209 resultados para autoclave


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi criar uma metodologia de validação e revalidação dos processos de esterilização por calor úmido em autoclaves horizontais, destacando os pontos críticos do processo e concentrando esforços onde são realmente necessários. Foram realizados estudos de distribuição térmica, de penetração de calor e de desafio microbiológico na validação da autoclave STERIS FINNAQUA 6912. Com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto de uma mudança e compreender a relação entre os fatores e suas interações para o processo de esterilização, foi utilizado o planejamento fatorial 23 dos fatores densidade da carga (quantidade de itens), embalagem do produto e localização na câmara interna. Os estudos de distribuição térmica confirmaram a distribuição homogênea de calor na câmara interna durante o tempo de exposição a 121C. As temperaturas variaram entre 120,35C e 120,92C com desvio padrão máximo de 0,12C. Os estudos de penetração de calor confirmaram exposições equivalentes a 121C por 24 minutos em todos os itens da carga (F0 > 24 minutos). Em todos os estudos para cargas secas, os índices de capacidade do processo (Cpk) foram maiores que 1,33. Os ensaios de desafio microbiológico garantiram níveis de esterilidade (S.A.L.) maiores que 12 reduções logarítmicas em relação aos indicadores biológicos Geobacillus stearothermophilus. Não foi detectada a presença de endosporos sobreviventes nos 132 indicadores biológicos utilizados nos quatro ciclos desafiados. Com base no planejamento experimental verificou-se que, para o nível de significância de 95% , as mudanças nos fatores posição, embalagem e quantidade da carga não são significativas para o processo de esterilização, em autoclave com remoção forçada de ar. Já para o nível de significância de 90%, a interação Posição x Embalagem apresentou significância estatística no processo de esterilização com valor P de 0,080


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No Brasil, a contaminação do solo por derramamentos de combustíveis representa um dos mais graves problemas ambientais e o impacto da introdução de novas misturas como diesel/biodiesel na matriz energética requer investigação quanto a tecnologias apropriadas de remediação. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar diferentes estratégias de biorremediação no tratamento de solo contaminado experimentalmente com óleo diesel B5. Foram conduzidos três experimentos. No primeiro, quatro microcosmos em duplicata, contendo 500 g de solo e 5% (p/p) de óleo diesel B5, todos suplementados com oxigênio através de revolvimento manual e com ajuste de umidade, tiveram como tratamentos: bioestímulo com ajuste de pH (BE1); bioestímulo com ajuste de pH e nutrientes (BE2); bioaumento com ajuste de pH, nutrientes e adição de consórcio microbiano comercial KMA (BAM) e; controle abiótico, com ajuste de pH e solo esterilizado em autoclave (PA). Paralelamente, foi conduzido tratamento por bioaumento com ajuste de pH e nutrientes, suplementação de oxigênio e consórcio KMA, em solo contaminado apenas por diesel a 5% (BAD). A população microbiana foi monitorada através da contagem de UFC e os tratamentos, avaliados pela remoção de carbono orgânico e de hidrocarbonetos de petróleo (n-alcanos C10-C36). No segundo experimento, o metabolismo microbiano aeróbio foi avaliado através da produção de CO2 em respirômetros de Bartha (triplicatas), em solo contaminado com 5% (p/p) de óleo diesel B5, ajustado para pH e umidade, nas seguintes condições: solo com adição do consórcio KMA; solo com adição de cultura microbiana obtida a partir de outro solo proveniente de um posto de combustível com histórico de vazamento de tanques (RES) e; solo esterilizado por adição de azida de sódio a 0,3% (p/p). Como controle, solo sem contaminação, com sua população microbiana autóctone. No terceiro experimento, a capacidade da microbiota autóctone (EX), assim como do consórcio KMA e da cultura RES, em biodegradar óleo diesel B5, diesel e biodiesel de soja foi testada através do uso de indicadores de oxirredução DCPIP e TTC. Os experimentos em microcosmos indicam que houve uma complementaridade metabólica entre a população nativa e o consórcio comercial de microorganismos KMA, cuja presença promoveu um decaimento mais rápido de n-alcanos nas primeiras semanas do experimento. No entanto, após 63 dias de experimento, os tratamentos BAM, BAD e BE2 apresentaram, respectivamente, em média, 92,7%, 89,4% e 81,7% de remoção dos hidrocarbonetos n-alcanos C10-C36, sendo tais diferenças, sem significância estatística. Nos respirômetros, o bioaumento com cultura microbiana RES apresentou a maior produção de CO2 e a maior remoção de hidrocarbonetos (46,2%) após 29 dias. Tanto nos ensaios em microcosmos quanto nos respirométricos, não foi possível estimar a contribuição dos processos abióticos, tendo em vista evidências da existência de atividade microbiana no solo esterilizado térmica ou quimicamente. Os ensaios com os dois indicadores redox mostraram que apenas a microbiota nativa do solo em estudo e a cultura microbiana RES apresentaram potencial para degradar óleo diesel B5, biodiesel de soja ou diesel, quando colocadas em meio mineral contendo tais combustíveis como única fonte de carbono.


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Production of bioethanol through acidic and enzymatic hydrolysis of aquatic Azolla sp., as a new source of bio-mass, has been performed, as a means to control increasing growth and reducing undesirable effects of this plant in Anzali lagoon. After sampling, drying and crushing, Azolla was hydrolyzed, using diluted acid and enzyme. Diluted acid hydrolysis was done using both autoclave and a high-pressure system (Batch Synth® Microwave synthesizer). The effects of temperature and time (in autoclave) and concentration of acid (in both) were compared. Cellubrix®, a ommercial cellulase source, was used for enzymatic hydrolysis process. The amounts of reducing sugars, glucose and furfural, released from hydrolyzate, were measured. To produce alcohol, Sacchromyces cerevisiae (to ferment sixcarbon sugars), Zygowilliopsis californica and Pichia stipitis (to ferment five-carbon and sixcarbon sugars) were used. Maximum amounts of glucose (4.83% w/w) and reducing sugars (14.15% w/w) were obtained using acid hydrolysis in autoclave. In the microwave oven, maximum glucose (5.04% w/w) and reducing sugars (13.27 w/w) were obtained at 180 and 200 °C, respectively. Under these conditions, maximum produced furfural was 1.54 g/L. The difference between amounts of furfural obtained from acid hydrolysis of Azolla in microwave oven compared to autoclave was statistically significant. Amounts of alcohol produced and its yields were 3.99 g/L and 33.13% for S. cerevisiae in 48 hours, 3.73 g/L and 30.45% for Pichia stipites in 48 hours, and 3.73 g/L and 30.45% for Z. californica in 24 hours after inoculation, respectively, with significant differences. Statistical comparison of results showed significant differences (P<0.05) in glucose production, at different conditions. Amounts of reducing sugars and glucose increased after optimization of levels of acid, time, and temperature. The overall optimum released sugar and glucose were obtained with 1.67% (w/v) acid using autoclave. Higher temperatures in microwave oven caused a significant increase (P<0.05) in furfural. Furfural severely inhibits fermentation. Hence, regarding the issues of energy consumption and time, amounts of inhibiting substances and sugar production, autoclave is found to be superior to the high temperature and pressure, generated in microwave oven, for hydrolyzing Azolla. Furthermore, given the amounts of Azolla in Anzali lagoon, it may be recommendable to use this plant as a biomass resource.


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Colloidal CdSe and CdS quantum dots were synthesized at low temperatures (60-90 degrees C) by a two-phase approach at a toluene-water interface. Oil-soluble cadmium myristate (Cd-MA) was used as cadmium source, and water-soluble Na2S, thiourea, NaHSe, Na2SeSO3, and selenourea were used as sulfur and selenium sources, respectively. When a cadmium precursor in toluene and a selenium precursor in water were mixed, CdSe nanocrystals were achieved at a toluene-water interface in the range of 1.2-3.2 nm in diameter. Moreover, we also synthesized highly luminescent CdSe/CdS core-shell quantum dots by a two-phase approach using poorly reactive thiourea as sulfur source in an autoclave at 140 degrees C or under normal pressure at 90 degrees C. Colloidal solutions of CdSe/CdS core-shell nanocrystals exhibit a photoluminescence quantum yield (PL QY) up to 42% relative to coumarin 6 at room temperature.


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TiO2 nanocrystallites were prepared front precursors tetra-n-butyl titanate (Ti(OC4H9)(4)) and titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4). The precursors were hydrolyzed by gaseous water in autoclave, and then calcined at predetermined testing temperatures. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectra (FT-IR), and UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra (DRS). The photocatalytic activities of the samples were evaluated by the photobleaching of methylene blue (MB) in aqueous solution and the photocatalytic oxidation of propylene in gas phase at ambient temperature. The results showed that the anatase phase nanocrystalline TiO2 could be obtained at relatively low temperatures (for precursor Ti(OC4H9)4 at I I VC and for TiCl4 at 140 degrees C, respectively), and that the as prepared samples exhibited high photocatalytic activities to photobleach MB in aqueous solution. As the calcination temperatures increasing. the decolor ratio of MB increased and reached the maximum value of nearly 100% at 600 degrees C, and then decreased. The photobleaching of MB by all samples followed the pseudo-first-order kinetics with respect to MB concentration.


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A high temperature and high pressure method was used to efficiently and selectively extract metallofullerenes Ln(m)@C-2n,(Ln = Y, Gd, Tb) in a closed stainless steel autoclave under inert gas protection. 1, 2, 3-Trichlorobenzene was found to be more effective and selective for the extraction of Ln@C-82 (Ln=Y, Gd, Tb) from empty fullerenes and other metallofullerene species.


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Titanium silicalite (TS-1) was successfully synthesized by using TPABr as the template and silica sol as silicon source in a 100 l stainless steel autoclave. IR, XRD, UV--vis, elemental analysis, and (2)7Al and (3)1P MAS NMR were used to characterize the synthesized products. The results show that the synthesized material has an MFI structure with high crystallinity and large crystal size and two kinds of titanium species. Trace aluminum in silica sol is also incorporated into the zeolite framework. The synthesized TS-1 exhibits high activity in the epoxidation of propylene with dilute H2O2 with high selectivity to methyl mono-ethers and low selectivity to propylene oxide (PO). The low selectivity toward PO is due to the residual acidity onto TS-1. The selectivity of PO can reach up to 90% through adjusting the pH of the reaction mixture. Extra amounts of base decrease the H2O2 utilization and the H2O2 conversion. However, in over acid-treated TS-1 in which part removal of extra-framework titanium takes place, the utilization of H2O2 is quite different: for the low Si/Ti ratio of TS-1, the H2O2 utilization increases. But the utilization of H2O2 does not change for the high Si/Ti ratio TS-1. Thermal analysis shows that the as-synthesized TS-1 exhibits high activity and thermal stability in the calcined range 540-900 degreesC.


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Simultaneous nitrobenzene and phenol wet air oxidation was investigated in a stainless autoclave at temperature range of 180-220 &DEG; C and 1.0 MPa oxygen partial pressure. Compared with the single oxidation of nitrobenzene under the same conditions, the presence of phenol in the reaction media greatly improved the removal efficiency of nitrobenzene. The effect of temperature on the reaction was studied. Phenol was considered as a type of initiator in the nitrobenzene oxidation. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Anisotropic conductive film (ACF) which consists of an adhesive epoxy matrix and randomly distributed conductive particles are widely used as the connection material for electronic devices with high I/O counts. However, for the semiconductor industry the reliability of the ACF is still a major concern due to a lack of experimental reliability data. This paper reports the investigations into the moisture-induced failures in Flip-Chip-on-Flex interconnections with Anisotropic Conductive Films (ACFs). Both experimental and modeling methods were applied. In the experiments, the contact resistance was used as a quality indicator and was measured continuously during the accelerated tests (autoclave tests). The temperature, relative humidity and the pressure were set at 121°C, 100%RH, and 2atm respectively. The contact resistance of the ACF joints increased during the tests and nearly 25% of the joints were found to be open after 168 hours’ testing time. Visible conduction gaps between the adhesive and substrate pads were observed. Cracks at the adhesive/flex interface were also found. For a better understanding of the experimental results, 3-D Finite Element (FE) models were built and a macro-micro modeling method was used to determine the moisture diffusion and moisture-induced stresses inside the ACF joints. Modeling results are consistent with the findings in the experimental work.


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This paper reports the investigations into the moisture induced failures in flip-chip-on-flex interconnections with anisotropic conductive films (ACF). Both experimental and modeling methods were applied. In the experiments, the contact resistance was used as a quality indicator and was measured continuously during the accelerated tests (autoclave tests). The temperature, relative humidity and the pressure were set at 121°C, 100%RH, 1atm respectively. The contact resistance of the ACF joints increased during the tests and nearly 25% of the joints were found to be open after 168 hours' testing time. Visible conduction gaps between the adhesive and substrate pads were observed. Cracks at the adhesive/flex interface were also found. It is believed that the swelling effect of the adhesive and the water penetration along the adhesive/flex interface are the main causes of this contact degradation. Another finding from the experimental work was that the ACF interconnections that had undergone the reflow treatment were more sensitive to the moisture and showed worse reliability during the tests. For a better understanding of the experimental results, 3D finite element (FE) models were built and a macro-micro modeling method was used to determine the moisture diffusion and moisture-induced stresses inside the ACF joints. Modeling results are consistent with the findings in the experimental work.


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The preparation of porous films directly deposited onto the surface of catalyst particles is attracting increasing attention. We report here for the first time a method that can be carried out at ambient pressure for the preparation of porous films deposited over 3 mm diameter catalyst particles of silica-supported Pt-Fe. Characterization of the sample prepared at ambient pressure (i.e., open air, OA) and its main structural differences as compared with a Na-A (LTA) coated catalyst made using an autoclave-based method are presented. The OA-coated material predominantly exhibited an amorphous film over the catalyst surface with between 4 and 13% of crystallinity as compared with fully crystallized LTA zeolite crystals. This coated sample was highly selective for CO oxidation in the presence of butane with no butane oxidation observed up to 350 degrees C. This indicates, for the first time, that the presence of a crystalline membrane is not necessary for the difference in light off temperature between CO and butane to be achieved and that amorphous films may also produce this effect. An examination of the space velocity dependence and adsorption of Na+ on the catalysts indicates that the variation in CO and butane oxidation activity is not caused by site blocking predominantly, although the Pt activity was lowered by contact with this alkali.


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Determination of metal oxidation state under relevant working conditions is crucial to understand catalytic behaviour. The reduction behaviour of Pt and Re was evaluated simultaneously as a function of support and solvent in a pressurized reactor (autoclave). The bimetallic catalysts are used in selective hydrogenation of carboxylic acids and amides. Gas phase reduction reduced the metals more efficiently, in particular Pt.


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Virtual manufacturing of composites can yield an initial early estimation of the induced residual thermal stresses that affect component fatigue life, and deformations that affect required tolerances for assembly. Based on these estimation, the designer can make early decisions, which can help in reducing cost, regarding changes in part design or material properties. In this paper, an approach is proposed to simulate the autoclave manufacturing technique for unidirectional composites. The proposed approach consists of three modules. The first module is a Thermochemical model to estimate temperature and the degree of cure distributions in the composite part during the cure cycle. The second and third modules are stress analysis using FE-Implicit and FE-Explicit respectively. User-material subroutine will be used to model the Viscoelastic properties of the material based on micromechanical theory. Estimated deformation of the composite part can be corrected during the autoclave process by modifying the process-tool design. The deformed composite surface is sent to CATIA for design modification of the process-tool.


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The urgent need for alternative renewable energies to supplement petroleum-based fuels and the reduction of landfill sites for disposal of solid wastes makes it increasingly attractive to produce inexpensive biofuels from the organic fraction of the municipal solid waste. Therefore, municipal waste in the form of newspaper was investigated as a potential feedstock for fermentable sugars production. Hydrolysis of newspaper by dilute phosphoric acid was carried out in autoclave Parr reactor, where reactor temperature and acid concentration were examined. Xylose concentration reached a maximum value of 14 g/100 g dry mass corresponding to a yield of 94% at the best identified conditions of 2.5 wt% HPO, 135°C, 120 min reaction time, and at 2.5 wt% HPO, 150°C, and 60 min reaction time. For glucose, an average yield of 26% was obtained at 2.5 wt% HPO, 200°C, and 30 min. Furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) formation was clearly affected by reaction temperature, where the higher the temperature the higher the formation rate. The maximum furfural formed was an average of 3 g/100 g dry mass, corresponding to a yield of 28%. The kinetic study of the acid hydrolysis was also carried out using the Saeman and the two-fraction models. It was found for both models that the kinetic constants (K) depend on the acid concentration and temperature. The degradation of HMF to levulinic acid is faster than the degradation of furfural to formic acid. Also, the degradation rate is higher than the formation rate for both inhibitors when degradation is observed.


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Pre-consolidated carbon fibre-reinforced polyphenylene sulphide (CF/PPS) laminates were
thermoformed into V-shaped parts via designed out of autoclave thermoforming experiments.
The different processing conditions tested in the experiment have resulted in final
part angles whose differences ranged from 2.087 to 3.431 from the original mould angle.
The test results show that processing conditions influenced finished part dimensions as the
final sample angles were found to decrease relative to the tooling dimensions, as mould
temperature increases. Higher mould temperature conditions produce thinner parts due
to the thermal expansion of mould tools. The mould temperature of 170C, which can
produce parts with high degree of crystallinity as well as small size of crystal, has been
established as the optimal thermoforming condition for CF/PPS composites.