997 resultados para atxiloketaren ez ohiko luzapena


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In studyn th sociolog of transl8n, ther is logic n atemptin 2 stay az tru 2 form az possbl n reportin on studies, 4 wat is known is n de performanc of reportin, furthr transl8ns ocur. + additionl & praps unesary distortns ocur wen d resrch is bEing disemN8d. Taking a performativ turn, research disein8n attnds 2 > than th aesthetic. N nvestig8ng how young ppl bcom positind n thR preferences 4 textn ther iz positnin dat trivializs, pathologizs & marginalizs. N only attendin 2 a sanitizd voice, 1 made 2 fit th acadimc audiens, transl8d in2 d discours of th0s situa8d n d mainstrem, proceses of colonz8n & opresn r perpetu8d. N givng academic credens 2 particla voices & not othrs, conventns of academia suport a domiNt discours: "to b takn serious dont stay az u r". This papr ther4 focuss on a partclr part of reserch, the collatral damge of reserch dissemn8n that restrcts & altrs voice. 2 redres violenc gainst such voices, a performativ turn is takn. 

This papr xplors txtuality & txtual dis-ez az a dialogicly provocativ txtd performnce. I present txt lnguag as non-trivial & non-pathologicl. In presntn this reserch my intentn is not 2 provid a spect8rs view on som priv8 world, nor entrtain, but 2 engage u/us in a prformanc runing intrferenc on conventns th@ wuld marginaliz & oppress. In doing so, a socioloG of transl8n prvokes undrstnding not only of thngs techy & social, but politcal; of practis realitz th@ wuld ‘other’ & prhaps betr undrstandin of how we 2 may b ‘othering’.  


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Overview on the settlement history of the Syrian Jezirah and the Middle Euphrates Valley in the period ca. 2300-1900 BC.


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componirt von Victor Kochanowski


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Das Fachgespräch thematisierte die Erfahrungen der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit Maßnahmen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel. Auf dieser Grundlage wurde reflektiert, wie diese Erfahrungen genutzt werden können, um in Zukunft Fortschritte beim Mainstreaming von Anpassung an den Klimawandel in der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zu machen und die Wirkungen zu optimieren.


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Jaʿakov Brogr mip-Prag matik gwezn oif ṭaiṭš ...