leucopus and R. fuscipes species. Our approach provides an analytical tool that may be applicable to a broad variety of situations where genetic groups need to be resolved.
A system has been developed for studying the biodegradation of natural and synthetic polymeric material. The system is based on standard methods developed by the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN TC 261) (ISO/DIS 14855) and the American Society of Testing Materials, 'ASTM. Standard Test Method for Determining Aerobic. Biodegradation of Plastic Materials under Controlled Composting Conditions' (ASTM D 5338-92). A new low-cost compost facility has been used which satisfies the requirements of these standards. The system has been automated for data collection and has been run under the conditions specified by the standards. In the system, cellulose, newspaper and two starch-based polymers were treated with compost in a series of 3dm(3) vessels at 52 degreesC and under conditions of optimum moisture and pH. The degradation was followed over time by measuring the amount of carbon released as carbon dioxide. (C) 2001 Society of Chemical Industry.
Quantification of stress echocardiography may overcome the training requirements and subjective nature of visual wall motion score (WMS) assessment, but quantitative approaches may be difficult to apply and require significant time for image processing. The integral of long-axis myocardial velocity is displacement, which may be represented as a color map over the left ventricular myocardium. This study was designed to explore the feasibility and accuracy of measuring long-axis myocardial displacement, derived from tissue Doppler, for the detection of coronary artery disease (CAD) during dobutamine stress echocardiography (DBE). One hundred thirty patients underwent standard DBE, including 30 patients at low risk of CAD, 30 patients with normal coronary angiography (both groups studied to define normal ranges of displacement), and 70 patients who underwent coronary angiography in whom the accuracy of normal ranges was tested. Regional myocardial displacement was obtained by analysis of color tissue Doppler apical images acquired at peak stress. Displacement was compared with WMS, and with the presence of CAD by angiography. The analysis time was 3.2 +/- 1.5 minutes per patient. Segmental displacement was correlated with wall motion (normal 7.4 +/- 3.2 mm, ischemia 5.8 +/- 4.2 mm, viability 4.6 +/- 3.0 mm, scar 4.5 +/- 3.5 mm, p <0.001). Reversal of normal base-apex displacement was an insensitive (19%) but specific (90%) marker of CAD. The sum of displacements within each vascular territory had a sensitivity and specificity of 89% and 79%, respectively, for prediction of significant CAD, compared with 86% and 78%, respectively, for WMS (p = NS). The displacements in the basal segments had a sensitivity and specificity of 83% and 78%, respectively (p = NS). Regional myocardial displacement during DBE is feasible and offers a fast and accurate method for the diagnosis of CAD. (C),2002 by Excerpta Medica, Inc.
The refinement calculus is a well-established theory for deriving program code from specifications. Recent research has extended the theory to handle timing requirements, as well as functional ones, and we have developed an interactive programming tool based on these extensions. Through a number of case studies completed using the tool, this paper explains how the tool helps the programmer by supporting the many forms of variables needed in the theory. These include simple state variables as in the untimed calculus, trace variables that model the evolution of properties over time, auxiliary variables that exist only to support formal reasoning, subroutine parameters, and variables shared between parallel processes.
Many organisations need to extract useful information from huge amounts of movement data. One example is found in maritime transportation, where the automated identification of a diverse range of traffic routes is a key management issue for improving the maintenance of ports and ocean routes, and accelerating ship traffic. This paper addresses, in a first stage, the research challenge of developing an approach for the automated identification of traffic routes based on clustering motion vectors rather than reconstructed trajectories. The immediate benefit of the proposed approach is to avoid the reconstruction of trajectories in terms of their geometric shape of the path, their position in space, their life span, and changes of speed, direction and other attributes over time. For clustering the moving objects, an adapted version of the Shared Nearest Neighbour algorithm is used. The motion vectors, with a position and a direction, are analysed in order to identify clusters of vectors that are moving towards the same direction. These clusters represent traffic routes and the preliminary results have shown to be promising for the automated identification of traffic routes with different shapes and densities, as well as for handling noise data.
Background: Regulating mechanisms of branching morphogenesis of fetal lung rat explants have been an essential tool for molecular research. This work presents a new methodology to accurately quantify the epithelial, outer contour and peripheral airway buds of lung explants during cellular development from microscopic images. Methods: The outer contour was defined using an adaptive and multi-scale threshold algorithm whose level was automatically calculated based on an entropy maximization criterion. The inner lung epithelial was defined by a clustering procedure that groups small image regions according to the minimum description length principle and local statistical properties. Finally, the number of peripheral buds were counted as the skeleton branched ends from a skeletonized image of the lung inner epithelial. Results: The time for lung branching morphometric analysis was reduced in 98% in contrast to the manual method. Best results were obtained in the first two days of cellular development, with lesser standard deviations. Non-significant differences were found between the automatic and manual results in all culture days. Conclusions: The proposed method introduces a series of advantages related to its intuitive use and accuracy, making the technique suitable to images with different lightning characteristics and allowing a reliable comparison between different researchers.
Regulating mechanisms of branchingmorphogenesis of fetal lung rat explants have been an essential tool formolecular research.This work presents a new methodology to accurately quantify the epithelial, outer contour, and peripheral airway buds of lung explants during cellular development frommicroscopic images. Methods.Theouter contour was defined using an adaptive and multiscale threshold algorithm whose level was automatically calculated based on an entropy maximization criterion. The inner lung epithelium was defined by a clustering procedure that groups small image regions according to the minimum description length principle and local statistical properties. Finally, the number of peripheral buds was counted as the skeleton branched ends from a skeletonized image of the lung inner epithelia. Results. The time for lung branching morphometric analysis was reduced in 98% in contrast to themanualmethod. Best results were obtained in the first two days of cellular development, with lesser standard deviations. Nonsignificant differences were found between the automatic and manual results in all culture days. Conclusions. The proposed method introduces a series of advantages related to its intuitive use and accuracy, making the technique suitable to images with different lighting characteristics and allowing a reliable comparison between different researchers.
With the purpose of at lowering costs and reendering the demanded information available to users with no access to the internet, service companies have adopted automated interaction technologies in their call centers, which may or may not meet the expectations of users. Based on different areas of knowledge (man-machine interaction, consumer behavior and use of IT) 13 propositions are raised and a research is carried out in three parts: focus group, field study with users and interviews with experts. Eleven automated service characteristics which support the explanation for user satisfaction are listed, a preferences model is proposed and evidence in favor or against each of the 13 propositions is brought in. With balance scorecard concepts, a managerial assessment model is proposed for the use of automated call center technology. In future works, the propositions may become verifiable hypotheses through conclusive empirical research.
Opposite enantiomers exhibit different NMR properties in the presence of an external common chiral element, and a chiral molecule exhibits different NMR properties in the presence of external enantiomeric chiral elements. Automatic prediction of such differences, and comparison with experimental values, leads to the assignment of the absolute configuration. Here two cases are reported, one using a dataset of 80 chiral secondary alcohols esterified with (R)-MTPA and the corresponding 1H NMR chemical shifts and the other with 94 13C NMR chemical shifts of chiral secondary alcohols in two enantiomeric chiral solvents. For the first application, counterpropagation neural networks were trained to predict the sign of the difference between chemical shifts of opposite stereoisomers. The neural networks were trained to process the chirality code of the alcohol as the input, and to give the NMR property as the output. In the second application, similar neural networks were employed, but the property to predict was the difference of chemical shifts in the two enantiomeric solvents. For independent test sets of 20 objects, 100% correct predictions were obtained in both applications concerning the sign of the chemical shifts differences. Additionally, with the second dataset, the difference of chemical shifts in the two enantiomeric solvents was quantitatively predicted, yielding r2 0.936 for the test set between the predicted and experimental values.
To determine the precision and agreement of the hemoglobin (Hb) measurements in capillary and venous blood samples by the HemoCue® and an automated counter. Hb was determined by both equipaments in blood samples of 29 pregnant women. The HemoCue® showed low repeatability of Hb measurements in duplicate in capillary (CR=0.53 g/dL, CV=13.6%) and venous blood (CR=0.53 g/dL, CV=13.6%). Hb measurements in capillary blood were higher than those in venous blood (12.4 and 11.7 g/dL, respectively; p<0.05). There was high agreement between Hb in capillary blood by the HemoCue® and in venous blood by the counter (r icc=0.86; p<0.01), and also between the diagnosis of anemia by both equipments (k=0.81; p<0.01). The HemoCue® seems to be more appropriate for capillary blood and require training of the measurers.
The relation between the information/knowledge expression and the physical expression can be involved as one of items for an ambient intelligent computing [2],[3]. Moreover, because there are so many contexts around user/spaces during a user movement, all appplcation which are using AmI for users are based on the relation between user devices and environments. In these situations, it is possible that the AmI may output the wrong result from unreliable contexts by attackers. Recently, establishing a server have been utilizes, so finding secure contexts and make contexts of higher security level for save communication have been given importance. Attackers try to put their devices on the expected path of all users in order to obtain users informationillegally or they may try to broadcast their SPAMS to users. This paper is an extensionof [11] which studies the Security Grade Assignment Model (SGAM) to set Cyber-Society Organization (CSO).